I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 318 The poor Taoist Jiang Chete came here to kill the devil.

Chapter 318 The poor Taoist Jiang Chete came here to kill the devil.
A wave of destruction visible to the naked eye invades the starry sky.

The two supreme realms collided, and the power generated by the explosion of the magical magical weapon directly annihilated the law of one side.

Jiang Che stood in the starlight and looked at it. The power generated by it made him feel a little threatened.

"Nine realms supreme..."

Jiang Che sensed the aura emanating and felt a little shocked in his heart.

Not long after entering the Beidou Star Territory, I encountered two Nine Realm Supremes clashing.

The burst of strength made his heart palpitate.

One black and one white, two fairy lights collided and intertwined.

The sweeping force of destruction has become increasingly powerful.


A super light wave bloomed, and the two figures who were fighting at high speed separated.

Revealing his true appearance, one looked like a young man, while the other looked like a burly man.

They are all Nine Realm Supremes, and no one has the upper hand.

Standing in the starry sky of destruction, the aura of destruction exuding from his body caused waves to form in the void.

The two stood in the starry sky, looking at each other, their eyes full of murderous intent.

It seems that there is no end to death.

Jiang Che didn't know any of these two people.

However, it did not prevent him from watching the battle.

"Xuan Tian, ​​as long as you hand over your things, I can let you go today."

In the starry sky, the voice of a burly man sounded, the sound was loud and deafening, echoing in the starry sky.

"Haha, do you think I will hand over what I got?"

The young man laughed.

The burly man's face instantly darkened: "You are shameless, so don't blame me."


Within his body, a powerful fairy light rose, and in the depths of the starry sky, countless stars trembled, and the endless starlight turned into a long river of starlight and poured into the body of the burly man.

In an instant, his momentum surged.


The breath in his body rushed out, and a roar shook the starry sky. The next second, the burly man raised his hand, and a starlight tore through the darkness and quickly swept towards the young man.

"Star Destroyer Magical Power, you want to kill me, but you are not qualified!"

The young man's eyes condensed, and the fairy light in his body rushed out. The infinite light condensed and compressed, turning into a fairy sword, and the extremely sharp sword energy slashed out instantly.


The dark vacuum was cut open like cloth.

The two supreme magical powers collided together again.


When the blows collided, a burst of light waves instantly covered their bodies.

The wave of destructive power spread across the starry sky at a terrifying speed.

Sweeping millions of miles.

Jiang Che was also within the range of the wave of power.

But when it spread to his side, a layer of light bloomed, easily blocking this wave of destructive power.

When the light dissipated, the two figures appeared in his eyes again.

His clothes were torn and there were scars all over his body.

They all looked injured.

"These two are evenly matched. It would be difficult to win or lose."

Standing in the starlight, Jiang Che looked at this scene and made a comment in his heart.

"Two Nine Realms are not easy to deal with. Forget it, let's go around first!"

Jiang Che's figure flashed and quickly disappeared into the starlight.

But the next second, a destructive force shattered the starry sky, and Jiang Che's figure forced out from the dark starry sky.

Jiang Che looked at the burly man deep in the starry sky with cold eyes: "What do you mean?"

"Fellow Taoist, don't panic. I am a member of the Ancient Heavenly Court. I encountered some trouble today. I hope that my fellow Taoist can help me. Once the matter is accomplished, I will definitely give you some benefits."

The voice of a burly man sounded, and every word came clearly to his ears.

"Ancient Heaven..."

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed and he looked at this burly man.

And after hearing these words, the young man's expression changed.

At the same time, he looked at Jiang Che and said, "This fellow Taoist, please don't be fooled. Gu Tianting is a person who goes back on his word. If you cooperate with Gu Tianting, you will definitely be tricked to death."

"Fuck your mother's fart!"

The burly man was instantly furious.

Jiang Che looked indifferent and said, "I have no interest in interfering in your affairs."

"I still have things to do, so I'll take my leave now."

Jiang Che spoke.

The burly man's face darkened, but he didn't say anything.


In the next breath, Jiang Che turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared instantly.

Seeing Jiang Che disappear, the burly man and the young man withdrew their eyes and looked at each other. After staying for a few breaths, the two figures collided again.

The starry sky trembled, and the power of destruction invaded the starry sky.

Countless stars were annihilated.

Deep in the starry sky, Jiang Che glanced at the two fighting men and completely disappeared without a trace.

The people of Gutianting, he did want to take action for a moment just now.

But in the end I held back.

He was not absolutely sure about the Nine Realms Supreme.

It may be possible to defeat him, but it is basically impossible to kill a Nine Realm Supreme.

Even if you use the ultimate state of the Temple of the Heavens, it won't work.

If he ran away, there would be endless trouble.

Either don't do it, or it will be ashes.

If a trace of trouble is left behind, it will inevitably cause a devastating disaster.

Even if a ray of soul escapes, it will have disastrous consequences.


Boundary Sea, Beidou Star Territory.

Jiang Che's figure stepped out into the endless starry sky.

Apart from the initial accident, Jiang Che did not encounter any other troubles after entering the Beidou Star Territory for more than ten days.

Except for the demons, Jiang Che would not take action under normal circumstances.

Standing in the starry sky and looking at the sea of ​​stars in the distance, Jiang Che compared the routes in his mind.

If he follows the route, he will reach the Wuji Star Territory in about a month.

"Keep going."

Jiang Che felt certain in his heart and turned into a purple lightning bolt, traveling through the starry sky and heading towards the depths of the endless sea of ​​stars.


Deep in the starry sky, a huge fairy boat sailed smoothly in the sea of ​​stars.

Immortal light envelopes the fairy boat, and stars it encounters will automatically avoid it.

Suddenly, the fairy boat stopped in the starry sky.

On top of the fairy boat, a purple-robed figure appeared.


The purple-robed figure stood on the fairy boat, looking at the stars.

"There seems to be a familiar smell..."

The purple-robed figure murmured to himself.

And at this moment, in the starry sky, a purple electric light cut through the starry sky and stepped out.

A young Taoist figure wearing a green Taoist robe appeared.

It was Jiang Che.

He stopped in the starry sky and looked at the fairy boat in the distance of the starry sky. To be precise, he looked at the people on the fairy boat.

"Are you Taoist Brother Jiang Chejiang from the Great Thousand Worlds?"

The voice reached Jiang Che's ears, and Jiang Che looked at the purple Taoist figure on the immortal boat.


With a movement of figure, Jiang Che quickly arrived in front of the immortal boat.

"Fellow Daoist Hongmeng!"

Looking at the purple Taoist figure on the immortal boat, Jiang Che's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Haha, it is indeed Fellow Daoist Jiang."

On top of the immortal boat, Taoist Hongmeng, who was wearing a purple Taoist robe, smiled.

As he spoke, Taoist Hongmeng's figure flashed, stepped out of the fairy boat, and looked at Jiang Che, "I haven't seen you for hundreds of years. My fellow Taoist, it's so earth-shaking now!"

Jiang Che smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, I'm sorry, I just got a few opportunities."

Taoist Hongmeng: "Opportunity is also a part of strength!"

"Fellow Daoist Hongmeng, why are you here?"

Jiang Che looked at Taoist Hongmeng in front of him and asked.

Hongmeng Taoist: "I just came from the Wuji Star Territory."

"Did you just come from the Wuji Star Territory?"

Looking at Taoist Hongmeng, Jiang Che had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Yes." Taoist Hongmeng nodded, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, why are you in the boundary sea?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at Taoist Hongmeng, and said: "I just came to Jiehai not long ago, and I am planning to go to the Wuji Star Territory."


"That's quite a coincidence." Taoist Hongmeng smiled.

"It's a pity that it was a step too late and I couldn't go all the way with fellow Taoist Hongmeng." Jiang Che sighed.

"Haha, it is fate to meet each other in the vast starry sky."

Taoist Hongmeng smiled.

"By the way, fellow Taoist, you just came from the Wuji Star Territory, so you should know the situation in the Wuji Star Territory, right?"

Looking at Taoist Hongmeng, Jiang Che asked.

Taoist Hongmeng nodded and looked at Jiang Che: "As for the situation, the Wuji Star Territory is currently a bit uneven!"

"Not quite?"

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed and he looked at Taoist Hongmeng: "Can you elaborate?"

Taoist Hongmeng nodded slightly and said: "Now, the demons in the Wuji Star Territory have united into one. In the Wuji Star Territory, all major forces are fighting against the demons, and wars may break out at any time..."

"This is the general situation. If you go to the Wuji Star Territory for business, you may need to be careful. Otherwise, you will easily get involved."

Looking at Jiang Che, Taoist Hongmeng looked serious.

Jiang Che nodded, and after what Taoist Hongmeng said, he felt that this was a good opportunity for him.


The more chaotic the better, what he wants is to fish in troubled waters.

"I understand, thank you fellow Taoist for informing me." Jiang Che bowed.

Taoist Hongmeng smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome, I want to return to the place of origin, so I can't go with my fellow Taoists."

"It's okay. When I get to the place of origin in the future, I will definitely visit fellow Taoists." Jiang Che smiled.

"Haha, that poor Taoist is waiting for your Taoist friend to come." Taoist Hongmeng smiled.


Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, the two chatted for a few words, and Jiang Che took the lead to leave, escape into the starlight, and disappear without a trace.

Seeing Jiang Che disappear, Taoist Hongmeng withdrew his gaze and stepped onto the immortal boat again.

"The peak of human immortality, the seventh realm of immortality...this guy has improved very quickly!"

With a deep sigh in his heart, Taoist Hongmeng immediately activated the immortal boat, turned into a ray of immortal light, and disappeared from the place.


Boundary Sea, Beidou Star Territory.

In the starlight, a ray of purple lightning cuts through the starlight and moves forward.

From Taoist Hongmeng's words, Jiang Che understood the specific situation of Wuji Star Territory.

The most important thing is the news about the demons.

In the Boundary Sea, the number of demons existing in the Wuji Star Region is the largest.

At least half of the place is occupied by demons.

Nowadays, the demons existing in the Wuji Star Territory are united as one. This may also be a signal before the coming of the demonic catastrophe.

However, the calamity has really come, and Jiang Che is not too afraid now.

After all, even if the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up.

In addition to beings at the Yang God level, Jiang Che is not afraid of any demons no matter how powerful they are under the Yang God.If you can't beat him, if you have to run away to save his life, that's no problem.

After doing this and breaking through the eighth level, he will be more secure.


Thinking of this, Jiang Che accelerated his speed and headed towards the direction of the Wuji Star Territory.


A month passed quickly.

Jiang Che also crossed the Beidou Star Territory and officially entered the Wuji Star Territory.

Stepping into the Wuji Star Territory, Jiang Che could feel the changes in the rules of the starry sky.

In the Boundary Sea Star Territory, each star territory has different rules.

However, these rules have little impact on the Supreme.

There is not too much impact, although there are some small impacts, but it is generally fine.


In the Wuji Star Territory, in front of a sea of ​​stars, Jiang Che's figure appeared here.

Looking at the sea of ​​​​stars in front of him, Jiang Che glanced around. Looking from the sea of ​​​​stars, he could see some broken star fragments, which proved that a big battle took place here before this.

Most of the star sea was penetrated, but the traces of destruction left behind have not dissipated.

Only in this kind of place can we fight unscrupulously.

The boundary sea is too large.

The scope of one star field is equivalent to half of the origin.

Stepping into the sea of ​​stars, you can see floating star fragments everywhere.

It will take a long time for the stars to collapse and the traces of destruction that exist after the battle to be completely eliminated.

"someone is coming!"

Jiang Che suddenly stopped and looked into the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars. In the next breath, he summoned the Temple of the Heavens and instantly made his figure disappear in the starlight.

At the moment Jiang Che disappeared, from the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars, an immortal boat came.

Jiang Che's eyes instantly turned to this fairy boat.

There are seven or eight figures on the immortal boat.

All of them are in the Supreme Realm, but most of them are in the First and Second Realms. The strongest one is the leader, an old man in black robe, who is in the Seventh Realm of Thunder Tribulation.

This lineup is considered very powerful.

Cut through the starlight and keep getting closer.

Jiang Che looked at this fairy boat and noticed an eye-catching sign on the fairy boat.

"This sign... seems to be Nantian Divine Palace."

After seeing the symbol on the fairy boat clearly, Jiang Che thought for a moment and found some information about this force.

Nantian Temple.

It is a big force in the Wuji Star Territory.

The influence is not small.

Although it is not as good as the ancient Heavenly Court, which is famous as the overlord of the world sea, it should not be underestimated.

This force is also a large force composed of multiple innate gods.

There are many existences in the Supreme Realm, even those at the peak of Thunder Tribulation, there are several.

"It should be."

After confirming it carefully, Jiang Che felt certain.


Suddenly, Jiang Che sensed a subtle change coming from the Temple of the Heavens, and his eyes instantly turned to the depths of the starry sky.

"Demon breath!"

Jiang Che's eyes froze.

In the next breath, the starlight broke apart in the vast deep sky of the sea of ​​stars, and a bloody ray of light tore through the starlight and headed towards the immortal boat of Nantian Divine Mansion.

"No, the demons are here!"

Seeing the bloody light tearing apart the starlight, the expressions of the supreme beings from the Nantian Divine Mansion on the immortal boat changed.

The leading old man in black robe instantly burst out with a fairy light, covering the fairy boat.


At this moment, the fairy light fell on the fairy boat, an explosion sounded, and a terrifying wave of destruction swept around.

The approaching meteorites and small stars immediately collapsed and turned into nothing.

On the immortal boat, except for the strongest old man in black robe, the other supreme beings were seriously injured and vomited blood.

Fortunately, this immortal boat is still an immortal weapon, and coupled with the urging of the Supreme Lord of the Seventh Level of Thunder Tribulation, although he was injured by vomiting blood, it was not fatal.

The bloody light disappeared, and a voice came from the depths of the starlight.

"Haha, very good. I didn't expect that I could gain something here."

Unbridled laughter came, and a blood-robed figure appeared in the starlight.

Behind the blood-robed figure, there was a black-robed figure.

Two demon supremes!

One is the existence of the eighth realm, and the other is the existence of the seventh realm.

The number is small, but the strength completely crushes all the supreme beings in the Nantian Divine Mansion above the immortal boat.

Seeing the arrival of the two demon supremes, all the supremes in the Nantian Divine Mansion had extremely ugly expressions.

Not to mention two, even one Seventh Realm Supreme is very difficult to deal with.

Not to mention, there is an even more terrifying Eighth Realm Supreme.

Working together, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave alive today.

"Tsk tsk, there is also an old ghost from the Seventh Realm. The flesh, flesh and spirit must be delicious."

Staring at the Seventh Realm Supreme in Nantian Divine Mansion, the black-robed demon licked the corners of his mouth, his eyes glowing with bloodthirsty scarlet light.

"I want the soul, and the body is yours."

The blood-robed demons spoke in front of each other, as if they were directly dividing the goods.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the faces of all the supreme beings in Nantian Divine Mansion were extremely ugly.

"Haha, okay, no problem." The black-robed demon smiled.


The demonic energy around him surged, and in the next breath, a scene like hell appeared behind him.

"Hand of darkness!"

With a thought, the black-robed demons took action directly. In the netherworld, a terrifying demonic hand came out and instantly grabbed onto the immortal boat of Nantian Divine Mansion.

The blood-robed demons on the side watched quietly, with everything under control.


On top of the fairy boat, the strongest old man in black robe showed off his fairy weapon, and the mana around him surged, activating the fairy weapon in an instant.

But before he could take action, a finger suddenly appeared in the starlight.

It was so sudden, it just appeared out of nowhere.

A glistening finger poked out from the starlight and pointed at the magic hand.


That gentle finger contained unimaginable destructive power, instantly shattering the magic hand.


The magical power collapsed, and the black-robed demon spit out a mouthful of blood.

But the fingers of the Demonic Destruction Hand did not stop and continued to attack the black-robed demons.

"Heavenly Blood Mahamudra!"

On the side, the face of the blood-robed demon changed, and he activated his magical power, and endless bloody magic light bloomed, gathering into a big bloody hand, carrying vast power, and instantly collided with the crystal fingers.


The starry sky trembled, as if the light from the exploding stars rose.

The collision of one hand and one finger produced a powerful wave of power that shattered the stars.

The light dissipated, and the big bloody hand and crystal fingers disappeared.

But the remaining aura of destruction still exists.

"There are still masters!"

The blood-robed demons were shocked.

At this time, a purple sword energy descended from the starlight and swept towards the two demons.

The sword energy is like a brilliant divine sword, coming with supreme power.


The two demons burst out with magical powers at the same time, and instantly blasted the purple sword energy.



The magical power and sword energy collided, and the purple sword energy was unharmed. The two demons were directly hit hard and vomited blood instantly.

Before he could take a breath, the purple sword energy penetrated the body of the black-robed demon.

All of them, including the soul, were wiped out with one strike.

The Supreme Demon Clan of the Seven Realms fell on the spot.


Seeing this scene, the blood-robed demon's expression changed wildly, and without hesitation, he turned into a bloody light and escaped into the starry sky.

"Since you're here, don't leave."

A faint voice sounded, and in the next breath, the blood-robed demons who had escaped into the starry sky were directly forced out.

A large mouthful of demonic blood spurted out, and the divine light in his eyes dimmed by three points.


At this moment, the starlight exploded, and a terrifying golden law wheel appeared.

Crush directly towards the blood-robed demon clan.


The blood-robed demon activated the magic sword in his hand, forming a terrifying blade energy that instantly struck the golden wheel of law.

But the gap between the two was too big. At the moment of collision, the attack of the magic sword was directly shattered.

The magic knife let out a mournful cry and was knocked away from his hand.

The Divine Wheel of Law crushed away and directly split the body of the blood-robed demon into two.

That bloody scene makes people feel sick just looking at it.

The powerful demon body was directly divided into two halves.

A bloody light inspired the spirit of the blood-robed demon clan.

But before he could run out, a golden monument arrived.

The golden light bloomed and was instantly absorbed into the golden tablet, suppressing it.

Two demon supremes, one the Seventh Realm Supreme and the other the Eighth Realm Supreme, died just like that.

I didn't even see who took action.

On the immortal boat, all the supreme beings from the Nantian Divine Mansion were stunned.

Even the Nine Spirits Supreme at the peak of Thunder Tribulation cannot be killed so easily.

Which Supreme takes action? !
At this moment, the golden monument disappeared, and in the starlight, a young Taoist priest in blue robes appeared.

The Taoist robe shook, and a beam of fairy light rushed out, sweeping over the corpses of the two dead demons.

It was instantly included in his Taoist robe.

On top of the immortal boat, several supreme figures from the Nantian Divine Mansion instantly looked at the young Taoist in blue robes.

No need to guess, this person must have taken action just now and killed two demon supremes.


In an instant, on the immortal boat, the leading black-robed Supreme came to his senses first, stepped out of the immortal boat, and came to the starry sky.

Looking at the young Taoist priest in the green robe in front of him, he bowed his hands and said, "Elder of Nantian Divine Mansion, Baili Xuan, thank you for your help, senior."

Jiang Che looked at the old man in black robe in front of him and said softly: "You're welcome, I'm always willing to help others."

Baili Xuance raised his head and looked at the young Taoist who was so close.

To be honest, if he hadn't witnessed the scene just now, he would never have believed that this young man had such terrifying strength.

"The pinnacle of human immortality, the seventh realm of immortality..."

Feeling the aura on Jiang Che's body, Baili Xuan's heart trembled.

It is indeed rare to be able to easily obliterate the existence of an Eighth Realm Supreme. Such a terrifying peak of human immortality is indeed rare.

Moreover, it is even rarer for the dual supreme masters to practice to this extent.

"I don't know how to call the senior?"

Baili Xuan asked cautiously.

Jiang Che looked at him and said, "Don't call me senior. You and I are about the same level of cultivation. Just call me Taoist friend. I am a poor Taoist from the Great Thousand World. I heard about the turmoil among the demons in the Wuji Star Territory and came here to kill the demons."

"Jiang Che..."

"The Supreme Being from the Immortal Realm!"

Baili Xuan's heart beat violently. He looked at Jiang Che and took a deep breath: "Fellow Daoist Jiang is so powerful that he can come to the Wuji Star Territory to slay demons. It can be said to be a great good thing for our Wuji Star Territory!"

"Haha, fellow Taoist Baili, you're too polite. Demons are the common enemy of all the worlds, and Pindao is just contributing his own strength."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

 I'm sorry, please give me a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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