I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 317 Killing Emperor Shitian

Chapter 317 Killing Emperor Shitian

First time coming to Jiehai...

Hearing this, Mingxuan was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came back to his senses.

He thought for a moment, then took out a jade slip and handed it to Jiang Che: "Senior Jiang, here are the details about the Boundary Sea."

"Thank you."

Jiang Che nodded, took the jade slip, and a ray of soul penetrated into it. In an instant, a large amount of information appeared in his mind.

After sorting through the chaotic information, Jiang Che quickly came back to his senses.

Judging from the information about the Boundary Sea in the jade slips, Jiang Che probably has a clear idea of ​​the current distribution of forces in the entire Boundary Sea.

Among them, the most important thing is the distribution of the remaining forces of the demon clan.

In the boundary sea, the demon clan still occupies a large part of the area.

In the entire world sea, the remaining forces of the demon clan are very powerful.

In addition to the remaining forces of the demon clan, there are other information about the innate gods.

There were so many forces in the Boundary Sea that exceeded his imagination.

One of the forces particularly attracted Jiang Che's attention.

Ancient Heaven.

This is a force that can be called a hegemon in the world sea.

And there is very little introduction, only a few words.

But just a few words can show the power of Gutianting.

The boundary sea is vast and divided into five star regions.

One is the Taichu Star Territory.

This is the star field where he is currently.

The second is the Beidou Star Territory.

The third star field is the firmament star field.

The fourth star field is the Infinite Star Field.

And the last star field is the central star field.

The scope of each star field is very vast.

There are also many forces that exist.

Most of the demonic forces exist in the Wuji Star Territory.

However, demons have also infiltrated into other star regions.

The five star regions are the entire scope of the Boundary Sea.

Currently, he has just stepped into the Taichu Star Territory.

"In that case, I have to cross at least two star fields before I can reach the Wuji Star Territory..."

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che sketched a rough scope in his mind.

Even if he crosses the Taichu Star Territory, he cannot reach the Wuji Star Territory.

He had to cross at least two star fields before he could reach the Wuji Star Field.


Suddenly, Jiang Che came back to his senses and cast his gaze into the depths of the sea and starry sky.

With his powerful thoughts, he sensed a particularly powerful aura coming in his direction.

At least he is also an Eight Realm Supreme.

"call out--!"

A ray of fairy light cut through the starry sky, tearing apart the starlight, and in an instant, it came not far from Jiang Che and Mingxuan.

The light converged, and a figure that looked like a middle-aged man in purple robe appeared in his eyes.

"Fuxi Protoss!"

Sensing the natural aura, Jiang Che understood his identity at a glance.

At this time, Mingxuan looked at the middle-aged man in purple robe with surprise on his face: "Uncle Bai, why are you here?"

"I sensed the aura of the demons, come and take a look." The middle-aged man in purple robe said.

While they were talking, the purple-robed Fuxi Clan came to the two of them.

His eyes fell on Jiang Che, "Human monk!"

"The Seventh Realm of Immortality, the Peak of Human Immortality!"

Feeling the invisible aura emanating from Jiang Che's body, the purple-robed Fuxi Clan's heart trembled.

At this time, Mingxuan said: "Uncle Bai, this is Jiang Che, the Supreme from the Great Thousand Worlds. I just fought against the demons. Thanks to his help, I killed the Demon Supreme with one blow."


Listening to Mingxuan's words, the face of the purple-robed Fuxi protoss showed a kind look.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, that's right." Jiang Che smiled and nodded.

"This is my third uncle, Taibai."

Mingxuan opened his mouth to introduce the identity of the purple-robed Fuxi Clan.

Jiang Che nodded and greeted politely.

The Xiantian Human Race has a strong influence in the Boundary Sea and has a good relationship with the Human Race.

Jiang Che also has a good impression of the Fuxi Divine Clan.

During the Dark Age, many Fuxi Clan took action to jointly fight against the Demon Clan.

Saved many human races.

"It's time to go back."

Taibai looked at Mingxuan and said.

Mingxuan nodded and looked at Jiang Che again: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, do you want to go sit with the Fuxi Divine Clan together?"

Jiang Che looked at him and then at Taibai beside him.

He shook his head gently: "Forget it, I won't go. I'll go next time if I have the chance."

"That's okay." Mingxuan nodded and said nothing more.

The two Fuxi Clan said hello to him and then left.

Seeing Mingxuan and Taibai disappear from his eyes, Jiang Che came back to his senses.

The figure flashed and disappeared.

Meeting the Fuxi Divine Clan was just an accident.

After learning about the situation in the Jiehai from Mingxuan, his next step was to go to the Wuji Star Territory.

Although it is a place in the star field with the largest number of demons.

However, the Promise Star Territory does not have the demon clan covering the sky with one hand.

There are many forces.

If everything goes well, the reward from the hunt should be enough for him to break through to the eighth level.

As he moved forward, Jiang Che activated his magic power to penetrate into the Grand Avenue God-Selfing Monument.

Vast mana poured into it.

Begin resurrection.


Within half a day, Jiang Che successfully resurrected him, and a new member was added to the Supreme Team.

The situation in the Boundary Sea is complicated, and the Taichu Star Territory where we are currently located is mostly where the innate gods exist.

Jiang Che did not let his men hunt separately for the time being.

Let’s talk about it when we get to the Wuji Star Territory.

However, he would not let go of the demons he met on the way.

Three members of the Tianzi sequence were separated. While moving forward, they also explored the surrounding situation.

One person is small, but many people can get things done easily.


A few days passed in a flash.

Boundary Sea, Taichu Star Territory.

Jiang Che walked forward in the vast sea of ​​stars.

Three members of the Tianzi Sequence opened the way to ensure absolute safety.

If you break into the territory of a certain innate god clan, you can respond quickly.

In these three days, Jiang Che also met many innate gods.

But basically there is no intersection.

Jiang Che didn't have much interest in learning more about it.

He came to Jiehai to slay demons and improve himself, and break through to the eighth realm.

As for dealing with the Innate God Clan, forget it.

Relationships are important, but more importantly, one's own strength.


While moving forward, Jiang Che certainly stopped, and with a thought, three rays of fairy light broke through the starlight and returned to his side.

After taking in three of the Supreme's men, Jiang Che's aura disappeared, and his figure disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

In fact, he used the Temple of the Heavens to hide in the starlight.

In the vast sea of ​​stars.A bloody light appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

In the bloody light, a tall figure appeared.

"Di Shitian!"

Looking at this bloody figure, Jiang Che instantly felt murderous intent in his heart.

Good, good!
Jiang Che did not expect to meet Emperor Shitian in the boundary sea.

He almost died when he was chased by Emperor Shitian.

The second encounter also failed in the end, allowing Emperor Sahitian to run away.

This time, he would not let Emperor Shitian leave.

"Creation Realm... It seems that this guy's chances are not small."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

But the stronger it gets, the more excited he gets.

Killing Emperor Shitian, who has cultivated in the eighth realm, will not only bring out a big prize, but also add a top subordinate to his supreme team.

But just as he was about to take action, a purple light came from a distance.

It is in the same direction as Emperor Shaktian.

The purple light caught up with Emperor Shitian and walked side by side.

Jiang Che also looked into this purple light.

In the purple light, there is a beautiful woman in palace attire about 30 years old.

The cultivation level is the same as that of Emperor Shitian, and he also exists in the eighth realm.

Walking side by side, the beautiful woman in palace clothes said as she walked: "If you succeed this time, I believe you will be fine. By then, you can also become a part of the ancient heaven."

"I've got it, I hope you can say a few nice words for me in front of the Lord of God." Emperor Shitian laughed.

"That's for sure." The beautiful woman in palace clothes nodded.


"Ancient Heaven..."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

How could Emperor Shitian get together with the people of Gutianting? !

Jiang Che was stunned.

Listening to the conversation, it seems that this beautiful woman in palace attire is from the ancient heaven.

god lord...

Jiang Che frowned as he watched the two people getting closer and closer.

He did not expect that Emperor Shitian was still involved with the forces of Jiehai Ancient Heaven.

This time, Jiang Che felt a little bit in trouble.

"No, even if he is from Gutianting, I can't let him live today."

Jiang Che's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

So what about the ancient heaven!

There is also the Temple of Origin behind him.

Who is afraid of who!

He is determined to kill Emperor Shitian. Today, unless the Yang God comes, I, the King of Heaven, will not be able to save him.


The space was shattered, and a destructive fairy light erupted from the starlight, sweeping towards Emperor Shitian and the beautiful woman in palace attire in an instant.

After deciding to take action, he must eradicate them all, and this person from Ancient Heaven must also die.

Cutting the grass without removing the roots will lead to endless troubles!

The starry sky shattered, and the sweeping fairy light of destruction instantly shocked Emperor Shitian and the beautiful woman in palace attire.


Without any time to think, the two of them took action at the same time, activating their magical powers and instantly met Jiang Che's attack.


The surrounding starry sky shattered, and the floating meteorites and stars turned into powder in an instant, clearing a vacuum.


Their bodies shook, and the two of them flew thousands of miles backwards, spurting out blood and smashing through the stars before they stopped.

Jiang Che's figure appeared from the void.

The moment he took action, he directly used the barrier of the heavens to block the millions of miles of starry sky.

Even if everything inside is turned upside down, the fluctuation will not spread out.

"It's you!"

Looking at Jiang Che's figure, Emperor Shitian's scarlet pupils shrank.

The beautiful woman in palace clothes on the side also flashed a look of shock and anger in her eyes.She looked at Emperor Shitian aside and said, "Is this person your enemy?"

"Yes." Di Shitian nodded.

"Long time no see. Today, it's your turn to hit the road." Jiang Che's voice sounded.

The aura in the body was released, and a powerful spiritual pressure instantly descended on the two supreme souls.

As heavy as an ancient sacred mountain.

"I am from Gutianting. Your Excellency, you are attacking me because you want to start a war with Gutianting!"

"If you leave like this, I can pretend that nothing has happened."

The beautiful woman in palace clothes spoke, and her voice reached Jiang Che's ears.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che remained unmoved at all.

"Don't think about it. Today, either he dies or we die!" Emperor Shitian said in a deep voice.

"It seems you understand very well." Jiang Che's voice sounded.

Emperor Shitian looked at him with murderous eyes: "Jiang Che, don't think that I am afraid of you."

"Red Blood Purgatory!"

A monstrous red light erupted from behind Emperor Shitian, and endless bloody evil energy roared and surged, forming a pillar of evil energy and rushing toward Jiang Che in an instant.

Seeing the incoming blow, Jiang Che raised his hand slightly, and the law of power exploded, manifesting the power of the dragon, roaring, and rushed out instantly.


A collision caused the entire heaven barrier to shake. Countless stars and meteorites turned into powder, and violent shock waves shook the heaven barrier.

After a collision, Jiang Che remained motionless, and Emperor Shitian flew thousands of miles upside down again. His physical body collapsed, leaving only his soul.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"How can the power of the peak human immortal be so terrifying!"

The pupils of the beautiful woman in palace clothes shrank, and with a single blow, the body of Emperor Shitian was destroyed.

This strength gap is not generally large.

"If you want to kill me, explode it!"

Emperor Shitian roared crazily, without hesitation, directly detonating tens of millions of soul thoughts at once.

But before this destructive power spread, Jiang Che directly used the power of the All Heavens Temple to suppress it.

The power of the Yuan Shen explosion shook the entire heavenly barrier, but it was not shattered.

The power of tens of millions of soul thoughts to explode was directly suppressed.

The manifestation of Emperor Shitian's soul has become very weak.

Jiang Che didn't give him the slightest chance to breathe. The Grand Avenue Conferring God Monument appeared and suppressed it all, imprisoning Emperor Shitian's soul in the Conferring God World.

In a completely crushing battle, even the Eighth Realm Supreme Emperor Shitian and his self-exploding soul could not stop Jiang Che's blow.

The difference is clear at a glance!
The beautiful woman in palace attire looked at him, and her heart was trembling. She tried to calm down, suppressed the fear in her heart, looked at Jiang Che, and said: "Senior, he and I are not the same person, we have only met a few times. Please consider this. For the sake of heaven, let me go, as long as senior agrees, I can do whatever I want!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Che's figure flashed in front of the beautiful woman in palace attire. Without any mercy, the power of 5000 million heavenly dragons fell on the beautiful woman in palace attire and exploded.

The soul was directly hit hard.


With a flash of golden light, the Avenue of Gods Monument quickly suppressed it.

Two Eighth Realm Supremes were killed just like that.

With a thought, Jiang Che withdrew the barrier from the heavens and disappeared into the starry sky in an instant.

After traveling thousands of miles and descending from the starry sky to a star, Jiang Che took out the Grand Avenue God-Selfing Monument.

The two severely injured Eighth Realm Supreme Yuans were attacking crazily in the Conferred God World, but to no avail.

Even the peak can't escape, let alone the soul that is only severely damaged.

After activating the Grand Avenue God-Sealing Monument, Jiang Che started refining without hesitation.

The shrill screams resounded in the world of gods.

In half an hour, Jiang Che completely wiped out the spirits of Emperor Shitian and the beautiful woman in palace attire.

In the moment of oblivion, Jiang Che's mind was shaken, and he felt that his understanding of the avenue had instantly improved to a higher level.

An unknown and powerful feeling came to my heart, and the laws of the Creation Realm seemed to become much clearer in my heart instantly.

"It seems that killing Emperor Shitian will improve my path a little bit."

Jiang Che let out a breath.

After coming back to his senses, he turned his gaze to his mind, and two rewards for the sixth grade of Yu appeared.

"Two grand prizes!"

Looking at the two white-gold reward light groups in his mind, Jiang Che felt relaxed.

As soon as the thought comes to mind, you can immediately start withdrawing rewards.


The light shone brightly, and a Godly Dao Fruit instantly appeared in front of Jiang Che.

After swallowing it in one gulp, Jiang Che also extracted the second reward while absorbing the Heavenly God Dao Fruit.

The light bloomed, and the second reward appeared in front of him.

Demon heart!

The purple heart beats, touching his heart and emitting a common frequency.


The Dutian Divine Fire bloomed, swept through the Demon God's heart, and began to clear away the Demon God's energy.

At the same time, Jiang Che injected mana into the Grand Avenue God-Selfing Monument, activating the captured original soul mark, and began to resurrect it.


In three days, he successfully resurrected the two Supreme Beings.

Two Seven Realm Supremes were added again.

The total number of supreme teams has reached 53.

"Jiehai is really a good place. This harvest is greater than the previous month."

Jiang Che exhaled, then calmed down his mind and absorbed the Heavenly God Dao Fruit and the Demon God's Heart with all his strength.


A month passed quickly.

Jiang Che successfully absorbed the Heavenly God Dao Fruit and also completely absorbed the Demonic God's Heart.

The thoughts of the soul have been increased to 7000 million, and the physical strength has also been increased to 6000 million heavenly dragons, and the control of the law of power has become more profound.

After stabilizing his breath, Jiang Che's figure disappeared above the star in an instant.


Boundary Sea, Taichu Star Territory.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, a huge continent with tens of millions of stars appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

Starry Sky Continent.

This is a starry sky continent composed of supreme supernatural powers and stars.

Looking from a distance, one can see a huge city on this starry sky continent.

Countless figures shuttled back and forth.

The entire Starry Sky Continent is covered by multiple avenues of divine formations. To enter the Starry Sky Continent, you must break through the avenues of divine formations to enter.

"Void Imperial City!"

After seeing the name of the city clearly, Jiang Che thought for a moment.

If nothing else, this Starry Sky Continent should be the headquarters of the Void God Clan.

The Void God Clan is also a powerful innate God Clan.

Innate magical power, virtualization.

Fighting against the Void God Clan is enough to give people a headache.

Because all your attacking magical powers cannot hit.

Activate the virtualization talent to make the physical body and spirit become virtual at the same time.

Only in the moment of physical form, it is solved.

Otherwise, it cannot be killed.

The Void God Clan's talent for virtualization can be called abnormal.

This special ability is only possessed by the Void God Clan.

It can be said that he is a unique darling of heaven.

There is no way, the innate gods are all favored by heaven.

Each innate god has its own unique abilities.

Long life, fast cultivation, and innate magical powers.

This is a natural advantage.

Jiang Che glanced at the Void Imperial City deep in the Star Sea. Just as he was about to leave and continue moving forward, a powerful aura descended from the starry sky.

In the starlight, the figure of an old man in black robes appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

He has silver hair, a face full of vicissitudes of life, and a fairy whisk in his hand, which makes him look like a fairy.

The aura is also very deep, Nine Realms Supreme!

"The Void God Clan."

Looking at the old man in black robes in front of him, Jiang Che's eyes narrowed.

"This fellow Taoist, why did you come to my Void Imperial City?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the old man in black robe said.

Jiang Che: "I'm just passing by, not going to the Void Imperial City."

"Passing by?"

The old man in black robe narrowed his eyes, looked at him, and said after a while: "Your Excellency has the aura of the immortal world on his body. Could it be that he comes from the immortal world?"

"How did he see that?"

Jiang Che was taken aback.

Looking at Jiang Che's appearance, the old man in black robe said: "I have been to the immortal world before, and my fellow Taoist is contaminated with the aura of the origin of the immortal world. I guess that your fellow Taoist should be from the immortal world, right?"

"I am indeed from the fairy world." Jiang Che nodded.

There is nothing surprising about the Nine Realms Supreme possessing some special magical powers.

"After so many years, I have never been to the fairy world. I wonder how I am now?"

The old man in black robe asked.

"It's okay, there haven't been many changes." Jiang Che said.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave first." Jiang Che said calmly.

The old man in Xuanpao smiled: "Why are fellow Taoists leaving in such a hurry? I don't have any ill intentions. I'm just curious that fellow Taoists have come to Jiehai from the Immortal Realm for something, right?"

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?" Jiang Che frowned.

"Since fellow Taoist don't want to say it, then forget it, please do it." The old man in Xuanpao said.

Jiang Che glanced at him, and then his figure flashed and disappeared.

"Fellow Taoist, you are entangled with great cause and effect. I'm afraid you will suffer a disaster in the boundary sea. You need to be careful!"

At this time, the voice of the old man in black robes sounded in his ears again.

Hearing this, Jiang Che stopped instantly.

But when he turned around, the old man in black robe had disappeared without a trace.

"Big cause and effect, disaster..."

"Is this old guy trying to trick me?"

Jiang Che frowned.

He stayed there for a moment, glanced at the Void Imperial City, and disappeared in an instant.

When Jiang Che's figure completely disappeared.

In the starlight, the figure of the old man in black robe appeared again.

He looked at the direction in which Jiang Che disappeared, and his eyes flashed slightly: "The devil is very deep, but if he can control it, depending on his destiny, he may become a Dao-level being in the future..."

The old man in black robe murmured to himself, and then his figure disappeared again.


Boundary Sea, Beidou Star Territory!
In the Taichu Star Territory, it took more than half a year for Jiang Che to fully enter the Beidou Star Territory.

Stepping into the Beidou Star Territory, Jiang Che could feel a special change in the starry sky.

Rules change.

This change is almost imperceptible.

But this rule change has little impact on him.

The stars in the Big Dipper sky are even brighter.

The galaxies are connected, blooming with dreamy starlight, and countless nebulae condense into one, which is beautiful.

Jiang Che's figure set foot on this vast galaxy, absorbing the power of the surrounding stars, and his magic power became more powerful.

However, this improvement is very small.

Basically not much has changed.


Just as he set foot on the star river and traveled less than a thousand miles, a destructive sword energy swept across from the depths of the starry sky.

Jiang Che happened to be within the range of the Destruction Sword Qi.

Seeing the sky-covering destructive sword energy coming towards him, Jiang Che gently raised his hand, activated the power of law, and instantly annihilated it.

Standing above the nebula, Jiang Che cast his gaze into the vast deep space.

A powerful wave of battle surged from the depths of the starry sky.

The sword energy is destroyed, and the fairy light collides.

Tear apart nebulae and shatter stars.

Deep in the starry sky, two figures clashed at extremely fast speeds, exceeding the light.

Jiang Che's eyes instantly turned to the two fighting figures deep in the starry sky.

(End of this chapter)

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