Chapter 315

Moko World.

A mountain top.

Jiang Che stood on the top of the mountain, and a huge screen of light appeared in front of his eyes.

The huge picture was divided into a dozen small pictures.

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed on these dozen small scenes.

In the picture, all parties are fighting fiercely, fairy lights are shining, mountains and rivers collapse, and the earth sinks.

Live action movie.


Looking at the battle in the picture, Jiang Che was very satisfied.

Let the Supreme's men take action collectively and join forces to kill the demons in Moko's world. In this way, he himself can be liberated.

And the results are remarkable.

In just one day, more than a dozen supreme level demons were suppressed.

Full harvest.


"Tianzi No. [-] seems to be in danger. No, we have to go there quickly."

After noticing the situation in one of the small pictures, Jiang Che's figure moved and disappeared instantly.


In the dark void.

Four figures are besieging one of them.

Filled with demon energy, he was surrounded by four supreme beings. The demon supreme in the center was already showing signs of fatigue.


A beam of light erupted from the left side. Caught off guard, the demon supreme was instantly injured by the fairy light.


The figure slammed down heavily, smashing through a thousand-foot-high mountain, and the destructive wave spread thousands of miles.


However, before he could recover, a fairy golden tower fell from the sky, golden light flashed, and the supreme demon was instantly put into the fairy tower and suppressed.

The battle ended in an instant.

But at this moment, deep in the void, a destructive aura swept over.

The four figures were instantly aware of it, and each activated the fairy weapons in their hands.

"call out--!"

Working together, the supreme divine power from the four immortal weapons instantly exploded into the void.

Thousands of miles of void collapsed like a mirror.

Light raged, waves of destruction hit the void, and violent power raged between heaven and earth.

The next breath, a tall and mighty figure appeared in the broken void.

This is clearly a supreme being from the underworld.

Moreover, he is also a Supreme Being of the Nether Tribe in the eighth realm.

The figure appeared, and the chaotic void was instantly suppressed by a terrifying force.

Looking at the four figures, the murderous look in the eyes of the Supreme Lord of the Underworld was not concealed at all.

"Kill me, the Supreme Being of the Nether Clan, none of you can escape today!"

The angry voice exploded across the sky and earth like thunder.

In the next breath, a terrifying aura instantly emerged from the body of this Nether Tribe Supreme.


The aura rushed out, and a more terrifying shadow instantly appeared behind the Nether Tribe Supreme.


As soon as he raised his hand, a vast power condensed, forming a lightning beam. The terrifying divine thunder burst through the void, and in the next second, it locked onto four figures and blasted out instantly.

"Join us!"

One of the figures made a sound, and the three Supremes once again activated the immortal weapon to form a beam of destruction, condensed into one, and rushed out instantly.

The immortal light of destruction cuts through the void, destroying all life.

But facing the attack of this top-level Nether Tribe Supreme, even if four figures join forces, they can't defeat him.


Thousands of miles of light shine, and the power of destruction rages like a storm, destroying heaven and earth.


With a collision, the four figures spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The body was shaken for hundreds of miles, and the immortal weapons in his hands glowed dimly.

With just one blow, he completely gained the upper hand.

"Death to this seat!"

The Supreme Lord of the Underworld did not leave any breathing space for the four figures, and took action directly without hesitation.

He launched another supreme attack, and his aura was even more terrifying than the previous attack.

It condensed into a world-destroying light and rushed towards the four injured figures.


But at this moment, from the depths of the shattered void, a white palm poked out.

It was like the hand of a god, blocking the supreme blow of the Nether Tribe's supreme being.

The world-destroying fairy light was directly blocked by one hand from all attacks.

The supreme blow was annihilated on the spot.

The white hand only shook a few times, but was not destroyed.


Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Supreme Lord of the Underworld shrank instantly.

How could his ultimate attack be blocked so easily? !
No...not possible!

His heart was turned upside down instantly.

And at this moment, deep in the void, a flash of green light appeared, and a young and handsome Taoist in green robe appeared.

It was none other than Jiang Che.

At the critical moment, he crossed thousands of miles of time and space to block the attack of the Eighth Realm Nether Tribe Supreme.

Stepping out of the time and space of destruction, Jiang Che looked at the supreme figure of the Nether Tribe.

At this time, four figures also came behind Jiang Che.

Jiang Che raised his hand, and purple fairy light shone on the bodies of the four supreme men. Their injuries healed in an instant.

"Thank you sir."

Tiansan and several other Supreme subordinates saluted and spoke.


Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Nether Tribe's supreme man shrank.

Looking at this young and handsome green-robed Taoist, he sensed his aura and felt a strong crisis in his heart.

The pinnacle of human immortality, the supreme of the seven realms!
Madhu, where did this monster come from?

It must not be from Moko World. There is definitely no such a big shot in Moko World.

"Sir, these are the suppressed demon supremes, and they are all among them."

At this time, Tian San showed up from the Immortal Artifact Golden Pagoda and spoke respectfully.

Jiang Che nodded, and the dim light bloomed, instantly transferring the three suppressed demon supremes to the All Heavens Temple.

Immediately, his eyes looked at the supreme figure of the Eighth Realm Nether Clan.

"You leave first and go somewhere else."


The four figures disappeared behind Jiang Che, and the supreme leader of the Nether Tribe did not dare to move at all.

This handsome young Taoist put a lot of mental pressure on him.

He could only watch the four guys leave.

In the shattered void, violent power raged. Jiang Che raised his hand, and his fingertips glowed with light. The shattered void instantly returned to its original state.

Looking at the Supreme Lord of the Underworld, his eyes lit up with a hint of heat.

The Supreme Nether Tribe of the Eighth Realm, this is another big reward.

"Who are you and why do you come to our world of Moko to massacre our Nether Tribe Supreme."

This is when the Supreme Lord of the Eighth Realm Nether Clan spoke and his voice sounded.

Jiang Che looked at the Eighth Realm Nether Clan Supreme with a dull look: "Do you need a reason?"

The Supreme Lord of the Underworld: "..."

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest!"

"I can give you a chance. As long as you let go of your soul, let me plant the mark of your soul, and become my own person, I can spare your life."

Jiang Che's voice sounded again, each word clearly reaching the ears of the Nether Tribe's Supreme Being.

And after hearing these words, the expression of the Supreme Lord of the Underworld instantly became extremely ugly.


Chi Guoguo's humiliation!

As the top being of the Nether Clan, he actually made him a slave!
Humiliation and anger surged in an instant.

"you wanna die!"

A voice filled with extreme anger sounded, and the Supreme Lord of the Underworld roared, and the light in the sky bloomed, directly manifesting his true form.

A terrifying dark dragon.

It's more terrifying than the Dark Dragon that first entered the world of Moko.

"Tianlong Octave!"


With a roar, the Netherworld Supreme, who had transformed into his true form, instantly burst out with supreme sonic powers.

The sound wave visible to the naked eye directly transformed into a substantial form and rushed towards Jiang Che.

"Oh, you're useless if I give you a chance!"

A sigh sounded, and in the next breath, Jiang Che raised his hand, and a terrifying law wheel appeared.

Contains the ultimate law of power.

"The life and death of the heavens, the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth!"

The majestic sound of the avenue resounded through the void, the divine wheel of law rotated, and the repaired void instantly collapsed.

Charge out with the most powerful blow.

The irresistible seal of life and death projected out appeared in the supreme spirit of the Nether Clan.


The magical powers collided, and the wheels of life and death directly destroyed his supreme blow with a crushing force.


The dark dragon that transformed into its true form instantly spurted out a large mouthful of blood, spilling blood into the void.


The Star Shift was activated, and Jiang Che came to the dark dragon in an instant.

The power of 1000 million exploded, and the eleven forces of Tianlong merged into one, and a punch fell on the mountain-sized Minglong.


The invincible power blasted through the body of the Nether Dragon Supreme. This blow not only penetrated the body, but also directly blasted through his soul.

The soul suffered a heavy blow, and its aura dropped off a cliff.


With a thought, Jiang Che didn't give the Supreme Being of the Nether Tribe a chance to breathe. The Grand Avenue God-Selfing Monument instantly appeared and suppressed him in the Grand Avenue God-Selfing World.

The aura of destruction still lingers in the void, proving the thrilling scene just now.

After dealing with the supreme figure of the Eighth Realm Nether Clan, Jiang Che's figure moved and disappeared instantly.

Across thousands of miles, Jiang Che tore through the void, fell from the sky, and landed on a mountain.

The Grand Avenue Conferred God Monument appeared, and the golden light vibrated.

The suppressed Eighth Realm Nether Clan Supreme was still resisting fiercely, but he could not break through the Grand Avenue God-Sealing Monument.

With a thought, Jiang Che used all his strength to activate the Temple of All Heavens and the Grand Avenue God-Sealing Monument, and began to obliterate them.

In a few breaths, the three supreme beings were completely killed.

Jiang Che used the Grand Avenue Conferring God Monument to leave a mark of the Supreme Being of the Six Realms Nether Clan.

The remaining two were too weak and only had the strength of the third realm, so Jiang Che failed to capture the original soul.

Resurrecting the Supreme will also consume a huge amount of money on him.

Only those who are supreme in the four realms or above are worthy of resurrection, and those below the four realms must be sacrificed to heaven.

One day passed, and the last Eighth Realm Nether Clan Supreme was completely killed, captured the original soul, and successfully resurrected it.

Although his cultivation level has dropped by one level, he is still a top-level existence comparable to the Supreme Being of the Eighth Level.

Jiang Che did not stay with him. After giving him the name, he asked him to go and help other supreme subordinates.

Seeing the figure disappear into the sky, Jiang Che withdrew his gaze.

His eyes focused on the four big prizes in his mind.

No hesitation when starting extraction.


The light bloomed, and a blood essence pearl appeared in front of him.

Jiang Che swallowed it in one gulp and quickly absorbed the blood and soul beads, strengthening the physical body of blood and energy in his body. However, one blood and soul beads would have little effect on the growth of his current body, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh.

It can also increase the power of hundreds of heavenly dragons.

Continue to withdraw rewards.

A few breaths and all the rewards are extracted.

The final Eight Realm Nether Clan Supreme Reward is also the largest.

A divine fruit.After refining, it is enough to make his soul exceed [-] million!

While absorbing it, Jiang Che had an idea to check the situation of other supreme beings.

The siege was complete.

Jiang Che is always paying attention.

If any special situation arises on either side, he can go to support.

There are many Supreme Levels in Moko World.

If this vote turns out to be a good harvest, the rewards will be enough to take him to the next level.


Moko World.

Underworld Mountain.

This is the No. [-] sacred mountain of the Nether Clan, and it is also the forbidden area of ​​the Nether Clan.

The mountain is so high that it towers into the clouds and reaches into the sky, making it majestic.

Palaces are built around the mountain, and the invisible avenue formation lists thousands of miles as a forbidden area.

In the central hall of Hades Mountain, on the top of the mountain, there are gathered figures of the underworld supreme beings.

At this moment, every Nether Clan Supreme's face looked very ugly.

The air in the hall was filled with depression.

"Tell me about the situation."

At this time, a voice came from outside the hall.

A black-robed Nether Clan stepped into the hall.

The eyes of all the Nether Clan supremes were focused on this black-robed Nether Clan.

"The situation is very serious. In the past three days, twenty of the Supreme Beings of our Nether Clan have been unable to contact us."

"Moreover, Great Elder Ming Xuan's jade tablet of life is also broken."

"Also, several demon clan forces have also lost more than a dozen supremes."

"According to the current situation, we know that there are an unknown number of external supreme beings who have joined forces to attack all the supreme beings in the Moko world."

"Everyone who is targeted by this outside supreme has lost contact."

"This should be the most serious loss in our Moko world in the past ten thousand years."

A supreme leader of the Nether Clan spoke up and explained the situation.

The face of the black-robed Nether Clan was very ugly, and his eyes were cold.

Glancing at all the supreme beings in the hall, the black-robed Nether Clan said coldly: "Hasn't any of these external supreme beings been caught?"

"No... no."

A Hades tribe spoke.

"Trash, what are you all doing?"

The black-robed underworld clan roared angrily.

"Youhuang, it's no wonder they were killed. The great elder has been killed. Even if they go, they will only end up being caught."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded.

The next breath, a purple-robed figure appeared in the hall.

There is a purple veil on his face, and his aura is the same as that of the black-robed Nether Clan Supreme, and he is also a Nine Realm Supreme.

However, this purple-robed figure is not from the Nether Clan, but from the Demon Clan.

"Purple Emperor, what are you doing here?"

The eyes of the black-robed Nether Clan Nether Emperor looked at the purple-robed Demon Clan’s Supreme Dao.

"The Moko world is our common place. Now that we are suffering from a catastrophe, we should face it together."

The Demon Clan Purple Emperor said lightly.

"In the world of Moko, do you, the demon clan, still want to be on an equal footing with me, the underworld clan?"

The black-robed Nether Clan Youhuang said coldly.

"Youhuang, now is not the time to consider this issue. We should join forces to solve the threat of this external supreme being."

The Demon Clan Purple Emperor spoke.

"What clue do you have?"

Youhuang looked at her and said.

"Through my deduction, there is a special force that blocks the secret. I feel that this time, the supreme being invaded by the outside world should belong to the same force."

Zihuang said.

"A force!"

Emperor Youhu's expression changed, and the expressions of all the Nether Clan supremes in the hall also changed instantly.

"How did you know?"

Looking at the demon clan Purple Emperor, Youhuang said.

"I have deduced my identity. Although I cannot deduce the mysterious Supreme Being behind the scenes, but...the other external Supreme Beings have a common characteristic. Their auras are the same. From this point of view, these invading Moko World The external supreme being should be a force.”

Zihuang said lightly.

"Now, both the Nether Clan and the Yeyao Clan have suffered great losses. Now is the time for us to join forces. We must work together. Otherwise, it will be too late once we are defeated by each of them."

The Purple Emperor spoke again.

Pluto Emperor looked at her and said: "There is no problem in joining forces. If you have any plans, you can tell us."

Zihuang smiled, then spread her hands, and a jade slip appeared in her hand: "Here is the detailed plan, Youhuang can take a look."


Looking at the jade slip in his hand, Emperor You frowned, but without too much hesitation, he took the jade slip and checked the detailed plan.

After a while, You Huang smashed the jade slip in his hand and looked at Zi Huang: "I agree to this plan."

Zihuang smiled and nodded: "When will we take action?"

"Act now."

"Otherwise, the Nether Clan and the Demon Clan will suffer even greater losses."

Emperor You opened his mouth.

"Okay, then I'll make the arrangements right now."

Zihuang nodded, and then her figure disappeared into the hall.

Watching the Purple Emperor disappear, the Youhuang glanced at all the Nether Clan supremes, and then transmitted his magic power.

I heard Youhuang’s instructions.All the Nether Clan supremes nodded, then turned into light and escaped into the hall.

Watching all the Nether Clan supremes disappear into the hall, the figure of the Nether Emperor also emitted light and disappeared into the hall.


In Moko World, on the top of a mountain, Jiang Che's figure sat cross-legged.


Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

Look towards the dark sky.

"It seems that the movement is big enough."

Jiang Che murmured to himself, and then, with a sudden thought, he communicated with all the Supreme subordinates and issued the order to return.

"It should be about the same. There are also two Ninth Realm Supremes in Moko World. With my current strength, I should be able to barely block them."

Jiang Che muttered to himself.

Just on a whim, he knew that his action was coming to an end.

After all, a great harvest has been achieved in the past few days.

If he does it too harshly, then the two Nine Realm Supremes may have to fight for him.

The hunting operation in Moko World ends here.

Although there are still many supreme beings, we cannot just grab a world and kill it.

There are only a few top-level Supremes, and after killing two Eighth-level Supremes, the remaining rewards can be considered a surprise.


"call out!"

Half an hour later, streaks of light fell from the sky.

All the Supreme men who were surrounded and killed returned.

The suppressed Demon Clan and Nether Clan Supremes were all transferred to the Temple of the Heavens by Jiang Che.

After collecting all the Supreme's subordinates into the Grand Avenue Conferring God Monument, Jiang Che launched the great formation of the heavens and began to destroy them directly.

Rewards keep coming out one after another.

Most of them are Zhouzi level rewards.

Only by hunting down the Five Realm Supremes can you get Yu-level rewards.

However, the things he dispenses can also improve his strength.

In one day, all the supreme beings in the temples of the heavens were wiped out.

Jiang Che captured the original souls of several supreme beings, used the Grand Avenue to Confer Gods Monument, and began to resurrect them.

The deeper his cultivation, the faster his resurrection, and the more seals he can control.

However, there are also requirements for quality.

In three days, Jiang Che was all resurrected.

The number of Supreme Teams has grown to 36.

Among them, there are four supreme beings in the Seven Realms.

He is the strongest among his supreme team.

Jiang Che also named him according to the order of heaven and earth.

It also changed a bit at the same time.

The supreme beings of the seven realms were all given names in the Tianzi sequence.

The rest were all renamed to place character sequence names.

The power of this supreme team alone is enough to shake the world.

After everything was sorted, Jiang Che also took out the rewards one by one.

On this trip, the two biggest rewards were two Heavenly God Dao Fruits.

Earned from killing an Eighth Realm Supreme from the Nether Clan and an Eighth Realm Supreme from the Demon Clan respectively.

The other rewards are nothing special.

After leaving the world of Moko, he can absorb two Heavenly God Dao Fruits to strengthen his soul and increase his strength again.

"You can leave now."

Looking into the void, Jiang Che exhaled a breath of turbid air.

The star movement was activated and disappeared on the mountain top in an instant.


In the world of Moko, the sky is empty.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

One more step and he can leave the world of Moko.

But Jiang Che discovered the clue.

There are red flags.

"It should be arranged by the two Nine Realm Supremes. It seems that there is still no way to escape the battle!"

Looking at the world barrier, Jiang Che sighed in his heart.

In the next breath, his momentum aroused, and the sky was filled with wind and thunder.


His own momentum spread, shaking the sea of ​​clouds, and the billowing energy rushed out, tearing apart the void.

"It's finally here!"

At this time, a cold voice came to Jiang Che's ears.

In the void, a tall black-robed figure appeared not far away.

Jiang Che's eyes fell on this black-robed figure.

The aura of terror lingered, and the wind and thunder whizzing around were suppressed by the momentum.

From this black-robed figure, Jiang Che could detect a hint of danger.

"The Supreme Being of the Nether Clan should be the Nether Emperor of the Nether Clan."

Looking at this black-robed Ninth Clan Supreme Being, Jiang Che instantly understood his identity.

In the world of Moko, there are two Nine Realm Supremes.

One of them is the Nether Emperor of the Nether Clan.

The second one is the Purple Emperor of the Demon Clan.

"I didn't expect that the person behind the scenes this time was actually a human race."

Looking at Jiang Che, Youhuang's eyes were cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes was not concealed at all.

If nearly twenty supreme beings were killed, even if the Nether Clan was powerful, this would still be a severe blow.

At this moment, Youhuang had only one thought in his mind: he must keep this person.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Jiang Che said calmly.

"At this time, there is no need for you to pretend to be confused because you understand!"

At this time, a faint voice came.

In the void, purple light shines, and a graceful figure steps out.

The whole body is filled with evil spirit.

The aura is the same as that of Youhuang, and he is also a supreme being in the Nine Realms.

The Supreme of the Monster Clan, the Purple Emperor!
Two Nine Realm Supremes appeared, and Jiang Che's pressure increased instantly.

"Isn't it too much for you to want to leave now after killing so many supreme beings from our demon clan and underworld clan? Why not stay in Moko World? If you are willing to serve me, you may be able to survive today. .”

Zihuang spoke again, and his voice reached Jiang Che's ears word for word.

"What if I don't agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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