I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 312 Ancient God’s Nest

Chapter 312 Ancient God’s Nest

Under the purple robe, his body was shaking.

The hall was dead silent.

Looking at the central throne, Hei Tian took a deep breath and said, "I will definitely comply with the instructions of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Ancestor."

"Haha, don't worry, I won't let you die."

On the throne, the black-robed demon smiled, and then he stood up, raised his hand, and a white light bloomed, and with the next breath, it penetrated into the body of the purple-robed demon in an instant.

A white light shone, and Krishna instantly felt a change in his body.

The demonic energy around him disappeared, and even the demonic energy on his soul completely dissipated.

After carefully sensing it, I found that it did not completely disappear, but was blocked by a powerful force.

Just when Heitian felt surprised, the voice of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor came again, "The demonic energy in your body has been sealed with the true spirit. No one under the Yang God can see through your true body. Go to the Great Thousand World, you can rest easy.”

Hearing these words, Krishna's tense nerves relaxed.

With the seal of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor, he did not doubt that something would happen. As long as he did not meet Emperor Yang Shen, there would be no problem.

"I wonder what the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor needs me to do?"

After coming back to his senses, Krishna asked.


As soon as he finished speaking, the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor moved his fingers, and a clear figure appeared in the void.

Lifelike, as if stepping out of the void.

"You go to the world and look for traces of this person."

The voice of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor rang in his ears, and looking at the appearance of the figure in front of him, Heitian's pupils shrank.

"It's him!"

Krishna came back to his senses, a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

The Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor's eyes flashed and he looked at Heitian, "Why, do you know this person?"

Hei Tian came back to his senses, looked at the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor, and nodded: "The Demon Ancestor didn't know something. It was because of this person that I was able to escape and escape into the Ninth Realm."


A strange color flashed in the eyes of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor. He looked at Heitian and said, "That's a good idea. You can go to the Great Thousand Worlds and secretly find this person's traces. When the time comes, suppress him and bring him back. I will be of use."

Hearing this, Heitian's expression changed slightly, he looked at the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor, and said: "Lord Demon Ancestor, this person is not weak in strength. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to accomplish this by myself. Why don't we call on the Emperor Wu and join forces? The success rate should be higher.”

The Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor smiled, spread his hands, and a black rune appeared in his hands.

The runes were filled with an aura of terror, and the runes on them seemed to be crawling with life.

"call out--!"

With a thought, the black rune instantly fell into Krishna's hands.

"This is my sky-swallowing talisman. When you meet this person, just activate this talisman to suppress him."

The voice of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Ancestor rang in his ears. Hearing these words, Heitian's eyes instantly lit up. He turned over his hand to put away the Sky-Swallowing Talisman and said, "Don't worry, Lord Demon Ancestor, I will definitely complete the mission."

"Okay, now that this is done, I can give you some luck and help you reach a higher level."

The Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor nodded.

"Thank you, Master Demon Ancestor!"

Krishna's face showed joy.

"Go down."


Black Sky nodded, then stood up, turned around and disappeared into the bronze hall.

Watching Heitian leave, the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor slowly stood up: "The time is coming, Sword God, this time, I will make you irreversible."

A terrifying aura lingered in the Bronze Hall, and in the next breath, the figure of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor disappeared from the spot instantly.


"Brother Jiang, what's the matter?"

In the starry sky, Xuanyuan Wudi looked at Jiang Che who stopped and asked.

Jiang Che's face changed slightly, he looked into the darkness, and exhaled: "There is a Supreme Being who is deducing me."


"There is a supreme being deducing it!"

Hearing these words, Xuanyuan Wudi's expression also changed.

"Brother Jiang, do you know who he is?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi asked.

Jiang Che shook his head: "The strength is too strong for me to detect. However, if I guess, it may be the existence of the Demon Clan's Yang God."

"Demon Sun God!"

Xuanyuan Wudi's eyes narrowed, he looked at Jiang Che, and said: "Is it possible that he is the previous Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor?"

Jiang Che looked at him and said, "It should be possible."

Xuanyuan Wudi looked into the dark sky, and then looked at him: "What about Brother Jiang? If the Demon God catches up, I'm afraid neither you nor I can escape."

Jiang Che smiled and said: "Don't worry, although I can't deduce who this Demon Ancestor is, but I have a special treasure on my body that can block the destiny secrets. Even the Yang Shen Emperor can't deduce my specific location. "


"That's better." Xuanyuan Wudi nodded, and the tense heartstrings in his heart relaxed a little.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at Jiang Che and said, "But Brother Jiang, don't be careless. The devil's methods are so powerful that you still need to be careful."

"I understand." Jiang Che nodded.

"Let's go. There's no big problem at the moment. Let's talk about it later." Jiang Che said, and as soon as his words fell, he turned into a purple lightning bolt and escaped into the endless void.

Seeing Jiang Che disappearing from his eyes, Xuanyuan Wudi's eyes flashed.

Without stopping too much, the fairy light flashed and disappeared in an instant.


A month passed quickly.

In the outer starry sky, in a bright starry sky.

Two figures appeared.

It was Xuanyuan Wudi and Jiang Che.

Looking deep into the starry sky, a super huge vortex of starlight appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

It exudes a terrifying aura, without any stars around it, like a whirlpool that swallows everything, giving people a numb feeling.

A terrifying devouring power swept across. This power was so powerful that even Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi felt a sense of palpitations.

"This is the entrance to the Ancient God's Nest."

Next to him, Xuanyuan Wudi looked at the starlight vortex not far away and said.

"Brother Jiang, we will say goodbye here. I wish Brother Jiang all the best."

Jiang Che nodded and looked at Xuanyuan Wudi, "Thank you very much. I also hope that brother Wudi will gain a lot from the world sea."



Xuanyuan Wudi nodded, and then he turned into a ray of fairy light and continued to move towards the vast starry sky.

Seeing Xuanyuan Wudi disappear from his eyes, Jiang Che's eyes turned to the starlight vortex not far away.

The starlight vortex is so huge that the stars in front of it are as small as stones.

Looking at the time and space passage leading to the Ancient God's Nest, Jiang Che spread his hand and showed the Ancient God Talisman.

"With this thing. It should be safer."

Jiang Che was determined.

But there was no carelessness in mind.

The ancient gods are inherently terrifying.

Among the Innate God Clan, they are all extremely terrifying beings.

Adulthood is the peak of human immortality. If the number of ancient gods were not too small, it would be enough to dominate the entire starry sky.

The Ancient God's Nest is a place belonging to the Ancient God Clan.

It is a vast place of time and space.

It is vaster than a thousand worlds in one square.

In addition to the ancient gods, there are also chaotic beasts.

Basically, no other race can take root in the Nest of the Ancient Gods.

"Don't worry, open the reward first, and then go in after the guy is resurrected."

Looking at the space-time vortex leading to the Ancient God's Nest, Jiang Che felt calm. Looking around, his figure flashed, and the next second, he was above a star.

Be prepared.

Just because there is an ancient talisman doesn't mean he is absolutely safe.

A cave was simply opened on the star. Jiang Che sat cross-legged in the cave and opened the reward as soon as he had an idea.


Golden light bloomed, and a golden fruit covered with patterns appeared in front of Jiang Che.

This golden-patterned fruit is as big as a fist.

It exudes a strong atmosphere of the avenue.

In the Heavenly Palace, Jiang Che’s soul was shaken.

Staring at this golden-patterned fruit, the dark font instantly appeared in his eyes:
Heavenly God Dao Fruit: The Chaos Innate Dao Fruit contains the innate Yuan Shen Dao. Absorbing the Chaos Innate Dao Fruit can greatly enhance the Yuan Shen...

"nice one!"

Looking at this Heavenly God Dao Fruit, Jiang Che's eyes became hot.

When he came back to his senses, he opened his mouth and swallowed the Heavenly God Dao Fruit.


The Heavenly Palace was shaken, and Jiang Che's soul burst out with intense brilliance.

Absorbing the power of the Heavenly God Dao Fruit, his soul expanded and improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The golden light was brilliant, and even the true spirit mark in the soul became radiant.

A layer of golden light filled the air all over his body.

Sweeping the quiet room.

At the same time, Jiang Che took out the Grand Avenue Gods Monument and began to use his magic power to revive.


A month flies in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Che completely absorbed the power of the Heavenly God Dao Fruit, and his Yuan Shen magic power reached a higher level.

The number of Yuan Shen thoughts reached 9000 million Yuan Shen thoughts.

At one time, a full 1000 million soul thoughts were raised.

Mana is more pure.

A Heavenly God Dao Fruit increased his strength by another level.

The overall strength increased.

The breath becomes deeper.

The Great Avenue Conferred God Monument also successfully resurrected the Eighth Realm Demon King, and his supreme team once again added the second Seventh Realm Supreme General.

"You can enter the Ancient God's Nest."

After standing up, Jiang Che turned into a streak of purple lightning and disappeared out of thin air in an instant. In the next breath, he was in the starry sky.

At close range, he could even feel the powerful swallowing power of this space-time vortex.

If he didn't resist, he might even be pulled into it.

Looking at the time and space vortex leading to the Ancient God's Nest, Jiang Che became convinced and gave up resistance.

Suddenly, a terrifying devouring force swept over him, and starlight covered his body. In an instant, he was pulled into the vortex of time and space.

A strong feeling of dizziness came.

After a short period of time, Jiang Che came to a void between heaven and earth.

The sky is blue and mountains and rivers come into view.


The world is filled with pure pure Yang immortal energy, and any place is a holy land for cultivation.

"The space is so stable!"

Jiang Che glanced around and found a clue.

The time and space of the Ancient God's Nest is very stable and difficult to break.

The power contained here may not even be able to fly into the sky in the realm of Yuanshen.

At the same time, Jiang Che felt a special rule suppressing his mana and soul.

His mana and soul are also subject to some restrictions, but with his strength, it is not difficult to break the suppression of the rules.

However, this special rule only suppresses the magic power of the soul and does not cause any discomfort to the physical body.

Martial arts strength can be fully unleashed.

Looking into the depths of the void, it was a vast chaos.

Chaos and nothingness.

"There is also immortal matter..."

While watching, Jiang Che sensed a special substance.Immortal matter!

Apart from the place of origin, Jiang Che has never felt the existence of immortal matter anywhere else so far.

But he didn't expect that there would be immortal matter in the ancient god's nest.

"This is such a good place... No wonder the Ancient God Clan wants to occupy this place."

After recovering, Jiang Che sighed in his heart.

There is pure and inexhaustible pure Yang fairy energy, which is second, and more important is the immortal material.

It's no wonder that there is no supreme leader in the ancient god clan who goes to the place of origin. It is more comfortable here than in the place of origin.

After all, there are multiple immortal forces in the place of origin, and the situation is complicated.

In the Ancient God's Nest, the Ancient God clan is the dominant family and occupies this holy land in the starry sky.

It's no wonder that the Ancient God Clan is so repulsive to foreigners.

This place couldn't be any better.

But it was also because the Ancient God Clan was so terrifying that they were able to occupy this place. Otherwise, they would have been invaded by other forces in the starry sky.

The figure fell from the sky. Jiang Che stood on the top of a thousand-foot mountain. He spread his palms and a bright jade talisman appeared in his hands.

Master’s jade tablet of life.

Entering the Nest of the Ancient Gods, he could not use the Temple of the Heavens to deduce the position.

If the Ancient God Clan's crushing vacuum is triggered, even with the Ancient God Talisman, there is no guarantee that there will be an accident.

However, there is the Master's Jade Medal of Life. The closer one gets to the Master, the more intense the reaction of the Jade Medal of Life will be. This can be regarded as an alternative kind of positioning tracking.

Judging from the light of life on the jade tablet of life, the mysterious sound must be here.

Jiang Che glanced at the jade tablet of life and cast his gaze into the depths of the void.

"Look slowly."

With a sigh, Jiang Che's figure moved and disappeared from the place in an instant.


Going deep into the Ancient God's Nest, Jiang Che was very cautious.

He didn't know the situation of the Ancient God's Nest. The wicked Taoist had only explored a small part of the Ancient God's Nest, and knew nothing about the rest of the situation.

Xuanyuan Wudi doesn't know the situation of the Ancient God's Nest. He has never been to the Ancient God's Nest.

Everything needs to rely on your own exploration.


Three days passed in a flash.

When Jiang Che stepped into the ancient gods' nest, he didn't meet any of the ancient gods' clan.

Didn't encounter any danger.

But the more this happened, the more vigilant Jiang Che became.

He can't use his spiritual consciousness to explore unscrupulously. If there is a special situation, there is no guarantee that something will happen.


Above the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che suddenly stopped and looked towards the endless chaos deep in the void.

A powerful aura spread out from the endless chaos.

"Chaos Beast!"

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed.

The next second, a terrifying aura was released from the void, and a chaotic beast as huge as a mountain appeared in his eyes.

It looks like a wolf, but there are sharp spikes on its back.

There are hundreds of spikes in a row.

Extends from the back to the tail.

The tip of the tail is also a sphere the size of a watermelon.

The sphere is also filled with spikes.

With overwhelming ferocity, this chaotic beast is a terrifying beast of the late human-immortal form.

The scarlet eyes looked straight at him, and a roar echoed through the void instantly.


It exploded like thunder, and the world shook. In the next breath, hundreds of spikes on his back broke through the air, carrying incomparable sharp power, and attacked Jiang Che.

Looking at the incoming spikes, Jiang Che raised his hand, and an invisible wave rushed out. Before it could get close, it was instantly shattered by his thought.


Star Shift was activated, and Jiang Che came directly behind this chaotic beast.

Grabbing its tail, majestic power exploded instantly.


Grabbing the tail, he smashed it towards a thousand-foot peak.

A loud noise instantly caused the thousand-foot peak to collapse, sending dust flying across the world.

The chaotic beast was in pain and let out a ferocious roar, but in the next second, a golden monument appeared, and with a bang, the chaotic beast in the late human-immortal stage was directly smashed into the ground.


As if a meteorite hit the ground, the surrounding mountains and rivers collapsed instantly.


Before the chaotic beast came to its senses, Jiang Che sacrificed himself to the Temple of All Heavens with one thought, and the fairy light swept across, instantly receiving the beast of chaos into the Temple of All Heavens.

The battle was over in an instant.

There was only a ruined land left.

Quick fight.

To suppress the chaotic beasts, Jiang Che mobilized the temples of the heavens and quickly began to destroy them.

Without waiting for him to leave here, a golden beam of light struck directly from the depths of the chaos in the void.

Jiang Che cast his gaze towards the void and chaos, raised his hand, and the majestic mana exploded instantly.


In mid-air, the golden beam exploded, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye swept through the void.

Even the powerful time and space of the Ancient God's Nest was instantly shattered, and the power of destruction raged.

The void was chaotic, golden light shone, and a chaotic beast as big as a dragon appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

It looks like a real dragon, but unlike the dragons, it is a chaotic beast that looks like a dragon.

Slaughter the dragon!

A very ferocious chaotic beast.

Naturally good at the law of poison.

The hundred-foot-long body exudes a ferocious and brutal aura.

This slaughtering dragon is also a chaotic beast in the late stage of human immortality.

Sprung out from the chaos of the void, spitting out a poisonous beam of light, and instantly struck Jiang Che.


The sky-high green light shone, and Jiang Che instantly activated the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

Blocking Tu Jiao's blow, at the same time, twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls were separated and struck Tu Jiao on the head with lightning speed.


This hit instantly shook Tu Jiao's spirit and made him lose control.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Che sacrificed himself to the Temple of All Heavens and instantly included the slaughter dragon into the Temple of All Heavens.

Suppress it every time.

The All Heavens Temple operates the All Heavens Formation and begins to disappear.

It is also more troublesome to kill the chaotic beasts in the later stages of the Killing Immortal. Their abnormal vitality and resilience make it difficult.

However, Jiang Che also has a lot of experience, so it is not difficult to kill the chaotic beast.

With the death of these two chaotic beasts, he could add two more generals.

After leaving the mark of becoming a god, after being resurrected, although he only has the cultivation level of the middle-stage human immortal, his strength is not much different from that of the late-stage human immortal, at least comparable to the existence of the fifth realm.

The aura of destruction dissipated.

Jiang Che took the All Heavens Temple into his body, and just as he was about to leave, he felt three terrifying auras coming in his direction.

"The peak of human immortality, Madhu, if you don't come for three days, the big one will come as soon as you come, right?"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched violently.

The three auras are all at the pinnacle of human immortality.

It is not difficult to suppress one, but if three human immortals reach the peak together, even he will be defeated.

"No, this is not the breath of a chaotic beast!"

"Could it be... that they are the ancient gods!"

Jiang Che was startled.

And at this moment, three sounds broke through the air.

Three rays of divine light quickly came towards his direction.

In an instant, it stopped in the void less than a hundred feet away from him.

Jiang Che looked around, and three tall figures appeared in his eyes.

They were tall, and all of them were more than a head taller than him, nearly a foot tall.

He only wore simple robes, and his muscles were all tangled, full of an explosive sense of power.

The auras on their bodies are all those of peak human immortal beings.

The surging void was suppressed by the momentum of the three figures.

There is also a special tattoo pattern on the body, which contains a special atmosphere.

"Ancient Protoss!"

Looking at these three tall and burly figures, Jiang Che's pupils shrank.

It looks like a human race, but its aura is completely different from that of a human race.

This was also the first time Jiang Che met the ancient gods three days after he entered the ancient gods' nest.

If you don't come, it's all. If you come, there will be three.

"A monk of the human race!"

The three ancient gods stared at him, and among them, the one in the middle wearing coarse cloth spoke.

"This is the Ancient God's Nest, the place where my Ancient God clan belongs. Human monk, who allowed you to step into this place?"

The ancient god in the middle spoke again, his breath surging, his tone and face full of strong unkindness.

It feels like I could take action at any time.

Jiang Che calmed down the turmoil in his heart and looked at the three ancient gods: "Guys, I came to the ancient gods' nest to find someone. I don't have any ill intentions."


While speaking, Jiang Che spread his hands, and the ancient talisman instantly appeared in his hands.

"You should know this thing, right?"

Showing the ancient talisman, Jiang Che spoke.

He didn't want to take action with the Ancient God Clan, and the three peak human immortals also put a lot of pressure on him. Although he was not afraid, if he did, it would be really hard to explain. I'm afraid there was a VIP talisman from the Ancient God Clan, and he was very Hard to get away from.

Let alone find a master!

The three ancient gods looked at the ancient talisman in his hand.

"This is……"

"My ancient divine clan's supreme command talisman has the aura of the Great Heavenly Lord!"

The ancient god in the middle spoke and recognized the ancient talisman.

"It seems to be all right..."

Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the ancient god clan in the middle spoke.

It's good if you know each other, but it would be embarrassing if you don't.

Looking at Jiang Che, the three ancient gods came to their senses. The ancient god in the middle took a step forward and said, "I want to take a closer look."


Jiang Che nodded, and then, with a thought, the ancient talisman in his hand instantly fell into the hands of this ancient god.

Looking at the ancient talisman that fell into his hand, the ancient protoss looked at it carefully. Then, a light glowed in his palm, and a special power penetrated into the ancient talisman.


Suddenly, the ancient talisman shone with light, and a hazy shadow appeared in the void.

"It is indeed the command talisman of the Great Heavenly Lord."

Looking at the phantom that appeared, the ancient protoss spoke.

But looking at the hazy shadow, Jiang Che felt a familiar feeling.

But the shadow was too blurry, and he really couldn't tell who it was.

But this is not important. What is important is that he passed, at least he will not be hostile to the ancient gods.

(End of this chapter)

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