I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 323: Suppression of 9 realms!

Chapter 323 Suppression of the Nine Realms!


Feeling the terror of this blow, Emperor Xuan immediately activated his own magic power to activate the Heavenly Demon Formation, and the power of the endless stars was absorbed by the Heavenly Demon Formation.

The dark magic light instantly reached its peak.


Jiang Che launched the Divine Demon Fist, activating the power of the supreme gods and demons. In line with his own power laws, he rushed out with one blow, causing thousands of gods and demons to gallop and roar.

In an instant, the power of this supreme blow collided with the demon formation.

The ultimate light wave blooms and sweeps across the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

The powerful light covered everything.

The great formation of heavenly demons trembled, and the power of the supreme demonic formation, which was joined by millions of heavenly demons, was also quite terrifying.

But the power of Jiang Che's attack was even more terrifying.

The sun, moon, and stars collapse and dissipate.

With the supreme power gathered as one point, coupled with the blessing of the Divine Demon Fist, the power of this blow has reached an unprecedented peak.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The entire star sea shook. In the face of absolute power, any defense was in vain.


A shattering sound sounded, and a crack appeared in the demon formation.

The crack spread quickly, and destructive power penetrated.

Thousands of demons didn't even have time to scream, and were instantly strangled by the power of destruction and turned into nothing.

Millions of demons collapsed in just an instant.

Complete annihilation.

Only the supreme leader of the demon clan is left.

But he was severely injured by Jiang Che's power, vomiting blood, and his demonic body was almost exploded.

The light wave disappeared, and the demon formation had completely collapsed.

Within thousands of miles, there was not a single star, creating a vacuum.

Looking down from beyond the sea of ​​​​stars, it is as if the sea of ​​​​stars has been directly blasted through.

Jiang Che's figure stood in the dark sky, his eyes scanning the demon supremes.

He activated the Divine Demon Fist and finally destroyed the Demonic Formation.

Jiang Che was quite satisfied.


Golden light shone, and dozens of supreme figures appeared behind him.


The sound penetrated the starry sky, and the powerful momentum shook the star sea.

Seeing this scene, the faces of all the demon supremes suddenly changed wildly.

Even Emperor Xuan's expression changed.

Dozens of supreme beings instantly killed all the demon supremes.


Emperor Xuan's face was filled with anger, and he took action in an instant, turning his vast mana into a demonic hand to grab him. But in the next breath, Jiang Che's figure flashed up, raised his hand and punched, blasting the demonic hand alive.

"Your opponent is me."

Jiang Che's voice reached Xuanhuang's ears.

"Twilight of the Gods!"

A blow hit Xuanhuang, and Jiang Che directly launched the strongest blow from the All Heavens Temple.

Feeling this terrifying aura of power, Emperor Xuan didn't have time to think too much. A black halberd appeared in his hand, filled with vast immortal power.


With his magic power activated and holding the fairy weapon halberd, Emperor Xuan rushed out instantly.


The two supreme attacks collided, and the wave of destructive power shattered the surrounding deep space.

The next second, Jiang Che and Xuanhuang took action again, and the two figures turned into extreme light and collided together.

The physical body was his strength, and Jiang Che tried his best to use it.

Close combat.

The fists of gods and demons, and the wheels of life and death, greet everyone.

The ultimate confrontation.

The force of the collision tore apart the sea of ​​stars.

On the other side, more than a dozen demon supremes fought with all their strength, each of them showing their special skills.

But in comparison, it is still difficult to surpass.

The gap in strength and numbers is too big.

In less than a moment, half of the demon supremes had been suppressed.

The difference is staggering.

Jiang Che's side completely had the upper hand.

Roll directly!

In the Jade God City, a group of Jade Spirit God Clan looked at this scene, with expressions of joy on their faces.

Rescue is here!

Moreover, the reinforcements were so powerful that as soon as they appeared, they had already defeated the demons.

Even the strongest Nine Realm Demon Emperor was suppressed and beaten.

in an absolute upper hand.



The explosion tore apart the sea of ​​​​stars, and the figures of Xuanhuang and Jiang Che appeared.

Only after fighting in person did he realize how perverted this human monk was.

After looking at the battle in the distance, Emperor Xuan's expression turned very ugly.

Surrounded by dozens of Supremes, his men were almost completely destroyed.

When the job was done, such a fierce god was killed!
Emperor Xuan's heart was bleeding.

"No, I have to leave. I can't stop this guy on my own."

With thoughts flashing in his mind, Emperor Xuan looked at Jiang Che and spat out a ball of purple demonic blood.

In the next breath, a terrifying demonic figure appeared.

Seeing the demonic figure behind Emperor Xuan, Jiang Che's eyes narrowed.

Mana circulates throughout the body, activating the temples of the heavens with all its strength.

However, the next second, the demonic shadow tore through the deep space, and a distorted time and space appeared. Emperor Xuan turned around and escaped directly into the distorted time and space.

"No, this guy is going to run!"

Jiang Che had an instant insight and took action directly. The majestic power swept across the broken sea of ​​stars, the gods and demons roared, and the force of the strike blasted into the distorted time and space.

But at the critical moment, the demonic shadow blocked his power. At this moment, time and space completely disappeared, and Emperor Xuan had disappeared.


Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's face turned gloomy.

Let Emperor Xuan run away!

However, even if he didn't run away, even if he activated his ultimate state, it would be difficult to kill him.

However, Jiang Che still felt uncomfortable after leaving so easily.

He didn't expect that the Xuanhuang of the Ninth Realm could run away so easily.

Just left.

"Then kill the rest!"

Turning around, Jiang Che looked into the depths of the starry sky and saw several demon supremes who were still trying to resist them. Their figures moved in an instant and killed them.



"It's gone!"

Seeing Emperor Xuan disappear from the distorted time and space, the faces of all the Jade Spirit Gods in the Jade God City showed astonishment.

Running so neatly.

Is this still the way the demons behave?

Even the Nine Realm Supremes simply ran away.

This is outrageous!
But it was indeed the case, this Emperor Xuan ran away directly.


The infinite star field, a starry sky.

The deep space suddenly distorted, and a figure stepped out of the distorted time and space.

It is Xuanhuang.

Standing in the deep sky, looking at the distorted time and space, Emperor Xuan had an ugly expression on his face.

After pondering for a while, he took out a token and immediately transmitted the message.

Immediately, his figure moved and quickly disappeared from the place.


Wuji Star Territory, outside Jade God City.

Jiang Che wiped out the remaining demon supremes in one go.

Compared with the harvest of the Phantom God Clan, it is far behind.

This time, there is only one Eighth Realm Supreme and one Seventh Realm Supreme.

The rest are all under the Four Realms Supreme and have no resurrection value.

Total annihilation.

Jiang Che received all of the Supreme Men into the World of Conferred Gods and looked towards the Jade God City.

"call out--!"

Several rays of divine light came quickly, and in an instant, they arrived in front of Jiang Che.

"Xuan Ce, the great elder of the Yuling Divine Clan, would like to thank you for your help."

The leader was an old man with a white beard wearing a jade robe.

Eight Realms Supreme!

There are several Seven Realm Supremes behind him.

They are all senior members of the Yuling Divine Clan.

"The demons will not give up here. You still need to be careful. I have to go to the next place. I'll take my leave now."

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and in the next breath, he disappeared in front of the Jade Spirit God Clan.


Jiang Che left immediately, leaving the Jade Spirit God Clan stunned for a moment.

I didn't even bother to thank you, so I just left?

Several supreme leaders of the Jade Spirit God Clan looked at each other and looked at each other.

This senior seems to be hard to get in touch with!
"Forget it, I'll thank you next time I meet you. I'll go back first."

The great elder came to his senses first and returned to the city instantly.

Several Yuling God Clan glanced at the dark sky and disappeared instantly.


In the starry sky, Jiang Che's figure descended from the sky and landed on a star.

He took out the Grand Avenue Conferring God Monument, poured mana into it, and began to resurrect the two Supreme Beings.

At the same time, Jiang Che drew the lottery again.


With a flash of golden light, a golden fruit appeared in front of Jiang Che, and the shadow of the heavenly dragon was faintly visible.

"Dragon God Fruit!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up and he immediately swallowed it in one gulp.

Continue to draw.

The remaining rewards are mediocre, including Chaos Origin Beads, Blood Essence Beads, and a Avenue of Purple Qi.

After opening the reward, Jiang Che absorbed the power of the Dragon God Fruit with all his strength.


Two days passed.

Jiang Che completely absorbed the Dragon God Fruit and completed his resurrection.

Putting away the Grand Avenue Divine Monument, Jiang Che cast his gaze towards the starry sky.

"The last place, the Feather God Clan!"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Che quickly determined his target.

Feather God Clan!
This is the last place.

After solving the demons of the Feather God Clan, he can then attack the eighth realm.

Break through nature and set foot on a new peak again.


Star Shift was activated, and Jiang Che turned into a purple lightning and disappeared above the stars, escaping into the vast starry sky.


In the last place, with the experience of the previous two times, Jiang Che has greater confidence this time.


three days later.

Jiang Che's figure appeared outside the starry sky at the Feather God Clan's headquarters.

Look at the distant starry sky.

In the dazzling galaxy, countless figures were fighting in a melee.

The entire starry sky turned into a battlefield.

Compared with the Phantom God Clan and the Yuling God Clan, the Feather God Clan's situation is completely different.

Fight directly against the demons head-on.

The stars collapsed, and the power of destruction swept across the starry sky.

Tens of millions of figures were fighting together.

Facing the demons, the people of the Feathered God Clan did not fall behind at all, and fought hard with the demons.

From this point, it can also be seen that the Yuling God Clan is more powerful than the Yuling God Clan and the Phantom God Clan.

"There are also people from Nantian Divine Palace. It seems that they are all concentrated here."

Jiang Che noticed some of the figures, not from the Feathered God Clan, but from other God Clan.

And there are quite a few.

Before, Jiang Che was wondering where the support promised by the Three Emperors was, but now it seems that it is all concentrated here.

Compared to the size, the number of demons concentrated here is greater.

However, the situation is much better than that of the Yuling God Clan and the Phantom God Clan.

"The breath of Nanhuang!"

Jiang Che cast his gaze into the depths of the galaxy.

A strong wave of battle filled the air.


The Immortal Light of Destruction erupted, impacting the galaxy, and several figures appeared in Jiang Che's eyes.

"Four Nine Realm Supremes!"

Jiang Che's eyes froze.

Looking into the depths of the galaxy, my dear, there are two demon supremes in the Ninth Realm in the Feather God Clan.

With Nanhuang was the Nine Realms Supreme from the Feathered God Clan.Manifest your true body and have a powerful momentum.

However, the two Nine Realm Demon Clan are also very terrifying. The demon Clan's true form is manifested, and its momentum is a little stronger.

"If we can take the opportunity to kill a Nine Realm Demon Clan Supreme!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up, and a bold idea came to his mind.

One-on-one, he can be defeated at most, and it is very difficult to kill him.

But with the Nanhuang and the Nine Realm Supremes of the Feather God Clan, it is not without hope.

Two on one.

Hope is great.


With a thought, Jiang Che instantly summoned dozens of the Supreme's subordinates.

After giving the order to surround and kill the demon supreme, he rushed into the battlefield in an instant.

At the same time, Jiang Che headed towards the depths of the galaxy.

"Jiang Che!"

At this time, deep in the galaxy, Nanhuang saw his figure, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The news that Jiang Che had beaten the Heavenly Hell Demon King until his body collapsed had reached his ears.

Nanhuang didn't expect Jiang Che to come so soon.

"Haha, Brother Yu, there is hope."

Nanhuang's message.

The Nine Realm Supreme of the Feather God Clan on the side listened to this and glanced at the figure coming from the starry sky in the distance.

In an instant, Jiang Che crossed tens of millions of miles of starry sky and descended into the depths of the galaxy.

Jiang Che appeared, instantly attracting the attention of the Nine Realm Supremes of the Feather God Clan and the two Nine Realm Demon Clan Supremes.

"Brother Nan, could this be the human supreme who defeated the Demon King of Hell?"

The Supreme Being of the Feather God Clan asked via voice transmission.

Nanhuang nodded.

"It was him."

"Nanhuang, we meet again."

Jiang Che looked at Nanhuang and spoke.

He also looked at the Nine Realms Supreme of the Feather God Clan on the side.

If the information is correct, this person should be the strongest person of the Feather God Clan, the Feather Emperor.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, this is the leader of the Yu God Clan, Yu Huang."

Nanhuang nodded, said hello, and introduced.

Jiang Che nodded, and Yu Huang also nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

Now is not the time for small talk, the problem of the demons is the current time.

Jiang Che's eyes instantly looked at the two demon supremes not far away.

He did not know these two demon supremes.

There is no match for the top ten demon kings in the data.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, these two are the Blood Demon Emperor and the Red Prison Demon Emperor under the Great Sun Demon Emperor. They are the right-hand men of the Great Sun Demon Emperor, and their strength cannot be underestimated."

At this time, Nan Huang's voice reached his ears, revealing the identities of the two Demon Emperors.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, can you block one of them?"

Jiang Che said secretly.

"Of course it's no problem." Yuhuang nodded.

"Okay, then Nanhuang and I will join forces to deal with the other one." Jiang Che sent a message.

"Okay." Yuhuang nodded.

Nanhuang looked at Jiang Che and did not reject his proposal.


In the next breath, Jiang Che activated the Temple of the Heavens and directly activated the limit increase, and his momentum surged instantly.

At the same time, he exploded the Chaos True Spirit Technique, instantly increasing his soul to 5000 million, which was infinitely close to the soul thought of the Nine Realms Supreme.


Jiang Che was the first to attack, instantly killing the Red Prison Demon Emperor among them.

At the same time, Nan Huang and Yu Huang also took action directly.


Without any hesitation, the two Nine Realm Demon Emperors surged with mana, activated their immortal weapons, and charged out directly.

Activating the Temple of the Heavens and unleashing his ultimate magical power, Jiang Che directly knocked away the Scarlet Prison Demon Emperor with one blow.

Nanhuang's attack followed closely, and the Immortal Light of Destruction swept across.

Taking action at the same time, they directly gained the absolute upper hand.

On the other side, the Feather Emperor entangled the Blood Demon Emperor, and their magical powers collided, making them evenly matched.

The fighting power of the demon clan in its true form is astonishing, but Yuhuang is also an innate god.

The strength is also not to be underestimated.

The galaxy shook, and the light of destruction spread, shattering the stars.

The confrontation on the supreme battlefield also made other supreme beings afraid to approach.

On the other side, Jiang Che's dozens of supremes took action and suppressed several demon supremes one after another.

occupy the absolute upper hand.

The Supreme Beings of the Feathered God Clan and the Nantian Divine Mansion were not idle either. Seeing this scene, their morale was high. For a moment, the Demon Clan's upper hand was instantly reversed, and it was still falling at a cliff-like speed.



After activating the Divine Demon Fist, hundreds of phantoms of gods and demons appeared behind Jiang Che, merging into one. His power reached a level that even the Nine Realms Supremes found terrifying.


The World-Destroying Divine Fist arrived, blasting through the galaxy with one punch, and the body of the Scarlet Prison Demon Emperor was directly destroyed.

"Fuck, so cruel!"

Looking at this scene, Nanhuang's eyelids jumped wildly.

Jiang Che seemed polite and courteous, but once he took action, Jiang Che's image changed instantly.

In close combat, he is a violent god of destruction.

The physical body of the Nine Realm Supreme Being could not bear it, and ordinary immortal weapons were destroyed.

"call out--!"

A red light rushed out, and the spirit of the Red Prison Demon Emperor appeared.

Jiang Che's attack not only hurt his physical body, but also hurt his soul.

"The life and death of the heavens, the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth!"

Jiang Che didn't give him any chance to breathe. There was a time limit for the increase in the extreme state, and he couldn't maintain it for too long.

The Red Prison Demon Emperor must be killed as quickly as possible.

The golden divine wheel of law manifested, heading towards the Scarlet Prison Demon Emperor.

The surrounding deep space was frozen.

Locked him directly.


The soul of the Red Prison Demon Emperor burst out with scarlet magic light, and a terrifying demonic figure appeared.


With one blow, it instantly hit Jiang Che's Divine Wheel of Law.

The force generated by the collision directly shattered the surrounding starry sky.

Jiang Che's figure was forced back.

Nanhuang also had to use immortal weapons to protect his body.

"call out--!"

Before the fluctuation subsided, the spirit of the Red Hell Demon Emperor tore through the dark space and rushed out in an instant.


At this moment, a loud bell rang.

Donghuang Bell inspires!
Golden light waves swept through the dark sky, and the spirit of the Red Prison Demon Emperor was instantly forced out.

"In the world of Qiankun, heaven and earth are turning upside down, let me control it!"

Stimulating the Donghuang Bell with all its strength, it instantly descended on the soul of the Red Prison Demon Emperor.


At this moment, the Blood Demon Emperor in the distance took action and struck the East Emperor Bell with one blow.

Nothing can happen to the Red Prison Demon Emperor, otherwise, he will not be safe!
But the next second, a ray of light burst into the sky, and Nan Huang moved, instantly intercepting the Blood Demon Emperor's attack.

At the same time, Jiang Che's Donghuang Bell fell, and the spirit of the Red Prison Demon Emperor was instantly suppressed in this Dao Immortal Artifact.


The aura of destruction erupted from the East Emperor Bell, and the Scarlet Prison Demon King resisted with all his strength.

On the surface of the Donghuang Clock, golden runes bloomed strongly.


Jiang Che directly showed up at the All Heavens Temple, and a ray of fairy light instantly hit the East Emperor Bell, suppressing the aura of destruction.

The power of the Temple of All Heavens was temporarily blessed on the East Emperor Bell, and then it calmed down.


With a thought, Donghuang Bell returned to his body instantly.

Once you enter the Donghuang Bell, don't even think about running away.

As long as you go all out to refine it, killing it is only a matter of time.

This was the first time he suppressed a Nine Realm Supreme.

United with the Southern Emperor.

Join forces to suppress!

Although it was very reluctant, it actually accomplished the impossible miracle.


Seeing the Donghuang Bell entering Jiang Che's body, the Third Emperor's pupils shrank.

The Demon Emperor, the Supreme Demon King of the Nine Realms, was suppressed!

This scene has an absolute impact.

"not good!"

The Blood Demon Emperor's face changed wildly, and without any hesitation, he activated the immortal weapon, the magic light bloomed in the sky, and a distorted time and space appeared behind him.

"Can't let him run away!"

Nan Huang spoke, and at the same time, Jiang Che and Yu Shen took action directly, and the destructive fairy light rushed towards the Blood Demon Emperor.


The Blood Demon Emperor took out a token and shattered it on the spot. In the next breath, a dazzling red light bloomed, and a tall figure appeared in front of the Blood Demon Emperor.

Just like the bright sun, the power is overwhelming!
"Great Sun Demon Emperor!"

"No, this is his clone!"

Yuhuang spoke.

At this time, Jiang Che's three attacks had already arrived.


The entire galaxy shook, and the shock wave of destruction visible to the naked eye spread across the galaxy.

Thousands of stars were instantly wiped out.

The clone of the Great Sun Demon Emperor was eliminated, and the figure of the Blood Demon Emperor also disappeared.

With a combined attack, the explosive power is invincible.

However, the faces of Jiang Che and the others turned ugly.

The Blood Demon King ran away.

He used the clone of the Great Sun Demon Emperor to block their combined blow.

He escaped into time and space and ran away.

"One step closer!"

Nanhuang spoke, looking at the shattered starry sky, his heart full of regret.

If it weren't for the Sun Demon Emperor's clone, I'm afraid the Blood Demon Emperor wouldn't be able to escape.

Unfortunately, it's still a step too late.

Let this guy run away.

"Just the clone is so powerful, if this is the main body..."

Jiang Che looked at the broken starry sky and thought of the Demon Emperor of the Sun just now.

The clone was eliminated, but the strength displayed was enough to prove the terror of the Great Sun Demon Emperor.

The strongest Demon King was even more powerful than he imagined.

It has far surpassed the ordinary supreme being.

The peak of immortal martial arts.

Such a terrifying existence cannot be stopped even with his strength.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, will the Scarlet Prison Demon Emperor escape?"

After coming back to his senses, Yuhuang came to Jiang Che, looked at him and asked.

"Don't worry, he can't run away." Jiang Che said.

Listening to these words, Emperor Yu's heart instantly calmed down a lot.

At least one of the Nine Realm Supreme Demon Emperors has been eliminated, which is considered a big deal.

"Take care of the rest of the trouble."

Nanhuang spoke.

Jiang Che and Yuhuang moved at the same time and instantly disappeared into the starry sky.


In a moment, with the strength of Jiang Che, Yuhuang and Nanhuang, the battlefield was completely calmed down.

None of the remaining demons escaped, and all were eliminated.

Only a broken starry sky was left.

Galaxy breakdown.

The traces of destruction left behind will also take time to repair themselves.

The demon clan's crisis was temporarily lifted, and everyone in the Yugoshen clan cheered.

Under the siege of such a powerful demon clan, he blocked it.

Not only blocked it, but also killed the demons.

It's incredible!


Feather God City.

In the Feather Temple, the figures of Jiang Che and Nanhuang appeared.

In addition to the two of them, there were also a number of supreme beings from the Yuhuang and Yu Shen Clan, as well as several supreme beings from the Nantian Divine Mansion.

All the supreme gazes looked at Jiang Che.

They had witnessed with their own eyes that Jiang Che suppressed a Demon King of the Ninth Realm.

Although they joined forces with Nanhuang, most of it was because of Jiang Che's strength.

Looking at Jiang Che, the eyes of all the supreme beings were filled with respect.

The strong is supreme, this is true everywhere!

(End of this chapter)

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