I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 310 Zhou Tian’s Realm of Spiritual Realm

Chapter 310 Zhou Tian’s Realm of Spiritual Realm

In the rolling clouds of calamity, the sound of the Great Avenue Divine Thunder exploded.

The spreading wave of destruction swept millions of miles.

The chaotic beasts lurking in the chaos are retreating frantically.

With the great power of Heaven, even the beasts of chaos will have instinctive fear.

Electric light flashed in the calamity cloud, bursting out into a brilliant brilliance.

There were layers of thunder and lightning all over the golden soul.

The destructive level of damage caused cracks in his soul.


After destroying a heavenly catastrophe, Jiang Che's soul retreated.

There are penetrating scars on the soul.

Like a golden crystal, tiny cracks appeared, and it seemed that in the next second, his soul would collapse and die.


Between his eyebrows, the true spirit mark emitted a ray of brilliance, and with the next breath, Jiang Che's soul recovered instantly.

The small cracks disappeared instantly, and the aura reached its peak again.

One of the characteristics of the Chaos True Spirit Method is the restoration of the soul.

As long as the true spirit mark is immortal, his soul can be condensed instantly even if it is shattered.

The great method that took thousands of years to create, the unique method that combines thousands of ways, is not as simple as talking about it.

Looking at the dark calamity clouds and the passing divine thunder, Jiang Che thought, and his vast spiritual power spread instantly.

His soul transformed into a giant in just one breath.

The breath became more terrifying.

Dharma, heaven and earth, physical body and supernatural powers.

However, while creating the Chaos True Spirit Method, Jiang Che also learned from it, and the Yuan Shen could also take on the form of thousands of feet.

The huge soul stood in the void, exuding an even more powerful aura.


This scene seemed to make Dao Will furious, and the purple thunder and lightning gradually became black.

An even more terrifying aura filled the air.

A ray of destructive power was released, and in the void, Jiang Che moved with a thought, and numerous phantoms appeared behind him.

Chaos God!

The phantom appeared, as if the real Chaos God was summoned by him, and the breath blessed his soul.

Let his soul become more powerful.

This move is also a move borrowed from the Contemplation Method of the God Kings of the Heavens, but this move of his is even more terrifying.

It is not just a few Chaos Gods that can be manifested, the peak can manifest the arrival of three thousand Chaos Gods.

The Chaos God also represents a way of chaos, a law!
However, he has not reached this step yet.

But even a partial display is enough to shake the world.

Multiple phantoms of chaotic gods appeared, and Jiang Che's aura continued to increase.


A sound of thunder penetrated the void, and the lightning flashed, tearing through the darkness.

A spear of heavenly punishment composed of the avenue of divine thunder descended instantly.

The anger that contains the will of heaven represents the world-destroying spear that wipes out all living beings.

Jiang Che stood in the void, and his powerful spiritual power was activated instantly.


Behind him, the phantoms of hundreds of chaotic gods roared, and the pressure spread almost thousands of miles away.

The chaotic beasts that retreated to the depths of chaos were suppressed by the terrifying aura and were unable to move.

The chaotic beast hiding in the depths of chaos looked into the endless darkness, its eyes showing instinctive fear.



With the help of the power of the Chaos God, Jiang Che destroyed the Spear of Heavenly Punishment with one blow.

In the void, the annihilating Spear of Heavenly Punishment instantly turned into a sea of ​​divine thunder.


The true spirit mark in Jiang Che's soul moved, and a large sea of ​​​​dao divine thunder was directly swallowed up by him.

In the soul, the mark of the true spirit shines brighter and brighter.

At this moment, his soul increased crazily.

The thoughts of the primordial spirit expanded rapidly at a speed of [-].

The golden light was brilliant, and under the background of the chaotic gods behind him, Jiang Che seemed to be dominated by the gods, with unparalleled momentum.

But the great catastrophe has not passed yet.

An even more terrifying aura of destruction permeated the air from the calamity cloud.

The Great Heavenly Tribulation is not fixed.

The stronger the aura of the one who overcomes the tribulation, the more terrifying the great tribulation will be.

The harvest is the same.

Overcoming the tribulation has only just begun!

Three days passed.

In the dark abyss, in the chaos of the nine realms.

In the depths of the dark void, golden light swept across thousands of miles.

Continue to survive the tribulation.

Jiang Che didn't rely on physical strength or any magic weapon, he resisted completely with his soul.

Fortunately, the Chaos True Spirit Technique he pioneered did not disappoint him, and the Zhoutian Tribulation did not make him irresistible.

The Wan Zhang Yuan Shen stands in nothingness, like an innate god.

In the soul, the mark of the true spirit still shines brightly.

Jiang Che looked up and saw that the great tribulation cloud had begun to dissipate.

He successfully entered the seventh realm of Thunder Tribulation, the realm of Zhoutian!


His thoughts of the soul can evolve into a celestial universe.

Absorb the power of the endless starry sky.

Master the more powerful Zhou Tian Law.

This is the realm of Zhou Tian.

The number of soul thoughts has also reached 8000 million.

In the seventh realm, in terms of cultivation alone, he has already entered the top ranks.

Above the soul, traces of seven laws are entangled.

Like a chain of great avenues, it travels through the soul.

"call out--!"

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Jiang Che returned to his body.

In the nothingness, there is still a terrifying aura.

Absorbing the light of heaven made his soul powerful again.

Immortal Refining God!

Mainly the soul.

However, Jiang Che still chose Xianwu fellow practitioners.

Although it is more difficult to improve, the breakthrough is the peak.

Moreover, his martial arts has reached its peak.

To improve again, that is to break through to the highest level, prove the Tao with force, and shatter the vacuum!

The apertures of the heavens that shatter the physical body are empty inside and outside, existing in non-existence.

Standing in nothingness, Jiang Che felt the vast power within his body.

The Seven Realms of Immortal Dao.

Jiang Che can absorb the infinite power of Zhou Tian to strengthen his soul, control the power of Zhou Tian, ​​and live forever.


As soon as his figure moved, he instantly disappeared into the darkness and nothingness.

Although he doesn't need to be stable, it would be best if he can have time to stabilize himself.

Every step must be solid.


A month passed, and Jiang Che's figure appeared in the dark abyss, the chaotic depths of the ninth realm.

It took a month for his breathing to completely calm down.

Breaking through the Seventh Realm of Thunder Tribulation, with his current strength, he is enough to easily fight against the Supreme of the Nineth Realm.

Looking at the boundless chaos, Jiang Che's figure moved and escaped into the depths of the chaos.

Entering the Ninth Realm, only a small part of the area is explored.

Now that his strength has taken a step further, Jiang Che also wants to explore it thoroughly.

At least, you don't need to worry about whether you can withstand the danger.


Three months passed quickly.

The dark abyss, the depths of the nine realms.

Jiang Che stood in the chaos, looking ahead at a vortex of light that penetrated the chaos.

An area as large as ten thousand feet

The aura of destruction emanating made him feel a hint of danger.

"This should be the passage where the suppressed Nine Worlds Demon God left. If you escape from here, you should be able to escape from the dark abyss and enter the outer starry sky."

Jiang Che smacked his lips and looked at the whirlpool of light in front of him.

In the boundless chaos, it is very eye-catching.

"There are the auras of those three Demon Emperors. It seems that they left from here."

Jiang Che looked at the whirlpool of light and caught wisps of aura.

The destructive power emanating from the light channel is enough to destroy everything, but for the Nine Realm Supreme, it only suffers a little damage.

"I can also leave from here..."

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che calmed down. In the next breath, he turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed into the whirlpool of light.


The moment he escaped into the whirlpool of light, boundless power of destruction invaded.

But when he got close to Jiang Che's body, everything was blocked.

Wearing the robes of the gods transformed from the Temple of the Heavens can easily block the invasion of these destructive forces.

White light shone around him, and Jiang Che could vaguely see some fragmented images in the white light.

But it wasn't clear, it was very blurry, even he couldn't see anything.

After calming down and looking at the endless light, Jiang Che moved towards the depths.

Dou Zhuan Xing Shi moves with all his strength.

Across infinite distances.

But after walking forward for an hour, Jiang Che still didn't step out.

It's deeper than I thought.

With one's own strength, it would be too difficult to penetrate the dark abyss and reach the outer starry sky.

Even if he breaks through to the eighth level, Jiang Che can't do it.

This also proves how terrifying the Yangshen-level existence is.

But being able to suppress this demon is even more terrifying.

It was hard for Jiang Che to imagine what kind of battle he had to go through to suppress this demon god in the dark abyss.

It is basically impossible to kill someone who has cultivated into a Yang Shen using conventional means.

Of course, there are also those who have fallen, but those are basically unimaginable existences for him.

Face to face, he couldn't withstand the power of Yang Shen's finger. This was the difference.

Being able to guarantee immortality with just one finger is incredible.

After successfully refining the Temple of the Heavens, he killed the Eighth Realm Demon Supreme in the outer starry sky, and could only barely withstand a blow from the Yang God across billions of time and space.

It would be different if it were right in front of you.

The Supreme Being at the pinnacle of the Nine Realms is only a little more strenuous in front of the Yang God.

Unless it is an individual abnormal level existence.

For example, I once met the great disciple of Jie Jiao, Xuandu.

This is a heaven-defying monster.

Those who can compete with Yang Shen will lose, but those who can compete with a few moves are also very good.

Breaking through the Yangshen, surpassing all living beings, and realizing the existence of the Tao by oneself is not a competition on the same level.

It was as simple as him erasing a one-level supreme being.

Just a bigger ant.

Even if you want to kill him, it will only take effort.

The Supreme Being of the Nine Realms is nothing more than an oversized ant.


Five days passed quickly.

Jiang Che walked forward in the whirlpool passage, and for five full days, he was attacked by the destructive power of the whirlpool passage every moment.

Five days of traveling were enough for him to cross hundreds of worlds.

And now, he finally saw the traces of stars appearing in his eyes.


Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and in the next breath, he exploded at extremely high speed, breaking through the last barrier in an instant and reaching the outer starry sky.

"This is where?"

Look at the vast galaxy in the distance, blooming with bright starlight.

Jiang Che turned around and could see the space-time cracks opening in the starry sky.

He just stepped out of this crack.

But soon, the space-time rift disappeared, and Jiang Che couldn't even sense it.

"It seems that this space-time channel is not fixed, but random..."

Jiang Che murmured to himself, came back to his senses, and looked at the vast starry sky.Exploring the surroundings with his majestic mental energy, he was sure that he must have run very far.

I don’t know how far it is from the vast world.

When he first stepped into it, he thought that he would break through the vast world, and it shouldn't be very far.

But now, this distance is not as far as usual.

out of reach.

Scanning the starry sky, Jiang Che's figure moved and quickly rushed into the galaxy.

The most urgent task is to determine his current position.

Otherwise, I don’t know how to leave.

8000 million soul thoughts spread, and the majestic spiritual power covered the boundless galaxy.

Soon, Jiang Che captured a world of stars.

With a thought, Jiang Che came to this world.

This is a pink world.

It's about the same size as the Blood God Realm.

A star map of the heavens appeared in Jiang Che's mind. After looking carefully, he could not find the coordinates of the world's location.

The starry sky outside the territory is vast and boundless.

No one knows all of the starry sky.

Because the outer starry sky is not a fixed range, but is constantly expanding every moment.

Even the star map of the heavens obtained in the central world is only part of it, not the entire star map.

The main reason is that the scope of the extraterrestrial sky is too large.

Looking at the pink world in front of him, Jiang Che thought for a moment, and then his figure moved and instantly escaped into this pink world.


After passing through the world barrier, Jiang Che entered this pink world.

The sky is blue and you step into the pink world. There is nothing special about this world.

It's a very normal world.

The void spiritual energy is abundant, which proves that it is definitely indispensable for cultivators in this world.

Jiang Che stood in the sea of ​​clouds, looking through the sea of ​​clouds and overlooking the rivers, mountains and land.

With a quick glance, Jiang Che discovered the existence of the town.


Just when Jiang Che was about to find out, Jiang Che suddenly looked into the distance.

The sea of ​​clouds was surging, and something seemed to be galloping forward in the sea of ​​clouds.

Jiang Che took a closer look and saw clearly instantly.

In the sea of ​​clouds, there is a white creature.

Like a huge white poodle.

It looks like an ancient divine beast, Bai Ze.

Very tall and handsome.

However, the strength is only that of Demon Saint level.

After rushing out of the sea of ​​clouds, Bai Ze looked at Jiang Che with his big eyes.

Jiang Che's aura was completely restrained. Let alone a demon saint-level Bai Ze, even if he broke through the demon emperor, he would not be able to tell his depth.

Looking into each other's eyes, Bai Ze walked towards Jiang Che with his feet on the white clouds.

Looking at Bai Ze who was slowly approaching, Jiang Che's thoughts suddenly moved and the void was instantly imprisoned.

At this moment, Bai Ze's face showed panic.


Jiang Che took one step forward and came directly to Bai Ze.

One hand gently placed on Bai Ze's head.

Bai Ze was even more frightened, and his body was shaking involuntarily.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Jiang Che's voice reached Bai Ze's ears, and it seemed to have some kind of magic power, instantly calming Bai Ze down.


There was light in his palm, and Jiang Che closed his eyes.

In just a few breaths, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

By searching Bai Ze Yuan Shen's memory, Jiang Che instantly understood this pink world.

This world is called the spiritual world!
There are also a large number of human beings in the spiritual world.

There are also fairy gates of the human race.

But those who control the spiritual world are not humans.

And the Eldar.

The Spirit Race is a special race.

In the past, Jiang Che also read some information about the Celestial Clan in the classics.

It doesn't look much different from the human race.

Moreover, he is born with the blessing of heaven, and there will be no disadvantages in his practice.

It is a relatively powerful race.

In the spiritual world, he is the absolute ruler.

Many immortal holy places were established.

And this Bai Ze ran away from a spiritual clan fairy sect force.

And this spiritual clan fairy sect force is also very influential in the entire spiritual world.

It can be regarded as a top-level force.


Jiang Che came back to his senses and cast his gaze into the distant void again.

A ray of divine light cut through the sea of ​​clouds and came rapidly in his direction.


Bai Ze in front of him seemed to sense it and shouted.

Jiang Che removed the confinement, and in the next breath, Bai Ze burst out.

At this time, the divine light coming from a distance also came to Bai Ze.

Jiang Che looked at this figure.

A woman in plain clothes.

He has a good face and a curvy figure. He looks about 30 years old.

The aura is very strong, and he is a supreme being in the three realms.

Bai Ze came to the woman in plain clothes and rubbed her leg with his head.

It looks very intimate.

The woman also touched Bai Ze's head and looked at Jiang Che.

Eyes meet.

Jiang Che was also looking at this woman in plain clothes.


Jiang Che saw through it at a glance.

It looks the same as the human race, but its own aura cannot be changed.

There are still differences between the Spirit Race and the Human Race.

The woman in plain clothes was also looking at him, staring at this young and handsome Taoist, and her pupils shrank.

The pinnacle of human immortality, the supreme of the seven realms!
Feeling Ruoyouruowu's aura, her heart suddenly shook.

Double supreme!
And he has practiced to the extreme.

The pinnacle of martial arts and immortality, the seventh realm of immortality, this was the first time she had met such powerful dual supreme beings.

In the spiritual world, she seemed to remember that there were no such powerful twins.

"Could it be a supreme being from the outside world?"

An idea appeared in her mind, and she tensed up at the thought.

"I'm Su Yue of the Xuanling Sect, what do you call me my friend?"

Looking at the young and handsome Qingpao Taoist, Jiang Yue calmed down the waves in her heart and said.

"Jiang Che, this is my first time in the spirit world." Jiang Che said.

"Sure enough, he is the supreme being from the outside world..."

Listening to these words, Su Yue's heart trembled.

"I wonder where my friend came from?"

Su Yue asked.

"I come from all over the world."

Looking at Jiang Yue, Jiang Che said.

"Big Thousand Worlds!"

"The Supreme of the Immortal Realm!"

Su Yue's heart stirred up, and she looked at him with eyes full of disbelief.

"Fellow Daoist Su, can you give me the next star map?"

Looking at Su Yue, Jiang Che said directly.

"Sure, I can pay you some."

Jiang Che added another sentence.

Su Yue came back to her senses and looked at Jiang Che. She spread her slender hands, and light appeared and flew to Jiang Che's hands: "This is a starry sky chart, so there is no need for payment."

Jiang Che looked at the jade slip in front of him. Hearing these words, he was not polite. He put the jade slip away and a ray of soul penetrated into it.

Soon, he knew his current coordinates in the starry sky.

It's further away than I expected.

After crossing the endless distance, even at his speed, it would take several months to return to the world.

Jiang Che really didn't expect that he would run so far as soon as he came out of the dark abyss of time and space.

"Thank you buddy."

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che bowed.

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Jiang, it's just a small effort." Su Yue smiled.

Immediately, she added: "The world is very far away from here. My fellow Taoists have come all the way, but what should I do? If possible, I can help."

Jiang Che shook his head and said: "No, I have nothing to do. I just came out of a forbidden place in the starry sky and got lost, so I came to the spirit world and wanted a star map to determine the coordinates of the starry sky."


Su Yue nodded and understood why Jiang Che wanted the star map.

"The Great Thousand World is the center of the heavens, the only fairyland. Speaking of which, I visited it once many years ago."

Su Yue smiled.

"Then it sounds like fate." Jiang Che smiled.

Su Yue looked at him and said: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, meeting each other is fate. Are you interested in following me to the Xuanling Sect?"

"No, I'm just passing through the spirit world. I'll leave soon." Jiang Che shook his head.

"That's a pity..." Su Yue sighed.

Jiang Che smiled: "If my fellow Taoist comes to the Great Thousand World in the future, he will go to the Eastern Wilderness Dao Sect. I will definitely entertain my fellow Taoists. I'll take my leave now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared through the air.

Seeing Jiang Che disappear, Su Yue's eyes flickered: "Eastern Wasteland Dao Sect..."

With a murmur in her mouth, Su Yue wrote down the name, and then turned around. The fairy light swept across Baize and disappeared above the sea of ​​clouds.


"Spirit world……"

"This trip has gone far enough."

Stepping out of the spiritual world, Jiang Che looked at the endless starry sky.

The current location is very far away from the world.

Even for him, it would take several months to return to the world.

The time and space channel left by the demon god disappeared. Now, he can only rely on himself to cross the starry sky to return to the world.

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che checked the star map again.

"Here, it seems closer to the Ancient God's Nest..."

Opening his eyes, Jiang Che looked deep into the starry sky.

After careful comparison, he found that if he went to the Ancient God's Nest, the distance might be closer.

However, it would take at least a month to reach the Ancient God's Nest.

"In the original derivation, Master was in the Ancient God's Nest..."

"Now that we're here, let's go to the Ancient God's Nest first."

With a thought, Jiang Che immediately disappeared from the spiritual world.


The vast starry sky is boundless.

A violent wave spread across the boundless galaxy, and a powerful destructive impact ripped apart the stars.

Deep in the galaxy, two figures clashed at high speed, emitting a destructive fairy light that destroyed the stars.


With a shock, the two figures separated.

Standing in the galaxy, his whole body exudes a powerful aura.

But one of them exuded a strong demonic aura.

The demonic energy surged into the sky, and the aura was unfathomable.

The person fighting against this demon was a young man in brocade clothes. His aura was equally powerful. Each one held an immortal weapon in the hands of one demon.

After a brief separation, in the next breath, one person and one demon clashed again.

The destructive fairy light washed away, and the super shock wave generated by the collision turned the surrounding area into a vacuum.

And in the distance, on a star in the endless galaxy, a figure was watching the battle between one person and one demon.

It was Jiang Che.

Looking at the young man in brocade clothes among them, a hint of surprise flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

"It's him!"

(End of this chapter)

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