I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 284 The Supreme Gathering at Yangshen Dojo

Chapter 284 The Supreme Gathering at Yangshen Dojo

The void descended, and Taoist Wude and Jiang Che came to Xuanyuan Wuque.

Xuanyuan Wuque quickly came to his senses.

Looking at the two of them, he bowed and saluted: "I have met these two fellow Taoists."

Taoist Wuque looked at him and said, "Fellow Taoist Wuque, why did you come to my place?"

Xuanyuan Wuque: "I have just returned from Master's dojo. In one month's time, it will be the day when Emperor Haotian will give a sermon. I came here today and wanted to stay at Taoist Taoist Dojo for a month, so I took the liberty to disturb you."

"I see."

The wicked Taoist nodded, and then said: "That's no problem, it's all a small matter, and I happen to have someone to keep me company. Then, we can go and listen to the sermon together."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Xuanyuan Wuque smiled.

"Let me introduce, this is Jiang Che, who also comes from the world." The wicked Taoist said.

Xuanyuan Wuque smiled: "Fellow Taoist Que, we have met before."


Hearing these words, a strange look flashed in the wicked Taoist's eyes.

At this time, Jiang Che on the side spoke and said, "Fellow Taoist Wu Que, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon."

Xuanyuan Wuque smiled and looked at him: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, I never thought that you would be here."

"Haha, it would be even better to know each other. Jiang Che has just become a new member of the Temple of Origin. We will have more interactions in the future." Taoist Taoist Wicked laughed loudly.


Hearing these words, Xuanyuan Wuque looked at Jiang Che with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Just now...you guys just came back from the origin time and space?" Xuanyuan Wuque was shocked.


Jiang Che nodded.

"In the future, as members of the Temple of Origin, we will need more care from fellow Taoists." Jiang Che said with a smile.

Xuanyuan Wuque quickly came to his senses and looked at Jiang Che, with still some incredible look in his eyes.

"Let's go, don't talk outside, go into the dojo first, and let's talk while drinking tea."

Taoist Wude spoke, and as he spoke, he stepped into the Ten Thousand Zhang Sacred Mountain. Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wuque followed closely behind and entered the Ten Thousand Zhang Sacred Mountain.


On the top of the mountain, among the waterside pavilions, three people were sitting around a stone table.

After pouring three cups of tea, Taoist Wude looked at Xuanyuan Wuque and said, "How are you doing, Senior Huang?"

"Master, everything is fine, but I need to prepare for a trip to the Ancient God's Nest. I should be ready to leave soon." Xuanyuan Wuque said.

"Go to the Ancient God's Nest!"

Listening to Xuanyuan Wuque's words, Taoist Wude's expression condensed.

On the side, hearing this name, Jiang Che was confused.

Ancient God's Nest, what kind of place is this?
Jiang Che was curious, it was the first time he had heard this name.

"Fellow Taoist Wu Que, where is the Ancient God's Nest?" Jiang Che asked.

"I have never been to this place. I just heard the name. I don't know the details." Xuanyuan Wuque shook his head.

Jiang Che: "..."

Xuanyuan Wuque doesn’t know either?

The immoral Taoist should know that, right?

Jiang Che looked at Taoist Wicked, and at this moment, Taoist Wicked also came to his senses.

After taking a sip of tea, he said, "The Nest of the Ancient Gods is a special area deep in the outer starry sky. A restricted area.”

"It can also be said that this is a chaotic place beyond the avenue of transcendence."

"Is this place so scary?"

Jiang Che blinked.

The wicked Taoist glanced at him and said: "Of course, as long as you don't meet the ancient gods, there is basically no big problem. But if you meet the ancient gods, it will be a different matter."

"What race are the ancient gods?" Jiang Che looked at the wicked Taoist like a curious baby and asked.

"They are innate gods. They look similar to humans. They have a long lifespan and are very strong physically. The adult ancient gods are almost at the peak of human immortality. When the Dark Age came, the demons had not yet entered the ancient gods' nest. You can probably imagine how scary it is."

The wicked Taoist said slowly.


Hearing these words, Jiang Che felt a chill in his heart.

A place where even the demons have not set foot is definitely a forbidden place among forbidden places.

"I went there once 500 years ago, and I narrowly escaped death."

The wicked Taoist let out a long sigh.

Hearing this, Jiang Che's eyelids jumped.

This place doesn't seem to be an ordinary danger.

"Fortunately, the Ancient Gods will basically not leave the Ancient God's Nest. As long as they don't enter the Ancient God's Nest, there will usually be nothing wrong with them."

The wicked Taoist added.

Jiang Che nodded, and his heart seemed to become clearer.

Through this chat, new knowledge was added again.

Ancient Protoss!
Innate gods.

That sounds awesome!


After chatting for two hours, the three of them dispersed.

Taoist Wude also arranged a cave for Xuanyuan Wuque, which was not far from Jiang Che.

No matter what happens, we can still talk about the Dharma and Tao.

Jiang Che can also gain more.

After all, compared to the realm of immortality, he was far behind Taoist Wode and Xuanyuan Wuque.

Stabilize yourself so that you can make breakthroughs in the future and become more stable.


Time passed unconsciously.

A month flies in the blink of an eye.

In addition to their daily practice, Jiang Che also shamelessly asked the two of them some questions about realm.

The realm of both of them surpassed him, and the guidance they gave him also inspired Jiang Che a lot.

At the same time, Jiang Che also learned some exercises collected by immoral Taoists.

Integrate your own path to enrich theoretical knowledge.

Returning to the Great Thousand World in the future will also yield greater gains.

Jiang Che has now begun to get a glimpse of how to create his own great avenue.

Once you have a basic idea, you can then continue to expand and improve it.

Jiang Che is not in a hurry, he still has a lot of time.

There is enough time to perfect more avenues.

In addition, Jiang Che also spends part of his time every day preparing for the refining of the Temple of All Heavens. The Nantian Gate has also been completely successful and transformed into the Gate of All Heavens through hard work.

The interior of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has not changed, it remains the same.

It's just that some changes have been made according to the refining method in the Temple of the Heavens.

However, it will take a long time to completely build this supreme immortal weapon.

In one month, only a small part of it was completed.

The big head is still far away.


"It's almost time, let's go now."

In front of the Taoist Heavenly Palace, Taoist Wude, Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wuque appeared.

Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wuwei nodded after hearing Taoist Wu De's words.

Immediately, the three people turned into light, stepped into the nine heavens, and escaped into the vast chaos.

With the experience from the last time, Jiang Che didn't have too many novelties this time.

But there is still some excitement.

Going to Emperor Haotian's dojo, he could also see the true form of Emperor Yangshen.

The emperor preached, the opportunity is rare.

This sermon will last for a year.

Gain is inevitable, it depends on one's understanding.


Moving forward in the chaos.

Deep into the chaos, the endless chaos storm rages and roars.

In chaos, any situation can be discovered.

Even encountering a chaotic beast is not unusual.

Emperor Haotian's Zixiao Palace dojo is in the depths of chaos.

Even at their speed, it would take almost a day to arrive.

This time, it's a different direction than last time.

Going deep into the chaos, Jiang Che also saw some dojos in addition to the disasters of chaos.

Of course, not all dojos opened in Chaos were created by Emperor Yangshen.

There are also some Thunder Tribulation Supremes who have opened their own dojos in it.

But one thing is that the strength of opening a dojo in chaos cannot be underestimated.

Most of them are existences at the peak level of Thunder Tribulation, who can open up their own dojo in the chaos.

It will definitely not work to open a dojo in chaos without strong strength.

If he encounters any chaotic beast, he may be doomed.

The vast chaos is boundless, and no one knows how many chaotic beasts there are.

The aura of chaos here is so strong that even the divine sense can't probe too far.

You may not know that the chaotic beast has arrived until it appears within the range of your perception.

The chaotic beasts in the endless chaos are very ferocious.

The strength is also top-notch.

Although no Yang Shen Emperor-level chaotic beast appears, it is not impossible for a Thunder Tribulation peak-level chaotic beast to appear.

How many supreme dojos are there in the endless chaos?
I’m afraid no one knows this number.

Perhaps every day, many dojos are attacked by chaotic beasts.

Chaos beasts grow by sucking the energy of chaos, and their favorite thing is all living things.

Any life is the food for the beasts of chaos.

This powerful ferocious beast only kills cruelly.

If you meet one, either you will die or the chaotic beast will die.


The day passed quickly.

Deep in the vast chaos, a purple light bloomed.

Purple light shines, and the surrounding chaos is cleared away, revealing a vacuum area.

In the distance, three rays of light appeared.

It was Jiang Che and the other three.

Standing in the chaos, Jiang Che looked at the purple light deep in the chaos.

Faintly, a vast celestial palace appeared in the eyes.

The breath of Wuji Dao circulates endlessly.

"We're here, this is Emperor Haotian's Zixiao Palace Dojo."

On the side, the wicked Taoist spoke.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses.

Entering the Great Emperor's Dojo for the first time, he was somewhat nervous.

But more is still surging.

"call out--!"

At this moment, in the Zixiao Palace Dojo, a gleaming divine light came towards the wicked Taoist and the others.

In an instant, they crossed an infinite distance and arrived in front of the three people.

It's a boy in white.

Holding a fairy whisk.

With a strong aura, he is a Six Realm Supreme.

"I've met fellow Taoist Baihe!"

Looking at the boy in white, the wicked Taoist spoke.

Xuanyuan Wuque and Jiang Che also bowed and saluted.

Jiang Che also knew the identity of the White Crane boy in front of him.

This is one of the boys under Emperor Haotian. His body is a white crane of a different species, and there is always a part of the phoenix bloodline.

Just the boy under the seat is the supreme being of the six realms.

The appearance of Emperor Yangshen was clearly revealed.


The White Crane boy nodded, looked at Jiang Che, frowned slightly, and then looked at the wicked Taoist: "Who is he? I've never seen him before. Is he one of yours?"

The wicked Taoist smiled and said: "White Crane Boy, this is Jiang Che. He joined the temple a month ago and is a member of the temple's Dizi sequence."

"That's right, then I want to see your token." Baihe nodded and looked at Jiang Che.

Hearing this, Jiang Che didn't hesitate too much and showed his Origin Token on the spot.

Those who don't know, inspection is a necessary procedure, otherwise, all monsters and monsters can enter the Great Emperor Dojo.

After receiving Jiang Che's Origin Token, Baihe Boy looked at it carefully, then returned it to him, and said, "No problem, come with me."

After saying that, the White Crane boy turned around and headed directly towards the Zixiao Palace Dojo.Jiang Che and the other two followed closely, following Baihe Boy into the Zixiao Palace Dojo.

After passing through the avenue barrier and entering the Zixiao Palace Dojo, the scene in front of me suddenly changed.

An infinite sea of ​​clouds and heavenly palace appear before the eyes, majestic.

The dojo is filled with powerful immortal substances.

At the same time, this dojo also contains a boundless aura between the heaven and the earth.

This is the aura of Emperor Yangshen.

Zixiao Palace is huge.

The place of preaching is located in the Zixiao Palace Square.

Here, there are already futon seats one by one.

No less than tens of thousands.

In addition to members of the Temple of Origin who can listen to the sermon, people from other immortal forces can also come here to listen to the sermon.

There are many other figures in the dojo.

There are human beings who are supreme, and there are monsters who are supreme.

All Thunder Tribulation Human Immortal Supreme.

Only with this level of cultivation can one enter the Zixiao Palace Dojo to listen to the teachings.

Following Baihe Boy, we came to a palace.

Boy Baihe stopped, looked at Jiang Che and the others, and said, "This is your temporary residence. In three days, you can use your number plate to sit down and listen to the sermon."

After saying that, Baihe Boy showed three number plates and gave them to them.

Each number plate has a unique number.

Jiang Che's number plate has the same number as his origin token, which is also ninety-five.

"If you have any questions, you can tell me. There are some places where you are not allowed to trespass. You should understand."

Boy Baihe said.

The wicked Taoist nodded and said, "Thank you, Taoist Brother Baihe, we understand the rules."

"Well, that's good, I'll leave first." Baihe nodded coldly, then turned around and disappeared from the eyes of the three of them.

Jiang Che and the others also came to their senses and immediately stepped into the golden palace.

Here is the side hall of Zixiao Palace.

You can overlook the main hall.

It is also a temporary residence for listeners.

"There are a lot of people."

After entering the hall, Jiang Che looked at the figure outside and sighed.

"Of course there are quite a few. Such opportunities don't come around all the time. At least half of the supreme beings from the place of origin should come."

Xuanyuan Wuque spoke.

Jiang Che nodded.

On the way here, Taoist Wicked had already said it, but Jiang Che still felt somewhat shocked when he entered here.

It was the first time to see so many Supreme Beings.

It can be called the supreme event of all heavens and worlds!
The sum total of the supreme beings in the place of origin is probably not much different from the supreme beings in all the heavens and worlds.

The overall strength is even stronger.

"Is there any fellow Taoist I need?"

Just as the three of them entered the side hall to rest, a voice came from outside the hall.

The wicked Taoist opened his eyes and looked outside the hall, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"This old guy is here too."

Muttering in his mouth, the wicked Taoist immediately stood up and walked out of the hall.

Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wuque looked at each other, and they followed up in unison.

We all came together and will naturally advance and retreat together.

Jiang Che also wanted to meet other supreme bosses, which was rare in normal times.


Outside the hall, a purple-robed Taoist appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

The aura that pervades the whole body from time to time makes people's hearts palpitate.

"Nine realms supreme!"

Looking at the purple-robed Taoist, Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

Sure enough, the boss’s friends are also bosses.

"Fellow Daoist Hongmeng, long time no see!"

At this time, the wicked Taoist laughed and spoke.

"I just saw fellow Taoist, and I came here specifically to take a look. I saw that right. I haven't seen you for many years. Fellow Taoist Qi's strength has improved to a higher level."

The purple-robed Taoist smiled and said.

"Where are you? I'm still standing still. I don't know if there is any hope of enlightenment."

The immoral Taoist smiled modestly.

"Fellow Taoist Wu Que is here, how are you doing, Senior Huang?"

The purple-robed Taoist looked at Xuanyuan Wuque and asked with a smile.

"Everything is well, Master." Xuanyuan Wuque replied.

"Who is this fellow Daoist?"

The purple-robed Taoist looked at Jiang Che, and then at the wicked Taoist.

Wicked Taoist: "Let me introduce, this is the new member of my Temple of Origin, Jiang Che, from the Great Thousand Worlds."

"He is Pindao's friend, his name is Hongmeng."

The wicked Taoist opened his mouth to introduce, and Jiang Che also greeted him politely.

Taoist Hongmeng smiled and nodded.

Immediately, the wicked Taoist allowed him to enter the palace.

After chatting for a while, Taoist Hongmeng left.

And soon, several more friends of immoral Taoists came, and Jiang Che also got to know them.

Most of them are supreme beings in the eighth or ninth realm, beings with the highest level of cultivation.

Jiang Che was also eye-opening.

Normally, it is difficult to see such a level of existence.

This time, Emperor Yang Shen's sermon also allowed Jiang Che to see many powerful beings.

Among them, Jiang Che also met a supreme leader of Jiejiao.

The eldest disciple of Emperor Zhu Xian, Xuandu.

He is also an existence at the ninth realm of thunder tribulation.

He is also the most powerful Supreme Being in Jiejiao besides Emperor Zhuxian.

Not only is he the chief disciple of Jie Jiao, he is also the deputy leader of Jie Jiao.

After getting to know these supreme beings, Jiang Che was even more looking forward to hearing the sermon this time.

The emperor said that it must be a tremor in time and space.


Three days passed in a flash.

In the Zixiao Palace, a loud bell rang.




The sound of the Hong Bell spread throughout the Zixiao Palace Dojo, and the sound of the bell shook the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, in the dojo, the supreme beings who came to listen to the sermon opened their eyes and looked at the square in front of the main hall of Zixiao Palace.

"here we go!"

Jiang Che opened his eyes and his mind moved.

The next second, he, Xuanyuan Wuque and Taoist Wude stepped out of the side hall.

In the sky, many supreme figures were heading towards the Zixiao Palace Square.

"Let's go, let's enter too!"

The wicked Taoist opened his mouth, spoke, and took the lead towards the Zixiao Palace Square.

Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wuque followed closely behind.

Soon, the group of three people arrived at the Zixiao Palace Square.

Following the number on the license plate, Jiang Che found his seat.

The seats of the three people are not together, but separate, but this does not affect it.

But what Jiang Che didn't expect was that the seat on the left was Xuandu of Jiejiao, and the seat on the right was also a disciple of Jiejiao, and his acquaintance, Bi Xiao.

I had only met Jie Jiao Xuandu before.

But he didn't expect to meet Bixiao.

Looking at Bixiao, Jiang Che was stunned for a moment.

Bixiao also looked at Jiang Che and was stunned for a moment.

However, Jiang Che quickly came to his senses and immediately sat down cross-legged.

"Friend Daoist Bi, what a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Jiang Che spoke.

Bixiao also came back to his senses and looked at Jiang Che: "I didn't expect you to be here. Are you from the Temple of Origin?"


Jiang Che nodded.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to have this level of identity. I didn't know it before."

Bixiao said with surprise in his eyes.

Jiang Che smiled and said: "I have only joined the Temple of Origin for a month. It is normal for fellow Taoists not to know."

"Junior Sister, do you know him?"

At this time, Xuandu on the side asked.

"Well, I know the senior brother who once rescued Junior Sister Lingxiao." Bixiao nodded.

"Have you ever saved Junior Sister Lingxiao?"

After hearing this, Xuandu looked at Jiang Che and was slightly startled.

"It's a small effort, but nothing to worry about." Jiang Che smiled.

"I didn't expect there to be such a relationship. Fellow Daoist Jiang, since you saved Junior Sister Lingxiao, you will be my friend who will stop teaching from that day on. This is the token of the poor Daoist. Please accept it, fellow Daoist. If you have trouble outside, To inspire this order, Pindao will definitely try his best to help."

With that said, Xuandu took out a token and handed it to Jiang Che.

Looking at the token in front of him, Jiang Che was stunned.

But he didn't refuse Xuandu's kindness and accepted it very happily.

It is naturally a good thing to have one more friend who is at the peak of Thunder Tribulation.

Deputy leader of Jiejiao, Xuandu!

According to what the wicked Taoist said, this person's strength is enough to be called terrifying.

Even facing the existence of Yangshen and Shattering Vacuum, he can support one or two.

It can be called a nearly invincible existence under the Great Emperor!
"You are so polite, fellow Daoist Xuan. I have also heard of Jie Jiao's name and have always wanted to go. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely pay a visit."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Haha, welcome." Xuandu smiled.

At this time, Bixiao on the side said quietly: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, that's not what you said last time. You didn't even go when I invited you."

Jiang Che: "..."

"The time was too urgent last time, how could I not want to, next time I will definitely visit."

"By the way, where is fellow Taoist Lingxiao?" Jiang Che asked, changing the subject.


Bixiao pointed at a seat, Jiang Che looked at it, and their eyes met just in time.

Making eye contact, Jiang Che nodded politely towards Lingxiao.

But just as he glanced around, Jiang Che's eyes narrowed when he saw a figure sitting on a seat not far from Lingxiao.

A Buddha dressed in golden robes.

"Yunkong Holy Buddha!"

Jiang Che's heart shuddered.

At this time, Holy Buddha Yunkong seemed to have noticed Jiang Che's gaze. When he saw Jiang Che, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"It's him!"

Holy Buddha Yunkong stirred up waves in his heart.

At one glance, he recognized Jiang Che.

If it weren't for this person, Tianqi would not have escaped the Buddha's transformation.

Yun Kong felt a surge in his heart. He would never forget this person.

"Why, judging from your appearance, do you know this person?"

At this time, beside Holy Buddha Yunkong, a young man in white clothes spoke.

In an instant, Holy Buddha Yunkong came back to his senses and looked at the young man in white clothes on the side. He nodded: "King Qi Daming, I know him. He is the one who allowed Venerable Tianqi to escape the Tathagata Buddha in this world."

"It was because of him that Venerable Tianqi escaped the transformation of the Tathagata Buddha in this world."

"Is this the Jiang Che you are talking about?"

The young man in white squinted his eyes and focused.

"It is this man."

Holy Buddha Yunkong nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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