I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 32 Spirit Sword Peak【For further reading】

Chapter 32 Spirit Sword Peak【For further reading】

"Huangzi Yipin..."

Seeing the dark letters gradually dissipating from his eyes, Jiang Che sighed inwardly.

It's still one step away, and it's just a little bit close to entering the flood.

Universe, Universe, Flood, Desolation!

For the leap of a large grade, the rewards are different grades.

But it was over, Jiang Che could only sigh.

In the end, all the demon slayers were of the Hongzi level.

But it's only natural, after all, the original monsters were all great monsters.

He just picked up a bargain.

The monster ape in front of him is different, he completely relies on his own strength to kill him.

Psychologically, Jiang Che also had a slight sense of accomplishment.


"He has all the Thunder Talismans, who is he?"

Senior Sister Bai and the three looked at this handsome young man, and they felt turmoil in their hearts.

Thunder Talisman!

The talisman that can move the thunder of heaven and earth, the attack is huge!

Ordinary disciples don't have such awesome talismans.

At least it is worth thousands of spirit stones, and ordinary disciples can't afford it.

For Taoist disciples, only those who have entered the true biography level have a monthly salary.

As for the disciples of the true biography level, the monthly salary is only one thousand spirit stones.

It's only worth a Thunder Talisman, maybe even a little bit less.

And the disciples below the true biography level, even if they are inner disciples, do not have any monthly salary.

To earn spirit stones, you can only earn merit by completing tasks.

They all felt a bit "luxury" when they hunted the monster ape and took a Thunder Talisman with them!
This "demon slaying method" cannot be imitated.

If you don't have a certain social status, you can't afford it!
Of course, apart from the Thunder Talisman, this person is also very strong.

Especially the special thing about the wounded demon ape.

Like sword energy, but also like a magic weapon.

It should be some kind of special magic weapon.

But even if it is Yujianshu, it is better than her two junior sisters and younger brothers.

The infuriating energy was thick and amazing, which shocked her a little.

Several people's thoughts were like lightning, and soon, Senior Sister Bai came back to her senses first, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Thank you, Junior Brother, for helping me kill this beast."

"You're welcome, killing demons and eliminating demons is a matter of course!"

Jiang Che smiled.

But he still felt a little pain in his heart.

If he had known that the Thunder Talisman was so powerful, he probably would have thought about it.

What can I do if I use everything available?
Jiang Che was not that stingy either.

With the demon book, there will be treasures stronger than the sky thunder talisman.

The premise is to kill demons and eliminate demons.

"My name is Bai Jie. This is my junior sister, Lingyue, and this is my junior brother, Xu Feng. We are both disciples of Lingjian Peak. May I ask what your junior name is?"

Senior Sister Bai introduced her identity, looked at Jiang Che, and smiled.

"Bai... Jie?!?!"

When Senior Sister Bai said his name, Jiang Che was taken aback for a moment, and looked at her in a daze.

this name...

What a surprise!
"Junior brother? Is there any problem?"

Seeing Jiang Che staring at her without blinking, Senior Sister Bai said with an unnatural expression.

"Oh, it's okay, my name is Jiang Che, a disciple of Little Qiongfeng."

Jiang Che quickly recovered and revealed his identity.

He does know a little about Lingjian Peak.

One month's time is not all hard work. I read some Taoist manuals in my spare time. The 72 peaks and Lingjian peak are also ranked very high, among the top ten!

"Little Qiongfeng!!!"

The three of them were startled at the same time, looking at the handsome young man in front of them in disbelief.

"You...you are from Little Qiongfeng?"

Xu Feng couldn't help but open his mouth, staring at Jiang Che with wide eyes.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Che blinked.


The three looked at each other and looked at each other.

Daozong 72 peak, if this Jiang Che is a disciple of other peaks, even if it is the disciple of an elder, they will not be too surprised.

But Little Qiongfeng is different.

The situation of Little Qiongfeng can be said to be unique among the 72 peaks.

The other peaks, no matter what, have more than a dozen disciples.

But only Little Qiongfeng didn't have a single disciple.

It's not that Little Qiongfeng is weak, but rather, very strong!

The owner of Little Qiongfeng, Xuan Miaoyin, is one of the three giants of Dao Sect.

Among the 72 peaks, which peak has the strongest overall strength?I'm afraid it needs to be investigated.

In Daozong's ten-year peak meeting, another peak may be the next number one.

It may be difficult to win among the peaks.

But if it is said who is the number one among the masters of the peaks, then there is no doubt that it must be Xiao Qiongfeng.

One of the three giants of Daozong.

The existence that has stepped into the Supreme Realm of Thunder Tribulation is also the most terrifying one among the 72 peak masters.

But there are no apprentices.

This situation, not a year or two, but decades of the situation.

Ever since Xuan Miaoyin became the master of Xiaoqiong Peak, it has been like this, without a single disciple under her sect.

Although countless people want to become the disciple of this giant, but everyone can catch their eyes.

Although their practice is short, the history is very clear.

Jiang Che in front of him is Xuan Miaoyin's disciple?

They were more shocked than seeing a ghost.

"It seems that there is such a situation. More than a month ago, a super genius appeared at the opening of the recruitment meeting. He was favored by the great elder, but in the end he was taken away by Xuan Miaoyin. Could it be that this person is him?!"

Bai Jie's heart trembled, thinking of some rumors heard in the sect.

Although I didn't witness it with my own eyes, quite a few deacons have seen it.

In the end, I heard that it was the head teacher who gave the order to assign this super genius to Xuan Miaoyin.

"Is he really that super genius?!"

Bai Jie looked at Jiang Che in front of her with a pair of bright eyes, and a thousand layers of waves arose in her heart instantly.

If it's correct, counting the time, it took just a little more than a month for that super genius to get started, and Jiang Che in front of him has a cultivation level at the sixth level of Qi Gathering.

That is to say, he reached the sixth level of energy gathering in a month!
This kind of super talent seems to be reasonable, otherwise, it would be impossible for the two giants to compete.

Little Qiongfeng's first disciple, this is literally decades of history.

Jiang Che ignored the shock of the three of them, and went straight to the scorched corpse of the demon ape.

Holding the dharma sword, he broke open the demon ape's chest and heart, took out a small porcelain bottle, and skillfully took out the blood essence from it.

Jiang Che took it for granted that it took a piece of Heavenly Thunder Talisman to obtain the blood essence of the monster ape.

This monster ape is much stronger than the two monsters he killed before, it would be a big waste if he didn't collect blood.

After installing the blood essence of the monster ape, a smile appeared on Jiang Che's face.

At this moment, Bai Jie and the other three also came back to their senses.

Looking at Jiang Che in front of him, judging from his performance and speculation just now, it is estimated that this Jiang Che is probably that super genius.

Being able to be recruited by Xuan Miaoyin, with top-level qualifications and talents, in the future, he must also be a giant.

"I'll take the essence and blood, and you will share the rest equally."

Jiang Che looked at the three of them and said.

"Ahem, Senior Brother Jiang was joking. This demon ape was killed by Senior Brother Jiang, so it should belong to Senior Brother."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xu Feng showed a smile on his face.

Bai Jie and Lingyue didn't speak, and they didn't have much opinion.

"I've worked hard, I don't own it all by myself, so leave!"

Jiang Che shook his head, as long as he collected the essence and blood, it would be too greedy if he wanted everything.

Although the corpse also has a certain value, but he can't go too far.

We are both disciples of Dao Sect, so stay on the front line when doing things, so we can meet each other in the future!
After all, he was killed halfway, and it was enough to ask for blood.


Shrinking the ground into inches and bursting out, Jiang Che's figure instantly disappeared from the eyes of the three of them.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Che had disappeared without a trace.

"Senior Sister Bai, is he really that super genius?"

Seeing the direction in which Jiang Che disappeared, Lingyue blinked.

"It should be close."

Senior Sister Bai nodded.

"Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity to make friends!" Xu Feng sighed.

This kind of super genius should be made as soon as possible.

When you grow up, who will know yourself!
"Let's do it, deal with this demon ape first." Senior Sister Bai glanced at the direction Jiang Che left, and said after recovering.

Lingyue and Xu Feng nodded, and then took out the magic sword, and the three of them got busy.

(End of this chapter)

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