I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 311 The Sky-Swallowing Demon God Meets His Old Friend Again

Chapter 311 The Sky-Swallowing Demon God Meets His Old Friend Again
Xuanyuan is invincible!

Jiang Che didn't expect to meet him in this vast starry sky.

Today's Xuanyuan Wudi has also reached the peak of human immortality.

The realm of immortality is the sixth realm.

The improvement is also very fast.

Standing above the stars, Jiang Che watched the battle between one man and one demon.

Both are top-notch beings in the starry sky.

The Demon Emperor of the Eighth Realm Demon Clan is also very powerful.

However, Xuanyuan Wudi, who is at the pinnacle of martial arts, is even more powerful.

The confrontation continued, and Xuanyuan Wudi also gained the upper hand.

However, the Demon King of the Eighth Realm, who manifested his true form with three heads and six arms, was not easily defeated.

Terrifying supernatural powers erupted, and the shock wave of fierce fighting and collision swept across the starry sky like a wave.

The entire galaxy trembled violently.


With a collision, one person and one demon were separated again.

Within a million miles around, there were no stars or meteorites. They were all reduced to a vacuum by the battle between one person and one demon.

The power of destruction raged and impacted.

Standing in nothingness, the Eight Realm Demon Emperor looked at Xuanyuan Wudi, his eyes showing murderous intent without any concealment.

But the next second, the Demon Emperor's actions stunned Xuanyuan Wudi and Jiang Che in the distance.


He raised the magic knife in his hand and cut off his two heads.

Four of the six arms were cut off in an instant.

This act of self-mutilation shocked Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi.

The next second, the two severed heads and four arms glowed with light.

A majestic aura rushed out of the Demon King's body.

"My great Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor, please accept my sacrifice and help me kill the human race monsters!"

It was like the sound of Sanskrit music from the great avenue, spreading across the starry sky.

In the next breath, the head and arms suspended in front of him exploded instantly, forming a bloody beam of light that escaped into the endless depths of space.

At the same time, deep in the starry sky, a vast and majestic force of heaven descended.

Even Jiang Che, who was on the edge of the galaxy, felt a strong crisis.

"This guy sacrificed his body in exchange for the power of the devil!"

Jiang Che's pupils shrank, and he instantly understood the Demon Emperor's move.

And Xuanyuan Wudi also instantly understood the Demon Emperor's move.

But now, it can't be stopped.

Deep in the dark starry sky, a giant hand holding up the sky emerged.

Carrying the vast power of heaven, wherever it goes, the stars are annihilated.

The power contained in the giant hand holding the sky is terrifying beyond imagination!
Before it even arrived, Xuanyuan Wudi had already felt the threat of near-death.

This contains the power of the Yang God!

Even if it spans hundreds of millions of time and space, this blow is extremely terrifying.

If it hits completely, I am afraid that even the will of his peak human immortal will not be able to stop it.

Across the galaxy, Jiang Che also felt heavy pressure.

Block the starry sky, there is no way to avoid it!
This giant hand holding the sky contains the supreme power of the Yang God and can crush everything.

This blow was even several times more terrifying than the previous blow he faced from the Demon God.

"Hahahahaha, a monster from the human race can die at the hands of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor. This is the honor of your life."

Unbridled laughter resounded across the starry sky. Seeing the giant hand coming towards the sky, a bright smile appeared on the Demon King's face.

Xuanyuan Wudi's face was solemn, and the aura in his body exploded instantly.


Behind him, a terrifying phantom appeared, and after merging with the phantom, Xuanyuan Wudi held the immortal weapon and struck the sky-holding giant hand instantly with one blow.


With one blow, a clear cut was cut out of the starry sky like a cloth. The power of this blow reached its peak, and could even make the Nine Realm Supremes retreat.

A hundred thousand miles apart, the aura contained in them would make the stars collapse.

In an instant, it was chopped on the giant hand holding the sky.


The supreme strike struck Qingtian's giant hand, and a vast shock wave of destruction instantly swept across the galaxy.

Billions of stars trembled.

No less than a million stars collapsed in an instant and turned into powder.

A shocking blow, the power of the explosion was beyond imagination.

The light that reaches the sky is more dazzling than the light of exploding stars.

Sweeping across the entire galaxy.

Viewed from deep space, the entire galaxy was trembling violently.

Even Jiang Che felt the dangerous aura from Xuanyuan Wudi's attack.

But after the light dissipated, there was only one scar on the giant hand, and it was not even penetrated.

Carrying the power of the Supreme Yang God, it came crushingly.

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan Wudi's pupils shrank instantly.

The strongest blow from his trump card can't be blocked!

Could it be that he is going to die here today!
The giant hand holding up the sky blocked the galaxy and locked him, making it impossible to escape.

There are only two outcomes, either destruction or escape!

"Hahahahaha, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Ancestor is not something you can shake!"

Seeing the attack annihilated, the Demon King once again let out unbridled laughter.

However, at this moment, an aura that shook the galaxy rushed out from the edge of the galaxy.

The bright fairy light shone, and a figure stepped out from the light.

"Twilight of the Gods!"

The dim light bloomed, and a temple appeared behind the figure.

A beam of destruction instantly rushed towards the giant hand holding the sky.

The sudden scene caused the Demon King's laughter to stop abruptly.

The eyes of each person and the demon were looking towards the edge of the galaxy.

"It's him!"

Looking at the figure in the fairy light, Xuanyuan Wudi was shocked.


At this moment, Jiang Che's attack instantly landed on the giant hand.

The wave of destructive power invaded the starry sky and swept thousands of miles away.

Millions of stars collapsed and disappeared.

The destructive wave that erupted was even more terrifying than Xuanyuan Wudi's supreme blow just now.

With one blow, he blocked the giant hand holding the sky.

The light dissipated, and the giant hand holding the sky was directly penetrated.

"The gods are annihilated!"

The sound like the sound of the great avenue sounded again, and Jiang Che launched another supreme attack.

The soul, magic power, and physical power were concentrated into one point, and the vast fairy light blasted out. With this blow, even if they were thousands of miles apart, both Xuanyuan Wudi and the Demon Emperor felt the dangerous aura.


The galaxy shook, and the destructive power emitted penetrated the dazzling galaxy, forming an indelible trace of destruction, which was shocking.

The fairy light dissipated, and the giant hand that penetrated the sky was completely destroyed by Jiang Che.

The power of Yang Shen's blow across billions of time and space was annihilated on the spot.


Seeing this scene, the Eight Realm Demon Emperor's eyes almost popped out.

That was a blow from the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor.

How could it be eliminated!

Absolutely impossible!
"Give me death!"

At this time, Xuanyuan Wudi was the first to come to his senses, and with the immortal weapon in his hand, he instantly attacked the Eighth Realm Demon Emperor.

Feeling the dangerous aura coming, the Eighth Realm Demon Emperor came to his senses instantly and instinctively used his fairy weapon to resist.


Xuanyuan Wudi's angry blow was something he could block in a hurry.

One blow destroyed the immortal weapon, and the power of destruction penetrated his demonic body.


A mouthful of demon blood spurted out, and his aura dropped instantly. The Eight Realm Demon King had no time to think about it, and instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared from the place.

Beyond the galaxy, in the dark sky, the power of destruction suddenly erupted. In the destroyed deep space, an embarrassed figure fell and appeared.

It was the Demon Emperor who was running away.

But it was still a step too late, and was directly intercepted by Jiang Che and forced out from deep space.

"The gods rule!"

After activating the Temple of the Heavens, Jiang Che did not leave him any chance to breathe, sealing the starry sky and striking down.


The demonic body was completely annihilated, leaving only the severely injured soul, but before it could make any escape, the All Heavens Temple appeared and directly suppressed it.

The battle ends in an instant.

This is not the first time Jiang Che has fought against the Demon King of the Eighth Realm. He has killed two of them, and now that he has broken through the Zhoutian Realm, he is even more satisfied.

He turned his hand and suppressed it in the Temple of the Heavens.

After entering the All-Heaven Temple, don't even think about running away. He activated the All-Heaven Temple, and the numerous formations of the All-Heavens rotated, beginning to destroy his soul.

Wait for the moment of death, use the Great Avenue Conferring God Monument to capture the original soul and leave the mark of Conferring God.

By then, he will also have a second general under his command.

There are also rewards for killing eight realms, a big harvest!

In the galaxy, Xuanyuan Wudi saw this scene, and his heart was filled with emotions.

Has Jiang Che's strength reached this terrifying level? !

In just over 200 years, it has grown to the point where it can easily suppress and even resist Yang Shen's attack across time and space.

At this moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

I was born to be number one.

Aspiring to be on the list of the Prodigies of Central Continent and reaching the supreme level, his former friends were immediately thrown away by him.

But now, Jiang Che's appearance and strength shocked him.

He has become enough of a monster.

However, this guy is even more evil than himself.

Although they were both at the peak of human immortality, he felt that there was a big gap between him and Jiang Che.

The power that just exploded was almost [-] million Tianlong, which was twice as much as his.

Both immortality and martial arts have surpassed him.

Moreover, it is not even a star.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, long time no see!"

At this time, Jiang Che's voice reached Xuanyuan Wudi's ears.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che had already crossed thousands of miles of starry sky and came to him.

"Jiang Daoyou, long time no see."

Although he was shocked by Jiang Che's strength, he could accept it.It won't break the Taoist heart.

"Thank you Brother Jiang for your help, otherwise, I would really have been run away by this demon."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi bowed his hands.

"This is what we should do to eliminate demons and protect the Tao. Fellow Taoist Xuanyuan, you don't have to be polite."

Jiang Che smiled.

"We haven't seen each other for more than 200 years. Fellow Taoist Xuanyuan's strength has increased dramatically. He will become a Taoist Yangshen in the future. There is great hope!"

Looking at Xuanyuan Wudi, Jiang Che said with a smile.

"Brother Jiang, please don't wash your hands of me. Compared with you, I'm far behind."

Xuanyuan Wudi shook his head and sighed.

"I just happened to break through the realm, not too far behind." Jiang Che smiled.

Xuanyuan Wudi looked at him and said: "First level, first level of heaven, brother Jiang, your strength, I am afraid that no one under the Yangshen can do anything to you!"

"The starry sky is vast. I'm not that powerful. I can only protect myself." Jiang Che smiled.

"How will you be here?"

Looking at Xuanyuan Wudi, Jiang Che asked.

Xuanyuan Wudi: "I just came out of the place of origin and was about to go to the boundary sea. Unexpectedly, I met this Demon Emperor on the way."


Jiang Che nodded.

He does know about the boundary sea.

Starry sky restricted area.

It is also an extremely dangerous place, in the same direction as the Ancient God's Nest, but further away.

The boundary sea is vast and boundless.

It is a place where chaotic beasts are rampant, and it is also a point where the starry sky draws a line.

According to ancient books, in the Dark Age, after the demon clan was defeated, they retreated beyond the boundary sea.

There are also a large number of demons remaining in the boundary sea.

It is the second most dangerous thing in the boundary sea.

At the same time, the boundary sea is also the place of innate gods.

There are many innate gods.

However, they are too widely dispersed and the boundary sea is too large, so the probability of encountering the innate gods is very small.

There are still more remaining demons and chaotic beasts.

It is also an extremely ancient place.

"Brother Jiang, why are you here?"

Xuanyuan Wudi looked at him and asked.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at him, and said: "I just came out of the dark abyss and passed through the time and space channel left by the demon god. As soon as I came out, I was nearby."

"Did you go to the ninth realm of the dark abyss?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Wudi was shocked.


Jiang Che nodded.

"There are several top demon kings in the ninth realm in the eighth realm of the dark abyss. You must have encountered a lot of trouble, right?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi spoke.

"It's not too troublesome. There are some. The top demon emperors have already left, and the remaining demon supremes are almost dead."

Jiang Che said slowly.

"Leave? Isn't the Eighth Realm sealed? The time and space leading to the Seventh Realm and the Ninth Realm are isolated. How could you leave?"

Xuanyuan Wudi looked at him in surprise.

Jiang Che: "It seems that I have my reasons for this. I killed some demon supremes in the eight realms of time and space and attracted those three guys. Later, when they fought, the destructive power generated broke the avenue formation. After sealing it, the three guys took the opportunity to leave.”


"Fighting against three top demon emperors from the Nine Realms, Brother Jiang, you are awesome!"

Xuanyuan Wudi gave a thumbs up.

"Where, if the three guys hadn't left at the beginning, I'm afraid I would have died."

Jiang Che shook his head and smiled.

"It's great to be able to fight. One-on-one, I'm afraid I'm even in danger." Xuanyuan Wudi smiled.

"By the way, Brother Jiang, since you came here through the time and space channel left by the demon god, are you planning to return to the world next?" Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi said.

"Not yet, I have to go to the Ancient God's Nest." Jiang Che said.

"Ancient God's Nest!"

Xuanyuan Wudi's pupils shrank slightly, looked at him, and said: "Brother Jiang, the Ancient God's Nest is a place belonging to the Ancient God Clan. Anyone who steps into it and meets the Ancient God Clan will be treated with hostility."

"I know." Jiang Che nodded, looked at Xuanyuan Wudi, and sighed: "But I can't help it, I have to go. My master is in the Ancient God's Nest, and there may be danger. I want to go and check the situation. "

"In this case... then I can only wish Brother Jiang that your trip will go well." Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi said.

Jiang Che smiled: "Be careful, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Xuanyuan Wudi nodded, and then he pondered for a while, spread out his hand, and a gray talisman appeared in his palm. Looking at Jiang Che, he stretched out his hand and handed it out: "Brother Jiang, this thing should allow you to meet the ancient god clan. will not be harmed.”

Jiang Che: "?!!"

After hearing this, Jiang Che looked at the gray talisman in his hand.

It was covered with mysterious runes and some special symbols. Jiang Che couldn't even figure out what these symbols meant.

"Does this talisman have this effect?"

Jiang Che looked at him in disbelief.

Xuanyuan Wudi smiled and said: "Brother Jiang, you probably don't know what this is. This is an ancient divine talisman. It is a symbol of the honored guests of the ancient god clan. Holding this talisman can get preferential treatment from the ancient god clan. With the ancient divine talisman , you can at least keep yourself safe."

"This talisman belongs to my ancestors. Back then, my ancestors helped a supreme leader of the ancient god clan at some point, so they gave this ancient talisman to my ancestors. For some reasons, , if I get it, I can temporarily lend the ancient talisman to Brother Jiang. When the time comes, you can return it to me when you return to the Great Thousand World."


After hearing Xuanyuan Wudi's explanation, Jiang Che looked at the ancient talisman in front of him and was shocked.

He looked at Xuanyuan Wudi with a serious look on his face: "Brother Wudi, do you really want to lend me this talisman?"

Xuanyuan Wudi smiled: "Brother Jiang, what's the matter? If it weren't for your attack to destroy the Demon God just now, it would be a question of whether I could survive. Since Brother Jiang is going to the Ancient God's Nest to save the Master, this filial piety is extremely valuable. I'm just giving you a little support. If you use it, you can come back to the Xuanyuan family and return it to me when you have time."

"Okay, I will accept it for the time being. One day, I will return to the world and return it to fellow Taoists."

Jiang Che nodded, stopped being polite, and accepted the ancient talisman.

Although it is just a borrowing, the ancient talisman is of great significance.

But with the Ancient God Talisman, at least he won't be worried about being targeted when he goes to the Ancient God's Nest.

The only troublesome thing may be that during the original deduction, I encountered the vacuum-shattering existence from the ancient god clan.

However, his luck shouldn't be that bad, right?
Although the ancient gods are at least at the peak of human immortality when they reach adulthood, there are only a few who can shatter the vacuum.

Be careful and at least he won't be in danger.

This ancient talisman is equivalent to an extra layer of powerful protection.

"The Ancient God's Nest and the Boundary Sea are in the same direction of the starry sky. Brother Jiang, why don't you and I go together?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi said.


Jiang Che nodded and did not refuse.

The two didn't stay too long. After recovering a little, they left the galaxy and escaped into the endless starry sky.


In the outer starry sky, deep in the darkness, a bronze temple stands in the darkness.

The bronze temple is tall and exudes a supreme aura.

The sun, moon and stars all looked extremely small in it, like dust.

In the temple, a tall and mighty figure sat on the throne in the center of the temple.

He has a tall body of ten feet, a simple black robe, black hair shawl, and purple eyes. He has an invisible aura that permeates the air, and he has an aura that makes the whole world surrender to him.

It seemed like nothing could shake his mind.

There was endless demonic energy in his body, and the surrounding void was rendered into a demonic land by the demonic energy.

He is clearly a demon supreme being.

Sitting on the central throne, even though he is sitting there, he seems to have a feeling of transcending time and space.


A ray of light and shadow was projected in his purple pupils, and a clear light curtain appeared in front of him.

Within the light curtain, two figures can be seen.

Two young men.

One is a young man dressed in brocade, and the other is wearing a blue Taoist robe.

Looking at the two figures, he murmured to himself: "One is from the Xuanyuan family, and the other should be from Daqian World, but he does not have the blood of the emperor. It seems that he is not a descendant of the Yang God. Tsk tsk , a blow that can shatter my time and space, this guy seems to be quite risky..."

The black-robed demon murmured to himself, but at this moment, a ray of light rose up in the light curtain, and the two figures instantly disappeared in the light curtain, leaving only chaos.


Seeing the changes in the light curtain, the black-robed demon showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

With a pinch of one hand, a dark magic light bloomed, and the light curtain that turned into chaos instantly became clear again. It lasted for one breath, the light reappeared, and the figures of the two young men disappeared again, turning into chaos again.

"This guy has such a valuable treasure on his body that even I can't continue to deduce it!"

Looking at this scene, a trace of shock flashed in the eyes of the black-robed demon.

With a move of his fingertips, the light curtain that turned into chaos instantly dissipated.

The hall was dead silent.

"This human race seems to be more dangerous than that little guy from the Xuanyuan family. It seems that he may be an enemy in the future..."

The black-robed demon murmured to himself, frowning slightly.

"However, it has not grown up yet. It seems that it must be sent to secretly track it first. When the time comes, this guy will be imprisoned and strangled in the cradle. Otherwise, I am afraid that even I will not be able to defeat the Yang Shen of Zhengdao. "

The black-robed demon's eyes flashed with a stern look, a terrifying aura overflowed, and the void instantly twisted and shook.

"But this guy has a treasure to protect his body, so he can't deduce his position, which is a troublesome thing..."

The black-robed demon murmured to himself, thinking for a moment, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, since he is from the Great Thousand World, with this little guy's strength, he must be famous in the Great Thousand World. It would be safer to send him directly to the Great Thousand World to guard him."

As he murmured, his eyes suddenly froze.

"That's it. If we don't eradicate such a potential human race, it will definitely be a threat to our race in the future."

With his mind determined, in the next breath, the black-robed demon's fingertips flashed with light, and a dark demonic light instantly escaped from the bronze temple.

After a moment, a purple-robed figure appeared at the door of the Bronze Temple.

Demonic energy surged around him, and he was clearly a top-notch demon supreme.

But standing at the door of the Bronze Temple, he showed great caution.

Taking a deep breath, the purple-robed demon carefully stepped into the bronze hall.

Arriving at the Bronze Hall, he looked at the black-robed demon on the central throne and immediately knelt down on one knee: "Heitian pays homage to the Lord Devouring Demon Ancestor!"


The black-robed demon nodded, looked at the purple-robed demon in front of him, and said, "Khatian, I want you to do something."

Purple-robed Demon Clan: "I will definitely obey the orders of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Ancestor."

"I want you to go to the Great Thousand Worlds." The black-robed demon said calmly.


Upon hearing this, the purple-robed demon's head exploded instantly, as if a thunder exploded in his mind.

He looked at the black-robed demons with a blank expression, and his heart twitched.

"Lord Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor, I...I just came out of the Dark Abyss not long ago. If I return to the Great Thousand World, I will definitely be noticed by the top forces in the Great Thousand World."

The black-robed demon said.

"What? Are you going to disobey my order?" the black-robed demon said calmly.

Although his tone was calm, it instantly made the purple-robed demon break into a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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