Chapter 331

Jiang Che stood in the starry sky and looked at the magic hand stretched out from the depths of darkness.

"The breath of the evil god..."

He murmured, his eyes as cold as ice.

"The hands of an evil god want to save people, but they simply don't take this god seriously."

A cold voice sounded, and the light of heaven instantly rose around Jiang Che.

"Heavenly Ruler!"

The infinite light of heaven gathered and condensed into one point. In an instant, the entire dark starry sky was illuminated by the light of heaven.

The infinite power of heaven burst out instantly and spread across the starry sky.

Jiang Che moved with a thought and struck out instantly.


The vast light of heaven instantly struck the demonic hand. The two forces collided, and a super shock wave instantly spread out.


The entire starry sky seemed to be collapsing, as a wave of destruction swept across and the stars collapsed.

The terrifying wave of destruction even affected the entire world.

There was a strong vibration.

But soon, the infinite power of the great world directly wiped out the sweeping fluctuations.

At the same time, in the vast world, countless pairs of eyes looked into the depths of the sky.

Each of the supreme pupils trembled.

It looked like he was seeing a ghost.

Zhongzhou, Chaoge Imperial City.

The Emperor of Great Xia cast his gaze deep into the sky, seemingly penetrating the outer sky, and saw a terrifying scene in the outer starry sky.

"Only Yangshen Vacuum can inspire the protection of the great world. How can he be so powerful!"

The Emperor of Daxia's pupils trembled violently.

He seemed unable to believe the scene before him.

At the same time, the supreme beings in all regions of the world couldn't believe this scene was true. simply incredible!
It irritated their eyes.


In the starry sky outside the territory, Jiang Che still stood motionless in the void.

On the other side, the dark magic hand was directly penetrated by Jiang Che's supreme blow.

A conspicuous wound appears.

In the distance, the supreme soul of the black-robed demon clan appeared. He looked at the blasted demon hand with horror in his eyes.

That was a strike across time and space from the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor, but it was unable to stop his power.


Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion, and the piercing magic hand completely collapsed and turned into nothing.

Seeing this scene, a strong chill instantly rose in the heart of the black-robed demon supreme, and his scalp became numb.

Before he had time to think about it, his soul burst out with bright light, and a distorted time and space instantly appeared.

"Can you run away in front of this god?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and with the next breath, the distorted time and space instantly collapsed.

The vast golden light of heaven shone, and the soul of the black-robed demon supreme was frozen at this moment.


At this moment, he let out a desperate roar.

But in the next breath, Jiang Che's figure came directly in front of the supreme soul of the demon clan.

He raised his hand and struck out a palm, completely wiping out the spirit of this Nine Realm Supreme Demon Clan without leaving any trace behind.


Deep in the darkness, a roar sounded, and a vast force of heaven broke through billions of layers of time and space and came.

"Evil God, how dare you be so presumptuous!"

Jiang Che stared into the dark sky, but the terrifying power of heaven had no effect on him.

His eyes were cold, without any fear.

"Good, good, good!!"

"You are just an ant who gains strength through the will of heaven, but you dare to shout like this. Just wait, I will definitely make you irrecoverable in the future!"

The angry voice came from the depths of darkness again, and the endless thunder of the great avenue exploded in the starry sky, destroying everything as if it were destroying the world.

"Would this god be afraid of the threat of an evil god?"

"In the future, I will definitely let you die without a burial place!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded again.


As soon as he finished speaking, a bloody divine thunder descended from the depths of darkness.

The terrifying bloody divine thunder swept directly towards Jiang Che.

Wherever it went, the stars collapsed and turned into powder.


Jiang Che spat out one word, and in an instant, the bloody divine thunder completely disappeared.


The raging thunder of the Great Avenue exploded again, and the angry voice sounded again: "You wait!"

Then, the vast power of heaven completely disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Che glanced coldly at the dark sky, and in the next breath, he turned around and stepped into the vast world, disappearing into the outer starry sky.


In the vast world, all the supreme beings came back to their senses, and their eyes looked far away in the direction of Donghuang.

"Immediately send an order that anyone who meets the Donghuang Dao Sect is not allowed to be an enemy. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

"Quickly pass the order. Anyone who encounters the Eastern Wilderness Dao Sect is not allowed to fight with them. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"


In the vast world, a group of supreme beings quickly came to their senses and issued orders one after another.

Donghuang Dao Sect suddenly became a forbidden place for all supreme beings.

There is no other reason, because Jiang Che can already compete with Yang Shen.

This step is a qualitative change.

Once you take this step, it will be earth-shaking!

Zhongzhou, Daxia Chaoge, the imperial city and deep palace.

The Human Emperor of Great Xia withdrew his gaze, but there was still an unconcealable shock in his eyes.

The supreme emperor of the Immortal Dynasty also suffered a severe impact at this moment.

Man, how long has it been?

Jiang Che is already comparable to Yang Shen!
Not only did he shatter a demon lord's space-time attack, but he was not afraid at all.

Judging from the strength displayed, I am afraid that this guy is no different from Yang Shen.

"The Yang God who communicates with the will of Heaven and ascends with the will of Heaven may have to pay a high price. However, this son should not be underestimated. It seems that in the future, a new Emperor of Heaven will be born in our human race!"

The Emperor of Daxia muttered to himself.

At this moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

A new emperor was born in the human race. As the leader of the human race and the emperor of the world, he was naturally happy, but at the same time, he also felt a little terrible.

Jiang Che's growth is really too abnormal.

It's so perverted that it's unimaginable.

According to this potential improvement, I am afraid that in the future, it is definitely promising to realize the Tao of Yangshen.

"This son's heart is devoted to the human race. It's a good thing that he has such strength..."

The Human Emperor of Great Xia murmured to himself, and then his figure instantly disappeared into the hall.


In the starry sky outside the territory, in the depths of darkness, amid chaos, a terrifying aura rushed out of the dark palace standing in the chaos.


Angry voices sounded in the dark palace.

In the palace, on the immortal throne, a middle-aged man in black robes had eyes burning with anger.

"I must tear him alive!"

The face of the middle-aged man in black robe was almost distorted, and murderous intent enveloped the palace.

"Tuntian, why are you so angry? This human monk is just using the power of heaven."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in the void.

The next breath, a ball of dim light appeared out of thin air in the dark palace.

The light flashed, condensing into a tall figure, the whole body was filled with dim light, and his face could not be seen clearly.

"Chaos, are you here to laugh at me?"

On the Immortal Throne, the middle-aged man in black robe looked at the dim figure and said coldly.

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm just warning you to calm down. Now is not the time."

The dim figure said calmly.

"Hmph, I will kill this guy!" The middle-aged man in black robe snorted coldly.

"I want to kill, but now is not the time. The great world has not yet come. If you are born now, you will be suppressed by the great road. You have to hold back."

The dim figure spoke again.

"There are still a few hundred years before darkness will revive and the era of our demon clan will come. By then, you can kill as many as you want."

The dim figure said calmly.

"I don't need you to remind me."

The middle-aged man in black robe said coldly.

"The top priority now is to pay attention to Shen Ni. He has broken the seal and will definitely go to the Abyss Realm to rescue Shen Yuan. If necessary, you can interfere with him, or directly stop him."

The dim figure spoke.

"Why don't you take action?" The middle-aged man in black robe looked at the Youguang figure and said coldly.

"My power has not recovered yet, and the three old guys from the Temple of Origin are staring at me, so I can't take action." The ghostly figure said calmly.

"Destruction has just been broken, and Wu Shi has been entangled. I have also allocated my strength to rescue Qing Tian. Our current strength is still very weak."

The dim figure added.

"Now, be patient for now, wait for the darkness to revive, and big brother wakes up from the darkness. At that time, we will be promoted by the power of darkness, and we will be our world."

"Okay, I understand, you can go." The middle-aged man in black robe waved his hand.

"I hope you do remember."

The dim figure said calmly.

Immediately, his figure instantly collapsed and turned into nothing.


As soon as the dim figure disappeared, the middle-aged man in black robe slapped his palm on the immortal throne, instantly destroying the throne. He stood up and looked outside the dark palace, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Damn it, let you live for a while. When the darkness revives, you will die!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a magic light bloomed, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared into the dark palace.


Thousands of worlds.

Daozong Mountain Gate.

In the Tongtian Hall, a group of Taoist sect supremes gathered here.

"The scene just now was probably not my hallucination, right?"

"Jiang Tianzun's strength has reached that of Yang Shen?!"

"I feel it should be, otherwise, it will not inspire the guardian of the great world!"

"Don't forget, only the power of the Yang God can inspire the guardian of the great world!"


In the main hall, a group of supreme beings were discussing.

They all saw the scene just outside the world.

Although I can't believe it, it is true.

And just as a group of Dao Sect Supremes were discussing, a figure appeared at the door of the hall.

It's none other than the headmaster, Feng Xuanji!

"Headmaster, where is Lord Jiang Tian? He has returned to the Great Thousand Worlds. Why haven't you seen him? Could it be that he went to other places?"

Seeing Feng Xuanji appear, a peak master couldn't help but ask.

"Headmaster, hasn't Jiang Tianzun come back?"

Another Supreme couldn't help but ask.

"Headmaster, where has Jiang Tianzun gone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, another Supreme spoke.

In the main hall, all the supreme eyes looked at Feng Xuanji.

"I haven't returned to the clan yet, so I don't know." Feng Xuanji said.

"You don't even know?"

Hearing Feng Xuanji speak, all the Supreme Beings were stunned.

"Step back first. Since Jiang Che has returned to the world, he will definitely come back." Feng Xuanji said.

All the Supremes looked at each other and did not disobey Feng Xuanji's order. They nodded and left the Tongtian Hall.And not long after the supreme beings left, a fairy light bloomed in the hall, and Yuan Ling's figure appeared here.

"Jiang Che, where are you?"

Looking at Yuan Ling, Feng Xuanji asked.

"I have returned to the Great Thousand World and should be back soon."

Yuan Ling said calmly.

"He is injured?" Feng Xuanji looked at Yuan Ling.

"It's a slight injury, it's not a problem." Yuan Ling replied.

"That's it...that's okay." Feng Xuanji nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Yuan Ling immediately turned into fairy light and quickly disappeared into Tongtian Hall.

Seeing Yuan Ling disappear, Feng Xuanji let out a breath, and after a while, his figure also disappeared into Tongtian Hall.


In the vast world, in the Eastern Wasteland, Jiang Che's figure appeared on the top of an unknown mountain.

At this moment, his heavenly golden light had disappeared.

"The influence of the will of heaven is probably not trying to trick me into death..."

Looking into the void, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

Although his own sanity was greatly affected by the will of communicating with heaven, he still knew what happened.

It was clearer than the first time, but he still couldn't escape the interference of the will of heaven.

This time, he directly offended the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor to death.

But he had no choice but to be affected by the will of heaven descending upon him.

This impact is also inevitable.

However, since they were mortal enemies, he was not too worried.

"I'm afraid that only if I realize the Yang God, become a true spirit, and communicate with the way of heaven with my own will, will I not be disturbed."

Jiang Che looked at the sky and murmured in his heart.

When he realizes the Tao Yang Shen and becomes the immortal true spirit, he will not be disturbed.

Even if it exists, it can be completely suppressed.

Yang Shen, prove the way to yourself!


Now, he is still far behind.

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che checked his own situation.

There is no great consumption of the physical body, but the soul consumes 1000 million soul thoughts.

Compared to the first time, the impact was much smaller.

Jiang Che estimated that this might be different from the burst of strength. The stronger the burst, the stronger the soul he consumed.

The last time, the consumption was indeed huge, making his immortal body feel the loss of its origin.

This time, the impact was much smaller.

By absorbing the source of immortality, he would be able to recover quickly.

After calming down, Jiang Che took out the source of immortality and quickly absorbed it. After absorbing [-] sources of immortality, the power of his soul that he had consumed had completely returned to its peak, and even further.

"Return to the sect!"

Jiang Che let out a breath and looked in the direction of Dao Zong. With a thought, Star Shift was activated, tearing the void and disappearing without a trace in an instant.


Donghuang, Daozong.

Jiang Che's figure appeared outside the mountain gate.

Looking at the mountain gate, Jiang Che didn't pause at all. He took one step forward and disappeared instantly.


Daozong, Tongtian Peak.

Jiang Che's figure appeared in a pavilion in the back mountain.

Standing in the pavilion, Jiang Che put one hand behind his back and looked at the scenery in the distance.


A ray of immortal light condensed, and the next second, the figure of the Supreme Master Feng Xuanji appeared behind him.

Jiang Che withdrew his gaze and looked at Feng Xuanji.


He smiled.

Looking at Jiang Che, Feng Xuanji's eyes were filled with complex expressions.

A battle in the extraterrestrial sky is really shocking to the nerves.

He never thought that Jiang Che's strength could be so terrifying.

This improvement is simply appalling!
We knew Jiang Che was powerful, but it was a bit unbelievable that he could reach Yangshen level in such a short period of time.

After coming back to his senses, Feng Xuanji looked at Jiang Che and said, "Are you... okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine." Jiang Che nodded.

"Can you really rise to the level of Yang Shen Emperor?" Looking at Jiang Che, Feng Xuanji still couldn't help but asked curiously.

Jiang Che smiled and said: "It's just improving with the help of secret techniques, it can't be considered true strength."


As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, Feng Xuanji's heart suddenly exploded.

After receiving Jiang Che's personal admission, his heart was instantly turned upside down.

Although it is possible to achieve Yangshen level strength by relying on secret techniques, this is also very terrifying.

"We, the Dao Sect, are about to have a great emperor. If the founder knew about it, he would probably be smiling."

Looking at Jiang Che, an idea flashed through Feng Xuanji's mind.

"You've changed amazingly this time you went out!"

Looking at Jiang Che, Feng Xuanji sighed.

He knew clearly that the gap between him and Jiang Che had now been completely widened.

Whether it is the cultivation of immortality or the cultivation of martial arts, they are still far behind.

The strength is even more different.

Although it is possible to achieve Yangshen's strength with the help of secret methods, it is also his own strength.

This is even more incomparable.

"It's not bad, but it's quite troublesome." Jiang Che nodded.

"With risks comes rewards." Feng Xuanji smiled.

"With your appearance, I'm afraid the entire world will change again."

Looking at Jiang Che, Feng Xuanji said.

"It would be good if there were changes, and it would also be beneficial to our Dao Sect."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"What are your plans when you come back this time?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Feng Xuanji asked.

"Practice, there are still hundreds of years to go before the evil tribulation is about to come. Only with stronger strength can we survive the evil tribulation."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Feng Xuanji nodded. He also knew Jiang Che's character and was unwilling to get involved in other things. Apart from practicing, basically nothing else could affect him.

However, Daozong was very happy to have such a super giant in charge.

As far as Jiang Che's reputation is concerned, Daozong will definitely reach a higher level this time.

"The Nine Immortals Alliance and the Outer Immortals Alliance may make some moves. It is estimated that Donghuang will change next."

Feng Xuanji said.

Jiang Che looked at him and pondered slightly: "How about unification?"

"This can stabilize the situation in Donghuang."


When Feng Xuanji heard this, a ray of passion rose in the depths of his eyes, but he quickly calmed down.

"The Nine Immortals Alliance is okay, but the Outer Immortals Alliance probably won't be that easy."

"There are many forces behind the Outer Immortal Alliance, so I'm afraid there will be some trouble."

Feng Xuanji said slowly.

"There is only one Nine Realm Supreme from the Outer Immortal Alliance, right?" Looking at Feng Xuanji, Jiang Che said.

"Yes." Feng Xuanji nodded, then looked at Jiang Che and said, "But this Nine Realm Supreme is related to an immortal force in the place of origin."


Hearing this, Jiang Che's eyes flashed with surprise, he looked at Feng Xuanji and said, "Which immortal force is it related to?"

"Sun Palace."

Feng Xuanji said a name.

"Sun God Palace..."

Jiang Che pondered for a moment, quickly searched for information in his mind, and quickly determined it.

Divine Realm, one of the two immortal forces.

It is also a super power established by the Golden Crow God Clan.

"Although he is not from the Sun God Palace, he is very close to the Sun God Palace. I'm afraid you can't take action directly, otherwise, it will attract the attention of the Sun God Palace, and then there may be some trouble."

Looking at Jiang Che, Feng Xuanji said solemnly.

Jiang Che pondered for a moment and said: "Let's do this. You issue a notice to the Nine Immortals Alliance and the Outer Immortals Alliance. If they are willing to submit, then everything will be fine. If not... I will handle the rest."


Listening to this, how could Feng Xuanji not understand what he meant.

This move is really a bit crazy.

The Nine Immortals Alliance is okay, but there is no Immortal Force backer.

But the Outer Immortal Alliance is different.

It is related to the Sun Palace.

Do you really want to take action? !

"Then the Sun Palace..." Feng Xuanji looked at Jiang Che and blinked.

Jiang Che's expression remained unchanged and he said: "If the Sun Palace comes to visit, I will naturally solve it."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you." Feng Xuanji nodded, and at this moment, his long-dormant ambition started to burn.

Unify the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Sect!
If this is accomplished, it will definitely break the record of previous head coaches.

There is no achievement that can be greater than unifying the Eastern Wilderness.

Perhaps, Daozong can also reach a new peak.

"I'll make arrangements first." Feng Xuanji came back to his senses and nodded. After saying that, he turned around,
"Wait a minute." Jiang Che called out to him.

Feng Xuanji stopped and looked back at Jiang Che.


Jiang Che's Taoist robe flickered, fairy light bloomed, and ten figures appeared in Feng Xuanji's eyes.

Feng Xuanji's eyes instantly looked at these ten figures.

His pupils shrank instantly.

Almost all of them were Supremes of the Seventh Realm, and their auras seemed to be on par with those of the Eighth Realm Supremes, and even more terrifying than the average Seventh Realm Supremes.

The most terrifying thing is that there is an Eighth Realm Supreme, whose momentum can even compete with the Nine Realms Supreme.

"See you son!"

The ten supreme beings stood behind Jiang Che and spoke in unison.


Hearing the voice, Feng Xuanji looked at Jiang Che and was stunned.

Judging from the attitude of each Supreme towards Jiang Che, why does it feel like a master and servant?

I'm afraid the supreme being is not so easy to surrender, right? !

"These are my subordinates, Headmaster. With them, you can support our appearance and solve some unnecessary troubles."

Looking at Feng Xuanji, Jiang Che said.

"You...your subordinates?!"

Feng Xuanji's eyes widened and he looked at Jiang Che in disbelief.


Jiang Che nodded, "This one is called Shen Yi, this one is called Tian Yi, Tian Er, Tian San..."

"I believe that with them, you should be able to expand your plans better."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.


Feng Xuanji looked at him and came back to his senses after a while.

How many secrets are there in Jiang Che's body? !
The Supreme Being of the Eighth Realm, with an aura comparable to that of the Supreme Being of the Ninth Realm, is actually willing to be his subordinate?
From the looks of it, it was definitely not caused by some secret technique.

The smoothness of the breath is definitely not caused by secret methods. It is not caused by secret methods. How can such a group of top supreme beings surrender? !

Feng Xuanji didn't understand, but now was not the time for him to consider this issue.


He nodded.

Jiang Che also nodded slightly, and immediately, Feng Xuanji disappeared from the place with the ten supreme beings.

(End of this chapter)

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