I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 316 The Innate God Clan of the Boundary Sea

Chapter 316 The Innate God Clan of the Boundary Sea
"If you don't agree... then your Excellency will stay forever!"

The Purple Emperor's voice sounded, and a ray of cold light flashed across his narrow eyes. In the next breath, a shocking aura erupted instantly, and a purple fairy light shattered the void and rushed towards Jiang Che instantly.


A bright light burst out from Jiang Che's body, and the shocking energy and blood condensed into one point. Eleven heavenly dragons roared, and in an instant, they rushed forward with roaring roars.


A wave of destructive air swept through the void, shattering the sea of ​​clouds. The dark sky was like a sun star exploding, and the light produced illuminated most of the Moko world.

"Hand of the Nether!"

At the same time, Youhuang also took action in an instant, shattering the void with a big hand, imprisoning the void, and sealing off the world.

"The life and death of the heavens, the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth!"

Jiang Che did not hesitate to activate the Wheel of Life and Death, and faced the attack with a single blow. The destructive power instantly destroyed the Netherworld's hand.

The raging power directly shattered the nearby void and turned it into chaos.


Star Shift was activated and disappeared instantly, but in the next breath, Youhuang and Zihuang instantly shattered the void to intercept them.

Jiang Che's figure was forced out of the void again.

Withstanding the blows of two Nine Realm Supremes at the same time, even his strength could not withstand it.

Standing in the void chaos of destruction, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

"I want to leave, haha. Boy, I have united the power of the world in Moko World. Don't even think about leaving today."

Youhuang's voice sounded again, like a great bell, shaking time, space, heaven and earth.

"Reincarnation hell!"

The Nether Emperor took action again, manifesting the Netherworld of Hell. His aura surged instantly, and his peerless magical power was instantly activated. The supreme Netherworld energy seemed to pull him into endless hell.

"Eye of the Sky Demon!"

At the same time, Zihuang also unleashed his magical power and struck with all his strength, bound to kill him completely with one blow.

Even he felt the threat to his life from the force of a single blow from the two Nine Realm Supremes.


A bright fairy light rose from his body, and in an instant, his momentum skyrocketed.

Mobilize the Temple of the Heavens and explode with ultimate power.

Jiang Che's soul also instantly increased to [-] million thoughts.

The power of the soul merges with the power of the physical body.

"Twilight of the Gods!"

The dim light shines, and wherever the light shrouds, everything falls into withering, and neither time nor space can escape.

Destroyed inch by inch.


The supreme blow collided in an instant, and the ultimate light wave produced instantly covered the three supreme figures.

The power of destruction directly shattered the world barrier.

Breaking through the world of Moko.



The force generated by the collision of this blow directly caused the two Ninth Realm Supremes, Youhuang and Zihuang, to vomit blood and get injured. Their flesh cracks appeared, and even their souls suffered serious injuries.

Jiang Che's body was broken down, but with the immortal body at the peak of human immortality, he healed in an instant.

The three figures separated, and the collision of the supreme magical power directly caused damage to both of them.

But in the end, Jiang Che was at a disadvantage.

Even in extreme state, he can only harm the Nine Realms Supreme.

The supreme attack from the two Nine Realm Supremes had already surpassed his magical power.


It was too late to make any adjustments to stimulate the gods of the gods with all their strength.

Directly from the broken world barrier, disappeared without a trace.

"If you want to run, stay with me!"

Angry voices sounded, and Youhuang and Zihuang took action at the same time, and the power of the peerless blow penetrated into the depths of the shattered void.


Blood fell from the depths of the dark void, but Jiang Che was nowhere to be seen.

The power of destruction spread, destroying half of the Moko world.

Within nine days, the figures of Youhuang and Zihuang appeared.

The faces of the two supreme beings were very ugly.

The arrangement was so strict, but in the end, this damn human monk was allowed to escape.

"His magical weapon is not simple. If he didn't have this special magical weapon, there might still be hope."

Zi Huang looked at the destroyed void channel and heard a voice.

"It's too late now, this person has already escaped into the outer starry sky." Youhuang's face was ugly.


At this moment, from the depths of Moko's world, a terrifying aura filled the air.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the Moko world felt a sense of oppression from the depths of their souls.

"not good!"

Feeling the breath coming from the depths of Moko's world, the expressions of the two emperors changed drastically at the same time, and in the next breath, their figures disappeared instantly.

The terrifying aura lasted for a while and finally dissipated.

There is only a striking black hole left in the sky of Moko World.


Jiang Che's figure appeared in the starry sky outside the territory.


The figure fell from the deep sky like a meteorite and landed on a star.

After a while, Jiang Che staggered to his feet.

Standing above the stars, Jiang Che looked far into the Moko world deep in the starry sky and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.


With a flash of fairy light, the Temple of the Heavens appeared.

At this moment, a crack appeared on the temple.

Looking at the cracks on the Temple of the Heavens, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

This is the first time that the All Heavens Temple has been harmed.

However, it only hurt a little, and did not shake the foundation.

After checking the Temple of All Heavens, Jiang Che had an idea and instantly took the Temple of All Heavens into his body to recuperate.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Jiang Che's eyes dimmed.

In a confrontation with two Nine Realm Supremes, even if he reaches his limit, he will be injured at most.

The gap between the Eighth Realm Supreme and the Ninth Realm Supreme is equivalent to the gap between when he first entered the human immortal peak and his current human immortal peak.

More than ten times.

"In comparison, it's still a lot worse."

Jiang Che sighed, then took out an elixir and swallowed it.

This confrontation made him clearly aware of the gap between himself and the Nine Realms.

One on one, he can have the upper hand.

But if it was one-on-two, then he would be tied at best.

The nine realms of supreme, the thoughts of the soul, 8000 million, reaching the state of perfection.

The difference between consummation and incompleteness is huge.

Moreover, with the blessing of the world power of Moko World, Jiang Che could only run away.

One on two, he is definitely no match.

He still used the Chaos True Spirit Technique to forcibly raise his soul to [-] million thoughts.

But still invincible.

However, he was not discouraged. Give him time and transcendence would only be a matter of time.

After calming down the distracting thoughts in his mind, Jiang Che took out several elixirs and began to recover from his injuries with all his strength.


Three days passed by in a flash, Jiang Che absorbed several elixirs, and returned to his peak.

Looking at the dark starry sky, Jiang Che looked at Moko World again.

At the same time, he took out two Heavenly God Dao Fruits and absorbed them with all his strength.

In the Heavenly Palace, the soul shines brightly and shines brightly.


Two months later, after absorbing two Heavenly God Dao Fruits, his soul reached 500 million.

The mana has also become stronger.

The breath also became deeper and deeper.

Standing up and looking into the dark sky, Jiang Che's figure moved and disappeared above the stars in an instant.

The world of Moko is over, and there are other worlds where you can get started.

As long as the demon exists in the world, it is his target.

At least after breaking through the eighth realm, he would choose to return to the world.

At that time, as long as the true form of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor does not take action, he can at least ensure his own safety.


A year goes by quickly.

During this period, Jiang Che traveled to dozens of worlds.

The starry sky is vast and there are many worlds.

The hunting operation was also very successful.

In one year, Jiang Che's supreme team also reached fifty.

There are very few such as the Moko world. In most worlds, it is already good to have a few supreme beings.

Although there are many worlds in the outer starry sky, most of the worlds are ordinary middle-thousand worlds.

The Supreme Being that can appear does not bloom everywhere.

In one year, relying on the rewards from hunting, Jiang Che's strength has also grown by leaps and bounds.

His martial arts cultivation is still at the peak of human immortality, but his strength has improved a lot.

The power reaches the power of 5000 million heavenly dragons.

Immortal cultivation has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and his soul thoughts have expanded to 6000 million soul thoughts.

Breaking through the eighth realm is not far away.


In the outer starry sky, in the dark deep sky, a purple electric light flashed, breaking through the darkness and appearing in the starry sky.

It was Jiang Che.

Looking into the distance, Jiang Che looked ahead. In the depths of the endless starry sky, a large swath of bright starlight bloomed.


No end in sight.

If you look closely, you will see that there are countless stars in the bright starlight.

The world of stars is like a drop of water in the vast starlight.

"This is the Boundary Sea!"

Looking at the endless bright starlight, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

For a year, Jiang Che has been moving forward according to his goals.

His ultimate goal is the Boundary Sea.

If he harvests enough here, then maybe he can break through to the eighth realm.

When the time comes to return to the Great Thousand World, I will have enough strength.

Looking at the boundless sea of ​​stars, Jiang Che's eyes also became solemn.

Jiehai is a famous starry sky restricted area.

The forces that exist here are intricate and complex, and it is also where many innate gods are located.

Although Jiang Che didn't know much about the situation in Jiehai, he still knew something about it.

The final target place, his target, is the large number of demons existing in the boundary sea.

As for the other innate gods, Jiang Che would try not to do anything if they could.

After all, he didn't know the situation of the Innate God Clan.

There are some innate gods whose strength is very terrifying.

There may even be Yangshen-level beings.

The risk of attacking the Innate God Clan is too high.

"The Great Heavenly Lord seems to have said that there seems to be an innate human race in the boundary sea."

Looking towards the boundless sea, a thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

The innate human race is also a special existence belonging to innate life.

Different from the ordinary human race, the innate human race is a very terrifying existence.

The innate human race is favored by the way of heaven. If you practice cultivation, you will be successful!

The human race is born weak, but the congenital human race is born very strong.

Although they are both human beings, their differences are much greater.

In the boundary sea, there is also an extremely powerful innate god clan force.

Moreover, there is an essential difference between the innate human race and the human race.

That is Mami!
The innate human race is an existence with the head of a human and the body of a snake.

The head of a human and the body of a snake is also the true body of the innate human race.

The Innate Human Clan also has another name, and that is the Fuxi Divine Clan.

In normal times, the innate human race is the same as the human race, except that they generally look taller.

But once they fight, the Fuxi God Clan will manifest their fighting form.Able to exert greater strength.

This is also the basic ability of the innate divine beings.

Every innate god has a true body.

By manifesting the true body, the strength can be increased to a certain extent.

Moreover, the innate human race is born with magical powers passed down by blood.

This point is incomparable to the human race.

In comparison, the innate human race and the human race are a perfect body, while the human race is a defective product.

However, the innate human race in this world is already very rare.

In the outer starry sky, only the Innate Human Race exists in the Boundary Sea.

There are very few other worlds, or almost none.

Anyway, he has been to so many worlds and has never met any innate human race.

"I hope there will be something harvestable in the world sea..."

Looking towards the boundary sea, Jiang Che's figure moved and disappeared in an instant, heading towards the boundary sea.


In a moment, Jiang Che arrived at the edge of the boundary sea.

Endless starlight shines.

The light is shining.

Stepping into the boundary sea, Jiang Che could feel the powerful energy of chaos.

In the Boundary Sea, there are innate gods, many special forces, demons, and chaotic beasts.

A truly dangerous restricted area.

But compared to the Ancient God's Nest, at least you won't be hostile to the Innate Gods as soon as you enter.

However, although the Xiantian Gods in the Boundary Sea do not exclude all foreigners like the Ancient Gods, they are not so easy to interact with.

If you are not careful, you may take action.

The boundary sea is also a place where there are many supreme beings.

Stepping into the boundary sea, billions of stars appear in the eyes.

Densely packed with stars of different sizes.

With magical power covering his whole body, Jiang Che moved forward cautiously.

Although his strength is considered top-notch in the world, he cannot be careless.

He didn't want to capsize in the boundary sea.


Continuing to move forward, Jiang Che kept heading towards the depths of the boundary sea.

The boundary sea is vast, and in three days, Jiang Che has only explored the tip of the iceberg.

So far, he has not encountered any danger.


Suddenly, Jiang Che stopped and looked forward.


Jiang Che's eyes narrowed, and his magic power silently enveloped his body, ready to take action at any time.

In the starlight, a figure appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

A red middle-aged man with red skin, hair, eyebrows, and even eyes.

There is also a striking flame mark between the eyebrows.

The aura on his body is probably the existence of the fifth realm of Thunder Tribulation.

"This is...the Vulcan Clan among the Five Elements Clan!"

Looking at the red middle-aged man and noticing the mark between his eyebrows, Jiang Che instantly recognized his identity.

One of the five elements of the Xiantian God Clan.

Born to control the laws of time and fire.

The mark deep between the eyebrows is the symbol of the Vulcan Clan.

Before he even got close, Jiang Che felt a hot breath approaching.

Within the body, the divine fire of Dutian was pure and ready to move.

Sending out a greedy desire.

Jiang Che suppressed the fluctuations of Dutian Divine Fire in his body and looked at the Vulcan tribesman.

This was the first innate life he encountered after three days of entering the Realm Sea.

The hot breath circulates like the sun.

At this time, the Vulcan tribesman also saw Jiang Che, and stopped moving forward, his eyes full of vigilance.

"Human monk..."

Sensing Jiang Che's aura, a ray of light flashed in the eyes of this Vulcan tribesman.

When their eyes met, Jiang Che resisted the thought of killing this Vulcan clan member.

He didn't know the situation in Jiehai. It would be easy to kill this Vulcan clan, but it would be very troublesome if he was targeted by the Vulcan clan.

No one from the Xiantian God Clan is a soft persimmon.

Even if there is no Yangshen-level existence, it is still very terrifying.

If the Vulcan Clan's base camp is nearby and they take action, they will definitely be hunted by the entire Vulcan Clan.

Maybe, he will be hunted down by the entire Five Elements God Clan.

Although he didn't know much information, he also knew the relationship between the Five Elements God Clan, which was very close.

Taking action will trigger a series of chain reactions.

Their eyes met, and the two just looked at each other.

Suddenly, Jiang Che took the lead, ignoring the Vulcan clan and continuing to move forward.

The moment they passed each other, the Vulcan suddenly said: "Wait a minute."


Hearing these words, Jiang Che stopped and looked at the Vulcan tribe in front of him.

If someone is ignorant and wants to take action, he won't be polite.

Not wanting to take action and not daring to take action are two different things.

If you are in a hurry, no matter what innate gods you ride on, they will all be killed.

He Jiang is not someone to be scared of.

"what's up?"

Jiang Che looked at the Vulcan tribe with calm eyes.

"You look familiar. Have we met somewhere?" The Vulcan clan member looked at him and said.

"This is my first time coming to Jiehai. You must have mistaken me for the wrong person." Jiang Che said calmly.

"Is this the first time?"

The Vulcan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I'm sorry, maybe I saw it wrong."

Jiang Che glanced at the Vulcan clan, and without saying a word, he turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared instantly.

Looking at Jiang Che who disappeared from his eyes, the Vulcan tribesman's eyes were solemn.

He stared at the direction where Jiang Che disappeared for a while before he came back to his senses.

He shook his head, and then, his figure moved and disappeared from the place.

But after the Vulcan tribe left, not far away, in the starlight, Jiang Che's figure appeared out of thin air.

"Forget it, there's not much reward for killing him."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Che gave up the idea of ​​killing him, turned around and continued walking away.


The boundary sea is vast and boundless, and stars are everywhere.

But under the starlight, there are many dangerous dangers hidden.


In the starlight, an explosion sounded, and in the light, two figures clashed.

The blast of destructive light directly shattered the surrounding stars.

The figures intertwined, and in just a short moment, they fought tens of thousands of times.

The destructive power emitted turned the surrounding area into a vacuum.

Chaos surged, and violent aura clashed.

And not far away, in the starlight, Jiang Che's figure appeared quietly.

He looked at the two fighting figures not far away.


"Finally I met one."

"It's still the sixth realm."

Jiang Che looked at one of the fighting figures, with three heads and six arms, demonic energy surging, and the aura was very powerful.

And the figure fighting this demon is also a sixth realm existence.

The two sides fought fiercely with immortal weapons, and the fight was very fierce.

"With the head of a human and the body of a snake, this is the innate human race!"

Seeing clearly the other figure fighting against the demons, Jiang Che's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

With the head of a human and the body of a snake, there is no doubt that this person is an innate human race.

"Tsk, tsk, Fuxi's true form from the innate human race is indeed well-deserved. Even the true form from the demon race can be matched."

Seeing the battle between one man and one demon, a gleam of light flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

The first time I met the Innate Human Race, it was the Innate Human Race that had manifested a fighting form.

Although he is in the sixth realm, the strength he can unleash is comparable to the supreme in the seventh realm.

If he had a different opponent, he would probably have been defeated long ago.

The three-headed and six-armed true form of the demon clan has a very powerful magical power, which can be said to be invincible in the same realm.

Being able to fight equally in the same situation is enough to prove the power of this innate human race.

A special situation like his is very rare in all the worlds.


The fairy light burst out from the supernatural power collided, and the innate human race and the demon race were separated.

One person and one demon were all injured.

However, with his strong vitality and resilience, he recovered very quickly.

And just when this innate human race was about to take action again, suddenly, in the starlight, a vast force swept over.

A white palm poked out from the starlight.

It seems like an ordinary palm, but in the eyes of one person and one demon, it seems like a whole world has been pushed across.

Carrying vast and unrivaled power.

The surrounding space was directly frozen.

The demon supreme's pupils shrank instantly, feeling the breath of death.

Without hesitation, he instantly burst out with magical power and blasted towards this white palm.


The magical power hit the palm, only shaking it for a moment, but it still couldn't stop it and continued to attack.

Seeing this scene, the innate human race not far away trembled in heart.

In the next breath, the white palm fell.

With one palm, the body of the soul was smashed into powder.

With just one palm, he was instantly killed. Even the soul could not escape, and he was killed cleanly.

The supreme demon of the Six Realms died just like that!

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, the heart of this innate human race instantly turned upside down.

And at this moment, a figure stepped out among the stars.

Jiang Che came to this innate human race.

Eyes meet.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

"Human Race!"

Looking at the young Taoist in blue robes in front of him, this innate human saw the aura at a glance and quickly came to his senses.


With a flash of light, the form of a human head and a snake body disappeared and turned into a human form. He looked at Jiang Che and bowed his hands: "Mingxuan of the Fuxi Divine Clan, I would like to pay my respects to my senior. Thank you very much for your help in slaying this demon."

"Ming Xuan..."

Jiang Che nodded and wrote down the name.

"You're welcome, it's okay to slay demons and protect the Tao."

Jiang Che smiled and tried his best to appear friendly.

Looking at Jiang Che, this innate human race Mingxuan still looked respectful: "I wonder what you call me, senior?"

"This is Jiang Che, from the world."

Jiang Che directly introduced himself to his family.

He also wanted to get more detailed information about the Boundary Sea from this innate human race.

"From the world!"

Jiang Che spoke, and Mingxuan's face showed surprise.

"Senior Jiang comes from the fairy world?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Mingxuan had an incredible look on his face.

Jiang Che nodded: "Exactly."

Mingxuan looked at him straightly, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

"Coming from the vast world, no wonder he is so powerful..."

"This is my first time to come to Jiehai. I am not familiar with the situation in Jiehai. I wonder if fellow Taoist Ming could tell me the details of Jiehai now?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded and reached Mingxuan's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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