I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 33 Demon Locking Rope 【For further reading】

Chapter 33 Demon Locking Rope 【For further reading】

"Huangzi Yipin, I hope there is a good one."

Stopping in his tracks, Jiang Che looked around, with a thought, a breath, a flash of light, and an object appeared in his hand.

"This is... a magic weapon?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback, looking at the black thing in his hand.

It is a black rope, about a foot long.

The dark font appeared.

Demon-locking Rope: A top-grade psychic treasure. When confronting an enemy, it can activate the true energy to automatically lock the enemy's body and implement tight restraints, so that the enemy loses the power to resist and do whatever they want!

"The demon-locking rope..."

"Is this supposed to be similar to the legendary fairy rope?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and looked at the demon-locking rope in his hand.

In the fairy tales, he has heard of binding the fairy rope.

There is no problem with restraining immortals and gods.

Of course, the demon-locking rope in his hand must be different from the fairy-binding rope in fairy tales, it cannot bind immortals and gods, but it should be no problem to deal with ordinary demons and ghosts.

"Find one and try it first!"

Looking at the depths of the jungle, Jiang Che moved and quickly disappeared in place.


The Northern Wilderness Mountains, in the depths.

An area shrouded in poison.

In the air, there is a vast expanse of whiteness.

This is not an ordinary mist, but a poisonous mist formed by the poison barrier.

Fortunately, Jiang Che used Hundred Flowers Pill, so his body can defend against this poisonous barrier without the need for true qi.

The ground is soft and wet, and when you step on it, you feel as if you are going to sink.

Walking among the poisonous forests, the white poisonous fog completely blocked the sight.

Jiang Che was highly concentrated, using his powerful perception to detect the surrounding situation.

A place where this kind of poison barrier is rampant is even more dangerous.

The situation of encountering monsters is also very big.

As the sky was getting dark, Jiang Che decided to get another goblin, and then went back.

The night had an effect on him, and it was not safe to be here at night.

Stepping forward on the soft ground, Jiang Che tensed up all the time.

The ghost knows if there will be a monster suddenly popping out from somewhere.

Eyesight decreased, and visibility was less than ten feet.

He couldn't see anything more than ten feet away.

Can only rely on extraordinary perception.

Suddenly, Jiang Che's ears moved, and his footsteps stopped instantly.

In the depths of the white poison barrier, a slight restlessness came.

The voice was very small, but in his extraordinary perception, it was extremely clear.

"There is a situation!"

Jiang Che clenched the Dharma sword tightly, and with the other hand, the Demon Locking Ring appeared silently.

Taking a step forward, Jiang Che proceeded cautiously.


At this moment, a strong wind suddenly hit, blowing the poisonous barrier, his eyes went dark, Jiang Che subconsciously raised his sword to block it.


The magic sword seemed to have collided with gold and iron, a powerful force shook, Jiang Che took a few steps back and saw a black shadow appearing in the poison barrier.

"Spider spirit!"

Jiang Che's eyes were fixed.

A black spider spirit the size of a person appeared in front of him.

Eight legs, cast like steel.

It was one of the spider legs that just collided.

It looks very hideous, and there is a terrifying human face on the spider spirit's abdomen.

The demonic energy is surging, very terrifying!

At this moment, the human-faced spider spit out a huge spider web, and quickly attacked Jiang Che.


The flying sword vibrated, and the red sword light burst out quickly, cutting towards the attacking spider web.


The sharp sword glow cut through the spider web, shattering the spider spirit's blow.


At the same time, Jiang Che didn't stop for a moment, the demon-locking rope erupted in an instant, King Ming's true energy poured in, and in the next breath, the demon-locking rope in his hand glowed, flying like a spirit snake, and quickly rushed towards the human-faced spider spirit.

The speed of locking the demon rope was very fast, like lightning, and the human-faced spider spirit hadn't recovered yet.

The eight spider's legs and body were tightly bound by the demon-locking rope, unable to move.


It fell to the ground all of a sudden, like a big black ball.


The human-faced spider spirit let out a ferocious roar, but it was of no avail, the demon-locking rope was completely locked and could not move at all!

"It's powerful!"

"As expected of a psychic treasure, it's just different!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward, looking at the spider spirit with a human face tightly bound by the demon lock rope.

The person in the belly looked at Jiang Che with a ferocious face, and let out a fierce roar.

Jiang Che raised his sword, and with a puff, the incomparably sharp dharma sword instantly pierced into the body of the human-faced spider spirit.


A painful sound sounded, and the human-faced spider-spirit flowed out a green liquid.

Jiang Che activated King Ming's True Qi, and as soon as he exerted force, the human-faced spider spirit completely lost its breath and was killed directly.

Seeing that the human-faced spider spirit remained motionless, Jiang Che showed a satisfied smile on his face. With a thought, the demon-locking rope that locked the spider spirit's body was withdrawn in an instant.

With the demon-locking rope, his slaying and slaying demons is even easier.

Instant results, super easy.

If he meets the demon ape again, Jiang Che can easily kill him with the rope that locks the demon.

Ordinary monsters and ghosts cannot escape at all.

The demon book vibrated.

The golden reward light group appeared again.

The Monster Book gave an evaluation reward: the second grade of Huangzi!
Although it is not as high as Monster Ape's evaluation, Jiang Che is satisfied with being able to reach the reward of the second rank.

With a thought, an item appeared in his hand.

It was a green ball the size of a baby's fist!

Luscious green, flashing a strange green light.

"what is this?"

Jiang Che was taken aback.

And at this moment, the dark font appeared in the eyes.

Poison Pills: Poison pills that contain high levels of poison. When facing the enemy, the real energy can activate the poison pills and cause fatal damage to the enemies!
"Poison Spirit Pill..."

"This thing is a highly toxic explosive!"

The gloomy characters gradually disappeared, and Jiang Che came back to his senses.

This time, he understood the role.

Same as dynamite!
However, this thing is a real "poison!"

Detonate the gas and kill the enemy.

"It's also a good thing!"

After recovering, Jiang Che put away the poison spirit pill.

Use it when you get a chance.

Looking at the dead spider spirit, Jiang Che picked up the magic sword and started to move.

Collect blood!

The eight spider legs were chopped off by Jiang Che. This thing can be sold for spirit stones, although it can't be sold for much.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat!

After everything was done, Jiang Che dug a hole casually and buried the naked spider spirit.

Immediately, he turned around, rushed out with a stride, and quickly disappeared into the poison barrier.

Just enough.

Entering the Northern Wilderness Mountains today, he has already killed several monsters in a row.

Great victory on the first day!

Jiang Che was also in a good mood.

A psychic treasure was also revealed!

in a better mood.

The demon lock rope is currently his strongest magic weapon.

Not every disciple has the psychic treasure.

Most of the disciples are magic weapons.

Jiang Che's flying sword is also a magic weapon.

It is still the most basic low-grade magic weapon.

The more powerful disciples have high-grade magical artifacts, even top-grade ones!
And the psychic treasure, to call it more popularly, is the Lingbao!
The gap between the power of the magic weapon and the magic weapon is even greater.

Not only that, but also a certain spirituality.

The demon-locking rope is a spirit treasure, a top-grade spirit treasure!

The biggest reward today is this demon-locking rope!
Losing the Heavenly Thunder Talisman and breaking out the demon-locking rope, Jiang Che's luck is also good!

Stepping out of the Northern Wilderness Mountains, it was completely dark.

Look up at the sky, the starry night hangs in the sky!
The figures of the other disciples have disappeared, and most of them have gone back.

At night, it is better to go back to the Zongmen.

Lighting up the flying sword, making a tactic with one hand, and activating the sword control technique, Jiang Che immediately flew into the air with the sword and flew in the direction of Little Qiongfeng.


After more than a quarter of an hour, Jiang Che returned to Little Qiong Peak.

The figure descended from the sky and landed beside the lake. Jiang Che glanced at the brightly lit Qiongfeng Hall and walked straight away.

This is the first time I return from slaying a demon, I have to ask my master for peace.

"Anyone else?"

Arriving in front of the hall, Jiang Che heard the conversation in the hall with his extraordinary perception.

When he came to the entrance of the hall, in the hall, the white jade collapsed, and besides Xuan Miaoyin, another figure appeared in his eyes.

A light blue palace dress, a graceful figure, a proud majestic peak, and a stunning appearance, comparable to his master!
(End of this chapter)

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