I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 313 The Reincarnation of the Great Heavenly Lord Yang God

Chapter 313 The Reincarnation of the Great Heavenly Lord Yang God
The shadow dissipated and the ancient talisman flew back into Jiang Che's hand.

The three ancient gods looked at Jiang Che, and the hostility in their eyes dissipated, and they turned into kind faces.

"What's your name?"

The ancient gods in the middle looked at Jiang Che and asked.

"Jiang Che is here."

"Jiang Che."

The ancient god clan nodded, and then said: "My name is Gu Yuan, his name is Gu Feng, and this is Gu Qing."

"I met three fellow Taoists."

Jiang Che cupped his hands in a bow.

"You just said that you came to the Ancient God's Nest to find someone?" Looking at Jiang Che, Gu Yuan in the middle asked.

Jiang Che nodded: "Yes, I came to see my master. She is in the Ancient God's Nest."

"Who is your master? What does he look like?"

Gu Yuan asked again.

Jiang Che thought for a moment, and then with a thought, light surged in the void, forming a figure that appeared in front of the three ancient gods.

"This is my master, called Xuan Miaoyin. He should have been in the Ancient God's Nest for some time."

Jiang Che spoke.

The three ancient gods cast their eyes on the figure condensed in the void. Looking at this appearance, Gu Qing's face showed a trace of surprise.

"Brother Yuan, this person... seems to be a friend of Great Heavenly Lord!"

"I've met once." Gu Qing said.

After hearing these words, Jiang Che's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at Gu Qing.

"Have you seen my master?"

Looking at this Gu Qing, Jiang Che's eyes were shining brightly.

"Well, I've seen her before, and she should still be at Great Heavenly Lord's place now." Gu Qing nodded.

"Could it be that...Master has an affair with this Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient God Clan?"

Listening to these words, an idea appeared in Jiang Che's mind involuntarily.

"If that's the case, then Gu Qing, please take him to the Great Heavenly Lord."

At this time, Gu Yuan spoke.

"Okay, no problem, it's a piece of cake." Gu Qing nodded.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses, looked at Gu Qing, bowed his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

"Haha, you're welcome. Since you are a friend of my ancient god clan, you should." Gu Qing smiled.

"Okay, then we'll go first."

Gu Yuan said.

Jiang Che and Gu Qing nodded, and then, Gu Yuan and Gu Feng's figures flashed and disappeared from Jiang Che's eyes.

Watching the two people disappear, Gu Qing looked at Jiang Che again, scanning the nearby ruins and asked, "Were you fighting the chaotic beast just now?"

"Exactly, but I have already suppressed it." Jiang Che nodded.

"Then you may want to be more careful. Chaos beasts are not easy to deal with. If Shen Yuan finds out about it, it will be very dangerous."

Gu Qing looked at him and said solemnly.


Jiang Che was stunned and looked at Gu Qing with curiosity on his face: "Who is Shenyuan?"

Gu Qing looked at him and said: "He is the leader of the chaotic beasts here. He has cultivated to Shatter Vacuum and is of the same lineage as the ancestor of the chaotic beasts, Shen Ni."


Hearing these words, Jiang Che's pupils shrank.

Subconsciously, he glanced at the two suppressed chaotic beasts.

Shenyuan, the great leader of the chaotic beasts of the Ancient God's Nest, is of the same lineage as the ancestor of the beasts, Shen Ni...

Chaos beasts, there are such terrifying existences!

Smash the vacuum.

Jiang Che felt a chill rising in his heart.

His face turned stiff.

Gu Qing looked at him and said: "But don't be too nervous. Shen Yuan usually does not appear. It is in retreat deep in the chaos. The last time it appeared was 3000 years ago."

Jiang Che came back to his senses and calmed the waves in his heart.

"I'm not too worried, I just hope it won't hurt you." Jiang Che said.

Gu Qing smiled: "Haha, you don't have to worry about this. Although Shenyuan is powerful, my ancient god clan is not a vegetarian. Even if it is clear, he will not attack easily."

"Let's go, let's take you to see the Great Heavenly Lord first."

"it is good."

Jiang Che nodded, and then followed Gu Qing, heading deep into the Ancient God's Nest.

At the same time, Jiang Che mobilized the All Heavens Temple with all his strength and frantically killed two chaotic beasts.

The abnormal vitality of the late human immortals could not stop the destruction of the great formation of the heavens, and they were wiped out in an instant.

He exploded two Yu Zi seventh-level rewards and left a soul mark. After waiting, he can be resurrected.

Two more supremes added again.

The Temple of the Heavens sealed his destiny and shielded the secrets of heaven, so he was not worried about being encountered.

Unless you are extremely unlucky.


Follow Gu Qing all the way in depth.

Jiang Che also made some insinuations and inquired about the situation of the Ancient God Clan.

After roughly understanding the power of the Ancient God Clan, Jiang Che also felt frightened.

There are not many ancient gods, but they are basically at the peak of human immortality.

The lineup is terrifying.

Moreover, in addition to the Great Heavenly Lord, there is another being in the ancient god clan who can shatter the vacuum realm.

That is the leader of the Ancient God Clan, the patriarch of the Ancient God Clan.

Two vacuum-shattering beings, coupled with thousands of ancient gods, this force can sweep across the starry sky.

Even the immortal force cannot defeat it.

With their overall strength, it’s no wonder that the Ancient God Clan is able to dominate the Starry Sky Holy Land, the Ancient God’s Nest.

The one who is strong is not even a little bit strong.

Just outrageous!

Yun Kong moved forward, and Jiang Che followed behind Gu Qing.

The deeper he went, the more terrifying auras Jiang Che could feel.

Looking down at the land in the distance, a city appeared in his eyes.

This is where the Ancient God Clan lives.

There are three cities in total.

This is one of the ancient cities.

Even without getting close, Jiang Che could feel many terrifying powers.

As a monster race among the innate gods, the ancient gods are simply too strong.

When he reaches adulthood, he has the strength of the peak of human immortals. This gap widens the gap between them.

If the ancient gods come out in full force, even the demons who dare to invade all the worlds will suffer heavy losses due to this force.

There are too many Supremes, and every ancient god has practiced inherited combat skills.

Strength is even more terrifying.

"call out--!"

In the void, a sound of breaking through the air struck.

In an instant, a white-haired old man appeared in front of Jiang Che and Gu Qing.

With a head of snow-white hair, but extremely bright eyes, a powerful body, a strong body, and surging energy and blood, this is also an existence at the pinnacle of human immortality.

Even more powerful than Gu Qing, judging from his aura, this old man from the white-haired ancient god clan should have almost the same martial arts strength as him.

"Human Race!"

The white-haired old man looked at Jiang Che with sharp eyes.

"Gu Qing, what's going on?"

The white-haired old man looked at Gu Qing in front of him and asked.

Gu Qing smiled and said: "Uncle Xuan, this is the Great Heavenly Lord's friend. He has the Great Heavenly Lord's token."

"I'm about to take him to see the Great God."

"Oh? Great Heavenly Lord's friend!"

After hearing this, the white-haired old man's eyes softened a bit when he looked at Jiang Che again.

"This is my uncle, Gu Xuan." Gu Qing turned his head, looked at Jiang Che, and introduced.

"I've met fellow Taoist." Jiang Che bowed.

The white-haired old man nodded, "Since we are friends of the Great Heavenly Lord, it's okay. You can go."

"Okay, then I'll take him first."

Gu Qing nodded and then continued moving forward.

Jiang Che followed, and soon the two of them disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the two figures disappearing, the figure of the white-haired old man moved and disappeared into the void.


As we go deeper, we encounter more and more ancient gods.

During this period, many ancient gods came forward to inquire.

However, when they heard that Jiang Che was a friend of the Great Heavenly Lord, many ancient gods showed a hint of goodwill.

Although there were a lot of inquiries along the way, it was still smooth sailing.

"Such a powerful race, and so united..."

"Hey, if we offend the ancient gods, we will probably be doomed."

Following Gu Qing, a thought came to Jiang Che's mind.

There are many supreme beings, strong strength, and the key is unity. If you provoke such a force, it will definitely be a nightmare-level existence.

"Fortunately, I have Xuanyuan Wudi's ancient divine talisman. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything about it even if I enter the ancient divine nest..."

Jiang Che sighed inwardly.

It can be regarded as his chance.

Met Xuanyuan Wudi by chance, and then helped to solve the danger.

The underlying law of cause and effect.

If he had turned a blind eye at the beginning, I'm afraid it would be a headache for him now.

"We're here, that's where the Great Heavenly Lord lives."

At this time, Gu Qing's voice sounded, and Jiang Che quickly came back to his senses and looked in the direction of Gu Qing's finger.

In front, a mountain several hundred feet high came into view.

Among the mountain peaks, there are no luxurious palaces and pavilions, only a few courtyards and caves, which look very simple.

The Supreme Shattering Vacuum is living here?

Jiang Che was stunned.

However, the Supreme Beings all have special hobbies and the place they live in is mediocre, so this doesn’t mean anything.

On the contrary, it feels like returning to nature.

After all, such a supreme god no longer needs anything flashy.

As long as you are willing, you can build an infinite heavenly palace.

Without the formation covering him, Jiang Che could feel an aura on the mountain peak that made his soul tremble.

This smell is very scary.

Jiang Che didn't use his soul to search. It was better to keep a low profile in a place like this.

Although there is a token, if the Great Heavenly Lord is offended, the consequences will be very serious.

"Master's light of life is very strong. It seems that Master should be in the Great Heavenly Lord's dojo."

I checked Xuanmiaoyin's jade tablet of life. The strong light of life on it proved that Xuanmiaoyin was nearby.

Most likely, it is in the Great Heavenly Venerable’s dojo.

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che followed Gu Qing as he descended from the sky and arrived at the foot of the mountain at the Datianzun Dojo.

Gu Qing turned around, looked at him, and said: "The Great Heavenly Lord doesn't like too much noise. Noise is strictly prohibited here, otherwise, the Great Heavenly Lord will be unhappy."

"Understood." Jiang Che nodded.

Gu Qing looked at him and spoke again: "This is also where the Holy Pool of the Ancient God Clan is located. I will meet with the Great Heavenly Lord later. Don't run around. I will ask the Great Heavenly Lord for instructions first."


Jiang Che nodded again, and Gu Qing immediately took out a special talisman and used it to transmit sounds.

Then, he stood there and waited.

Jiang Che also stood behind and waited obediently.

At this time, he was not in a hurry.

After all, judging from the previous situation, the master should be the guest of the Great Heavenly Lord.

Although it is unclear how the master is related to the supreme god of the ancient god clan, it is not important. What is important is that the master is alive.

As long as you see Master with your own eyes, you are sure to be safe.

Then he has no worries.

When the time comes, leave the Ancient God's Nest and go to the next place.

"Come up."

After waiting for a while, a voice came from the command talisman.

Gu Qing nodded immediately, put away the command talisman, and said, "Come, follow me to see the Great Heavenly Lord."


"what happened to you?"

Looking back at Jiang Che motionless, Gu Qing blinked.

"No...it's fine."

Jiang Che came to his senses and followed Gu Qing up the mountain road. "Why does this voice... feel familiar?"

Jiang Che's heart beat.

But on the surface, he remained calm.

Follow Gu Qing and head towards the mountain.

Soon, the two came to the gate of a courtyard on the top of the mountain.

This looks like an ordinary farmhouse.

When the two came to the courtyard gate, the closed courtyard door opened directly. Gu Qing stepped into the courtyard first, followed by Jiang Che.

The moment you step into the courtyard, you feel like you have entered a new world.

It looks ordinary from the outside, but there is something special inside.

The courtyard is very large, and there are several innate divine plants planted in the courtyard.

The entire courtyard is filled with a strong immortal substance.

In the yard, on the left side, there is a huge tree.

"world Tree!"

Looking at this big tree, Jiang Che's eyes narrowed.

He looked carefully and found that this was indeed the World Tree, but it could only be regarded as a seedling.

Under the World Tree, there is a stone table and several stone stools.

Others, nothing left.

"Great Heavenly Lord, people have arrived!"

Gu Qing stood there and spoke.


As soon as he finished speaking, the closed door opened in the center of the courtyard, and a figure in a black robe appeared in their eyes.

He has a strong body, black hair shawl, and his aura is as unfathomable as the vast abyss.

But when he saw this mysterious figure, Jiang Che's mind seemed to be "blasted" by thunder.

What the hell!

It's him!

Jiang Che's pupils shrank violently.

This mysterious robed figure was none other than the Vacuum-Smashing Supreme that he met when he used the Heavenly Temple to deduce.

He is the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient God Clan.

Jiang Che's heart was turbulent.

But when you think about it, there are only two supreme gods in the entire Ancient God Clan. One of them is the leader of the Ancient God Clan, and the other is the Great Heavenly Lord.

This probability, one in two, seems reasonable.

"I have seen the Great Heavenly Venerable!"

Gu Qing bowed his hands with a respectful look on his face.

Jiang Che also quickly came to his senses, calmed down the turmoil in his heart, and bowed with his hands: "Human monk Jiang Che, I have met the Great Heavenly Lord!"


The Great Heavenly Lord nodded slightly and looked at Jiang Che, instantly making Jiang Che feel an extremely heavy mental pressure.

There is only one step between reaching the peak of human immortality and shattering the vacuum.

But this step is as elusive as a natural chasm.

Human immortals are the pinnacle of martial arts, so smashing the vacuum is the pinnacle of the avenue!

An immortal existence like the Yang God.

Those who prove the way with strength.

A Shattering Vacuum may be more terrifying than a Yangshen Emperor.

On his forehead, thin beads of sweat flowed down unconsciously.

Jiang Che remained motionless.

At close range, he was very aware of the gap between himself and the Great Heavenly Lord.

If he took action, he would definitely not be able to escape.

"Gu Qing, you go down first."

At this time, the Great Heavenly Lord moved his eyes to look at Gu Qingdao.


Gu Qing nodded, saluted respectfully, then turned and left the yard.

When the courtyard door closed, Jiang Che felt that the air was filled with a strong sense of oppression.

The atmosphere is subtle.

"You are the one who used the treasure to deduce the ancient gods' nest, right?"

The Great Heavenly Lord came to Jiang Che with a very calm tone.

Jiang Che nodded and said, "Yes, Great Heavenly Lord, but I also had a reason for it. It was to find my master, so I used the treasure to deduce it."

"This is not a reason." Great Heavenly Lord said calmly.

Jiang Che: "..."

"Then I don't know what the Great Heavenly Lord wants to do with me?"

After calming down the turmoil in his heart, Jiang Che looked directly at the Great Heavenly Master.

"You are very courageous. Aren't you afraid that I will attack you?"

Looking at Jiang Che, a smile appeared on the corner of Tianzun's mouth.

Jiang Che: "I believe that the Great Heavenly Lord will not do it. If he wants to take action, I am afraid that the Great Heavenly Lord will take action the moment I step into the Great Heavenly Lord's dojo."

"Haha, boy, you are very smart, but being too smart is not good!"

The Great Goddess laughed loudly.

Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I don't dare. This junior is just analyzing the facts."

"sit down."

The Great Heavenly Lord came to the foot of the World Tree and stretched out his hand to signal.

Jiang Che nodded and immediately sat on the stone bench.

"I'll take a look at your command talisman."

Sitting on the stone stool, the Great Heavenly Lord looked at Jiang Che and said.

Jiang Che was slightly stunned, but did not refuse. He spread his hand and showed the ancient talisman.

"Great Heavenly Lord, please take a look."

Handing out the ancient talisman, Jiang Che spoke.

The Great Heavenly Lord took the ancient divine talisman, looked at it carefully, and then threw it to Jiang Che: "I gave this talisman to Mr. Xuanyuan, how could it be in your hands? Could it be that you killed the Xuanyuan family and grabbed it?" "

Jiang Che: "..."

Killing the Xuanyuan family for an ancient talisman...

I'm afraid I'm seriously ill.

Jiang Che's heart twitched and he looked at the Great Heavenly Lord and said: "The Great Heavenly Lord misunderstood. I just borrowed this talisman from an outstanding descendant of the Xuanyuan family and will return it to him in the future."


The Great Heavenly Lord nodded, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "So, your relationship with the Xuanyuan family is okay?"

"Not bad, I've been to the Xuanyuan family."

Jiang Che nodded.

"I came here this time because I want to see Master. I wonder if the Great Heavenly Lord has seen him?"

Jiang Che looked at the Great Heavenly Lord and went straight to the point.

"Are you talking about Xuannv Tianjun? She is here, practicing in the Ancient God Pond of our Ancient God Clan."

The Great Heavenly Lord spoke.

Jiang Che: "???"

Xuannv Tianjun?

Does my master still have this nickname?

I do not know how?
Are we talking about the same person?
Looking at the Great Heavenly Lord, Jiang Che looked stunned.

The Great Heavenly Lord looked at him and said, "Why, you don't know the specific origin of your master?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at the Great Heavenly Lord and said, "Well, I have followed Master for many years, and I never knew that my Master had this nickname."

"What nickname?" Great Heavenly Lord looked at him and asked.

Jiang Che: "???"

When asked by the Great Heavenly Lord, he was really confused.

Xuannv Tianjun, isn’t this the master’s nickname?

Many questions arose in Jiang Che's heart. He looked at the Great Heavenly Lord and said, "Great Heavenly Lord, my master's name is Xuan Miaoyin, Xuannv Tianjun, isn't that her nickname?"


Hearing these words, the Great Heavenly Lord immediately smiled.

But this smile made Jiang Che even more confused.

He looked at the Great Heavenly Lord and said: "Great Heavenly Lord, is there any problem with this?"

The Great Heavenly Lord looked at him and said: "It seems that you don't know that your master, Xuan Miaoyin, is her reincarnation in this life. Your master is called Xuannv Tianjun. He attained the enlightenment of Yang Shen 10,000+ years ago. However, he later encountered a sneak attack by the Sky-Devouring Demon God, which damaged his true spirit and had to be reincarnated."


The Great Heavenly Lord's words instantly made Jiang Che's heart explode.

Shocked, stunned, unbelievable...

A variety of emotions were intertwined in his mind.

Damn it, his master is the reincarnation of the Yang God? !

Jiang Che felt like he didn't have enough brains.

This... this... how is this possible!

Looking at the Great Heavenly Lord, Jiang Che fell into deep shock.

Good guy, Xuanmiaoyin is the reincarnation of the Yang God.

Isn't this a bit too magical? !


It simply gave him an extremely absurd feeling.

Jiang Che slowly lowered his head.

This news was too shocking to him.

At this moment, he had to be quiet.

Master is the reincarnation of Xuannv Tianjun...

Mom...his master turned out to be not only a supreme being, but a supreme god who stood at the pinnacle of the avenue!

Jiang Che never thought of this possibility.

This was really exciting for him.

"It seems that you really don't know, but now you know." At this time, the voice of the Great Heavenly Lord sounded.

Jiang Che came back to his senses and looked at the Great Heavenly Lord: "I don't know, I never felt it before."

The Great Heavenly Lord smiled and said: "Normally, your master's true spirit has just awakened not long ago, only a hundred years have passed."

After hearing this, Jiang Che fell silent again.

Awakening the true spirit means that the mysterious sound of the past is dead, and now there is only Xuannv Tianjun.

Then...is this still his master?
Jiang Che's heart was full of complicated thoughts.

"Then why did Master come to the Ancient God's Nest?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and looked at the Great Heavenly Lord.

The Great Heavenly Lord said: "Perhaps this is the guidance of the true spirit. If I hadn't been familiar with your master and felt her true spirit, I might never have met her."

Jiang Che looked at the Great Heavenly Lord: "So, the Great Heavenly Lord and Master have known each other for a long time?"

"Of course, we have known each other 10,000+ years ago. We have been friends who have gone through life and death battles. She can also be considered my best friend."

The Great Heavenly Lord spoke.

Jiang Che's heart surged.

He came to the Ancient God's Nest to find his master, but he never expected this result.

The master turned out to be the reincarnation of a sun god.

10,000+ years ago was the Yangshen Emperor.

This simply gave him a feeling of mental collapse.

"You are her disciple in this life, which is a kind of fate." Looking at Jiang Che, the Great Heavenly Lord said.

Jiang Che was silent for a while, then he raised his head, looked at the Great Heavenly Lord, and said: "Great Heavenly Lord, can I go and see my master!"

"no problem."

The Great Heavenly Lord nodded.

Jiang Che stood up and bowed: "Thank you, Great Heavenly Lord!"

"Come with me."

The Great Heavenly Lord nodded and immediately stood up. Jiang Che followed behind the Great Heavenly Lord.

After leaving the courtyard, Jiang Che soon followed the Great Heavenly Lord to the back mountain of the mountain.

In front of him, a golden door was closed.

There was a terrible smell inside.

Looking at the golden door in front of him, Jiang Che was filled with anxiety.

The master is the reincarnation of Xuannv Tianjun. Now that he has awakened his true spirit, I wonder if he will recognize him.

But even if he doesn’t recognize him, Jiang Che still wants to meet him.

Well, this reincarnation is also his former master.


When the Great Heavenly Lord raised his hand, the golden door roared and shook, revealing a space-time vortex passage.

"This is the Holy Land of the Ancient God Pool of our Ancient God Clan. You are lucky enough to be able to come here." Great Heavenly Lord said.

As he spoke, he took a step forward and entered the space-time vortex channel. Jiang Che followed closely behind him and followed the Great Heavenly Lord into the space-time vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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