I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 321 Explosion and destruction

Chapter 321 Explosion and destruction
The immortal weapon collapsed, and the fragments shot through the starry sky like light, penetrating the stars.

Perfectly displaying the power of his human body at the peak of human immortality, Jiang Che crushed him with absolute power.

Encircled by the law of power, coupled with the power of the Divine Demon Fist, the entire sea of ​​​​stars was collided and ravaged by the aura of power.

On the other side, in the sea of ​​​​stars, Jiang Che's supreme men were like wolves entering the flock of sheep, killing everyone.

With the experience of teaming up to siege, the cooperation is flawless.

The four Seventh Realm Supremes joined forces and directly surrounded the souls of the two Eighth Realm Supreme Demon Emperors, forming a square sword formation.He directly pressed down the two Eighth Realm Supremes and beat them.

The physical body collapsed and the soul was severely damaged. The two Eighth Realm Supreme Demon Emperors were simply invincible and retreated steadily.

The other supreme beings joined forces to kill other demon supremes.

It's a complete crush in terms of quantity and quality.

The inspired light of destruction impacts the sea of ​​stars.

Thousands of demons were wiped out in an instant.

Starry Sky Continent, in the city of the Phantom God Clan.

Outside the central hall, a man from the Phantom God Clan rushed into the hall at high speed.

"Come...come, the reinforcements are coming!"

This man ran into the hall, panting, and as soon as he opened his mouth, the expressions of the elders of the Phantom Clan instantly changed.

They all stood up and looked at the man from the Phantom God Clan.


In the upper position, a beautiful woman in purple ducked and came directly in front of the man from the Phantom God Clan. She stared at him with a pair of bright eyes: "What did you say? Say it again?"

The man from the Phantom God Clan took a breath, looked at the beautiful woman in purple in front of him, and said: "Report to the Great Elder, reinforcements are coming. I saw with my own eyes that dozens of supremes came to support, and the strongest The Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor is also entangled and is fighting outside."

"Several demon supremes have died."


After hearing these words, the hearts of all the supreme figures of the Phantom God Clan in the hall instantly exploded, as if thunder was torn apart in their minds.

Dozens of supreme beings came to support!
Even the Heavenly Prison Demon King is entangled!

Impossible. How could Nantian Divine Palace send so many forces to support them?
Now that the situation is critical, Nantian Divine Mansion itself has too much to take care of, so why would it send dozens of supreme beings to support it all at once? !


It's not in line with common sense!

"Are you serious?"

The beautiful woman in purple clothes came to her senses first, calmed down the turmoil in her heart, looked at the man from the Phantom God Clan and said.

"It's the real Great Elder. I saw it with my own eyes. If you don't believe in the Great Elder, you can go and see for yourself."

He nodded heavily.

"Nantian Divine Palace should not have so many forces coming to support. Could it be other forces coming to support?"

A supreme figure from the Phantom God Clan spoke.

"Go and see first!"

The beautiful woman in purple spoke and stepped out of the central palace in one step.

Several Phantom God Clan supremes looked at each other and then disappeared into the palace.

You will know if it is true or not.

If it were true, that would be better. At least, they wouldn't have to worry about the demons breaking through the protective formation.


In the Starry Sky Continent, in the void outside the city of the Phantom God Clan, light flickered, and several supreme figures of the Phantom God Clan appeared in the void outside the city.

They looked towards the starry sky outside the continent, and clearly saw dozens of supreme figures appearing in their eyes.

The number is more than double that of the Demon Clan's Supreme Being.

Two against one, the Demon Supreme didn't even have the strength to parry.

Thousands of demons were wiped out by the destructive power of the Supreme Confrontation.

Thousands of stars collapsed and disappeared.

This devastating scene directly struck the hearts of all the Phantom God Clan’s supreme beings.

What kind of force is this? !
They have never seen the demons being so crushed and beaten so miserably.

Just like a dream.

There are so many supreme beings, and the ones with the lowest strength are all in the Three Realms of Thunder Tribulation.

What's more, he is still the Supreme of the Fifth and Sixth Realm.

This lineup is quite shocking even among the Immortal Forces.

They had never seen any of these Supreme Beings, and none of them knew any of the dozens of Supreme Beings.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In the starry sky, the light of destruction impacted and shattered the starry sky.

The forces of conflict and collision swept across the entire star sea.

In just a moment, [-]% of the twenty-odd demon supremes had been completely suppressed.

The remaining demon supremes simply chose to run away, but they still couldn't escape.

Half of the millions of demons besieging the Starry Sky Continent have been wiped out.

The remaining demons fled wildly.

This scene shocked the hearts of everyone in the Phantom God Clan.

Ever since the demons started their rampage, they have never seen such a tragic situation, even in the face of immortal forces.

Half of the previous supreme beings of the Phantom Clan died in the hands of the demons.

I have personally experienced the terror of the demons, and I understand even more how terrifying the demons are.

But today, it was an eye-opener for them.

"Great Elder, look, that's the Demon King of Hell!"

At this time, a supreme figure from the Phantom God Clan spoke, pointing to the depths of the starry sky.

In the shattered starry sky, an embarrassed figure appeared.

It is the Demon King of Hell.

But just as he appeared, in the next breath, deep in the starry sky, a sea of ​​swords appeared, instantly surrounding the Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor, and a young Taoist in a blue robe appeared with his feet on the sea of ​​swords.

The Taoist robes are billowing and the momentum is unparalleled.

One punch exploded into the starry sky, and the terrifying power formed a substantial attack, breaking through the sea of ​​swords, and blasted away the Heavenly Prison Demon King with one blow.

Seeing this scene, all the Phantom God Clan supremes were stunned on the spot.

The Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor, the supreme master of the Nine Realms, was directly pressed with the explosive hammer by this mysterious young Taoist.

If you hadn’t witnessed it with your own eyes, who would have dared to believe it!

The person at the top of the Yangshen was beaten to such a state that he vomited blood.

This scene is full of extreme visual impact.

Shock the nerves!

Stimulate the soul!

"It's saved!"

The beautiful woman in purple clenched her pink fists tightly, and her delicate body was trembling under her purple robe.

"Great Elder, let's go out and kill every one we can!"

At this time, a supreme figure from the Phantom God Clan spoke.

The Great Elder nodded lightly, and in the next breath, several Phantom God Clan Supremes disappeared in an instant, broke through the Starry Sky Continent, and killed the Demon Clan.

Although the Demon Clan's Supreme Being doesn't need them to take action, other Demon Clan can also be dealt with, killing every one they can.

If it weren't for the Demons, the Phantom Gods wouldn't have been beaten to defend their base camp. Many Phantom Gods had died in the hands of the Demons before.

There is a deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood, and only by slaying demons can we resolve the hatred!


Deep in the starry sky, a destructive shock wave swept across the star sea, and millions of stars and meteorites instantly collapsed and turned into nothing.

The figures of the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor and Jiang Che appeared.

In the ultimate confrontation, the Heavenly Prison Demon King also suffered some injuries.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that dozens of his supreme subordinates have been suppressed.

"Damn human monk!"

Looking at Jiang Che, at this moment the Heavenly Prison Demon King wished he could eat him alive.

The ultimate murderous aura was brewing in his body.

But reason told him that it was basically impossible to kill the human monk in front of him.

The trend is over!

Now, it's his turn to run away!

The entire army of the Supreme was destroyed. This time, even if he goes back, he will be severely punished.

But he was absolutely unwilling to leave like this. If he couldn't kill this human monk, he would be severely injured.


With a roar, the sky-reaching demonic light bloomed, and the Heavenly Prison Demon King instantly inspired the demon race's true form, manifesting a three-headed and six-armed form, and his momentum surged again.

"Get ready to fight!"

Looking at the transformed Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor, Jiang Che flashed a cold light.


Behind him, the phantom of the All Heavens Temple appeared, and Jiang Che activated the All Heavens Temple at the same time, increasing its power to the maximum.

His momentum surged instantly!

Even more terrifying than the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor.


"There is still a backhand!"

Seeing this scene and sensing Jiang Che's terrifying aura, the Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor was completely panicked.

"Twilight of the Gods!"

Activating the All Heavens Temple, Jiang Che unleashed his strongest attack and directly attacked the Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor.

The aura of destruction swept over, and this dim light made even the Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor feel a terrifying feeling.

"All things in the world, the prison of the gods!"

In an instant, the Heavenly Hell Demon King also activated his strongest magical power, manifesting the underworld behind him, and a terrifying demonic shadow appeared. His momentum surged again, turning into a supreme blow, and instantly killed Jiang Che.


A ray of light covering the sea of ​​stars bloomed, and billions of stars collapsed and dissipated in an instant.

The collision of the supreme blow caused several Phantom Gods to feel the breath of death, even though they were thousands of miles apart in the starry sky.

Each activates the immortal weapon to protect the body.


Several Phantom Protoss Supremes spurted out a mouthful of divine blood, and the light in their eyes dimmed a lot.

Looking at the immortal artifact again, there were cracks on it, which was shocking.

The aura of destruction swept across the entire star sea, and even the starry sky continent of the Phantom God Clan shook violently.

If it weren't for the inherited protection of the Great Dao Divine Formation, I'm afraid the base camp of the Phantom God Clan would also have been destroyed.

The demons who fled deep into the starry sky were swept by the wave of destruction, instantly shattering into nothingness.

The exchange of blows was almost beyond what Xingkong could bear.

The bright starry sky instantly turned into darkness as billions of stars collapsed.

Only the stars that are still radiating from the starry sky continent near the Phantom God Clan are still blooming.

The figures of Jiang Che and the Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor appeared, standing in the dark vacuum, their auras vibrating.

Being at the center of the collision, even the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor and Jiang Che suffered fatal injuries.

However, the defense of the Temple of the Heavens, coupled with the immortal body of others at the peak of immortality, looks better.

"The life and death of the heavens, the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth!"

Jiang Che didn't take any breath. All his strength was gathered together, and the power of 7000 million heavenly dragons burst out, sweeping and crushing them with overwhelming force.

The divine wheel of law shines, and a blow carrying the supreme hegemon comes quickly.

Like the bright sun, rolling in.

In a hurry, the Heavenly Prison Demon King activated his immortal weapon and resisted instantly.

But in the face of such power, his resistance was completely ineffective.

It collapsed in an instant, and the three-headed and six-armed real body was directly shattered.

Destroyed his body.

"Boundaries in the heavens, sealing the heavens and forbidden earth!"

Jiang Che seized the opportunity and once again forcibly activated the All Heavens Temple, activating the All Heavens Barrier to block the starry sky.

"Prison Sea Frenzy!"

The Heavenly Hell Demon King unleashed his magical powers with all his strength, and a blood-red light bloomed into the sky, burning 1 million souls, turning into supreme power and breaking through the barrier blockade of the Temple of the Heavens.

The soul that consumed a huge amount of energy escaped into the endless starry sky, and there was no trace of it in an instant.

"Damn human monk, the emperor recorded this in the account book today. I will make your life worse than death in the future!"

A sound like thunder echoed in the starry sky, full of extremely angry roars.

Jiang Che spat out a mouthful of blood, wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and sighed deeply.

With his current strength, although he could defeat a Nine Realm Demon King, he still couldn't kill him after all.

The gap between the Eighth Realm and the Ninth Realm is very huge.

Even if he activates the maximum increase of the Temple of the Heavens, he cannot suppress it.

"There is still hope if we break through the eighth realm..." Jiang Che let out a long sigh.

Immediately, he took out the elixir and swallowed it instantly. The energy he had consumed instantly recovered a lot.

At this moment, outside the Starry Sky Continent, several Phantom Gods who were vomiting blood and injured saw this scene, with strong disbelief in their eyes.

The Heavenly Hell Demon Emperor, the supreme master of the Nine Realms, was beaten so much that only his soul was left to flee.

His body was shattered.

Am I not dreaming? !

Even those at the peak of human immortality are not so perverted!
Looking at the figure in the dark sky, a trembling feeling arose in the hearts of all the Phantom God Clan supremes.

This human monk's strength is really terrifying.

How terrible would it be if Immortal Dao also reached its peak?
Against Yang Shen? !
A bold idea appeared in the minds of the Phantom God Clan supremes.

Judging from this situation, this is probably very possible!

"call out--!"

Transforming into fairy light, Jiang Che stepped out from the depths of the starry sky and arrived outside the starry sky continent of the Phantom God Clan.

After glancing at several Phantom Gods not far away, Jiang Che said nothing.

At this time, a group of Supreme subordinates came to Jiang Che one after another.


They all saluted and spoke loudly.


"These supreme beings...could it be that they are all subordinates of this person?!"

Upon hearing this title, the eyes of several Phantom Gods jumped wildly.

Which force has such a perverted young master? !
Even the Yangshen Family of Immortal Power has never heard of such a terrifying existence.

More than 50 Supremes!
Among them, the lowest ones are the supreme beings in the third realm.

The most terrifying thing is that the cultivation level of the Seventh Realm Supreme is only one level lower than the great elder of the Phantom God Clan.

Moreover, there is more than one Seventh Realm Supreme!
Judging from their aura, they felt that these Seven Realm Supremes were no less inferior to the great elders of their Phantom God Clan, even if they were one-on-one.

Looking at this young human Taoist, a deeper layer of fog shrouded the hearts of several Phantom God Clan supremes.


Jiang Che, however, had no chance to deal with the shocked Phantom God Clan Supremes, and directly transferred all the suppressed Demon Clan Supremes to the Temple of the Heavens.

This time, it was a bumper harvest.

Although it is a pity that the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor was not killed, there are still two Eighth Realm Supremes.

There are also three Seven Realm Supremes.

Plus the others, the rewards are quite a lot, and his supreme team can also add several more supremes at once.

Like a snowball, it gets bigger and bigger.

At that time, these supreme powers alone may be enough for him to dominate the world.


With a flick of his Taoist robe, dozens of Supreme subordinates were instantly put away by Jiang Che.

"Thank you, senior human race, for your help!"

At this moment, a graceful figure appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

It was well-proportioned and exuded a powerful charm. At first glance, Jiang Che's mind was shaken.

"Should I say it or not, the innate charm of the Phantom God Clan cannot even be compared to that of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"

Looking at this beautiful woman in purple clothes, Jiang Che sighed in his heart.

His mind was disturbed.

A pair of eyes that are alluring!

And it's not intentional. The Phantom God Clan is born with this kind of charming body.

There is an invisible charm exuding in the bones.

Bone erosion ecstasy!
As an innate god, this kind of ability is useless.

The Phantom God Clan is considered very common among the Innate God Clan.

In an instant, this beautiful woman in purple came to Jiang Che.

A pair of bright, watery eyes looked at Jiang Che: "I have a purple shadow, and I have seen my senior."

Jiang Che also came to his senses and nodded.

"I am a little injured and need to go to your Phantom God Clan to adjust your breath and recover."

Jiang Che said directly.

Ziying smiled: "Senior, it is the glory of the Phantom God Clan to be able to come here, please!"

Immediately, she turned around and turned into a purple fairy light and rushed towards the Starry Sky Continent.

Jiang Che followed closely, followed Zi Ying, and directly entered the base camp of the Phantom God Clan.

At this time, several supreme figures of the Phantom God Clan also came to their senses, and disappeared from the place with a movement of their figures.

The catastrophe caused by the demon clan has now passed the dangerous period.

As for what happens next, I don't know.


Entering the city of the Phantom God Clan, Jiang Che followed all the way and came to a palace deep in the city.

Ziying stopped, turned around, and looked at Jiang Che: "Senior, how is it here?"


Jiang Che nodded.

Ziying's eyes flashed, she looked at Jiang Che and said, "I wonder what you call me, senior?"

"Poor Jiang Che."

"Jiang Che..."

Ziying remembered the name in her heart and nodded: "Senior Jiang, please recover first. When you recover, I will thank you for being alive and well."


Jiang Che nodded, and the purple shadow disappeared in front of him.

Seeing the purple shadow disappear, Jiang Che stepped forward and entered the palace.

The injury was nothing too serious, it was just that he needed to resurrect the Supreme, which would take some time.

There are also rewards.


In the city of the Phantom God Clan, in another palace.

Ziying's figure appeared.

Several supreme elders from the Phantom God Clan also appeared here.

"Great Elder, where is this senior?"

A supreme figure from the Phantom God Clan looked at Ziying and asked.

Ziying: "This senior is currently injured and needs to adjust his breath to recover. He is strictly guarded in Xuantian Palace and no one is allowed to disturb him."


Several Phantom Protoss Supremes nodded.

"Fortunately, this senior human race came to help this time. Otherwise, after some time, our clan's great formations may not be able to stop us."

A supreme figure from the Phantom God Clan spoke.

"Yes, fortunately there is this senior, otherwise, it might really be destroyed."

Another Phantom God Clan Supreme nodded in agreement.

"This person should be related to Nantian Divine Palace, right? Maybe it was Nantian Divine Palace who came to rescue him."

A supreme figure from the Phantom God Clan guessed.

"We don't know yet. We will know when this senior recovers." Ziying said.

"Great Elder, what should we do next? Do we want to transfer?"

A supreme figure from the Phantom God Clan looked at Ziying and asked.

"Contact Nantian Divine Mansion first and check the situation. Everything remains unchanged for now."

Ziying thought for a moment and said.


Several Phantom Protoss Supremes nodded.

"By the way, let's ask about this senior again. I think he should be a foreign aid brought in by Nantian Divine Palace."

Ziying said.


The supreme figures of the Phantom God Clan nodded.

"Let's disperse now. Don't be careless. Pay attention to the situation at all times."

Ziying said.

"it is good."

Several Phantom God Clan supremes nodded and then retreated.

Seeing several Phantom Divine Clan Supremes leaving, Ziying looked at the void outside.

"There must be no such a big shot in the Wuji Star Territory. Is he from other star territories? Or... is he the supreme figure from overseas?"

Ziying murmured to himself, lowered his head, and fell into deep thought.


The infinite star field.

Beyond a sea of ​​stars, a bloody light descended.

A figure manifested, it was none other than the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor.

Standing in the starry sky, he looked at the sea of ​​stars in front of him, his expression extremely ugly.

Encircling and suppressing the Phantom Protoss, he thought it would be a simple matter, but he never thought that such a big change would happen this time.

Not only was he defeated, but his defeat was so miserable.

The physical body was exploded, the soul was severely damaged, and the losses were heavy!


A ray of purple light suddenly shot out from the sea of ​​​​stars not far away, and instantly came to the side of the Heavenly Prison Demon King.

The figure materialized, revealing his true appearance. He was a middle-aged man in black robe.

Demonic energy surged, and this was a demon king who was the supreme being of the Nine Realms.

"Heaven Prison, aren't you encircling and suppressing the Phantom God Clan? Why did it happen so miserably? Could it be that something unexpected happened?"

Looking at the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor, the black-robed Demon Emperor asked.

The Heavenly Prison Demon King looked ugly, but he still spoke: "There was an accident. There was a human monk who disrupted the situation and brought dozens of Supremes with him. All my men were killed."


Hearing these words, the black-robed Demon King's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Is your body blown to pieces by that human monk?"

Looking at the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor, the black-robed Demon Emperor spoke.

Although the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor didn't want to admit it, he finally nodded.

"This person should not be from the Boundary Sea. He should be from outside the Boundary Sea."

The Demon King of Hell said in a deep voice.

"Coming from beyond the boundary sea..."

The black-robed Demon King frowned.

"Where is the Demon Emperor of the Sun?"

The Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor looked at the black-robed Demon Emperor and asked.

"The Demon Emperor of the Sun is not here, and he is entangled by several supreme beings from the Nantian Divine Palace and several supreme beings from the Golden Crow Divine Clan. I am afraid that I will not be able to escape for the time being."

The black-robed Demon King spoke.

"Aren't the Golden Crow Divine Clan being restrained by the Dark Demon Emperor and others?"

The Demon King of Hell asked.

"There was an accident, and the Ancient Heaven Court sent out several supreme beings, especially the most evil guy in the Ancient Heaven Court, the Dark Demon Emperor and the others were restrained."

The black-robed Demon King spoke.

"You mean...Bahuang Zhen?"

The Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor seemed to have remembered something, and his pupils shrank.

"it's him."

The black-robed Demon King nodded.

"That guy is here anyway!"

The Heavenly Prison Demon King looked ugly.

"With Gu Tianting's intervention, the situation became troublesome, so we changed our plan." The black-robed Demon King said,

"It seems that the opportunity is about to be missed." The Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor's expression was extremely ugly.

"Okay, you can go back with me to heal your injuries first, and then you can regain your strength."

The black-robed Demon King spoke.

The Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor nodded, and immediately, the two Demon Emperors turned into light and disappeared into the sea of ​​stars.

(End of this chapter)

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