I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 285 Demon God True Spirit Haotian Emperor

Chapter 285 Demon God True Spirit Haotian Emperor

Jiang Che moved his eyes to look at the young man in white next to Yunkong Holy Buddha.

His eyes were sharp, and a powerful spiritual pressure appeared in his soul.

It was as heavy as carrying an ancient sacred mountain.

"He has the aura of Buddhism. Could it be that he is also a supreme being of Buddhism?"

Looking at the young man in white, thoughts flashed through Jiang Che's mind.

"It should be, maybe, it has something to do with the Tathagata Buddha in this world..."

Jiang Che's gaze was deep.

The aura of the young man in white was very terrifying, and he was also a person at the peak of thunder calamity.

The strength is profound.


At this moment, a breath of air rippled out from beside him, and the mental pressure that enveloped Jiang Che disappeared instantly.

Xuandu took action.

Offsetting the mental pressure of the young man in white.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for taking the initiative." Jiang Che took a breath and bowed to Xuandu.

"Have you ever had a feud with Peacock Daming King?"

At this time, Xuandu glanced at the young man in white, and then looked at Jiang Che aside.

After hearing this, Jiang Che was stunned.

He looked at the young man in white and shook his head: "I don't know him."

Peacock Daming King.

He didn't even know who it was.

Just a guess in my mind, maybe it has something to do with Buddhism.

"Then why do I feel hostile towards you?" Xuandu was surprised.

"I don't know, but this is the first time we have met." Jiang Che said.

Hearing this, Xuandu's eyes flashed and he didn't say much.

As for believe it or not, I don't know.

"It looks like you are being watched by the Peacock Daming King. You should be more careful when you leave the dojo."

Xuandu reminded.

Jiang Che glanced at the Peacock King, then looked at Xuandu aside, and said, "Fellow Daoist Xuan, does the Peacock King have anything to do with Buddhism?"

"He is a Buddhist and a disciple of the Tathagata Buddha."

Xuan Du opened the mouth and said.

Jiang Che: "..."

A disciple of the Tathagata Buddha!

Good guy, no wonder you have this look...

At this moment, Jiang Che understood instantly.

Being with Yunkong Holy Buddha, most of the factors may be due to the past festivals.

But now he is not worried about safety issues.

In Emperor Haotian's dojo, even if he was given ten courages, he would never dare to act arrogantly here.

But if you leave Zixiao Palace, that's not necessarily the case.

Jiang Che glanced at the Peacock King, and his mind returned to peace.

Let's talk about the future.

Now that he is an upright member of the Temple of Origin, if he attacks the place of origin, the consequences will not be as serious as usual.

But Jiang Che can't rely too much on this identity.

One's own strength is the foundation of everything.

If he doesn't have enough strength, if an accident happens, his identity may not be able to save him.

"This time I heard... If there is hope to reach the peak of human immortality, even if I am defeated, at least I will not be afraid."

A thought flashed in his mind, Jiang Che didn't continue to think too much, looked at Zixiao Palace, and settled down.


The square is packed with seats!
Every seat is occupied by a supreme being.

But 90.00% of Five’s Supremes, Jiang Che doesn’t even know him.

This time, it was an eye-opener.

Time passed by minute by minute.

While all the supreme beings were waiting, a vast coercion descended from the void.

This coercive dependence made even the heaven and earth tremble.

Space-time tremor.

Subconsciously, everyone looked towards the void.

Purple light shines.

A majestic figure appeared in the eyes of all supreme beings.

The aura of the Supreme Avenue filled the air and swept through the entire square.

The power of the gods is unrivaled.

Every supreme soul was shaken violently.

That majestic figure seems to be engraved in the hearts of all supreme beings like a brand.

"Emperor Haotian!"

Seeing the majestic figure descending from the void, Jiang Che's calm mind couldn't help but be shaken.

Sun God!

The existence of the true pinnacle of the avenue.

It is the pinnacle that all sentient beings can reach.

There are hundreds of millions of cultivators in all the worlds who can reach the level of Yang Shen Emperor. Without exception, they are all famous beings throughout the ages.

Every Yang God is a myth of an era.

Becoming a supreme being is difficult, but becoming a Yangshen is even more elusive.

This is the first time Jiang Che has seen the true appearance of Yang God.

Temple of Origin, one of the four great emperors, Emperor Haotian.

He is the supreme emperor who existed in ancient times.

An ancient existence that has lived through many eras.

All the auras around me represent the great avenue of heaven and earth.

Every move is a miracle.

The true Supreme God.

Immortal existence.

The void descended, and countless visions of heaven and earth emerged, seeming to welcome the great emperor.

Soon, Emperor Haotian descended on the central Taoist platform.

All the visions of heaven and earth also disappeared.

But the coercion that filled the minds of all the supreme beings still remained.

Jiang Che looked at Emperor Haotian on the central platform and seemed to have an illusion.

It is clearly right in front of you, but it seems to be beyond this time and space.

There is a feeling of illusion and reality.

"The Supreme God at the pinnacle of the avenue...with this aura, even if I stand, I won't be able to hurt him at all, and it will be difficult to even get close to him."

Jiang Che's heart was turbulent.

Seeing the Supreme True Body with his own eyes for the first time, he was somewhat excited.

Yang Shen, who has realized the great way of heaven and earth, has achieved enlightenment by himself and does not exist in the great way of heaven and earth.

Beyond time and space, one certificate lasts forever!
There is no past and no future, only the present!
prove everything.

Seen by heaven and earth.

Take a lesson from the great truth!

Become the pinnacle of the avenue.

Immortal Spirit.

Although he heard the news about the death of Yang Shen in the legend, so far, Jiang Che has only listened to the legend.

This is the first time I have met the true form of Emperor Yang Shen.

Not on one level.

Thunder Tribulation is the Supreme.

That Yang Shen is beyond everything.

Like shattering a vacuum.

Not bound by the great avenues of heaven and earth.

To let such a supreme person fall, I don't know what kind of strength Jiang Che must have.

Achieving Yang Shen, the top of the road.

It is also the pinnacle that all living beings in the heavens and worlds can reach.

All beings will perish with just one thought.

It can make all living beings prosper, or it can be destroyed in an instant.

In the Zixiao Palace Square, Emperor Haotian arrived, as if time and space were frozen in silence.

Sitting cross-legged on the central platform, Emperor Haotian glanced around.

Jiang Che also calmed down.

But right now.

The voice of Emperor Haotian rang out: "How dare you even try to listen to the Dao!"

As soon as Emperor Haotian opened his mouth, all the supreme beings were confused.

Suddenly, all eyes were looking in the same direction.

At a seat, a black-robed Taoist had a look of panic on his face.

"Is this the Demon Race?"

"Why is there no demonic aura?"

Everyone was stunned.

But at this time, a shocking demonic energy overflowed from the body of the black-robed Taoist, and a shadow appeared behind the black-robed Taoist.

"Emperor Haotian, he is truly worthy of his reputation. Even my hidden methods cannot escape your eyes."

Shadow's voice sounded, and all the Supremes' hearts exploded.

Good guy, it's really a demon race!
It was so deeply hidden that if it weren't for Emperor Haotian, no one would be able to discover the strangeness in this black-robed Taoist's body.

This method of concealment is simply invincible.

"Destroying Demon God, since a ray of your true spirit dares to come to the dojo of this seat, since it has come, you should not leave."

Emperor Haotian's voice sounded.

And hearing this, the whole place was instantly in an uproar.

Destroy the Demon God!

Hidden deep within the body of this black-robed Taoist is actually a ray of true spirit of the Demon God of Destruction!
All the supreme pupils shrank.

Jiang Che's heart stirred up a storm again.

He had heard the name of this demon god more than once.

I've heard a lot about it before.

I never thought that I would see it today.

Although it was only a ray of true spirit of the Destroyer Demon God, it still shocked him.

As soon as the words fell, the body of the black-robed Taoist collapsed instantly, and the bloody breath permeated, but no blood was seen.

Everything was wiped away, leaving only the dark shadow.

"The Great Darkness!"

A ray of light bloomed, and a ray of true spirit of the Demon God of Destruction released terrifying demonic energy. But the next second, Emperor Haotian gently raised his hand, and the monstrous demonic energy disappeared instantly.

In the void, only the true spirit imprisoned by the divine light remains.


Emperor Haotian gently uttered a word, and in the next breath, a ray of true spirit of the imprisoned Demon God of Destruction dissipated on the spot without a trace.


Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the Supreme Beings in the audience were beating wildly.

A ray of true spirit of the Destroyer Demon God was killed just like that? !

Although it is just a ray of true spirit, it can be wiped out so easily. The strength of Emperor Haotian is also unfathomable!
In the void, the remaining demonic energy disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

"The evil obstacles have been removed, you don't have to worry."

At this time, Emperor Haotian's voice sounded again.

The news spread throughout the dojo, and all the Supremes also came to their senses.

The tense string in my heart also relaxed.

This is the dojo of Emperor Haotian. Let alone a wisp of true spirit, even if the Demon God of Destruction comes, it will probably not be able to defeat Emperor Haotian.

In the home court, it must be more improved.

Jiang Che calmed down the waves in his heart and looked at Emperor Haotian on the central platform.

No one could have imagined that as soon as the sermon began, such a "little incident" would occur.

But no matter how deep the demons hide, they can't escape Yang Shen's eyes.

After the episode subsided, everyone present was familiar with the world. Although they were surprised, they quickly calmed down.

It was just a wisp of the demon god's true spirit. Even if Emperor Haotian didn't take action, with the top supreme being present, the combined force could destroy it.


"I am Haotian. Today, I will preach in the Zixiao Palace. Listening to the sermon can relieve disasters and transcend your souls. I hope you can break through to a higher level and resist all disasters for all sentient beings in the world."

In the Zixiao Palace Dojo, the majestic voice of Emperor Haotian rang out, every word, every word, clear to the ears.

As if possessing some kind of magical power, the restless heart instantly calmed down.

Later, Emperor Haotian spoke again: "At the beginning of the Great Dao, Hunyuan is infinite, without birth and death. The heart can understand the way of heaven, and the way follows the heaven and earth, reflecting the eternal..."

In the Zixiao Palace Dojo, the sound of the avenue sounded.

All the supreme beings listened quietly.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were empty, the light of the avenue bloomed, and infinite visions appeared.

Under the light of the great avenue, everyone's souls entered a state of unity between heaven and man.

Emperor Haotian's explanation of the great road, word for word, penetrates deep into the soul.

The vision of the great road swept through the ashram.

Even outside the dojo, in the chaos, boundless avenue visions appeared.

Jiang Che relaxed his mind and listened quietly.

My own path is changing rapidly.

Enlightenment also emerges in the heart and enters the state of enlightenment.


Time passes minute by minute.As the sermon progressed, it was easy to understand at the beginning and suddenly became extremely obscure.

The realm is different, and the realm of the Taoist meaning that you listen to is also different.

Jiang Che was still immersed in enlightenment.

However, after three months, Jiang Che found it difficult to understand the explanation.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Che listened to the sound of the great road that penetrated his soul, but it was difficult to understand the obscure mysteries within it.

"By the way, Origin Dao Fruit!"

Jiang Che had a thought, and in the next breath, he directly took an Origin Dao Fruit.

Instantly, one hundred times more understanding!
This time, the obscure mystery of the avenue suddenly became clear.

Jiang Che fell silent again while listening to the sermon.


A year flies by.

The sermons of Emperor Haotian become higher and deeper as they go forward, leading to the infinite path of heaven and earth.

Most of the Supreme Beings can only be memorized in the mind and slowly understood after returning home.

However, Jiang Che persisted until the end with the help of the Origin Dao Fruit and his hundred-fold improvement in understanding.

Yangshen's view of Dao seems to have opened a door for him, allowing him to step into a new world.

His own understanding of the Great Dao was earth-shaking, and at the same time, he also had a deeper foundation in the method of creating the Great Dao.

When the sound of the avenue disappeared, all the supreme beings came back to their senses.

Jiang Che opened his eyes, still feeling unfinished.

This year's constant listening to the Tao, with the blessing of the Origin Dao Fruit, Jiang Che's gains are beyond imagination.

At this moment, Jiang Che had full confidence in breaking through to the fifth level.

[-]% sure.

If he can completely absorb it, his strength will once again experience a qualitative leap in the future.

"The sermon is over, please disperse."

Emperor Haotian's voice sounded, and in the next breath, the figure of Emperor Haotian completely disappeared from everyone's eyes on the central platform.

Emperor Haotian disappeared, and all the Supremes came to their senses.

"It has been very fruitful, and it has made my way much clearer."

On the side, Xuandu spoke, his eyes shining brightly.

"Congratulations to fellow Daoist Xuan, you are one step closer to enlightenment."

Jiang Che made a bow.

"I'm afraid the gains from fellow Taoist are not small, right?" Xuandu looked at him and said.

Jiang Che smiled: "Return with a full load."

Four words, explain everything.

Xuandu's eyes flickered and he nodded slightly.

"Unfortunately, the back part is too profound and I can't quite understand it." Bixiao said from the side.

"Junior sister, it's easy to understand. If you understand it thoroughly, you can break through the eighth realm."

Xuan Du opened the mouth and said.

"Well, I will."

Bi Xiao nodded.

"Those two, let's say goodbye. I'll definitely pay you a visit someday."

Jiang Che said with a smile.


Xuandu nodded, and then he and Bixiao left.

At this time, the wicked Taoist also came to him.

"Where's fellow Taoist Wuque?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and found that Xuanyuan Wuque was nowhere to be seen, looking surprised.

"I was summoned by Emperor Haotian to see the Emperor." Taoist Wicked said.


"Is this a small stove?"

A thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind, but he quickly calmed down.

Maybe there was something else, but as for what it was, it was beyond his control.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, what are your plans next?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist asked.

"I should make a breakthrough. After I break through, I will leave."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.


The wicked Taoist's heart skipped a beat and he looked at Jiang Che with a surprised expression, but he quickly calmed down.

"In that case, I would like to congratulate my Taoist friend first." The wicked Taoist said with a smile.

"I have to thank my seniors. Without this blessing, it might have taken me a long time to break through."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

"All this is just a chance for fellow Taoist, I am just helping you." The wicked Taoist smiled.

While the two were talking, a voice came.

"You are Jiang Che?"

The sound reached their ears, and the two people came towards Jiang Che and Taoist Wude.

"Peacock Daming King!"

Looking at one of the figures, Jiang Che's eyes suddenly froze.

He didn't care about Yunkong Holy Buddha, but the strength of this Peacock Ming King was very terrifying.

He had to be cautious.

"Excuse me, what do you want?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at the two people who had arrived in front of him, and pretended to be confused as he understood.

"Hmph, you caused our Buddhist sect to lose a top supreme person. Should this debt be settled?"

Peacock Mingwang said directly.


On the side, the wicked Taoist looked surprised when he heard this.

Glancing at Jiang Che, he recalled the time when he passed by the living Buddha's Xitian Dojo.

"It seems that there is really a festival, and it's not a small one."

The wicked Taoist's eyes flashed.

At this time, Jiang Che looked at the Peacock King in front of him and said, "I don't understand what you mean."

"Jiang Che, why did you forget about it now? Do you want to default on your debt?"

On the side, Holy Buddha Yunkong spoke.

After listening to these words, Jiang Che still had no expression on his face. He looked at the Peacock King and Yunkong Holy Buddha and said: "I was ordered to eliminate demons at the beginning. I also said that I didn't want to do anything. It was because you forced me to do so." Yes, why, you are only allowed to attack me by Buddhism, but you are not allowed to fight back?"

"Or is it that Buddhism thinks that my Origin Temple is easy to bully?"

Jiang Che added.

And after hearing these words, Peacock Daming King's expression also changed.

At this time, the wicked Taoist said: "What do you two mean? Listen to this, do you want to bully the people in my origin temple? Or do you think that there is no one in my origin temple?"

Hearing these words, the expressions of Peacock King Ming and Yunkong Holy Buddha instantly darkened.

And this scene also attracted the attention of other supreme beings.

Suddenly, it became the focus.

"This is the Zixiao Palace Dojo. I'm afraid these two guys from Buddhism don't have a headache, so they dare to cause trouble here? How dare they deal with people from the Temple of Origin?"

All the supreme beings looked at this scene, and thoughts flashed through their minds.

"Tell me that there is no one in the Temple of Origin?"

"Then I want to see how powerful Buddhism is!"

At this moment, a voice exploded, and the figure of a middle-aged man in a golden robe instantly appeared in front of Jiang Che and the others.

The majestic momentum surges, the terrifying aura ripples, the existence is the same as the Peacock Ming King, the peak of thunder calamity.

"Why, fellow Taoist Peacock wants to start a fight with my Temple of Origin?"

The middle-aged man in golden robe spoke with cold eyes.

And hearing these words, King Peacock Daming's expression became even uglier.

Aside, Yunkong Shengfo's face turned pale instantly.

"I'm just joking, I'll take my leave now."

King Peacock Ming spoke, but as soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared instantly.

On the side, Yunkong Shengfo's heart trembled, and he disappeared without saying a word.

Jiang Che looked at the middle-aged man in golden robe in front of him in astonishment.

Sensing the aura of that peak, waves set off in his heart.

"This should be a member of the heaven-level sequence."

Jiang Che's heart shuddered.

"Fellow Daoist Dugu is as straightforward as ever!"

At this time, the wicked Taoist spoke.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses.

He had never seen them before, and he didn't know the members of this heaven-level sequence.

"Thank you senior."

Jiang Che made a bow.

There should be some courtesy.

"You're welcome. It's your duty to leave first."

The middle-aged man in golden robe smiled, and in the next second, he took a step forward and disappeared from sight.

"This guy……"

"It's still so cold!"

The wicked Taoist shook his head.

Jiang Che looked at him and blinked: "Senior, who is he?"

"Dugu Feng is also a member of the Heavenly Sequence and a disciple of Emperor Milo."

The wicked Taoist said.

"Dugu Feng..."

"Disciple of Emperor Milo!"

Jiang Che nodded and remembered the name in his heart.

"This guy is a cold-faced guy, but he treats people well. Let's go and ignore him. You'll get used to it if you see him more often." The wicked Taoist spoke again, and after finishing speaking, he took a step forward.

Jiang Che followed closely and disappeared from the spot.


Leaving the Zixiao Palace dojo and going deep into the chaos, Jiang Che followed the wicked Taoist.

"Why did you have a conflict with Buddhism?"

As he walked forward, the wicked Taoist asked.

"I had no choice but to do it. It was because I fought against several supreme beings from the demon clan..."

Jiang Che spoke eloquently, and Taoist Wicked also understood what was going on.

Looking at Jiang Che, he said: "Then you should pay more attention to yourself. When you leave the place of origin, be careful. Buddhism may secretly do something evil."

"Understood, I will pay attention." Jiang Che nodded.

"You are about to make a breakthrough, so first stabilize yourself in my dojo. I happen to have nothing to do, so I can protect you."

The wicked Taoist said.

"Thank you senior."

Jiang Che nodded.

If there is an immoral Taoist to protect the Dharma, he will naturally not refuse.

Breaking through the fifth realm, the strength has improved again, and it is safer to leave.


One day later, Jiang Che and Taoist Wicked stepped out of the endless chaos and returned to the dojo on the Etu Plateau.

Jiang Che did not directly trigger the Great Heavenly Tribulation.

Practice first and be fully prepared before talking.


Half a month later, Jiang Che's figure stepped out of the dojo cave.

After half a month of preparation, he was more confident.

"call out--!"

A ray of divine light descended, and the figure of the wicked Taoist appeared in front of him.

"Going to break through?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist spoke.

"Well, it's alright."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Then let's begin."

The wicked Taoist said and disappeared from the spot.

Jiang Che stepped out of the dojo and arrived in the Nine Heavens of the Etu Plateau.

In the distance, the wicked Taoist stood in the void, looking at Jiang Che quietly.

Standing in the Nine Heavens, Jiang Che took a deep breath to stabilize his aura. The next second, the heaven opened and his soul stepped out directly.

The majestic aura was released, and in an instant, the great tribulation clouds gathered together.

An air of terror pervaded.

Raging lightning shuttles.

The Yuan Shen ascended and directly arrived at a position less than ten feet below the Great Tribulation Cloud.


"Directly leaving the body?!"

"Isn't this guy afraid that his soul will be scattered and his soul will be completely destroyed?"

Seeing this scene, a hint of shock flashed in the wicked Taoist's eyes.

He didn't dare to do this method of overcoming the tribulation.

In front of the Heavenly Tribulation of the Great Dao, the soul directly left the body. Either he was a madman, or he had absolute confidence.

"This guy's Yuanshen is more powerful than the Yuanshen of the Five Realms, so he should be sure of it."

Seeing Jiang Che's spirit, the wicked Taoist calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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