I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 322 Dragon God Fruit Jade Spirit God Clan

Chapter 322 Dragon God Fruit Jade Spirit God Clan
Boundary sea, infinite star field.

Nantian Divine Mansion, in the Sea of ​​Clouds Heavenly Palace.

Two supreme beings appeared.

It was the Northern Emperor and the Feng Emperor.

"I just received news from the Phantom God Clan that all the besieging demons have been wiped out, and the Heavenly Prison Demon Emperor has been severely injured and escaped!"

Beihuang spoke, his hoarse voice echoing in the hall.

Feng Huang's pupils shrank and he looked at her, "Did Jiang Che move his hand?"


Beihuang nodded.

"His strength is so great!"

Feng Huang was overwhelmed with emotion.

He had personally come into contact with Jiang Che, but he did not expect that Jiang Che's strength would be so terrifying.

The Heavenly Prison Demon King was severely beaten and fled.

"There is another situation." Beihuang looked at him and said.

"what's the situation?"

Feng Huang came back to his senses and looked at Bei Huang.

"The Phantom God Clan reports that in addition to Jiang Che, there are dozens of supreme powerhouses with him. The lowest strength ones are all in the Three Thunder Tribulation Realms, and the strongest ones are in the Seventh Thunder Tribulation Realm, which is comparable to the strength of the Eighth Realm Supremes. .”

Beihuang's hoarse voice sounded.


Upon hearing this, Feng Huang immediately shook his head.

Beihuang didn't say much. He waved his sleeves and robes, and the light condensed, and a picture appeared in front of him.

Feng Huang's eyes instantly turned to the picture.

In the starry sky, many figures appear in the eyes, all of them have powerful auras.

Slaughter the demon clan, but in a matter of seconds, even the supreme demon clan cannot stop it.

One-sided crushing!

"That's the truth. Even though I don't believe it, this is the situation." Beihuang said.

Feng Huang looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart beat violently.

This scene is really impactful.

Dozens of supreme beings.

The one with the lowest cultivation level is the Three Realms of Thunder Tribulation.

It is certain that these supreme beings are not puppets, nor are they such powerful puppets.

"Could it be that he had brought other supreme beings from the Temple of Origin with him before, but why didn't he show up to meet them?"

Feng Huang frowned and looked at the picture.

"I'm afraid these Supremes are not from the Temple of Origin." Beihuang said.


After hearing this, Feng Huang looked at her instantly.

"Not from the Temple of Origin, what do you mean?"

The Northern Emperor looked at him and said: "I learned from the elders of the Phantom God Clan that these mysterious supreme beings are extremely respectful to Jiang Che. It can be said that they are safe to obey his orders."

"Brother Feng, you should also be aware of the mechanism of the Temple of Origin. Although high-level members of the Temple of Origin can command others, they absolutely cannot do this."

Beihuang said.

Feng Huang nodded, "What you said makes sense, but if he is not from the Temple of Origin, then where did he find so many supreme beings?"

Beihuang shook his head: "I'm afraid I don't know this."

"Perhaps Jiang Che has a more mysterious identity!"

Beihuang added.

"Do you think he is the direct descendant of a certain Yang Shen Emperor?" Feng Huang looked at her and asked.

"This, I don't know, it should be possible." Beihuang replied.

"But no matter what, it is at least good news for us." Looking at Feng Huang, Beihuang said.

"That's true."

The Wind Emperor nodded.

"With such a large number of supreme beings taking action, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the demon clan."

"Just inform Nanhuang of the situation and ask him to contain the other two parties a little. Jiang Che will probably attack the other two places soon."

Looking at Beihuang, Fenghuang said.

"Don't worry, I will notify you." Beihuang nodded.


"You have come from all over the world, and you are still the Supreme of the Temple of Origin!"

In the room, Ziying looked at the sound transmission bell in his hand, with unconcealable shock in his bright eyes.

"The Supreme Being of the Immortal Realm is still a member of the Temple of Origin. No wonder he is so terrifying. It seems that the other Supreme Beings should also be members of the Temple of Origin."

Ziying murmured to himself.

"If we can take refuge...then our Phantom God Clan won't have any big problems, but I'm afraid they won't look down on us."

Looking out the window, Ziying's eyes flickered.

"How about I volunteer myself and become his woman?" An idea appeared in Ziying's mind.

Thinking of this, her face instantly turned extremely crimson.

This...how can I open my mouth like this!

If she said it directly, she would definitely be considered a casual woman.

Random thoughts flashed through his mind, and Ziying's heart began to beat.


In the city of the Phantom God Clan, Xuantian Palace, in a quiet room.

In six days, Jiang Che completed his resurrection.

His Supreme team expanded again, adding two Seventh Realm Supremes, three Sixth Realm Supremes, and several Fifth Realm Supremes and Four Realm Supremes.

The total number of supreme teams has exceeded 72!
The combined strength is even stronger.


Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Jiang Che slowly stood up and put away the Grand Avenue Gods Monument, feeling relieved.

This time, the rewards are also generous.

The two biggest rewards are a God's Dao Fruit and a Demon God's Heart.

There is also a lot of purple energy in the avenue.

However, Jiang Che did not choose to refine it for the time being.

After dealing with the demons in the remaining two places and absorbing them in one go, he estimated that there should be no problem in breaking through to the eighth realm of creation.


With a flash of his figure, Jiang Che disappeared into the quiet room in an instant.

Stepping out of Xuantian Palace, Jiang Che thought, and the vast and majestic consciousness spread out instantly.

The consciousness flies into the sky, overlooking the whole city.

The figures of the phantom gods appeared in his eyes one after another.

However, Jiang Che only glanced at it and withdrew his consciousness.

After all, this is their territory.

"Senior, have you recovered?"

At this moment, a voice came, and a beautiful girl from the Phantom God Clan stepped towards him.

Jiang Che looked at this girl from the Phantom God Clan. Every move she made exuded a natural charm.

The ears are pointed, just like the ears of the elves, which adds a bit of charm.

"A stunner in the world!"

"No wonder so many supreme beings are willing to find women from the Phantom God Clan..."

Looking at this girl from the Phantom God Clan, Jiang Che couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Junior Ziyi, meet Senior Jiang."

The girl from the Phantom God Clan came to Jiang Che and bowed in salute.

Jiang Che calmed down and nodded gently.

The beauty is very touching, but he has no such thoughts now.

"Take me to see your great elder."

Looking at Zi Yi, Jiang Che spoke directly.

Zi Yi nodded: "Senior, please come with me."

As she spoke, she twisted her graceful figure and turned around to lead the way.

Jiang Che followed behind and soon disappeared in front of Xuantian Palace.

After a while, Ziyi took Jiang Che to a palace in the center of the city.

Stepping into the palace, Zi Yi turned around and looked at Jiang Che: "Senior Jiang, please take a seat first. The great elder will be here soon."

Jiang Che nodded and sat down, while Ziyi poured him a cup of fairy tea.

"Senior Jiang, this is the fairy mist tea from my Phantom God Clan. It tastes very good."

Standing beside Jiang Che, Zi Yi smiled and said.

Jiang Che was not polite. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. His heart was clear and his soul felt much clearer.

"It moisturizes the physical body of the soul, not bad."

Jiang Che nodded.

Zi Yi smiled: "As long as Senior Jiang likes it."

While talking, pour fairy tea again.


After a moment, a figure appeared at the entrance of the palace. It was Ziying, the great elder of the Phantom God Clan.

"Big elder."

Seeing Ziying appear, Ziyi smiled and stepped forward.

Ziying nodded, looked at her and said, "Xiaoyi, you go out first, Senior Jiang and I have something to discuss."


Zi Yi nodded, then said hello to Jiang Che and left the palace.

Watching Zi Yi leave, Zi Ying stepped forward and came to Jiang Che: "Senior Jiang."

"You don't need to call me senior, just call me fellow Taoist." Jiang Che said.

Ziying smiled and nodded, then sat next to Jiang Che.

A special fragrance poured into his nose. Jiang Che looked at Ziying and said:

"Fellow Daoist Zi, nothing should have happened these days, right?"

Ziying smiled: "Nothing has happened in recent days. I have to thank my seniors for helping me. Otherwise, I, the Phantom Clan, may be doomed."

Jiang Che smiled and said, "You're welcome. Eliminating demons and protecting the Tao is a matter of heaven."

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, this is a little thought, please accept it."

Ziying took out a storage ring and handed it to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che looked at the storage ring in his hand, and with a sweep of his consciousness, the contents of the storage ring were clearly visible.

Most of them were some cultivation resources, but one of them attracted Jiang Che's attention.

The golden fruit was filled with dragon energy, and Jiang Che could feel the rich and astonishing energy aura on the fruit.

"Dragon God Fruit!"

Related information quickly emerged in Jiang Che's mind.

This golden fruit fits the legendary Dragon God Fruit.

Dragon God Fruit!

It is the most precious fruit of the Dragon Clan.

The improvement of the physical body is very huge. Even if he reaches the peak of immortality, he can still improve it to a certain extent.

It is an innate divine object and extremely rare.

This Dragon God Fruit alone exceeds the total value of all other resources combined.

"You do have a good heart!"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and sighed in his heart.

Ziying used the Dragon God Fruit as a thank you gift. This gesture is not small!

It's impossible for her to not know the efficacy of this Dragon God Fruit.

Jiang Che can be sure of this.

Giving a gift under clear circumstances is probably not just a simple thank you.

"I will accept the gift from fellow Taoist. Thank you so much, fellow Taoist."

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at Zi Ying and said.

Ziying smiled and looked at him: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, you're welcome. This is what you should do."

Jiang Che looked at her, opened his hand, showed a token, and automatically flew into Ziying's hand.

"Fellow Taoist Zi, this is my token. I shouldn't leave the Wuji Star Territory in the near future. If fellow Taoist has difficulties, you can use this order to communicate with Pindao. Pindao will come after he senses it. "

Jiang Che's voice sounded, reaching Ziying's ears word by word.

Hearing this, Ziying showed a bright smile on his face: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jiang."

Immediately, Ziying accepted the token.

Having seen Jiang Che's strength, she knew the capabilities of this token.

Perhaps at a critical moment, the Phantom God Clan can be saved.

Even the supreme demons in the Nine Realms are no match for him, and Jiang Che's strength is unfathomable.

"Fellow Daoist Zi, after this incident, I'm afraid the demons will come again. Fellow Daoist should make plans in advance." Looking at Zi Ying, Jiang Che said.

Ziying looked at Jiang Che with a serious face and said: "Friend Jiang, I have communicated with Nantian Divine Palace and plan to move in a few days and open up a new territory in the starry sky near Nantian Divine Palace. As long as Nantian Divine Palace exists, I will I believe it won’t be a big problem.”

"That's very good." Jiang Che nodded.

"Now that it's over, it's time for Pindao to leave." After saying that, Jiang Che stood up.

Ziying also stood up, looked at Jiang Che, and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, where do you plan to go next?"

"The Jade Spirit God Clan!"

Jiang Che spoke a name.

"The Jade Spirit God Clan..."

Ziying nodded, looked at Jiang Che, and said: "The power of the demon clan cannot be underestimated. I wish you all the best."

"I believe there will be no problem."

Jiang Che smiled and nodded. Then, he took a step forward and disappeared into a streak of purple lightning. At the same time, a voice sounded in Ziying's ears: "Friend Ziying, see you later!"

Ziying looked at the void outside the palace and was slightly absent-minded. After a while, she came back to her senses.

She opened her hand and showed the token given to her by Jiang Che. Looking at the token in her palm, a strange color flashed through her bright eyes.

Then, she looked into the void and murmured: "I hope I don't need this token..."

"Great Elder, where is Senior Jiang?"

At this time, at the entrance of the hall, several supreme figures from the Phantom God Clan appeared, stepped into the hall, and looked at the purple shadows in the hall.

"left already."

Ziying said lightly.

"Leave so soon?"

Hearing this, several Phantom God Clan supremes were startled.

"Send my order, act according to the previous plan, and move everyone."

Ziying looked at the supreme figures of the Phantom God Clan and said.


Several Phantom God Clan supremes came to their senses, nodded, and then their figures turned into a ray of light and disappeared from the place.

At the same time, Ziying's figure moved and turned into a purple fairy light and disappeared into the hall.


The infinite star field.

Jiang Che stood in the vast starry sky and looked into the deep sky.

Spreading his hands, a golden fruit appeared in his palm.

Dragon God Fruit!

"Going to the Jade Spirit God Clan should be enough to absorb the energy of the Dragon God Fruit..."

Looking at the Dragon God Fruit in his palm, Jiang Che had an idea and swallowed it in one gulp.


After swallowing the Dragon God Fruit, bursts of golden light instantly appeared on Jiang Che's skin, and behind him, phantoms of heavenly dragons appeared.

Standing in the starry sky, it feels like the Dragon God is alive!
The Scripture of Gods and Demons operates automatically and quickly absorbs the energy of the Dragon God Fruit.

An innate divine fruit that contains the law of power.

After absorbing the Dragon God Fruit, Jiang Che could feel his flesh and blood cells increasing rapidly.

Qi and blood rise, and the physical strength increases at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With one hand, Jiang Che covered up the strange phenomena around him.


With a thought, his magic power was activated, Star Shift was activated, and he instantly turned into a purple lightning and disappeared into the starry sky.


Boundary sea, infinite star field.

In the vast starry sky, large swathes of stars gathered together, like water, turning into a vast sea of ​​stars.

The stars are shining.

Deep in the sea of ​​​​stars, a city towering in the starry sky is particularly eye-catching.

The whole body is jade color.

The entire city was covered by the Great Avenue Divine Formation.

And this Jade City is the headquarters of the Yuling God Clan, the Jade God City!

Outside Jade God City, the figures of many demons appeared.

The auras of millions of demons merged into one, and the demonic energy was overwhelming, sweeping across the sea of ​​​​stars, and a larger dark demonic formation shrouded the sky above Jade God City.

The dark magic circle rotates, and under the urging of millions of demons, it explodes with destructive power.

The Jade God City's protective formation collided with the magic formation, erupting with a destructive aura. The surrounding stars were directly destroyed by the force of the formation collision, forming a vacuum zone.

Among the millions of demons, a tall figure sat on a dark golden Void Throne.

With flamboyant black hair and deep eyes emitting a dark gaze, he looked like a supreme being stepping out of hell.


Astonishingly, he was a demon supreme in the Nine Realms.

Beside it, there were more than a dozen demon supremes standing around.

"Lord Xuanhuang, the Yuling Divine Clan's formation can't hold on for long. In one more day, the Heavenly Demon Formation should be destroyed."

A demon supreme said.

On the dark gold throne, Emperor Xuan looked calmly, looked at the Jade God City, and said calmly: "Go all out and break the city as quickly as possible! You also take action to speed up the progress."


All the demon supremes nodded, their demonic energy surged, and a dark demonic light erupted from their bodies, forming a pillar of light that soared into the sky and instantly merged into the demon formation.


With the help of more than a dozen demon supremes, the demon formation burst into even brighter light.

For a moment, the magic light swept across the entire sea of ​​​​stars, and wherever the magic light went, it was as if the sea of ​​​​stars had evolved into a demonic realm.

The guardian formation of Jade God City burst out with bright light, fighting against the demon formation.

But he is always suppressed.


Suddenly, Emperor Xuan on the dark gold throne looked at the vast starry sky in the distance.

He suddenly stood up from the dark gold throne and looked at the vast starry sky, his brows furrowed.

"Lord Xuanhuang, what's wrong?"

Upon seeing this, a demon supreme looked at Xuan Huang and asked while pouring mana into the demon formation.

Emperor Xuan frowned and said nothing. He reached out and did some calculations, and then said after a while: "It's okay, continue."

Sitting down, Xuanhuang looked at the vast and deep sky. He looked calm on the surface, but there was a murmur in his heart.

"I suddenly had a whim, but I couldn't figure it out. What's going on?"

"Is there something wrong with telepathy?"

Emperor Xuan lowered his head and muttered to himself.

But after calculating again, he still couldn't find any trace.

The feeling just now disappeared in just a moment.


boundary sea.

The infinite star field, deep in the starry sky.

A bolt of purple lightning cut through the deep sky and descended.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Looking at the vast starry sky, Jiang Che's eyes were fixed in one direction.

"There is power deducing..."

"It seems that he should be the supreme leader of the demon clan. However, with the Temple of the Heavens covering his fate, it shouldn't be possible to deduce it, but we can't be careless..."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Jiang Che quickly came back to his senses.

In two days, he completely absorbed the Dragon God Fruit.

This Dragon God Fruit increased his power of 500 million heavenly dragons.

Let his strength increase one step further.

The physical body becomes stronger.

The laws of power have also become stronger.

The Dragon God Fruit not only enhances his power, but also enhances his physical body in all aspects. More importantly, it absorbs the law of power within it, allowing him to take a big step forward in controlling the law of power.

Great progress!

He is also at the peak of human immortality, but now, he has greatly surpassed the original strength of Lord Apocalypse.

Of course, it does not rule out that others are also improving.

The limits of the human immortal peak are all different. There is no limit to the growth of power. However, the higher you go, you also need to understand the law of power. Otherwise, it will be difficult to improve.

"We are almost reaching the Yuling God Clan."

After calming down, Jiang Che took out a breath, and with the next breath, his figure moved and disappeared in the vast starry sky.


Outside Jade God City, in the sea of ​​stars.

In the center of millions of demons, on the dark gold throne, Emperor Xuan suddenly stood up, and the aura around him surged.

A powerful momentum rushed out instantly.

Looking into the depths of the dark starry sky, his expression became extremely solemn.

Emperor Xuan's momentum surged, which was noticed by all the demon supremes around him.

"Stop temporarily, everyone is on alert!"

Emperor Xuan's voice reached the ears of all the demons.

At this moment, all the demons obeyed the order and stopped immediately.

In the starry sky, the light of the Demonic Formation instantly dimmed by three points.

"Change the formation!" Emperor Xuan ordered again.

A group of demons immediately changed, and the formation of heavenly demons covering the sky above Jade God City disappeared instantly, appearing above the heads of millions of demons.

Transformed into a defensive formation.

This scene instantly made all the Jade Spirit Gods in the Jade God City feel incredible.

Why did it stop so suddenly? !

Is it possible that the demons want to give up the siege and retreat?
Is there such a possibility?

Looking at the demon clan in the starry sky outside the city, each of the Jade Spirit God clan felt very strange.

But they didn't act rashly.

This may be a conspiracy of the demons, deliberately done to make them relax their vigilance, and then take action when they are not prepared.

It is not unusual for demons to be treacherous.


All the demon supremes also felt very strange.

"Xuanhuang, what happened?"

A demon supreme couldn't help but ask.

But Emperor Xuan didn't answer, and his pair of devil eyes stared firmly into the depths of the starry sky.


At this moment, deep in the starry sky, a purple electric light flashed, and the next second, a young and handsome Taoist in green robe appeared.

The eyes of millions of demons instantly turned to the young Taoist who stepped out from the depths of the starry sky.

"Human monk!"

A dozen demon supremes looked at the green-robed Taoist and understood his identity at a glance.

The breath of the human race!
There are also many human monks in the boundary sea, which is not surprising.

"Peak of Human Immortal!"

But when they sensed the aura of this human supreme, all the demon supremes were shocked.

The pinnacle of human immortality, or the seventh realm of immortality, dual supremes!
At this moment, they instantly understood Emperor Xuan’s order just now.

It's because of this person.

"Why does his aura feel scarier than that of an average human being at the peak of his immortality?"

After carefully sensing it, the expressions of all the demon supremes changed.

This human monk is definitely unusual.

"Is this person the one who caused the Heavenly Hell Demon King's body to collapse?"

At this moment, Emperor Xuan looked at the young Taoist in the void, and an idea came to his mind.

"It seems that we should not underestimate it. We must unite the power of the demon formation."

A sharp look flashed in Emperor Xuan's eyes.

"The induction is quite powerful. I'm already prepared."

Looking at a dark demon formation above millions of demons in the sea of ​​​​stars, Jiang Che's eyes narrowed.

This dark magic array made him feel a hint of danger.

"Then let's see how powerful it is!"

With his mind settled, Jiang Che took a step forward and arrived in front of the sea of ​​stars in an instant.


A roar shook the starry sky, and Jiang Che's body erupted with terrifying energy and blood, like a bright sun. Behind him, nearly eighteen powerful heavenly dragons manifested, and their vast divine power directly enveloped the entire sea of ​​​​stars.

(End of this chapter)

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