I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 333 Its 1st Avenue Storm

Jiang Che was silent.

Hearing these words, waves surged in his heart.

The fog in my heart also dissipated.

According to common sense, the Yang Shen Emperors of all heavens and realms combined should be on par with the demons, or even more.

And it’s still in this day and age.

Before the Dark Age, it might have been stronger.

But the losses were still heavy.

Today, God Emperor Xuanyuan's words completely cleared up the doubts in his heart.

Demons blessed by the power of darkness can become more powerful.

And the stronger the demon clan is, the more blessings it will receive.

The demons in the Yuanshen realm can fight against the Supreme realm when they are blessed by the power of darkness.

If this were a demon in the supreme realm, how powerful would it be with the blessing?

What about Mo Zu?
That's probably unimaginable.

"Then where does this dark power come from?"

Jiang Che looked at Emperor Xuanyuan and couldn't help but ask.

Emperor Xuanyuan picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said, "You can understand it as the Dark Road."

"It's the other side of the Tao."

"Dark Avenue!"

Jiang Che's heart skipped a beat.

Emperor Xuanyuan continued: "The demon race was born from the darkness at the time of chaos, at the beginning of the avenue, and was blessed by darkness. Originally, the original avenue was one, but something happened. , differentiated the dark side.”

Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly and he looked at Emperor Xuanyuan with eyes full of disbelief.

Is this the origin of the demon clan? !
"Senior God Emperor, according to legend, wasn't the Demon Race created by the Weird Clan?"

Jiang Che thought of a legend from the past and couldn't help but ask.

"Created by the weird clan?"

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at him and laughed, "How could it be created by the Weird Clan? The Demon Clan is the original life form, and it is also the innate God Clan. It is the same innate life form as the Weird Clan."

"Is that so..."

Jiang Che suddenly realized something in his heart.

He once thought that the demons were created by the Weird Clan, but later he betrayed the Weird Clan.

Now, he felt completely clear.

"Senior God Emperor, what happened in the original incident? Was it a change in the Dao's self, or was it caused by man-made changes?"

Jiang Che asked.

"I don't know." Emperor Xuanyuan shook his head.

"You don't know?" Jiang Che was surprised.

"I wasn't born yet at that time." Emperor Xuanyuan said.


"The calamity of the demons will come in less than 800 years. Darkness will reappear. This time, I don't know what the outcome will be!"

Emperor Xuanyuan let out a long sigh.

"I believe that if all the heavens and worlds unite, they will definitely win the final victory."

Xuanyuan Wudi said seriously.

"That's not necessarily true. Driven by the darkness, this time, I'm afraid it will be more terrifying than the Dark Era." God Emperor Xuanyuan looked solemn.

"If the darkness can be completely eradicated, will there be no disaster?"

Jiang Che took a sip of tea, looked at Emperor Xuanyuan and asked.

"Theoretically, it's possible, but can you beat the Heavenly Way?"

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at him and asked a question.


"Darkness is the other side of the Dao. In other words, you must at least have the strength to destroy the Dao of Heaven before you can destroy the darkness."

Emperor Xuanyuan spoke.

"So that means there is no solution?" Jiang Che was stunned.

Emperor Yangshen is the pinnacle of the Dao, but this is still within the scope of the Dao. Although he has become the Dao, he cannot be defeated by the Heavenly Dao of the Ten Thousand Realms.

"Being able to exterminate the demons is equivalent to cutting off the minions of darkness. To regenerate such a powerful race of life, it will take at least countless epochs. Rather than quelling the darkness, it is more promising to kill the demons. "

Emperor Xuanyuan spoke.

"This is the solution..."

Jiang Che nodded. If the demons were annihilated, it would indeed bring peace for billions of generations.

Annihilating the darkness and annihilating the demons, I am afraid there is more hope for annihilating the demons.

However, this is just a comparison.

In the original Dark Age, it only pushed the demons back to the deep space beyond the boundary sea.

Before the Dark Age, there were more supreme gods, but with their original power, they were not able to completely annihilate them. It is conceivable how terrifying the blessings the demons received after the resurrection of darkness were.

It can be called a pervert.

The difficulty of destroying the demon clan is also at the ceiling level.

"But there is a legend. If it can be realized, the demons and even the darkness can be destroyed."

At this time, Emperor Xuanyuan suddenly spoke.

Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi looked at him at the same time.


What kind of legend is it that can be regarded as a legend by Emperor Xuanyuan?
For the legend to come true, all darkness must be shattered?
Is it so exaggerated? !

"Senior God Emperor, what legend is it?"

Jiang Che asked.

"The way of heaven is fifty, the origin of earth is forty-nine, if one of them escapes, there will be no life and no end."

Emperor Xuanyuan spoke.

Jiang Che: "..."

Xuanyuan Wudi: "..."

Heaven's way is fifty, the earth's evolution is forty-nine, one of them escapes, there is no life and no end...

What does this mean?
"Please ask Senior God Emperor to explain, I don't understand very well." Jiang Che came back to his senses and said.

Emperor Xuanyuan smiled and said: "This is just a legend that spread at the beginning of chaos. As for where it comes from, it is unknown."

Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wubai looked at each other.

At this time, Emperor Xuanyuan spoke again: "Let me tell you a story."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi's spirits were instantly shaken.

"A story related to this legend?"

Jiang Che blinked.

Emperor Xuanyuan nodded: "That's right."

Hearing this, the two of them pricked up their ears at the same time.

"At the beginning of chaos, the world was not yet complete, the universe was not divided, and the avenue was first established. In the endless chaotic time and space, at some point, the avenue suddenly shook, and a big explosion swept through all the endless chaotic time and space."

"This big explosion that swept through endless chaotic time and space directly divided the endless chaotic time and space. The endless chaotic time and space was shattered, and at the center of the big explosion, a world gradually formed."

"And this world is the first realm that emerged from the explosion of endless chaos, and it is also the strongest realm. And this is the beginning of the world."

"The Great Thousand World was born from the big explosion of endless chaotic time and space. Because it contains the supreme energy of the Great Dao, it has also become a place for the innate beings who survive in chaotic time and space to pursue. They occupy the Great Thousand World."

"Then, the world has also changed due to the changes of innate life, and it is a place suitable for the existence of innate life."

“Finally, the Great Thousand World has also given birth to powerful lives, and these lives are the first lives that the Great Thousand World has given birth to. Because they were born from the Great Thousand World, these lives have been blessed by the Great Dao. From the blessings of the Great Thousand World, Understood the wonderful method of practice."

"During continuous practice, these lives that were born from the universe grew rapidly, and finally even great beings that surpassed the innate gods appeared."

"Later, after the Great Thousand World, the destroyed chaotic time and space also formed an infinite universe. At the same time, many worlds were born in the boundless universe. Therefore, some lives in the Great Thousand World left the Great Thousand World and went to Practice in other worlds.”

"However, after traveling to other worlds, these innate beings also discovered a problem. Apart from the Great Thousand Worlds, no world contains a complete Tao. To achieve self-realization and become the pinnacle of the Great Tao, one must practice in the Great Thousand Worlds. Only by feeling the infinite way of the world can you reach the top."

"Later, they also discovered the fundamental reason, because after the big explosion, part of the newly formed avenue was destroyed, and that part of the destruction was one of the ways to escape from the endless void, that is, to leave. That part of the way of heaven.”

After saying this, Emperor Xuanyuan picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"That's pretty much the end of the story."


Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi listened intently, but when Emperor Xuanyuan spoke, they were instantly confused.

This...is this the end?

Why does it feel like there is no beginning or end?
This story is incomplete, right?

"Ancestor, why does this story feel incomplete?" Xuanyuan Wudi couldn't help but ask.

Jiang Che also looked at Emperor Xuanyuan, filled with curiosity.

When he heard this story, he suddenly thought of a word.

The Big Bang!
The myth opens the sky!
There are striking similarities with the story told by Emperor Xuanyuan.

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at the two of them and said, "The story is over."


"The heart of this story is that last bit."

Emperor Xuanyuan said.

"the last point……"

Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wubai glanced at each other, and then both looked at Emperor Xuanyuan.

"Senior God Emperor, do you mean that if you can get the avenue to escape one of them, you can break the darkness and eliminate the demons?"

Jiang Che blinked.

Emperor Xuanyuan nodded: "It can be understood that whoever can control the avenue that escapes one of them can break through the Hunyuan Wuji Dao, transcend eternity, and destroy the demons. However, it is not difficult to destroy the darkness in a matter of seconds. "


Hearing these words, Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi were shocked at the same time.

Emperor Xuanyuan spoke again: "But this is just a legend. No one has been able to trace the great avenue."

"If you can control it, you will be able to surpass Yang Shen and defeat the Hunyuan Wuji."

"No trace at all?"

Jiang Che couldn't help but ask.

Emperor Xuanyuan shook his head and said: "There have been many rumors, but they are all in vain. No one can find the way."

"Then if you find it, can you immediately become a being that transcends all sentient beings in the world and becomes a Hunyuan Wuji existence?"

Xuanyuan Wudi couldn't help but speak.

Emperor Xuanyuan glanced at him and said: "I found it. You don't have the cultivation strength of Yang Shen. Let alone control, it would be good if you can guarantee your immortality."

Xuanyuan Wudi: "..."

"So, only those who have cultivated to the Yang God level are qualified to control that one avenue?" Jiang Che asked.


Emperor Xuanyuan nodded.

The two of them suddenly understood.


One day later, Jiang Che and Xuanyuan Wudi stepped out of the time and space of the Holy Land of Emperor Xuanyuan.

Looking at the sky, Jiang Che sighed in his heart.

He gained a lot from meeting Emperor Xuanyuan this time.

I learned two important things.

One is about the resurgence of darkness.

When darkness revives, demons can be blessed by the power of darkness and become even more terrifying.

The second is the legendary story about the one who escaped.These two things should be his biggest gain from this trip.

"Brother Invincible, it's time for me to say goodbye."

After walking out of the room, Jiang Che looked at Xuanyuan Wudi and said.

"Let's stay a few more days."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuanyuan Wudi said.

Jiang Che shook his head and said: "No, there are still some things to deal with in Donghuang. After dealing with them, I will also prepare to practice in seclusion. If there is trouble in the future, I don't have enough strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it."

Xuanyuan Wudi nodded: "Okay, I won't keep you."

Being targeted by such a supreme enemy as the Heaven-Devouring Demon Ancestor was indeed a big trouble.

"I'll take you out of the city first!"

Xuanyuan Wudi spoke and Jiang Che nodded.

Immediately, the two of them walked away into the distance.

After a while, Jiang Che left Xuanyuan City.

"Mountains and rivers meet each other, brother Jiang, see you soon!"

"There will be a period later!"

Jiang Che bowed, and then he activated Star Shift and instantly turned into a wisp of purple lightning and disappeared into the void.

Seeing Jiang Che leave, Xuanyuan Wudi also withdrew his gaze, and then, he turned around and stepped into Xuanyuan City.

Next, it was time for him to practice in seclusion.

With the guidance of the ancestors, one can make rapid progress.


Donghuang, Daozong.

In front of Samsara Peak.

Jiang Che's figure stepped out of the void.

After glancing at Tongtian Peak in the distance, Jiang Che immediately stepped into Samsara Peak.

Next, he has to wait for the news of the surrender of the two major immortal alliances.

After this is completed, he will completely retreat.

Before the time for complete seclusion, Jiang Che was not idle. He had already taken the prototype of the second form of the Divine Fist of the Era.

It's just a good time to understand it first and continue to deepen it.


The days passed quickly.

A huge storm swept through the Donghuang Immortal Sect.

Daozong released the news and ordered the Nine Immortals Alliance and the Outer Immortals Alliance to surrender to Daozong within a month, or leave Donghuang, otherwise, they would bear the consequences.

When the news was released, the two Immortal Alliances instantly exploded.

Eastern Wasteland, Nine Immortals Mountain.

This is the headquarters of the Nine Immortals Alliance.

In the Nine Immortals Palace, the nine leaders of the Nine Immortals Alliance gathered together.

Inside the Heavenly Palace, the atmosphere was deathly silent.

On the seats, the nine leaders of the Nine Immortals Alliance looked ugly.

In their hands, they each held a golden fold.

Daozong’s ultimatum!

The lines of fonts on the ultimatum stimulated their hearts.

Within a month, you can either submit to the Dao Sect and become a member of the Dao Sect. At the Supreme level, you can become an elder of the Dao Sect. If you are below the Supreme level, you will be incorporated into the disciples.

And if you don't submit, you will either leave Daozong or face Daozong's conquest.


A burly leader looked at the Dao Zong Ultimatum in his hand, slapped the armrest, and stood up immediately.

"Daozong goes too far!"

The burly leader had an angry look on his face, gnashing his teeth, and the flames spurting out of his eyes seemed to burn the air.

"If we surrender to the Dao Sect, our inheritance will disappear completely. Are you willing to have our inheritance cut off like this?"

The burly alliance leader glanced at the other alliance leaders, and a loud voice sounded.

"Leader Yuan, what are your plans?"

At this time, a green-clothed alliance leader looked at the burly alliance leader and asked.

The other alliance leaders also looked at him.

Leader Yuan had an angry look on his face: "Let's fight, let's fight, we would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed!"

"Haha, fight? Leader Yuan, do you think it is possible for us to defeat the Dao Sect?"

At this time, a beautiful woman in purple clothes spoke.

Alliance Leader Yuan looked at her instantly with cold eyes: "Alliance Leader Xu, what do you mean?"

The beautiful woman in purple had a calm expression on her face. She licked a strand of black hair from her forehead and said, "It's not interesting. I'm just stating the facts. You should also know that in recent years, the Dao Sect has made rapid progress. Not only the top management is powerful, but the disciples are also very powerful." It’s scary. We have already reached a million disciples, and all of them have extraordinary cultivation. If a war breaks out, you all should know what the consequences will be.”


After saying this, the beautiful woman in purple paused, and the other alliance leaders looked at her.

"Leader Bai, if you have anything to say, just say it. We are all our own people here."

A blue-robed Taoist said.

The beautiful woman in purple: "Everyone should know that there is another terrifying existence in Dao Sect. Moreover, you should also have witnessed the battle in the outer starry sky a few days ago. Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about Jiang Tianzun. Let's join forces. , do you think he might be Jiang Tianzun’s opponent?”

The voice of the beautiful woman in purple sounded in the heavenly palace.

The other alliance leaders fell silent for a moment.

Daozong, the biggest trouble is not the other supremes, let alone the millions of disciples, but Jiang Che, this Jiang Tianzun!

He had broken through to the peak of human immortality a hundred years ago, and a few days ago, the battle in the outer starry sky had further established his strength.

I'm afraid that all of them combined are not enough for someone to fight with one hand.

Jiang Che is the biggest problem!

If Daozong didn't have Jiang Che, he might still be able to fight.

But the situation is because of Jiang Che's existence.

A battle in the outer starry sky inspires the protection of the world. What does this mean?
This means that Jiang Tianzun's strength has reached a level comparable to that of Emperor Yangshen. Although he has used some special secret method to reach this stage, even if they don't use secret methods, their combined strength is not enough to defeat him.

This gap is not generally large.

"My opinion is that if you submit to the Dao Sect, you can get some preferential treatment. But if you wait for the Dao Sect to come and then submit, I'm afraid it will be completely different."

The voice of the beautiful woman in purple rang out, echoing in the heavenly palace.

All the alliance leaders were silent.

"Daozong also issued an ultimatum to the Outer Immortal Alliance. Can we unite with the Outer Immortal Alliance to fight together?"

At this time, an alliance leader spoke.

"The consequences will be a river of blood. Even if Jiang Che doesn't take action, he will be stronger than us just relying on the other supremes of Dao Sect."

As soon as he finished speaking, another alliance leader spoke.

"Then it's better to leave Donghuang and go to other places than to have the inheritance cut off." Leader Yuan said again.

"Go to other places, haha, Leader Yuan, do you think there are other places to go?"

The beautiful woman in purple sneered.

"There are many disputes among the immortal sects in the Southern Wilderness. The outside immortal sect forces have moved in forcefully, causing great turmoil. In the Northern Wilderness, the outside demon clan has moved in. The Queen of Ten Thousand Demons is the leader, and she has unified the Northern Wilderness and completely transformed it into a land of demons. Not to mention Central Continent. , do you think, how can we establish ourselves elsewhere?”


Leader Yuan's face instantly turned red and he looked at the beautiful woman in purple angrily.

The beautiful woman in purple clothes still looked calm: "What I said is the truth."

"Besides, it's not a bad thing to submit to the Dao Sect. If a disaster strikes, you can have someone to back you up, which is safer." The beautiful woman in purple said calmly.

"Bai Qiuxuan, I'm afraid you have already had a split heart!"

Leader Yuan glared at the beautiful woman in purple and called her by her name!
"I analyzed it based on the facts. I'm not as stupid as you." The beautiful woman in purple said calmly.

"If we can't fight, so what if we die?" Leader Yuan said angrily.

"If you die, your inheritance will be broken. Leader Yuan, as a human being, the first thing is to stay alive. If you die, there will be no discussion." The beautiful woman in purple said calmly.

"You... bastard!"

Leader Yuan's body trembled and he glared.

"You don't know how to adapt. A piece of wood like you can only waste air when you live." The beautiful woman in purple said tit for tat, not afraid at all.

"You ride a horse..."


At this moment, a black-robed alliance leader spoke and interrupted the two of them.

"We are one, don't start a civil war yourself and make others laugh before we start!" the leader of the black-robed alliance said coldly.

Leader Yuan was sullen and silent.

At this time, another alliance leader said: "I agree with Alliance Leader Bai's proposal and take the initiative to submit to the Dao Sect. Maybe I can get preferential treatment."

"I also agree with Leader Bai's proposal."

As soon as he finished speaking, another alliance leader spoke.

Immediately afterwards, other alliance leaders also spoke up and agreed to the proposal of the beautiful woman in purple.

In the end, only the leader of the black robe and the leader of Yuan were left without speaking.

"Leader Lin, do you have any other opinions?" The beautiful woman in purple looked at the leader in black robe and asked.

Leader Lin pondered for a while, then sighed and said, "That's all, you can't escape what's coming. In order to avoid losses, I agree to your proposal."

Hearing this, the beautiful woman in purple showed a smile on her face. At this moment, the eyes of other alliance leaders fell on Alliance Leader Yuan.

Leader Yuan's expression changed, and finally, he nodded reluctantly.

"I agree!"

After saying these three words, he felt as sluggish as a deflated rubber ball.

"Okay, unanimously passed." Leader Lin nodded, and then he looked at the beautiful woman in purple and said: "Council Leader Bai, then you will go to Dao Sect on behalf of our Nine Immortals Alliance, but before that, we We need to discuss and strive for some more preferential treatment strategies."

"Okay, no problem." The beautiful woman in purple smiled.


East Wilderness.

Xingkong Mountain, here is the base camp of the Outer Immortal Alliance, one of the three major Immortal Alliances in the Eastern Wasteland.

Xingkong Mountain has beautiful scenery and is filled with fairy spirit, just like a fairyland on earth.

At this moment, in the hollow mountain, deep in the sea of ​​clouds, there is a golden palace in the void, where a group of high-level officials from the Outer Immortal Alliance gather.

There was deathly silence in the Golden Palace.

A group of high-level officials from the Outer Immortal Alliance looked at the Dao Zong Ultimatum in their hands with very ugly expressions.

They thought everything would be fine if things went on like this, but no one expected that Daozong did not follow the routine and directly issued an ultimatum.

Either surrender to the Dao Sect, or get out of Donghuang!
One of two options, no third option.

The third option is to go to war with Daozong and go head-to-head!
But, who can beat Jiang Che?

A few days ago, the scene of a battle in the outer space was still lingering in their minds.

The Demon Ancestor's attack across time and space can be easily shattered by Jiang Che.

The power generated by their confrontation has set off the guardianship of the entire world.

This strength is far beyond what they can match.

The difference is not that big in general.

"Everyone, what do you think about this matter?"

From the top position, a middle-aged man in purple robe spoke.

He has a strong aura, and he is clearly a supreme being in the Eight Realms. (End of chapter)

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