I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 330 1 Palm Explosion

Half a month passed in a flash.

In the gray chaos, a purple lightning rushed out.


Looking towards the vast Etu Plateau, Jiang Che's eyes flashed.


Transforming into a purple lightning bolt, Jiang Che quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​chaos.


Two days later.

Etu Plateau.

In front of a thousand-foot mountain peak, Jiang Che's figure appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the mountain peak in front of him, Jiang Che sensed the avenue formation he had arranged.

Safe and sound.

Hundreds of years have passed and not much has changed.


Transformed into immortal light, Jiang Che took one step forward and reached halfway up the mountain.

He raised his hand, and a fairy light bloomed, and the hidden cave instantly appeared in his eyes.

With a few steps, Jiang Che stepped into the cave.

In the quiet room, Jiang Che appeared in front of the four clones.

The four clones are also at the eighth realm.

This is also the mystery of how one Qi transforms into three pure beings.

As the main body improves, the clone can also improve accordingly.

Belong to one source.

Standing in front of Jiang Che, the four clones also took out a storage ring at the same time.

Inside are the sources of immortality drawn from over 200 years.

"7000 million sources of immortality!"

After counting the number of sources of immortality, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

Four hundred and seventy million Sources of Immortality, this number is definitely an astonishing amount.

"very good."

"With this batch of resources, it will be enough for me to practice when I return to the world."

Jiang Che nodded with satisfaction, and then, with a thought, the four clones entered his body at the same time.

For the rest of the time, he didn't need clones to accumulate.

It can also be used perfectly to convert three clears into one gas.

This batch of sources of immortality will also take him a long time to absorb.

After collecting the four clones, Jiang Che immediately stepped out of the cave.

With a single thought, the cave immediately collapsed and turned into nothing.

Looking at the collapsed cave, Jiang Che's figure moved and then disappeared.

Harvesting more than 200 years of harvest was one of his goals in coming to the place of origin.

The second is to visit the immoral Taoist.

The original plan was to prepare people to return to the world, and the wicked Taoist was one of them.

But now, he changed his plans.

Just meet him.

To shake people, you need to owe a favor, and you have to repay it in the future.

This is also a cause and effect.

If he has enough strength, he naturally does not need to owe this cause and effect.

Even though he was here, he had to say hello at least, after all, he hadn't seen her for hundreds of years.

One day later, Jiang Che arrived at the dojo of the wicked Taoist.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain of the dojo, a ray of fairy light was inspired from the cloud palace of the dojo, and in an instant, it came to Jiang Che.He is a wicked Taoist.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, long time no see!"

Seeing Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist had a bright smile on his face.

"I have seen fellow Daoist."

Jiang Che made a bow.

At close range, he could sense the aura of the wicked Taoist.

He was probably on the same level as the Dark Demon Emperor, and his strength was stronger than the average Ji Dao realm.

"We haven't seen each other for more than 200 years. My Taoist friend's strength has improved so much. Looking at all the worlds, he is the only one!"

Sensing Jiang Che's aura, Taoist Wicked spoke.

"Fellow Taoist, thank you very much. I just have some good luck."

Jiang Che smiled.

"I'm afraid this fortune is extraordinary. Come on, enter the dojo first, and let's have a nice chat."

The wicked Taoist smiled and made a gesture.

Jiang Che was not polite and stepped into the dojo.

In a moment, Jiang Che arrived at the Taoist Heavenly Palace.

In the inner hall of the Heavenly Palace, Jiang Che and Taoist Bade sat face to face. With a wave of his hand, Taoist Bade took out a pot of immortal brew and poured two glasses.

"When did fellow Taoist come?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist asked.

"Not long ago."

Jiang Che replied.

"Does fellow Taoist know about the visions of the past few days?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist asked.


Jiang Che pondered for a moment, then quickly thought of something and nodded: "Clear."

"The aura of the fierce beast, Shen Ni, came from the Sea of ​​Chaos a few days ago. This fierce god is so powerful!"

The wicked Taoist sighed.

"I just broke through the seal and haven't returned to my peak yet. I'm probably recovering somewhere now," Jiang Che said.


After hearing this, the wicked Taoist looked at him in surprise.

"Breaking through the seal? Fellow Taoist, what do you mean?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist asked curiously.

Jiang Che: "Because I have seen Shen Ni."

Hearing this, Taoist Wicked was stunned for a moment and looked at him with wide eyes: "Have you ever seen Shen Ni?"


Jiang Che nodded.

The wicked Taoist looked at him, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

Looking at Jiang Che, he suddenly thought of a possibility: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, could it be you who broke the seal of divine rebellion?"

Jiang Che smiled: "Fellow Taoist, you think so highly of me. That is the Demon Ancestor's seal. How could I have the strength to break it? He broke it himself."

"That's true."

The wicked Taoist nodded.

If Jiang Che had the strength to break the seal that could seal the rebellion of gods, it would be horrifying.

"This fierce god is quite cruel. How come you are okay?"

Looking at Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist blinked and asked.

"Maybe he was in a hurry to regain his strength and just ignored it." Jiang Che said nonsense.

"The birth of this fierce god will probably cause quite a storm in the world."

The wicked Taoist sighed.

"No matter how big the storm is, it can't compare to the devil's calamity."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"That's true." The wicked Taoist nodded, and then said: "I heard that there has been turmoil in Jiehai, I don't know what is going on now."

"It's settled for the time being. I just came back from the Boundary Sea." Jiang Che said.

"That's okay, at least it can be stable for a while." The wicked Taoist nodded.

"What are your next plans, fellow Taoist?" Looking at Jiang Che, the wicked Taoist asked.

"Return to the Great Thousand World, prepare to practice, and have a higher impact. I hope to be able to improve my strength again before the evil catastrophe comes."

Jiang Che picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Breaking through to a higher level, I believe you can do it. If given the chance, it may not be impossible to attain enlightenment before the calamity comes."

The wicked Taoist smiled and said.


"That's too far away."

Jiang Che sighed.

"Emperor Haotian once told you, I believe you can do it." The wicked Taoist smiled.

Jiang Che: "?"

Did Emperor Haotian talk about him?
Jiang Che looked at the wicked Taoist and was slightly startled.

"Why am I not sure?"

Looking at the wicked Taoist, Jiang Che said with a surprised expression.

The wicked Taoist smiled and said: "It happened 100 years ago. At that time, I happened to go to meet the emperor."


Jiang Che nodded, but didn't say much.


An hour later, Jiang Che said goodbye to the wicked Taoist and left immediately.

This time, his purpose of coming to the place of origin was also accomplished.

There is one last risk, that is, the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor will attack him.

However, if I don’t come out, Jiang Che has the confidence to block it.

After all, his own strength is constantly making breakthroughs.

Emperor Yangshen is no longer invincible.

Although it is now necessary to use the Book of Heaven to compete with Emperor Yangshen, at least he has the strength to compete.

Don't be too worried.


Three months later, Jiang Che left the place of origin and headed for the world.

The outer starry sky was as dark and dead as ever.

In less than half a month, Jiang Che had already seen the whole world.

Looking from the starry sky, the vast world appears before our eyes.

Compared with other middle-thousand worlds, the vastness of the great-thousand world is almost a thousand times greater.

The bigger gap lies in the avenues.

The vast world has a more complete avenue.

This point is also unmatched by other Zhongqian Worlds.

Standing in the starry sky, Jiang Che looked at the vast world. In his mind, he used the Temple of the Heavens to make deductions.

"Unable to track the breath... It seems that this should be the method of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor."

After some deductions, Jiang Che looked at the world and came to a conclusion.

"Come on, I'll make it impossible for you to come back!"

A sharp look flashed in his eyes, and in the next breath, Jiang Che instantly escaped into the world.

After passing through the outer world, Jiang Che completely entered the vast world.

Standing on the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Che looked far into the distance.

As soon as his figure moved, Jiang Che headed in the direction of Daozong.


Donghuang, Qingzhou Taoist Sect.

As one of the supreme immortal sects, the development of Dao Sect is also constantly improving.

The former Immortal Sect structure was broken, and now it has become a three-legged alliance.

The only one that continues to exist is Daozong.

Other immortal sects were also forced to unite due to external forces.

Daozong, outside the mountain gate, the calm void suddenly distorted, and a crack in the void opened, and Jiang Che's figure stepped directly out of the crack in the void.

Standing on the hillside, Jiang Che looked at the Daozong Mountain Gate.

Under the eyes of the sky, he could see the fire of destiny at the peak of Dao Sect, burning brightly.

But after just one glance, Jiang Che withdrew his gaze.

Jiang Che's gaze was cast into the void as his spiritual consciousness explored the world.


Raising his hand, a ray of fairy light poured into the void like lightning, and a figure fell from the void.

A man in white.

Jiang Che's eyes fell on the man in white.

This man in white is very powerful.

He is a being in the Ji Dao realm.

Near Daozong, there is such a supreme being lurking, who is indescribably weird.

When their eyes met, Jiang Che looked at the man in white and frowned slightly.Faintly, he had a feeling of déjà vu, but he had no idea about the aura of this person.

He only knew a few people in the Ji Dao realm. If he had seen them, he would definitely not forget them.

But he was indeed unfamiliar with the person in front of him.

But deep in my heart, there is a feeling of déjà vu.

This is very strange.

Moreover, he felt an aura from this man in white that made his heart palpitate.

"Could it be that he was sent by the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor?"

"But why human race?"

"The Supreme Being of the Nine Realms shouldn't be a lackey of the demon clan, right?"

Thoughts flashed through Jiang Che's mind and his brows furrowed.

If it is the Supreme Demon Clan, then it is not surprising, it must be sent by the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor.

But this man in white is not a demon, but a genuine human.

"Who is your Excellency, and why are you hiding near our Dao Sect?"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Jiang Che, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are finally back today."

The man in white looked at him with bright eyes.


Jiang Che frowned slightly as he heard the man in white say his name.

What does this mean?
Waiting for him specifically, could it really be related to the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor?

"who are you?"

Looking at the man in white, Jiang Che said coldly.

"This is not the place to do anything. If you are brave enough, come with me!"

The voice of the man in white rang out, and as soon as he finished speaking, he tore the void and disappeared in front of him in an instant.

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed, his figure flashed, and he also disappeared from the spot.

After crossing the void, Jiang Che once again came to the starry sky outside the territory.

In the distance, the figure of a man in white appeared in front of him, standing in the dark sky.

"Are you sent by the demons?"

Looking at the man in white, Jiang Che said coldly.

"Hahahahaha, demon, Jiang Che, you don't recognize me anymore!"

An unbridled laughter rang out, and in the next breath, the face of the man in white changed and instantly transformed into a strong man in black robes. At the same time, a monstrous demonic aura emerged from his body.

From a human supreme, he instantly transformed into a demon supreme.

"It's you!"

Looking at the black-robed demon supreme, Jiang Che's eyes narrowed and he instantly recognized his identity.

"It seems that you still recognize me."

The black-robed demon supreme smiled.

"Just surrender and capture me. I can give you a good time, and maybe even save your life."

Looking at Jiang Che, the black-robed demon supreme said.

"By you?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses and calmly looked at the black-robed demon supreme.

"I know that you are powerful, but today, I have the Demon Ancestor's talisman. Even if you are powerful, you have to bow down to me."

The voice of the black-robed demon supreme rang out, and as soon as he finished speaking, he flashed a gray talisman.

Ancient and mysterious runes were engraved on it, emitting a dark light.


The gray talisman was activated, and in an instant, a vast force swept over him. The light reflected the starry sky. Jiang Che was directly enveloped by the gray talisman and disappeared into the outer starry sky.

When he came back to his senses, he had arrived in a chaotic time and space.

There was chaos all around, endless.

You can't see the sky from above, and you can't see the earth from below!

At this moment, there was an explosion deep in the chaos, and a purple-black divine thunder manifested, turning into a thunder dragon and roaring towards Jiang Che.

"Chaos God Thunder!"

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed, and in the next breath, his magic power surged, and a shocking sword energy was instantly slashed out.


Thunder and sword light shone, tearing apart the chaos, and a vast shock wave swept over.

His shocking sword energy was directly shattered by the Chaos Divine Thunder, and continued to sweep towards him.


Jiang Che activated his physical power, gathered it a little, and the law of power exploded. He rushed out with a punch, and the destructive power directly destroyed the thunder dragon transformed from the chaotic divine thunder.

But in the next breath, the aura of Chaos Divine Thunder appeared again in the chaos.

Two Chaos Thunder Dragons charged.

Jiang Che once again broke out the law of power, activated the Divine Demon Fist, and annihilated two Chaos Thunder Dragons with one punch.

"Haha, Jiang Che, it's useless. This is the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Talisman of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor. It contains three thousand chaotic time and space. If you enter it, unless you have the power of the Yang God, you can't break it."

Unbridled laughter came from the depths of chaos.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar, and four Chaos Thunder Dragons swept in from all directions.

Carrying the power of destroying the world, the thunder light illuminates the chaotic time and space.

"Era Divine Fist: All Worlds Are Destroyed!"

The sound of the avenue resounded, and in the next breath, terrifying power exploded, and the law of power hung in the light, reflecting the layers of chaotic time and space.


With one blow, the four Chaos Thunder Dragons were directly annihilated. The terrifying power penetrated the chaos and tore apart the layers of chaotic time and space.

In the starry sky outside the territory, the smile on the face of the black-robed demon supreme disappeared. He looked at the sky-swallowing demon talisman in his hand, and a strong light appeared on it.

But then, the demonic energy filled the air, destroying the strong light and returning to peace again.

"This guy is so powerful, he can even shake the Sky-Swallowing Demon Talisman!"

Seeing this scene, the black-robed demon supreme was shocked.

Although the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Talisman was not destroyed, it was able to shake the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Talisman, which proved that Jiang Che's strength was close to that of Emperor Yangshen.

Although he was still far behind, this performance also made him feel frightened.

"Fortunately, I am smart and use the Sky-Swallowing Demon Talisman to suppress it."

A thought flashed through the mind of the black-robed demon supreme.

"Haha, your strength is pretty good. No wonder you were named and arrested by the Demon Ancestor himself. But what a pity, you are still in trouble today!"

The black-robed demon supreme directly turned on the taunting mode, and at the same time, the figure walked deep into the starry sky outside the territory.

The sky-swallowing magic talisman, chaotic time and space.

Jiang Che stood in the chaos. He had just launched the Divine Fist of Era but was unable to break the three thousand time and space of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Talisman. This showed that this guy was not lying.

It can’t be broken except by Yang Shen!

"Try again, if it doesn't work, use the Book of Heavenly Law!"

Jiang Che calmed down and looked into the depths of the chaotic time and space. The time and space that had just been destroyed were restored instantly.

Several thunder dragons transformed into chaotic divine thunder roared out.

"Era Divine Fist: All Worlds Are Destroyed!"

The sound of the avenue sounded again, and the terrifying power exploded instantly.

Transformed into the world-destroying divine seal, it directly pushed through the chaotic time and space with a devastating force.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Layers of chaotic space and time collapsed.

But this time, Jiang Che did not stop and continued to activate the Divine Fist of Era.

In one breath, ten times of Era Divine Fists were unleashed.

Chaos time and space were exploded, revealing a dark trail.

Ten times of Era Divine Fists broke out, directly destroying more than 2000 chaotic time and space.

But it still doesn't work, and it still can't break the sky-swallowing magic talisman.

After exploding the Divine Fist of Era ten times, Jiang Che's immortal body felt a little exhausted.

Exploding with all his strength is really a huge consumption.

Standing in the chaos, Jiang Che took a few breaths. At this moment, the shattered chaotic time and space was directly repaired.

Perfect as ever.

To destroy the Sky-Swallowing Demon Talisman, unless he destroys three thousand chaotic time and space in one go, it will basically have no effect.

Even if one qi turns into three pure superpositions, it won't be much stronger without his immortal body, and it still won't be able to break through the three thousand chaotic time and space.

His one-qi-transformed three-purity clone is only comparable to the strength of the Ninth Realm.

The biggest difference between him and me is his physical body.

Even the supreme supernatural power cannot evolve the physical strength of other people's immortal peak.

Not to mention his physical body, even an ordinary human being at the peak of immortality cannot evolve.

"Haha, stop resisting in the corner. Once you enter the Sky-Swallowing Demon Talisman, you won't be able to run away."

The black-robed demon supreme's taunt came again.

Jiang Che's expression did not change.

In the next breath, his magic power moved, and in an instant, he activated the Book of Heaven.

If you can't break it with your own strength, you can only activate the Book of Heaven.

Otherwise, when he is brought in front of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor, he may not be able to stop him even if he activates the Book of Heavenly Dao.


The infinite light of heaven bloomed, Jiang Che bathed in the light of heaven, and his momentum changed instantly.

His eyes became extremely cold, without the slightest emotion.

The aura around him has also completely changed.

"If you still want to resist, let me give you a taste of three thousand Chaos Divine Thunder."

The voice of the black-robed demon rang out, and in the next breath, three thousand chaotic divine thunders transformed into chaotic thunder dragons, roaring towards Jiang Che.

This scene is enough to scare people to death.

In the chaos of time and space, Jiang Che's face still didn't change at all.

"An ant, just with the help of God's magic weapon, dares to try to imprison God and seek death!"

A cold voice sounded instantly, and in the next breath, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the infinite power of heaven exploded.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The three thousand chaotic divine thunders that were not close enough were wiped out in an instant.

Black-robed Demon Supreme: "???"

"You humble ant, welcome the wrath of this god!"

A majestic and cold voice exploded from the chaos.

The black-robed demon supreme: "..."

Jiang Che stood in the chaotic void, took one step forward, and the infinite power of heaven spread.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Just taking this step, in an instant, the layers of chaotic time and space collapsed instantly.

Immediately after, Jiang Che took the second step, and the even more terrifying power of heaven exploded, and the power of destruction impacted the chaotic time and space.

In the starry sky outside the territory, the black-robed demon supreme looked at the sky-swallowing demon talisman in his hand. A strong light erupted from it, and even a crack appeared.


He cursed loudly and threw out the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Talisman without hesitation.

At the same time, Jiang Che took the third step.

Three steps to the sky!

The three thousand chaotic time and space of the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Talisman collapsed on the spot, and with a bang, a loud bang exploded in the deep silence of the sky.

Like millions of stars exploding at the same time, a vast shock wave of destruction swept across the starry sky.


Before the black-robed demon supreme could escape, he was directly swept away by the wave of destruction, and a mouthful of demon blood spurted out instantly.

Like a falling meteorite, it flew thousands of miles away.

After finally stopping, he staggered to his feet, demon blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked at the center point of the starry sky with fear.

The sky-swallowing magic talisman was shattered into pieces, and Jiang Che's figure stepped out from the wave of destruction.


"It's impossible for him to break the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Talisman!"

Seeing Jiang Che's figure appear, the black-robed demon supreme's eyes were full of disbelief.

"An ant dares to try to imprison this god and is seeking death!"

Looking over with cold eyes, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the light of heaven condensed, turning into a big hand seal of heaven, sealing the starry sky, and directly shot towards the black-robed demon supreme.

Seeing the sweeping handprints of Heavenly Dao, the black-robed demon supreme's scalp instantly went numb.

He directly sacrificed several immortal weapons in one go, using all his strength to resist.

But in front of the Mahamudra of Heaven, his resistance was in vain.

Several immortal artifacts were directly turned into powder by the great handprint of Heavenly Dao.

It only weakens part of the power.


With one palm hit, the body of the black-robed demon supreme exploded in an instant, leaving only the severely damaged soul body.

"Mazu save me!"

Feeling the threat of death, the black-robed demon supreme instantly called for help and sacrificed the power of his own soul.

In the next breath, the depths of the starry sky exploded, and a terrifying demonic hand descended instantly. (End of chapter)

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