I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 329: The God of Era Fist breaks the seal!

Chapter 329: The God of Era Fist breaks the seal!
Emperor Yangshen took action once.

This condition is very attractive.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I have sworn to the great road with my true spirit. Are you afraid that I will harm you?"

Shen Ni's voice sounded again.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at the nine magic pillars of chaos, and then looked at the Shen Ni in the center.

"Senior, I can take action, but you have to swear an oath again, swear it with your true spirit."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.


"Have you not already sworn an oath? Why do you still need to swear?"

Shen Ni looked at him and said.

Jiang Che: "It's just an extra layer of protection. Senior, it has no impact on you."

"Okay, tell me how to swear." Shen Ni was silent for a moment and nodded.

Jiang Che smiled: "It's very simple, as long as senior swears to serve me once in the future."

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

Jiang Che nodded.

"Okay, I swear!"

Shen Ni nodded, and then he said with a serious face: "The Hunyuan Wuji Dao is above, today I, Shen Ni..."


As the last word fell, the true spirit mark in Jiang Che's soul shook again.

Looking at Shen Ni, Jiang Che also had a smile on his face.

"Is that all right?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Shen Ni said.

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded.

"Then you go ahead and attack the Chaos Demonic Pillar from the outside, and I will destroy it from the inside at the same time."

Shen Ni spoke.

Jiang Che looked at him and said, "Senior, can this space bear it?"

"You can rest assured that if the Chaos Demonic Pillar is not destroyed, the space will not collapse. If it collapsed so easily, I wouldn't be trapped here."

God retorted.

Jiang Che nodded, and then he spread his hands, mana surged around him, and a layer of light bloomed from his skin.

"Attack this Chaos Demonic Pillar. This Chaos Demonic Pillar is the weakest."

Shen Ni spoke, and a golden light was inspired and fell on one of the Chaos Demonic Pillars.

"it is good."

Jiang Che responded, gathering a little bit of his infinite mana, and instantly transformed into a heaven-shattering divine sword that cut through the void and struck directly on the demonic pillar of chaos.


When the sword hit, the clear sound echoed in time and space.

A stream of demonic energy was stimulated from the Chaos Demonic Pillar, leaving a shallow trace on it.

But it soon returned to normal.

Once the blow fell, there was basically no change.

"Just use all your strength. Don't test it. Ordinary attacks can't shake the Chaos Demonic Pillar."

Shen Ni's voice sounded again.

Jiang Che stood in the void, looking at the Chaos Demonic Pillar, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and a vast power burst out.

Shocking energy and blood rushed out, like a bright sun, shining brightly, reflecting time and space.


There was a dragon roar in his body, which was the roar of the powerful heavenly dragon.

"Gods and demons collapse!"

After activating the Divine Demon Fist, thousands of phantoms of gods and demons instantly appeared behind Jiang Che, merging his laws of power. In the next breath, all the laws of power converged into one point, exploding space and time with one punch, and instantly blasted towards the Chaos Demon. column.


The terrifying punch struck down, causing the entire avenue of time and space to tremble. However, with the power of the Chaos Demonic Pillar, the shaken avenue of time and space quickly recovered.

A blow broke out, and this time, its power was more than a hundred times greater than the previous sword.

The demonic energy on the Chaos Demonic Pillar evolved into a demonic dragon, roaring crazily.

The ancient seal runes on it also glowed.

The runes vibrate.

A clear fist mark also appeared on the Chaos Demonic Pillar.

This time, the demonic energy did not repair the fist seal.

It was clear that one hit was enough to hurt.

"Okay, it seems that your strength is more powerful than I expected, haha, let's take action like this." Shen Ni said, with joy in his eyes.

"Senior, don't forget the agreement between you and me."

Jiang Che's voice sounded.

"Don't worry, I'm not that shameless. It's just one attack. When I return to my peak, it will be easy."

Shen Ni spoke with a loud voice.

Jiang Che didn't say much, gathered the law of power, activated the Divine Demon Fist, and blasted out again.





Punch after punch, Jiang Che unleashed all his physical strength, and the effect became more and more obvious.

The ancient seal runes on the Chaos Demonic Pillar burst out with magical light, and the demonic energy on them was also dispersed by him little by little.

At the same time, in the center of the Chaos Demonic Pillar, the suppressed Shen Ni also took action at the same time.


The terrifying light shines and sweeps through the nine chaotic pillars.

However, when Shen Ni took action, he was also being attacked by the Chaos Demonic Pillar.

A series of terrifying chaos divine thunder exploded on his body.

However, even though he was bombarded by the Chaos Divine Thunder, Shen Ni was stunned and did not scream out.

He and Jiang Che cooperated internally and externally, and attacked the Chaos Demonic Pillar at the same time.

And here is a separate avenue of time and space. Even if the place is turned upside down, as long as the avenue of time and space remains, there will be no reaction from the outside.

Activating the Divine Demon Fist, Jiang Che was like a chaotic god and demon resurrected, punching the Chaos Demonic Pillar one punch after another.

At the same time, Jiang Che prepared the elixir for recovery and always maintained his peak condition.

This is a big project that cannot be completed in a short time.

Even if he attacks with all his strength, it will take a long time.

It can't be done in a day or two.

However, if Jiang Che unleashes all his trump cards with all his strength, he can quickly destroy the Demonic Pillar of Chaos.

That is the Book of Heaven.

However, Jiang Che doesn’t know how to use it.

Although Shen Ni had already sworn to Dao with his true spirit, he had to save one hand, so he naturally had to save one hand.

Just keep the current attack going, but it will take more time.

He still has this little time.


Three months passed with a snap of the fingers.

Jiang Che barely paused, launched the Divine Demon Fist, and continued to attack.

Under his crazy attack, changes appeared on the Chaos Demonic Pillar in three months.

Some ancient seal runes had been exploded by him and were completely destroyed. Jiang Che could feel that there was a clear gap between this chaotic pillar and other chaotic pillars.

The demonic energy above has also dissipated a lot.

The results within three months are quite remarkable.

However, there is still a long way to go to completely destroy this pillar of chaos.


The dragon roar of the Powerful Heavenly Dragon sounded again, and the power of nearly 1000 million Heavenly Dragons exploded. Coupled with the power of the Divine Demon Fist, this punch was enough to kill a peak human being.


A punch came, and the Chaos Demonic Pillar trembled crazily. One of the ancient seal runes on it disappeared again, and some of the demonic energy was cleared again.

For three months, Shen Ni was not idle, working together inside and outside to break the seal of the Chaos Demonic Pillar.

After swallowing another elixir, Jiang Che continued to attack the chaotic pillar.

Punch after punch, while constantly attacking, Jiang Che also received some special understanding.

He deduced stronger supernatural powers.

And this magical power evolved based on the Divine Demon Fist.

However, it has not been perfected yet. If he waits until the Chaos Demonic Pillar is destroyed, he believes that perhaps this magical power can be perfected.

This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise, Jiang Che himself did not expect it.

Attacking the Chaos Demonic Pillar can also help you realize magical powers.


At the same time as he took action, Shen Ni was also taking action.

However, every time Shen Ni takes action, he will be bombarded by endless Chaos God Thunder.

Although it was isolated by the seal of the Chaos Demonic Pillar, Jiang Che could still feel the terrifying aspect of the Chaos Divine Thunder.

If I were bombarded like this, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on to a large extent.

Even the immortal body cannot withstand such a terrible bombing.

However, for Emperor Yang Shen, the true spirit is immortal, and if the physical body is destroyed, it can be restored with a single thought.

From this point, we can also see the horror of Yang Shen.

The gap between him and Yang Shen is still huge.

However, I am only at the eighth level, and there is huge room for improvement.

Moreover, the room for improvement in martial arts is also huge.

This is mainly due to practicing the Divine Scripture of Gods and Demons and opening 360 orifices.

Once you reach the peak of martial arts, this gap will become wider and wider.

The power laws he can carry far exceed those of other peak human immortals.

They are both at the peak of human immortality, but there are differences.

If it is a differentiation sequence.

Then now, looking at all the worlds, he should be at the highest level.

Already the same strength as the Great Xia Emperor.

However, with the blessing of the Immortal Dynasty's national destiny, the Human Emperor of Great Xia can explode with strength comparable to Shattering Vacuum.

But he also has the Book of Heavenly Law, and if he really has a head-to-head confrontation with the Emperor of Great Xia, it is still unknown who will lose and who will win.


Time passed, and three years passed by in the blink of an eye.

The sea of ​​chaos, deep in the great avenue of time and space.

For three full years, Jiang Che continued to attack, and the Chaos Demonic Pillar that was attacked was already covered with cracks.

Almost all the ancient seal runes on it have disappeared.

Three years later, this pillar of chaos has still not been completely destroyed.

This was under the condition that he took action with all his strength.

If this were done by another Supreme Being, I'm afraid it would take even longer.

This alone can also show how terrifying the strength of those demon ancestors is.

"There should be one last blow, and this pillar of chaos will be completely destroyed."

In the void, Jiang Che took a breath and looked at the chaotic pillar full of cracks.

"Why did it stop? It should be broken soon."

Shen Ni's voice sounded.

Jiang Che looked at him and said, "I'll recover and break through in one fell swoop!"

"Well, okay."

Shen Ni nodded.

Looking at Jiang Che, he spoke again: "Thank you for your hard work. Don't worry. I promise you that I will never break my promise."

Jiang Che smiled but said nothing. He took out the elixir and swallowed it, his whole body glowing with hazy light.

Half an hour later, Jiang Che opened his eyes, and a majestic aura rushed out instantly.

Destructive power wrapped around the body, and dragon roars shook time and space.

In three years, Jiang Che also fully understood the most powerful magical power that fits his physical body.

Era Divine Fist!

One punch can easily destroy a Zhongqian World and penetrate it life and death.

Even the power of a thousand worlds cannot stop his Divine Fist of the Era.

The most powerful magical power developed based on the God and Demon Fist and the Wheel of Life and Death!
However, only the first formula has been perfected so far!
"Senior, appreciate my latest magical power!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded.In the center of the Chaos Demonic Pillar, Shen Ni looked at Jiang Che.

"Era Divine Fist: All Worlds Are Destroyed!"

The sound of the avenue resounded, and Jiang Che's aura instantly reached its peak, reaching an extremely terrifying level.

The law of power turned into a seal of light and instantly blasted towards the Chaos Demonic Pillar.


"Contains the secret of vacuum, this boy's talent is so abnormal!"

Shen Ni's pupils shrank.

The mysteries of vacuum, this shows that the possibility of Jiang Che breaking through and shattering the vacuum in the future is as high as 90.00%.

Prove it with strength!

Become the new smashing vacuum!

This potential is amazing!

It can be said that it is a little more difficult to reach the peak of Human Immortal to Shatter the Vacuum than to reach the ninth realm of Thunder Tribulation to reach Yangshen.

From this supreme blow, Shen Ni almost saw his future.

Not everyone can understand the profound meaning of vacuum.

How many immortals have reached their peak, but they have stopped here.


As soon as the blow fell, the entire avenue space trembled.

The cracks on this chaotic pillar expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.


There was another loud noise, shaking the entire avenue space. The tall chaos magic pillar could not stop it again, and it collapsed directly and turned into powder.

The power of destruction invades the entire avenue of time and space.

The Chaos Divine Thunder exploded, as if it would completely collapse in the next moment.

Seeing the destruction of the Chaos Demonic Pillar, Shen Ni instantly smiled.

"Hahahahaha, good boy, yes!"

Unbridled laughter resounded throughout the avenue of time and space.

A peerless ferocious aura suddenly arose from Shen Ni's body.


A roar shook the time and space of the avenue, and in the next breath, the chains on his body completely collapsed and turned into powder.

A world-destroying power rose from Shen Ni's body.

"Break it for me!"

Shen Ni's breath moved, and the remaining eight chaotic magic pillars trembled crazily.


Cracks burst open one after another, and immediately after, the eight huge chaos demonic pillars collapsed completely.

A majestic fierceness was vented.


The Chaos Demonic Pillar was completely destroyed, and the entire avenue of time and space collapsed instantly.

The void barrier of the avenue completely dissipated, and the figures of Jiang Che and Shen Ni appeared in the dark sea of ​​chaos.

A monstrous aura rushed out of Shen Ni's body.

The entire sea of ​​chaos was suddenly invaded by a boundless force.

At this moment, in the place of origin, in every void, boundless evil energy was raging.

In the chaos that originated in the four realms, the destructive Great Avenue Divine Thunder exploded and spread across the void of the four domains. Even the Etu Plateau was no exception, and was covered by the terrifying Great Avenue Divine Thunder.

The entire place of origin was enveloped by a powerful aura.

"what happened!"

At the place of origin, each of the Supremes raised their heads and looked at the endless void.

The faces of all the Supremes changed crazily.

And at this moment, the place of origin, the depths of endless chaos.

A stalwart figure stepped out, stood in the chaos, and looked in the direction of the Chaos Sea.

"This aura...the aura of Shen Ni, the ancestor of the vicious beast!"

"It seems that he broke the seal!"

The figure murmured to himself, a light shining in his eyes.

"Haha, it's a good show. Now, those old guys from the demon tribe will have a headache."

At the same time, in the outer starry sky, in the chaos of a forbidden starry sky, a pair of scarlet beams of light were activated, and in the depths of the chaos, a figure wrapped in chains trembled.

"Brother has broken the seal!"

"Haha, good, good!"

The figure laughed crazily, the aura around him surged, and the boundless divine thunder of chaos enveloped his figure, bombarding him crazily.

"Demon, this time, I will make you pay the price!"

A voice filled with extreme anger resounded through the chaos, and a monstrous aura raged and roared.

The outer starry sky, a dark depth of the starry sky.

A dark palace stands in the starry sky.


In front of the shrine, a black-robed figure appeared. He stood in front of the shrine and looked in the direction of the place of origin.

"The seal of Divine Rebellion was lifted early. Damn it, there must be external help."

The face of the black-robed figure was ugly. After one glance, his figure instantly disappeared in front of the dark palace.


The place of origin, deep in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Jiang Che stood in the dark and cold sea of ​​chaos and felt the aura of Shen Ni at close range.

It made him feel terrified.

This is the breath of the Yang God!

Really scary enough!
"Congratulations to senior for breaking the seal."

Jiang Che looked at Shen Ni, bowed his hands, and looked neither humble nor arrogant.

Shen Ni calmed down his momentum, everything returned to calm, and turned to look at Jiang Che.

A fierce aura filled the air in his eyes.

"Boy, you are very calm, aren't you afraid of me?"

Shen Ni's voice sounded.

Jiang Che smiled: "Senior should be very smart, and you and I have a Dao Dao oath, why should I be afraid of senior?"

"Haha, Dao Dao Demon, do you think you can restrain me?"

Shen Ni laughed unscrupulously.

Jiang Che, however, remained calm and said: "I believe the restriction is not big, but it will definitely have some impact on the seniors. My guess is correct."

"It has an impact, but it only consumes a trace of true spirit." Shen Ni looked at him and said.

"Senior has just broken the seal and is still in a weak stage. If you are losing a trace of your true spirit, I am afraid it will only do harm to senior, but no good." Jiang Che said.

"Haha, you are quite accurate." Shen Ni laughed loudly.

"Senior, don't you want to violate the oath of the great road?" Jiang Che looked at him and said.

"What do you think?"

Shen Ni asked rhetorically.

"I think senior is a smart man and wouldn't do such a stupid thing." Jiang Che said calmly.

"You are very confident. Aren't you afraid that I will break my oath and attack you?" Shen Ni said.

"I don't think the seniors will do this. Moreover, even if they do, I'm afraid they will all end up dying together. Although the juniors are defeated, they are not without the strength to compete."

Jiang Che said, his expression still not at all panicked.


After hearing this, Shen Ni looked at him deeply, and after a while, he laughed loudly: "Haha, you kid, okay, I like it, so be it, you follow me, in the future, I will help you become Yang Shen, how about it?"

Jiang Che shook his head and said: "I'm afraid this will disappoint my seniors. I agree, but I'm afraid the forces behind me won't agree."


Shen Ni narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "The forces behind you... let's talk about it."

"The Temple of Origin, seniors should know about it."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"The Temple of Origin!"

Shen Ni looked at him, his eyes flashing slightly: "Are you from the Temple of Origin?"

"Exactly." Jiang Che nodded.

"Forget it then, three old guys are difficult to deal with." Shen Ni shook his head.

"Senior, although I can't go with you, we can still be friends."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

"Friend, is it just you?"

Shen Ni looked at him and gave him a sidelong glance.

"Not now, but not necessarily in the future." Jiang Che said with a smile.

Shen Ni thought for a moment, thinking of the scene just now.

The magical power created by this boy contains the secret of vacuum. There is great hope in breaking through and crushing the vacuum in the future.

"We'll talk about it later when we become friends. I'm not interested now. I'll give this to you. This is my True Spirit's order. When you encounter a situation, you can activate the True Spirit's Seal, and I will sense it and send it as quickly as possible. Come to help you, remember, you only have one chance."

Shen Ni threw out a black token and handed it to Jiang Che. In the next breath, his figure instantly disappeared into the dark sea of ​​chaos.


Seeing Shen Ni disappear before his eyes, Jiang Che looked at the token in his hand and let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that he did not save this guy in vain.

Bet right.

After getting Shen Ni's True Spirit Token, at least in the future, he can let Shen Ni take action for him once.

This opportunity is rare.

A chance to save your life!
If used correctly, it can save him a lot of trouble in the future.

At least, that was the case before he became the Yang God.

But after becoming Yang Shen, it would be nice to have one more help like this.

"All in all, I made a profit this time."

Jiang Che had a bright smile on his face.

In the next breath, he headed towards the Chaos Sea.

Not only did he get a chance from Shen Ni to take action, but the biggest gain was that he understood the Divine Fist of the Era.

This magical power had already taken shape a long time ago.

It’s just that it has not been completely perfected until now.

The power of the Era Divine Fist surpasses all the Wheels of Life and Death and the Divine Demon Fist.

It also surpasses all his supernatural powers.

The more important point is that this is a unique magical power that he has realized himself.

It is also his way.

After creating the Divine Fist of Era, Jiang Che also felt that he had understood the secret of the vacuum beyond the peak of human immortality.

Although there was only a hint of it, it was enough to make him happy.

Haosheng is perfect, and it will also be his trump card magical power in the future.

With the Divine Fist of the Era, he conquered all the worlds!



In the black sea of ​​chaos, a wave stirred up, and Jiang Che's figure stepped out of the sea of ​​chaos.

Originally, I came to the place of origin just to collect the results of my clone, but I didn't expect that there would be such an accident.

He himself felt very incredible.

beyond imagination!

This is also an opportunity.

If it hadn't been for the sudden reaction from the Temple of the Heavens, he probably wouldn't have thought that this famous being was being suppressed in the depths of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The ancestor of the vicious beast was actually suppressed in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

He felt incredible.

But Jiang Che thought of another question.

That's the place of origin. Why don't the other Yang gods come to the rescue?
Or is it that Shen Ni is so unpopular that other Yang gods are unwilling to help even if they know that Shen Ni is being suppressed?
Or are there other unknown secrets?
This is his doubt.

I got the induction through the Temple of the Heavens, but the other Yang Shen Emperors, with their strength, probably knew that Shen Ni was suppressed in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

But why he didn't take action made Jiang Che curious.

But it's just curiosity.

Breaking the seal of Shen Ni not only gave him an opportunity for Yang Shen to take action for him, but more importantly, he could use the hand of Shen Ni to deal with the demons.

After being suppressed by the three demon ancestors for so long, Shen Ni's murderous intention towards the demons may have reached its peak.

The same goes for yourself.

The first thing to do after recovery is to wipe out the demon clan.

It can also be regarded as a contribution to the future evil tribulation.

(End of this chapter)

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