I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 320 Action Explosive Hammer Demon Emperor

Chapter 320 Action Explosive Hammer Demon Emperor
After wandering around for a while, Jiang Che returned to the room.

Knowing the current general situation of the Wuji Star Territory, he also needs to make some preparations.

Hunting the Demon Supreme Lord also involves high risks.

However, high risk means high reward.

This is also an opportunity for him to quickly break through to the eighth realm.

The strength is more stable, and it will be safer to return to the world in the future.

The threat of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor cannot be underestimated.


Nantian City.

In front of a cloud palace, Baili Xuan's figure appeared here.

Before stepping into the Cloud Palace, a voice came.

"Hey, Elder Baili, are you back?"

Baili Xuan stopped, stood in the sea of ​​clouds, and looked into the void.

In the void, a purple-robed figure stepped out of the air, and in an instant, he came to Baili Xuan.

Holding a fairy whisk in his hand, his hair as white as snow, he has an air of immortality.

"Elder Hong, why are you here?"

Looking at the figure in front of him, Baili Xuan's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Elder Hong smiled and said, "I just came back."

"What do you have to do?"

Looking at Baili Xuan, Elder Hong asked.

Baili Xuan nodded, "I have something to do with Feng Huang."

"Okay, let's go and talk later."

Elder Hong smiled.

Baili Xuan nodded and then stepped into the Cloud Palace.

Elder Hong's figure flashed and instantly turned into a celestial light and disappeared without a trace.

Stepping into the Cloud Palace, Baili Xuan came to the central hall of the Cloud Palace: "Baili Xuan has something to meet with the Feng Emperor."


As soon as he finished speaking, in the next breath, a ball of green light condensed, and a tall middle-aged man in white appeared in front of Baili Xuan.

The aura is very powerful, and he is clearly a peak supreme being.

Looking at Baili Xuan, the middle-aged man in white said: "Elder Baili, what do you want?"

Looking at the middle-aged man in white in front of him, Baili Xuan said: "Qi Feng Emperor, I came here today to report something."

"Say it." Feng Huang nodded.

Baili Xuan: "The thing is like this, I completed the task of tracing, and when I came back, I encountered the supreme sneak attack of the demons..."

After briefly recounting the matter, Feng Huang's expression became solemn.

"It seems that the demons are moving very quickly, and their hands have already reached here."

Baili Xuan nodded, "Yeah, I didn't expect that there would be a demon supreme lurking nearby to attack. If it weren't for the human supreme Jiang Che from the Great Thousand World, I might not be able to come back."

The Feng Emperor looked at him and his eyes flashed slightly: "Is this human supreme being you are talking about really from the Great Thousand Worlds?"

"That should be the case. His aura does not have the aura of Jiehai." Baili Xuan nodded.

"How could the human supreme being of the vast world come to the Boundary Sea?" Feng Huang squinted his eyes and murmured.

Baili Xuan: "He said he came for the demons, and his purpose was to kill them."

Feng Huang looked at him and said, "Is there such a kind-hearted human race in the world?"

"The Promise Star Territory is in such chaos and the demons are rampant. It feels a bit strange to come instead of running away!"

Feng Huang said.

Baili Xuan looked at him and said, "Could it be that Feng Huang thinks there is something wrong with this person?"

Feng Huang frowned slightly and said, "According to what you said, this matter is indeed a bit strange, but I can't judge the specific situation without seeing the person."

Baili Xuan: "I have also talked with him. This person is particularly concerned about the situation of the demon clan. When he killed the demon clan supreme, he was also very straightforward. I believe he has no problem."

"Now the demon clan's movements are expanding very fast, with new changes every day. We also need experts, especially experts like this."

Baili Xuan said.

Feng Huang pondered for a moment, then said: "Where is he now?"

"It's at my house." Baili Xuan said.

"I plan to bring him here early tomorrow morning. Then you can meet Feng Huang."

"Well, okay, no problem." Feng Huang nodded.

"Would you like to meet the others as well?" Baili Xuan looked at Feng Huang and asked.

Fenghuang: "I will arrange it now. You don't have to worry about it. Just bring it to you when the time comes. If there is a ghost, you will know when we see you tomorrow."

"Okay." Baili Xuan nodded.

"Go down, you are tired from this trip." Feng Huang said.

"Yes." Baili Xuan nodded, then turned around and left Yunkong Hall.

Watching Baili Xuan disappear from his eyes, Feng Huang squinted his eyes.

"The supreme human race in the world... interesting!"

He murmured to himself, and the next second, the Feng Emperor's figure instantly disappeared into the hall.


The day passed quickly.

The next day, early in the morning, Jiang Che left the room and followed Baili Xuan to the core holy palace of Nantian Divine Mansion.

In the sky above the center of Nantian City, in front of Yunhai Tiangong, the figures of Jiang Che and Baili Xuan appeared.

Arriving in front of Yunhai Tiangong, Baili Xuan looked back at Jiang Che: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, please!"

Jiang Che nodded lightly and then stepped into the Tiangong Hall.

In the magnificent hall, three figures appeared in front of him.

A middle-aged man in white, a middle-aged man in black, and an old woman in black robe.

The three of them are all supreme beings in the Nine Realms, and their auras are astonishingly strong.

Behind him, Baili Xuan also followed into the Cloud Palace Hall.

The eyes of the three Nine Realm Supremes all fell on Jiang Che.

Sensing his aura, a glimmer of light flashed deep in the eyes of the three supreme beings.


As soon as his figure flashed, the middle-aged man in white took a step and was in front of Jiang Che in an instant, looking him up and down with his eyes.

"This is Jiang Che from the Great Thousand Worlds, friend Dao Jiang, right?"

The middle-aged man in white spoke.

Jiang Che nodded lightly, neither humble nor arrogant: "Jiang Che, a poor Taoist, has met three fellow Taoists."

"You are so young and your strength is already so profound. It is really extraordinary!"

At this time, the old woman in black robe also stepped forward, looked at Jiang Che with a pair of slightly cloudy eyes, and spoke.

"The Daoist has won the prize."

Jiang Che smiled softly.

"I have been to the Great Thousand World before, and I know a little bit about the Great Thousand World. I dare to ask my friend, which force in the Great Thousand World comes from?"

At this time, the middle-aged man in black robe also stepped forward, looked at Jiang Che and asked.

"Eastern Wilderness Continent, Dao Sect!" Jiang Che said.


The middle-aged man in black robe nodded, looked at him, and said: "I know a little about this force, but there seems to be no one as powerful as you in this immortal sect!"

Jiang Che looked at him and said with a smile: "I wonder when you have been to the world?"

"More than 300 years ago, probably less than 400 years ago." The middle-aged man in black robe replied.

Jiang Che: "That's normal. I've been practicing cultivation for only 300 years, maybe less than that."


As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, the eyes of the three supreme beings instantly focused.

You have been practicing for less than 300 years? !
how can that be!

Looking at Jiang Che, the three supreme beings all had a flash of shock in their eyes.

Behind him, Baili Xuan's heart couldn't help but beat a little.

I knew Jiang Che was young, but I didn't expect that he would be so young!

In less than 300 years, it is extremely rare to achieve this level of strength in all the worlds.

"Fellow Taoist is so extraordinary. I was too abrupt. I'm sorry!" The middle-aged man in black robe came back to his senses and looked at Jiang Che with a hint of apology on his face.

"Haha, no problem."

Jiang Che smiled.

At this time, Baili Xuan stepped forward and said: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, these three are the emperors of our Nantian Divine Mansion. This is Fengqiu, Fenghuang, this is Nanxuan, Nanhuang, this is Beiling, Beihuang.”

Baili Xuan introduced them one by one, and Jiang Che also kept them in mind, nodded and said hello.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, please take a seat first!"

The Fenghuang in white looked at Jiang Che and spoke with a smile.

Jiang Che nodded, stepped forward, and sat on the seat on the left.

The three emperors also sat opposite him.

Baili Xuanze sat next to him.

Their eyes met, and the three emperors looked at each other, then looked at Jiang Che. Emperor Feng said: "Fellow Daoist Jiang came to help and saved Elder Baili. On behalf of Nantian Divine Mansion, I would like to thank you."

Jiang Che: "You're welcome, it's just a little effort."

Beihuang: "I'm curious. Fellow Daoist Jiang came all the way here not only to slay demons, right? But there are other things to do?"

"This guy doubts me..."

Listening to these words, Jiang Che remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he understood the meaning of these words.

He looked indifferent and said: "Nothing else, I came here just to deal with the demons."

"On order..."

After hearing this, the Three Emperors' eyes flashed and they looked at Jiang Che. The Feng Emperor said, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, what do you mean by this is that someone instigated fellow Daoist to come and kill the demon?"

"That's understandable."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Can I ask one more question? I wonder whose order Brother Dao Jiang is on?"

Bei Huang looked at him and asked.


Jiang Che didn't say anything. He spread his hands, and the fairy light bloomed in his palms. The eyes of the Three Emperors and Baili Xuan were instantly focused on his palms.

A token appeared in his hand.

"I wonder if you all recognize this order?"

Jiang Che spoke.

The eyes of the Three Emperors were focused on Jiang Che's hand. Looking at the token in his hand, his heart was shocked.

"Origin Token!"

"You are from the Temple of Origin!"

Feng Huang spoke and looked at Jiang Che, his eyes full of surprise.

"The Temple of Origin!"

On the side, Baili Xuan's heart was beating as he looked at Jiang Che with incredible eyes.

Is Jiang Che still from the Temple of Origin? !
Baili Xuan really didn't expect that Jiang Che actually had this level of identity.

The Temple of Origin is the number one immortal force in the Origin.

It is also a very terrifying force.

The Nantian Temple is far inferior to the Origin Temple.

Not only are there many supreme beings, but the Temple of Origin also has three immortal emperors.

The strength is more terrifying than ordinary immortal forces.

In the Boundary Sea, except for the Ancient Heavenly Court, probably no other force can rival the Temple of Origin.

In the Yunkong Hall, the eyes of several supreme beings were focused on Jiang Che, and it was very quiet.

Jiang Che nodded lightly and said, "Yes, I am from the Temple of Origin. Under the orders of God Haotian, I am here to kill the devil!"

Jiang Che's voice reached their ears word for word.

The expression of the Three Emperors changed instantly.

Haotian God!

One of the Three Emperors of Origin!

Naturally, they have heard of this great being.

It’s just that I have never seen the true appearance of this great emperor.

Jiang Che is a member of the Origin Temple, and he is under the orders of God Haotian.

This news somewhat shocked them.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, can you let me see the Origin Token?" Feng Huang took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Che.

"Of course you can." Jiang Che nodded, and then he threw the token to Feng Huang.

After receiving the Origin Token, he looked at it carefully, confirmed that the token was genuine, and returned it to Jiang Che. "Fellow Daoist Jiang, I'm sorry, I was still suspicious before. I hope you can forgive me."

Looking at Jiang Che, Feng Huang said with an apologetic look on his face.

Jiang Che smiled: "It's okay, it's understandable."

At this time, the Southern Emperor and the Northern Emperor also came back to their senses. They looked at each other and saw a hint of shock in the other's eyes.

Jiang Che turned out to be from the Temple of Origin, which somewhat surprised them.

This super power has extraordinary influence in all heavens and all realms!

On the side, Baili Xuan also came back to his senses, looking at Jiang Che, his mind was full of complexities.

Jiang Che's background was a bit beyond his imagination.

He is actually a member of the Temple of Origin.

He never thought of it.

"Everyone, can we get down to business now? I want to know the specific situation about the Demon Supreme."

Looking at the Three Emperors, Jiang Che said.

The Three Emperors nodded, and the Beihuang said: "Of course."

"The current situation is like this..."

Beihuang told more detailed information, and at the same time, he also handed Jiang Che a jade slip. In the jade slip, there was detailed information about the demons collected by the Nantian Divine Palace.

Combining the information in the jade slips, Jiang Che already knew the situation of the entire demon clan in the Wuji Star Territory.

"The movement of the demons is very fast. Now, three forces are surrounded by the demons. Although there is support, it will be very difficult depending on the situation."

Looking at Jiang Che, Beihuang said.

"The situation of the Phantom God Clan is the most serious. They have been besieged by many demon supremes. Once captured, the Phantom God Clan will probably not be able to escape."

Nanhuang spoke.

Jiang Che smashed the jade slip in his hand, looked at the Three Emperors, and said, "Let's do this. Pindao will go to support the Phantom God Clan and solve the Phantom God Clan's problem first."

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, are you going alone?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the three emperors were shocked.

"It's not a big problem, I believe it can be done." Jiang Che nodded.

"In that case, our attack here can contain the other two parties' attacks. What do fellow Taoists think?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Beihuang said.


Jiang Che nodded.

"Then I hope everything goes well, fellow Taoist."

Looking at Jiang Che, the three emperors spoke at the same time.

Jiang Che nodded: "It's not a big problem."

Immediately, after discussing the specific actions again, Jiang Che stepped out of Yunhai Tiangong.

Watching Jiang Che leave, the three emperors looked at each other, and their figures disappeared into the Yunhai Tiangong at the same time.


Nantian City, outside the city, looking at Jiang Che, Baili Xuan said: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, are you really sure?"

Jiang Che smiled: "Pindao never engages in uncertain battles."

"Okay, I wish fellow Taoist friends a smooth trip."

Baili Xuanzuo bowed.

Jiang Che nodded, and then his figure turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared from Baili Xuan's eyes.


After stepping out of Nantian Divine Mansion and looking at the vast starry sky, Jiang Che sorted out the information in his mind.

The Phantom Clan was besieged by a large number of demons.

Among them, there are quite a few demons in the Supreme Realm, and there is also a Demon Emperor who is the Supreme Realm of the Nine Realms.

This is the biggest trouble, but Jiang Che is still confident that this is not one of the ten demon kings.

As long as the Nine Realm Demon King is contained and other targets are solved by his men, he believes that there will be no big problems.


As soon as his figure moved, Jiang Che instantly turned into a purple light and escaped into the endless starlight.


Two days later, Jiang Che's figure stepped out of the Boundary Sea, the Infinite Star Territory, and the deep sky.

He cast his gaze towards a sea of ​​stars in the distance.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, there is a starry sky continent suspended in the starry sky.

The entire Starry Sky Continent is covered by the Great Avenue Divine Formation.

At this moment, this starry sky continent is being besieged by a large number of demons.

The overwhelming demonic energy turned the entire star sea into a demonic realm.

Facing the siege of the demon clan, the Phantom Clan could only stay in the base camp.

This innate god clan is not powerful.

They can only be regarded as ordinary innate gods.

Moreover, the Phantom God Clan is not suitable for fighting. Their innate magical powers are more suitable for escape and charm.

The Phantom God Clan has a very distinctive feature, that is, they are good-looking.

The woman is handsome and the man is handsome.

In terms of combat effectiveness, compared with other gods, it is far behind.

It is not difficult to besiege the Phantom God Clan.

At least, it's much better than besieging other innate gods.

The Phantom God Clan is also an innate God Clan attached to the Nantian Divine Mansion.

But now, the demons are attacking aggressively, and all other forces in Nantian Divine Mansion have been contained.

There is no way to help the Phantom God Clan.

But after all, it is also the base camp of the Innate God Clan and the Phantom God Clan, and it is not so easy to break through.

However, if this level of attack continues, it will only be a matter of time before the Great Avenue Divine Formation is shattered.

Jiang Che's eyes glanced around, gaining an insight into the situation at a glance.

There are more than twenty demon supremes in total.

There are no less than 300 million demons.

However, these demons are second to none. Jiang Che’s casting target is still those demon supremes.

Based on his aura judgment, Jiang Che also locked onto the strongest Demon Emperor among them.

Demon King of Hell!

This is the only Nine Realm Demon King.

In addition to this Demon Emperor, there are two Eight Realm Demon Emperors.

The Demon Emperors of the Seventh Realm and the Fifth Realm are considered the backbone of the Supreme.

There are 26 demon supremes in total, and the lineup is very powerful.

While looking at it, Jiang Che also felt the gaze of the Prison Demon Emperor that day.

"Human monk!"

"You are still at the peak of human immortality, which is great. Your flesh and blood essence must be delicious!"

A cold voice came from the depths of the star sea.

In the next breath, a bright demonic light bloomed, a torrential demonic energy surged, and a black-robed demon stepped out of the star sea.

The aura vibrated, and the Heavenly Prison Demon King looked at Jiang Che with a pair of scarlet eyes, greedy eyes blooming in his eyes.


Star Shift was launched, and Jiang Che instantly descended from the depths of the starry sky to beyond the sea of ​​​​stars.

His eyes collided with the Heavenly Hell Demon King.

"You dare to come here alone, you are so courageous!"

"Destroy you, I believe it is enough."

Jiang Che said lightly.


In the sea of ​​stars, two rays of magic light were activated and came to the front of the Heavenly Prison Demon King.

His eyes turned to Jiang Che.

"Prison King, this guy is very arrogant."

One of the Eight Realm Demon Emperors spoke, his eyes fixed on Jiang Che.

"At the peak of human immortality, you have the ability to be arrogant, but I don't know if your strength is enough."

The voice of the Heavenly Hell Demon King sounded.

"Then let's test the waters."

The two Eighth Realm Demon Emperors spoke, and as soon as they finished speaking, a torrential amount of demonic energy erupted, killing Jiang Che in an instant.

Seeing the two Eighth Realm Demon Emperors attacking together, Jiang Che's expression did not change at all.

Standing in the starry sky, the moment the attack came, he took action.


All the power of the physical body exploded, and the power of 7000 million heavenly dragons gathered together, and in the face of absolute power, they exploded with magical powers.



The two Eight Realm Demon Emperors instantly vomited blood, and their physical bodies collapsed, leaving only their dim souls.

The surrounding starlight shattered, leaving a shocking dark trail.

The aura of destruction spreads and the stars collapse.

Jiang Che took action again, and a sharp sword energy burst out, slashing out instantly.


The Heavenly Prison Demon King was shocked and angry, and his demonic energy exploded, turning into a dark demonic hand, blocking this powerful blow.

The souls of the two Eight Realm Demon Emperors came behind the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor and looked at Jiang Che with a hint of fear in their eyes.

The two magical powers that combined to attack not only did not harm the human monk, but his physical body was directly destroyed.

The strength was reduced by nearly half.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, the pupils of the other demon supremes shrank, and the bodies of the two eighth-level supremes were directly exploded.

Where is this monster coming from?


As Jiang Che thought, dozens of golden lights appeared behind him, and supreme beings appeared behind him one by one.

The breaths connected together, shaking the starry sky.


Looking at the dozens of supreme beings behind Jiang Che, the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor's pupils shrank sharply.

This is not a puppet!
But the real Supreme!
Carry dozens of them with you!
They were crushed in terms of numbers.

"Not a single one!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and dozens of the Supreme's men behind him immediately mobilized.

All of them held fairy weapons and rushed towards the sea of ​​​​stars.

"There are all kinds of things!"

The dark magic light bloomed, the aura surged, and a terrifying demonic shadow appeared behind him.

With a huge explosion of mana, the Heavenly Prison Demon King took action instantly, but in the next second, a golden divine wheel of law manifested and blasted towards the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor in an instant.

"Your opponent is me!"

One blow destroyed the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor's magical power, and Jiang Che's voice reached the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor's ears.

"who are you!"

The Heavenly Prison Demon King looked extremely ugly, and he had already attacked the base camp of the Phantom God Clan, but he never thought that such a guy would be killed at the critical moment of success.

And there are dozens of supreme beings accompanying him.

"Then don't worry so much. I just want to ask for advice today."

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared in an instant, and he came directly in front of the Demon King of Hell.

He activated the Divine Demon Fist and punched the Heavenly Prison Demon King.


Dazzling light waves bloomed, Jiang Che launched the Divine Demon Fist, and directly knocked back the Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor with one punch.

The terrifying power even caused cracks in his body-protecting immortal weapon.

Even if most of the power is blocked, the remaining power is still terrifying.


With a lunge, Jiang Che came close again.

The immortal body at the peak of human immortality and close combat are his specialties.

So what about the Nine Realms Supreme!
Can still hit hard!

After a few breaths, Jiang Che fired tens of thousands of divine and demonic fists. The Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor was retreating steadily. The body-protecting immortal weapon on his body could no longer withstand Jiang Che's power and exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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