I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 324 The Book of Heaven and the Realm of Creation

Chapter 324 The Book of Heaven and the Realm of Creation
"Fellow Daoist Jiang, Brother Nan, thank you very much this time."

Looking at Jiang Che and Nan Huang, Yu Huang showed a smile on his face.

"The demons are the enemies of all living beings in all realms. Let's fight together and help each other!"

Nan Huang said with a smile.

"Destroying one point of the demon clan's power will also reduce one point of the future demonic calamity." Jiang Che said.

"Haha, you two are right, but I still have to thank you both."

Yuhuang laughed loudly.

The hall was also filled with laughter and laughter.

The demons were defeated and even suppressed a demon supreme from the Nine Realms. This was something that was unimaginable before.

Many forces have been annexed and eliminated by the demons. Being able to block them is indeed a good thing worth celebrating.

"The current situation has stabilized for the time being. I have to go back. Other places still need support."

Looking at Yuhuang, Nanhuang said.

"Okay, once I have rested here, Brother Nan can contact me at any time and I will definitely give my full support."

Yuhuang nodded.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, what are you going to do?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Nanhuang asked.

"I also want to go to other places." Jiang Che said.

"Then we are traveling together?"

Nanhuang's eyes lit up and he looked at him.

Jiang Che shook his head: "I'm afraid not, I have some personal matters to deal with."

"OK then."

After hearing this, Nanhuang didn't say much and nodded.

Immediately, the two of them did not stay too long and quickly stepped out of the palace. Nanhuang left the Feather God Clan with the people of Nantian Divine Palace.

Jiang Che also followed closely and left the Feather God Clan together.


"Fellow Daoist Jiang, I'll see you tomorrow."

Stepping out of Yushen City, Nanhuang looked at Jiang Che and bowed with his fists.


Jiang Che nodded, and then his figure moved, turning into a purple lightning and disappearing into the broken galaxy.

Watching Jiang Che leave, Nanhuang glanced at him and then disappeared into the galaxy with the people from Nantian Divine Palace.



In the dark starry sky, a glimmer of light bloomed, and a figure fell out in a miserable state, with a mouthful of blood spurting out.

The aura was turbulent, the light in his eyes was dim, and this figure was none other than the Blood Demon Emperor.

"Cough cough..."

Standing in the starry sky, the Blood Demon Emperor looked at the stars in the distance.

If the clone of the Great Sun Demon Emperor hadn't blocked it at the critical moment, he might have been doomed.

"I'm afraid Chi Yu can't escape anymore. Damn it, this human monk must be dealt with."

A stern look flashed in the Blood Demon King's eyes. After pondering for a while, he took out a sound-transmission bell and used mana to transmit sound. After receiving a response, he quickly disappeared into the starry sky.


Boundary sea, infinite star field.

In the vast starry sky, Jiang Che's figure appeared in front of a river of stars.

"It's here."

Yuan Shen inspected the galaxy and determined that there was no problem. Jiang Che's figure moved and escaped into the depths of the galaxy and came to a star.

Descending from the stars, divine consciousness explores the surroundings.

Jiang Che immediately moved, and an invisible barrier instantly enveloped the entire star.

Wave spread.

Cover the stars.

Looking at the enchantment of the heavens, Jiang Che's heart also settled down.

Next, it's time for him to get down to business.

Sitting cross-legged, golden light flashed in front of Jiang Che, and the Donghuang Bell instantly appeared in front of him.

The runes on it bloomed with bright light, and the suppressed Red Prison Demon Emperor continued to impact the East Emperor Bell.

"Still restless."

Jiang Che made a secret with one hand, and his magic power surged out. In an instant, the Donghuang Bell rang out, and powerful brilliance was released.

Glittering gold.

The avenue runes on it shone brightly, and as he activated the Donghuang Bell with all his strength, Jiang Che began to destroy it.

This was the first Nine Realm Supreme that he had hunted, and he would not let it escape no matter what.

Suppress it in the East Emperor Bell, and the rest, he can activate the East Emperor Bell to kill the spirit of the Red Hell Demon Emperor.

At this moment, in the world of Donghuang Bell, endless sky fires and layers of avenue formations intertwined, turning the entire world of Donghuang Bell into a purgatory.

In the central void, the spirit of the Red Prison Demon Emperor was penetrated by the endless Dao formations. However, the spirit of the Nine Realms Supreme was really terrifying. Even if it consumed a lot, it could still survive the attack of the Dao Immortal Artifact.

However, the breath is also declining little by little.

Although he tried his best to resist, he still couldn't stop it.

Layers of sky fire and avenue formation attacks descended, drowning his soul body.

The demonic energy dissipated, and the powerful soul was also faded away bit by bit.

"I want to refine this throne, it's just wishful thinking!"

The angry voice echoed in the world of Donghuang Bell, and a ray of brilliance reaching the sky instantly burst out from the soul of the Red Prison Demon Emperor.

The impact into the void directly tore a hole in the world of Donghuang Bell.

But the next second, a vast force swept in, and the cracks in the void healed instantly.

At the same time, the whole world burst into brilliant golden light, and loud bells rang.


The powerful bell rings in the world of Donghuang Bell.

The spirit of the Red Prison Demon Emperor shook momentarily, and the aura around him shook.


The second bell rang, and the Red Prison Demon Emperor's spirit shook again.

There was also a look of endless pain on his face.

A face that was almost distorted.


With a roar, numerous demonic figures appeared, and the momentum of the Red Prison Demon Emperor instantly increased.


However, the next second, the powerful bell rang again, and the bell tore the demon shadow apart, and the spirit of the Red Prison Demon Emperor became sluggish again.

"Don't... don't knock. I surrender. I can sign a road contract and become yours."

In the center of the void, the voice of the Red Prison Demon Emperor sounded.

However, his voice did not receive any response. The bell rang again and his soul vibrated again.

"You ride a horse!!"

Looking towards the void sky, the Scarlet Prison Demon Emperor's eyes revealed a scarlet gaze.

It's as if he wants to eat people.

But the next second, the bell rang again, shaking his soul.


Invoking the power of his soul, the Red Prison Demon King resisted with all his strength, but he still could not escape the bell's attack.

A layer of soul protection was formed, which collapsed on the spot, and the aura of the soul dropped a lot again.

The bells kept ringing without any sign of stopping.

The soul of the Red Prison Demon Emperor is constantly being attacked at all times.

Time is also passing by every minute and every second.


Three months passed by in the blink of an eye.

Deep in the galaxy, above the stars, in the enchantments of the heavens, Jiang Che continued to activate the East Emperor Bell for three whole months, constantly attacking the Scarlet Prison Demon Emperor.

In the center of the Donghuang Bell World, in the void, the spirit of the Red Hell Demon Emperor is already far different from what it was before.

The bell rang again, and a golden sound wave visible to the naked eye swept over.


In the next breath, the spirit of the Red Prison Demon Emperor completely collapsed.

The Supreme Being of the Nine Realms has fallen!
"It's done!"

Jiang Che opened his eyes instantly, the Donghuang Bell fell, and he let out a breath of turbid air.

For a full three months, he continued to activate this Dao Immortal Artifact. It took three months to completely wipe out the spirit of the Red Prison Demon Emperor.

The Great Avenue Conferred God Monument has captured the original soul and successfully sealed it.

To kill an Eighth Realm Supreme, he can wipe it out with a flip of his hand, but the Nine Realm Supreme is different.

The Supreme Being of the Nine Realms, the soul has 8000 million thoughts.

It has reached the extreme level, and the Nine Realms Supreme Master has mastered the "Power of the Era"!
Controlling the power of the era, there is no birth or destruction.

This is the hardest part to kill.

Nine Realms, Ji Dao Realm.

The gap between him and the Eighth Realm Supreme is very huge.

The way of the era, control the laws of the era, and the power of the era.

This is also the biggest gap in breaking through the Nine Realms.

It was precisely this that he spent three months completely obliterating.

To kill someone in the Era Realm, the difficulty factor is a hundred times or a thousand times more than in the Creation Realm.

But fortunately, he was successfully killed.

This was also the first Nine Realms Supreme he killed.

"Yuzi third grade!"

Casting his gaze on the demon book in his mind, Jiang Che looked at the shining platinum reward light group.

Rank [-] Yu Zi, this is his biggest reward so far.

"Resurrect it first, and then draw the prize!"

With his mind settled, Jiang Che calmed down, displayed the Grand Avenue God-Selfing Monument, and poured his magic power into it.

The golden tablet bloomed with brilliant light, and the seal of the God on it became clearer with the influx of his mana.


Three days later, Jiang Che successfully resurrected him.

The Red Prison Demon King was resurrected, and the demonic energy completely disappeared.

Looking at the Red Prison Demon Emperor in front of him, Jiang Che showed a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Although he only has the cultivation level of the eighth realm after his resurrection, he can still sweep through the beings of the eighth realm.

This is also the first Eighth Realm Supreme under his command.

"Even Shenyi!"

Jiang Che gave the name and added another sequence.

Divine word sequence!

It's also an honor.

The highest level that can be resurrected.

Beyond the four sequences of heaven, earth, black and yellow.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Jiang Che took Shen Yi into his own world of gods.

"The last grand prize should be good for you!"

Looking at the demon book in his mind, Jiang Che felt a little excited.

Take a deep breath, stabilize your mind, and extract rewards instantly.


The light vibrated, and before his eyes, a ball of golden light shone.

In the golden light, the shape of a book appeared faintly in front of his eyes.

It was filled with vast immortal power, and it was indeed an immortal weapon.

It's still a Dao Immortal Weapon.

There were mysterious ancient seal runes engraved on it, but he couldn't understand what they meant.

But I can feel a special power contained in it.

The golden light disappeared, and the true appearance was completely revealed.

Jiang Che looked at this special Dao Immortal Artifact.

A golden book.

Immortal power is vast.

He remembered that he had exploded magical weapons such as books before.

The Book of Doom.

But later they were integrated into one in order to build the Temple of the Heavens.

Unlike other Dao Immortal Weapons, this Dao Immortal Weapon seems to contain a kind of power of will.

"It's like the breath of heaven..."

Jiang Che blinked, and at this moment, dark fonts appeared in his eyes.

[Book of Heaven's Way: The innate Dao Immortal Artifact contains the power of Heaven's Dao. By activating this Immortal Artifact, you can induce the will of Heaven's Dao to bless you, control the power of Heaven's Dao, and become the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven's Will. However, your own will will also be suppressed by the will of Heaven's Dao. , at the same time, it will consume the power of one's soul and body. Without a strong enough body, it will not be able to bear the will of heaven, and there is a danger of exploding and dying...]


Looking at the font that appeared in his eyes, Jiang Che instantly took a breath of air.

The Book of Heaven communicates the will of Heaven to bless oneself and control the power of Heaven!

Good guy, so fierce!
The way of heaven is invisible and everywhere.

In any world, any time and space, and any region, there is the existence of heaven.Wherever the great road goes, the way of heaven is everywhere.

It’s not just the way of heaven in one world, but the way of heaven in all directions.

This book of heaven can communicate with the will of heaven to bless oneself and control the power of heaven.

How abnormal is the increase? !

In addition to Yang Shen's self-enlightenment, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways? !
What are the ten demon emperors? If he activates the Book of Heaven and controls the power of Heaven, he can completely destroy them all.

Even the number one Demon Emperor of the Sun can still defeat him.

Looking at the Book of Heaven's Law in front of him, Jiang Che's heart was filled with turmoil.

This special Dao Immortal Weapon has no lethality or defensive power, but its auxiliary ability is invincible.

It can be said that the reward this time far exceeded his imagination.

Can this kind of reward also be released? !

Taking a deep breath to calm the turmoil in his heart, Jiang Che looked at the Book of Heaven in front of him and reached out to touch it.

The ability of this fairy weapon can be called abnormal level.

If his strength can go further, then even Emperor Yangshen can give him a try.

"But there are also drawbacks. Consuming the soul is equivalent to sacrificing my own power in exchange for the power of heaven?"

A thought appeared in Jiang Che's mind, and Jiang Che quickly calmed down.

It can't be used casually. If you use it once, you have to consume your own soul power.

But even so, this ability is quite abnormal, and the power of the soul can be restored after it is consumed.

As long as it's within certain limits, there's no problem.

"Refining first and then talking."

Jiang Che's mind was firm, and he stabilized his heart. He made a hand seal with his hands, and with a movement of his soul, he immediately began to refine this Dao Immortal Artifact.


Half a month has passed. Compared with other immortal weapons, the difficulty of refining the Book of Heaven is also quite high.

But it just takes some time.

He finally completed the sacrifice.

Spread your hands, and the book of heaven appears in your palm.

Looking at the Book of Heaven in his hand, Jiang Che was able to sense the ubiquitous will of Heaven in the void through the Book of Heaven.

As long as he is willing to activate the Book of Heaven, he can communicate the will of Heaven to him at any time.

"The killer weapon should not be used lightly. It can only be used at critical moments to produce unexpected effects."

Jiang Che murmured as he looked at the Book of Heaven's Law.

He didn't know how strong the increase was, but judging from his own feelings, it should be about the same.

There is no need for a test. Now, he still needs to practice and break through the eighth realm.

Putting away the Book of Heavenly Law, Jiang Che immediately sat cross-legged on the spot.

He took out the rewards that had been revealed before and began to absorb and practice.

By operating the Chaos True Spirit Technique, his whole body was filled with layers of brilliance.

A layer of light enveloped the whole body.

Swallow the God's Way Fruit and absorb the power of the God's Way Fruit.

At the same time, it also absorbs the demon's heart to enhance its own strength.

The power of his physical body has exceeded the power of 8000 million heavenly dragons. If he absorbs the demon yin and yang, his power will soar again.

Coupled with other resource improvements, it is not without hope to exceed [-] million.


boundary sea.

The infinite star field.

Nantian Shenfu Base Camp.

In the Sea of ​​Clouds Heavenly Palace.

Several figures appeared here.

Among them, there are the Southern Emperor and the Northern Emperor, as well as two other supreme emperors of the Nine Realms.

"In the past three years, since the Yushen Clan separated, there has been no news about Jiang Che."

Nanhuang said.

"Will he be caught by some of the top demon kings of the demon clan?"

Beihuang said.

"It shouldn't be possible. The demons are all wanted here. Jiang Che shouldn't be caught."

Nanhuang shook his head.

"That's not necessarily the case. With the strength of the Demon Emperor of the Sun, I'm afraid Jiang Che won't be able to defeat him."

Beihuang said.

"Perhaps he left the Wuji Star Territory."

Another emperor spoke.

"It's possible."

Nanhuang nodded.

"I hope he is okay. It would be a pity if such a supreme being was caught by the demons."

Beihuang sighed.

"If we want to catch him, it is estimated that the top ten Demon Emperors will go one-on-one. Except for the Demon Emperor of the Sun, the other Demon Emperors may be worse." Nanhuang said.

"To be able to suppress a Nine Realm Demon King, his strength is not simple."

Beihuang nodded.

"Okay, let's solve the current problem first." Another emperor said.

Immediately, their figures moved and disappeared into the Yunhai Tiangong.


boundary sea.

The infinite star field.

In a galaxy, suddenly, a ray of light soared into the sky, tearing apart the galaxy and going straight into the depths of the starry sky.

A powerful momentum swept across the entire galaxy in an instant.

Suddenly, the entire galaxy trembled.

Billions of stars float.

In the sky-reaching light, a figure stepped out.

It was Jiang Che.

After three years of seclusion and using resources to practice, Jiang Che also completely understood the realm of creation.

Now, there is only one last step left to overcome the tribulation and completely enter the eighth realm.

Standing on the Milky Way, Jiang Che looked into the deep sky. In a flash of golden light, his soul stepped out from the Heavenly Palace.

Now, his soul has exceeded 3000 million thoughts.

He also reached his own limit.

The soul left the body, the breath was released, and in the next breath, purple electric light descended from the deep sky over the stars, crossing the starry sky.


The avenue of divine thunder exploded, and the powerful divine thunder raged across the starry sky.

Electric light shines, and in the depths of the starry sky, vast clouds of tribulation condense, spreading to cover the entire galaxy.

A supreme power of heaven filled the air from the calamity cloud.

The eighth realm of thunder calamity, the calamity of creation!

In the dark cloud of calamity, the purple thunder of the great avenue exploded.

Jiang Che felt an extremely heavy sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression made his soul feel extremely dangerous.

However, he still chose Yuanshen to contend.

It is really unstoppable, and the soul returns to the body to resist the catastrophe.


The bright electric light shines, illuminating the starry sky, and in the next breath, the first catastrophe comes.

A giant constructed entirely from the Great Thunder God.

It was as if a god had descended, with overwhelming momentum, carrying the power of the will of heaven's punishment, and holding the thunder god's halberd evolved from the divine thunder of the avenue, he stepped out of the calamity cloud and came towards Jiang Che's soul.


Standing on the Milky Way, Jiang Che's soul moved, and the power of the soul turned into the sword of the soul. Instead of retreating, he advanced and charged towards the lightning god.


The sword of the soul was slashed out, and the sword energy evolved with the supreme swordsmanship instantly collided with the Lightning God.

The sword energy cuts, tears and collides.

Split into two, the severed lightning giant was resurrected in an instant.

His momentum did not drop at all. He held the Thunder God's Halberd and shattered the starry sky with one blow, and the destructive power rolled in.

"Wuji Wuming!"

The sword of the soul in his hand burst out with brilliance reaching the sky, and they collided with each other in an instant.


The light covers the galaxy, and the spreading power reaches deep into the starry sky.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation is even more powerful.

Jiang Che didn't take anything lightly, he went all out and blasted out instantly.


Killing it with one sword, Jiang Che activated the Chaos True Spirit Technique and frantically absorbed the Yuanshi Sky Thunder.

The sky thunder containing the will of heaven's punishment quickly strengthened his soul.

The first calamity is over!

But before he could take a breath, the second catastrophe came quickly.

The momentum is more powerful.

The Great Avenue Divine Thunder evolved into three chaotic beasts, charging towards them with roaring roars.

The soul burst out with light, and Jiang Che held the sword of the soul and killed him again.



In the starry sky, a dazzling light bloomed, and the brilliant brilliance shone, instantly breaking through the darkness, and Jiang Che's soul also stepped out of the light.

The catastrophe lasted for half a month, and nine out of ten of his souls were consumed.

The power of the natural disaster was far more terrifying than he imagined.

Looking at the calamity cloud, the dark calamity cloud began to rotate, forming a huge vortex.


Raging lightning flashed, and a terrifying calamity aura filled the air from the calamity cloud.

"There is still one last catastrophe. No, my soul alone may not be able to withstand it."

Seeing the lightning that filled the vortex of the robbery cloud and feeling the ultimate power of heaven, Jiang Che's soul moved instantly and his body became one.


The monstrous thunder of the avenue shook the starry sky, the soul returned, Jiang Che's mana flowed, and a layer of fairy light was stimulated all over his body.


In the next breath, a world-destroying thunder gun appeared from the vortex of the calamity cloud, locked onto his figure, and came quickly.

Thousands of miles apart, everyone could feel the raging aura of destruction.

Jiang Che took a deep breath, raised his hand, and his magic power exploded, and his own power was activated instantly.


With one blow, it instantly hit the world-destroying thunder gun.

The dazzling light bloomed and swept across the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles.

The power of destruction invaded, instantly extinguishing all the stars in the dim galaxy, and the remaining stars turned into powder in an instant.

The stars collapsed, the starlight dissipated, and it completely became a dark vacuum.

Jiang Che's figure was submerged in the lightning.

The force of a single blow from the World-Destroying Thunder Spear penetrated his soul body in an instant.

"The universe is created by nature and life is endless!"

A great voice sounded in the light of destruction, and in the next breath, Jiang Che's figure appeared again.

"Swallow the true spirit of chaos!"

Jiang Che opened his fingers, and the endless lightning was quickly absorbed by his body.

In an instant, the divine thunder of the great avenue that reached the sky disappeared and turned into nothing.

Deep in the starry sky, the calamity clouds also completely dissipated.

Jiang Che's figure stood in the dark vacuum.


The golden light of the avenue descended from the depths of the void, and the dim soul quickly recovered. When the golden light of the avenue disappeared, his soul broke through again and reached a new peak.

An aura that swept across the starry sky filled the air.

Standing in the starry sky, Jiang Che felt his improvement.

The Eight Realms of Thunder Tribulation.

The realm of good fortune!

His soul thoughts reached [-] million soul thoughts.

Surpassing most of the eight realm supremes.

Breakthrough is the pinnacle!
The magic power is more vast.

The physical body has also improved a lot through three years of practice, reaching the power of [-] million heavenly dragons.

"Finally broke through!"

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief.

Breaking through the eighth realm, he was one step closer to the Yangshen Avenue.

(End of this chapter)

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