I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 334 Then I’ll beat you up too

"Daozong obviously wants to unify the Eastern Wilderness. I'm afraid he has to either leave or surrender."

A white-robed Sixth Realm Supreme said.

"It takes a month to make a choice. Daozong is really bullying people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a red-haired Fifth Realm Supreme spoke.

"If we don't agree, we may inevitably start a war. However, with Jiang Che, the Supreme Being, our chances of winning are too small."

Another Supreme spoke.

"Yes, and Dao Sect's current overall strength is not weak. If we really take action, I'm afraid it won't be of much benefit to us."

A white-haired old man spoke.

"It took a lot of effort to take root. If we surrender so easily, that would be too much."

The red-haired Fifth Realm Supreme said.

"What should we do? Who can match Jiang Che's strength?"

The white-robed Supreme said.

"Can you discuss with Daozong and give up part of it? In this way, there may be hope."

A gray-haired old woman spoke.

"I'm afraid there is no room for negotiation. Dao Zong has also given an order to the Nine Immortals Alliance. This clearly means that he wants to unify the Eastern Wasteland."

As soon as he finished speaking, another Supreme spoke.

"Where is the Jade Emperor?"

"As the leader of our Outer Immortal Alliance, the Jade Emperor should also come forward in this matter, right?" A supreme leader said.


As soon as he finished speaking, a jade-colored light bloomed at the door of the Golden Palace, and a middle-aged man in jade robe stepped into the Golden Palace.

The aura is profound, surpassing all the supreme beings present in the Golden Palace.

It is the leader of the Outer Immortal Alliance, the Jade Emperor!

"Jade Emperor!"

Upon seeing the figure, all the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance stood up one after another.

The middle-aged man in jade robe nodded and took a few steps to reach the central throne.

"Jade Emperor, Daozong issued an ultimatum, this matter..."

A Supreme Being just spoke, but before he finished speaking, the Jade Emperor spoke: "I already know about this matter."

"Then what are the Jade Emperor's plans next?"

The white-robed Supreme looked at the Jade Emperor and asked.

Other high-level officials from the Outer Immortal Alliance also focused their attention on the Jade Emperor.

"Don't move for now, nothing will change." The Jade Emperor said calmly.


Hearing this, all the Supremes instantly looked at each other.

Nothing remains the same...

Is this going to start a war with Daozong?
"Jade Emperor, what are your plans?"

A senior executive of the Outer Immortal Alliance looked at the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor glanced at everyone and said: "I have already contacted the Sun God Palace. What I mean is that if you choose to rely on the Sun God Palace, people from the Sun God Palace will come soon. When the time comes, there will naturally be a solution."

"Sun God Palace!"

Upon hearing this, the senior leaders of the Outer Immortal Alliance were shocked.

They all know this force very well. It is one of the immortal forces in the place of origin.

If someone from the Sun Palace comes, then I am afraid that Daozong will not be so happy.

"Jade Emperor, will the Sun God Palace really send someone here?"

A senior executive of the Outer Immortal Alliance blinked and looked at the Jade Emperor in disbelief.


The Jade Emperor nodded.

"If someone from the Sun Palace comes forward, the Dao Sect will probably regress." A senior official from the Outer Immortal Alliance said.

"Although Jiang Che is powerful, there is still a gap between him and the Golden Crow Emperor of the Sun God Palace. He will definitely not be an enemy of a Sun God."

"With the help of the secret method, the power of the Yang God must be incomparable to that of the real Yang God. In this way, it may remain unchanged."

Several Outer Immortal Alliance Supremes spoke, and their eyes lit up with light.

It's best if it remains unchanged. If someone from the Sun Palace comes forward, the situation will definitely be stabilized.

"Nothing remains the same now, just wait."

The Jade Emperor glanced at the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance and spoke.

After hearing this, the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance nodded.

If someone from the Sun Palace came forward, the situation might be much better.

Immortal power, even if Jiang Che can use the secret method to explode with strength comparable to Yang Shen, it still has to be weighed.


time flies.

A storm was surging quietly in the Eastern Wasteland.

Faced with the ultimatum issued by Daozong, the Outer Immortal Alliance did not make any response.

However, half a month later, the Nine Immortals Alliance announced the news and submitted to the Dao Sect.

As soon as this news came out, it also shocked Donghuang.

Faced with the surrender of the Nine Immortals Alliance, Daozong also held a welcome ceremony.

For a time, Daozong's popularity reached its peak.

Faced with the news that the Nine Immortals Alliance had surrendered to the Dao Sect, the Outer Immortals Alliance remained calm.

It seems like nothing has changed.

However, as the time for Daozong's ultimatum approaches, more and more forces are secretly paying attention.

Perhaps, a shocking battle is about to break out.

Will Donghuang complete the unification of immortality under the Dao Sect?

Based on the situation analysis, this possibility is very high.

However, the Outer Immortal Alliance is not a vegetarian, and the forces behind it are complicated.

What it really is depends on the actual situation.


In Donghuang, Daqian, Yujing Imperial City, in a palace, the figure of Emperor Qian appeared.

Following Emperor Qian was an old man in purple robes.

"How long until Daozong issues the ultimatum?"

Emperor Qian stopped and looked at the old man in purple robe aside.

After hearing this, the purple-robed old man bowed and said, "Your Majesty, there are still three days left."

"Three days..."

Emperor Qian narrowed his eyes, and a ray of lightning-like light flashed in his deep pupils.

"very good."

"Then it looks like there are only three days left before we can watch a big show."

A smile appeared on Emperor Qian's lips.

The purple-robed old man raised his head and looked at Emperor Qian: "Your Majesty, do you think Jiang Che will take action?"

"What do you think?"

Emperor Qian asked rhetorically.

The purple-robed old man thought for a while and said: "I think Jiang Che should discuss it first. After all, the Outer Immortal Alliance is related to the immortal forces in the place of origin. People from the Sun Palace are not so easy to talk to. Jiang Che Although Che’s strength is astonishing, he may still take the Sun God Palace into consideration. After all, he should not fall out with the Sun God Palace in order to unify the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao.”

Emperor Qian nodded, looked at the purple-robed old man and said, "Your analysis is good, but there is one thing you missed."

The old man in purple robe looked at Emperor Qian in surprise.

Emperor Qian smiled and said: "That is the character of this son. I guess that if the Outer Immortal Alliance does not surrender, even if someone from the Sun Palace comes forward, he will definitely take action. Although I don't know everything about this son's character, I can I know something, with his current strength, unless the Yang God comes, he will never be able to stop his actions."

The purple-robed old man was startled and looked at Emperor Qian: "So, Jiang Che will definitely take action?"

"I am very sure of that."

Emperor Qian nodded and then said: "Unless there is only one possibility."

"What's possible?" The purple-robed old man looked at Emperor Qian.

"The Golden Crow Emperor has come in person." Emperor Qian said calmly.

The Golden Crow Emperor comes in person...

The purple-robed old man's heart twitched.

This possibility is probably too small.

How could the Golden Crow Emperor come here in person for the sake of an Outer Immortal Alliance?

At most, the Sun Palace would send a supreme being.

Coming in person, the possibility is infinitely close to zero.

"Then I'm afraid Donghuang is about to completely change."

The old man in purple robe let out a long sigh.

"Haha, this is also a good thing for me."

Emperor Qian smiled and said.

The purple-robed old man looked at Emperor Qian with surprise in his eyes: "Your Majesty, is this okay? If the Dao Sect unified the Eastern Wasteland, then they would be the only one in the family."

"It is a good thing to eradicate these external forces and let local forces rule." Emperor Qian said calmly.

Hearing this, the old man in purple robe was confused for a moment.

Isn’t it what His Majesty often says, that there needs to be checks and balances?
When one family becomes the dominant one, there is no need for checks and balances!

Emperor Qian looked at the purple-robed old man on the side and said calmly: "Sometimes, you have to take a longer view. If the immortal way is unified, a great disaster will come in the future. Do you think it is better to have a plate of loose sand, or to gather a little more power?"


"I have learned my lesson." The old man in purple robe nodded.

Emperor Qian looked at the sky and said: "If unified, with the speed of development of Dao Zong, then there will definitely be a big explosion in the future, and more supreme beings will emerge. By then, when the catastrophe comes, Dao Zong will definitely bear the brunt, and there will be They are the main force in the fight, do you understand?"

"I understand." The old man in purple robe nodded.

"Go down and pay attention to the situation of both parties at any time. If there is any situation, report it in time."

Emperor Qian said calmly.

"Yes, I retire!"

The purple-robed old man saluted, then turned and left.

Seeing the old man in purple robe leave, Emperor Qian looked at the sky: "Jiang Zhen, you did give birth to a good son..."

After muttering to himself, in the next breath, Emperor Qian's figure moved and disappeared into the deep palace hall in an instant.


A month passed quickly.

Donghuang, Daozong, and other forces all focused their attention on Daozong.

Having said that, the Nine Immortals Alliance has surrendered, but the Outer Immortals Alliance is still standing. If nothing unexpected happens next, Dao Zong will definitely take action.

The forces in other continents have turned their attention to the Dao Sect and the Outer Immortal Alliance.

Watch the fire from the other side!

The future situation of the Immortal Dao in Donghuang will also be fully unfolded now.

Are the two heroes standing side by side, or do they unite the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Way?

The situation was soon revealed.


Donghuang, Daozong.

In the Tongtian Hall, a group of Dao Sect Supremes appeared here.

Among them, the Supremes who surrendered to the Nine Immortals Alliance were also included.

The Nine Immortals Alliance took the initiative to submit and received great preferential treatment.

The Supreme Headmaster directly ordered the establishment of 110 Peaks and [-] Peaks.

The two newly added peaks are classified into the Daozong numbering sequence.

The number of Supremes suddenly increased by hundreds.

The total number of disciples is 200 million disciples.

Surpassing the Outer Immortal Alliance and becoming the number one in the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao.

Because of the surrender of the Nine Immortals Alliance, the Dao Sect's territory also expanded rapidly, extending directly to millions of miles.

The territory has expanded, but the cultivation environment has not changed.

The Dao Sect has several Pure Yang Immortal Veins, which are more than enough even if more than 200 million disciples practice them.

In the grand hall of Daozong, Tongtian Peak, a group of supreme beings sat on the left and right sides.

The top position is occupied by the supreme leader, Feng Xuanji!
Sitting on the throne, Feng Xuanji held a golden folded book in his hand, which contained the message from the Outer Immortal Alliance's reply.

In one sentence, the Outer Immortal Alliance does not want to submit to Dao Zong, nor does it want to be an enemy of Dao Zong. It is willing to give up part of the spiritual vein mining area in the hope of peaceful coexistence with Dao Zong.

His intention has been very obvious, that is, he is unwilling to submit to the Taoist sect.

"Headmaster, this Outer Immortal Alliance must be relying on its relationship with the Sun Palace to dare to do this. We must take action and start a war with the Outer Immortal Alliance."

"Otherwise, where is the majesty of our Dao Sect!"

A peak master stood up, and a loud voice sounded in the magnificent Tongtian Hall.

"Yes, let's go to war!"

"We must strengthen the majesty of our Dao Sect!" As soon as he finished speaking, another peak master spoke.

At this time, all the supreme beings spoke in agreement.

However, there were also some supreme beings who did not speak. They were all supreme beings from the original Nine Immortals Alliance.

They were not perverted, they just watched quietly.

"Quiet!" Feng Xuanji's voice sounded, and instantly, the Tongtian Hall fell silent.

All the supreme eyes looked at Feng Xuanji.

At this moment, Feng Xuanji looked at the supreme beings of the original Nine Immortals Alliance.

"Master Lin, Master Bai, do you two have any suggestions?"

Feng Xuanji's voice sounded, and all the supreme gazes instantly turned to the two of them.

Master Lin said calmly: "I don't have any suggestions. Everything will be subject to the master's arrangements."

Feng Xuanji frowned slightly.

At this time, Peak Master Bai on the side spoke: "Master, the reason why the Outer Immortal Alliance dares to refuse is simply because of relying on the Sun God Palace. Now, there must be people from the Sun God Palace sitting in charge of the Outer Immortal Alliance, and, according to the concubine's status, According to the information we have, this Supreme Being from the Sun Palace is also a Jidao Realm being, so I’m afraid it won’t be that easy to deal with.”

"It's better... to directly ask Jiang Tianzun to come forward. Maybe it can be solved by then. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to defeat these two supreme beings."

"Peak Master Bai's suggestion is good. I think we should ask Jiang Tianzun to come forward first, and then make a decision."

An elder spoke.

"I agree with Peak Master Bai's proposal!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another elder spoke.

"I also agree with Peak Master Bai's proposal!"

"I agree too!"

"I agree too!"

"I agree!"

"Me too!"


For a time, the elders and the peak master reached a unanimous opinion.

Feng Xuanji raised his hand gently, and the hall instantly became quiet.

"Okay, then we will follow Peak Master Bai's suggestion."

After saying that, Feng Xuanji raised his hand and showed a sound transmission bell.

"No, I'm here."

At this time, at the entrance of the hall, a voice instantly entered the hall.

The eyes of all the supreme elders instantly looked towards the entrance of the hall.

A young Taoist priest wearing a blue robe appeared in their eyes.

It’s none other than Jiang Che!
With a crash, all the supreme elders stood up together.

"I've met Jiang Tianzun!"

The sound of rushing echoed in the hall.

On top of the throne, Feng Xuanji also stood up.

Jiang Che is now the backbone of Dao Sect.

If it weren't for his strength, Dao Zongze would not have undergone the earth-shaking changes he has today.

Even Feng Xuanji's heart was changing subtly.

If Jiang Che is willing to assume the supreme position of headmaster, Feng Xuanji will not hesitate to abdicate in favor of others.

But since Jiang Che is unwilling to assume the supreme position of headmaster, there is nothing he can do about it.

But in his heart, even Feng Xuanji believed that Jiang Che was the leader of Dao Sect.

After all, strength determines everything, this is an eternal truth.

"Everyone, please sit down."

Jiang Che stepped into the hall, nodded gently, and then all the supreme beings sat down one after another.

But his eyes did not move away.

Everyone focused on Jiang Che.

Standing in front of them, the vague aura on his body made all the supreme beings feel unfathomable.

It's like a vast abyss with no bottom.

It is more terrifying than an existence in the Ji Dao realm.

"Headmaster, can you let me see the reply from the Outer Immortal Alliance?"

Jiang Che looked at Feng Xuanji and heard a voice.

Feng Xuanji said nothing, and the golden fold wrapped in mana was instantly delivered to him.

Jiang Che raised his hand to catch the golden fold and slowly opened it.

Looking at the content of the reply above, Jiang Che's face did not waver at all, and he could not see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

All the supreme elders stared at him.

The decision is now in Jiang Che's hands.

Whether it is war or peace depends entirely on Jiang Che.

After all, apart from him, there is no Nine Realm Supreme in the Dao Sect.

The strongest one is only in the Seventh Realm, and it is still far behind the Eighth Realm.


Suddenly, a wisp of purple flames burned, and the folded book in Jiang Che's hand instantly turned into ashes.

"Okay, I know about this. I will go to the Outer Immortal Alliance. You can wait for the news."

Jiang Che spoke, and as soon as he finished speaking, his body instantly turned into a purple lightning, shattering the void, and disappeared directly into the eyes of the supreme elders and peak masters.

Go directly to the Outer Immortal Alliance? !
After watching Jiang Che disappear, it took a while for the supreme elders to come back to their senses.

Is this... so simple? !

No hesitation!
All the Supremes looked at each other and wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

One person created the Outer Immortal Alliance.

I'm afraid this is a rhythm that requires direct action!
But thinking about this Tianzun's style of doing things, he has always been vigorous and resolute.

When the great road has not yet been achieved, he is a man of great influence. Wherever he goes, he will make waves.

But this time the storm may be enough to shake the entire world.

Whether the Eastern Wilderness can unify the Immortal Way is now.

"Pass the order. Don't act rashly until Jiang Tianzun returns. Wait for the news."

At this time, Feng Xuanji's voice sounded and spread throughout the hall.

All the supreme elders also came to their senses.

"Abide by the teachings!"

The sound of unison resounded throughout the hall.

Feng Xuanji waved his hand, and the figures of the Supreme Elder Peak Masters dispersed one after another.

In the main hall, only Feng Xuanji was left.

Looking at the void outside the hall, Feng Xuanji pondered for a while, and his figure instantly disappeared into the hall.


East Wilderness.

Falling into the empty mountain, there is a golden palace in the sea of ​​clouds.

A group of senior leaders from the Outer Immortal Alliance appeared here.

In addition, there is the Jade Emperor, the leader of the Outer Immortal Alliance.

Beside the Jade Emperor, there was a man in red robes. There was a special Dao pattern between his eyebrows, which was shining with golden light.

Strong breath.

He has the same cultivation level as the Jade Emperor.

He is also the pinnacle of the Ji Dao Realm.

"The Jade Emperor has already replied to Daozong's letter. I'm afraid Daozong will take action today."

A senior executive from the Outer Immortal Alliance said.

"If that Jiang Che comes, then I'm afraid..."

Another senior member of the Outer Immortal Alliance spoke, but he didn't finish his words, but he understood what he meant.

Daozong is not a danger, the biggest danger is Jiang Che.

If Jiang Che comes to visit, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to fight against.

"Judging from this person's behavior, I'm afraid he won't agree to coexistence."

"When the time comes, then..."

Another senior member of the Outer Immortal Alliance spoke.

At this time, the man in red robe said: "Brother Yu, are all your men so afraid of death? I'm afraid it's worrying that my momentum was released before anyone arrived."

Listening to the words of the man in red robe, the expressions of the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance suddenly changed.

The Jade Emperor's expression also changed slightly, and he said: "Brother Jin, Jiang Che's strength is indeed terrifying and very difficult to deal with."

"Isn't it just using the secret method to resist Yang Shen's attack across time and space?"

"The attack from the Yang God across billions of time and space is not that terrible. I can also destroy it."

"How powerful can a human monk be? Do you really think he is the Yang God?"

The red-robed Taoist said calmly.

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor looked at him and didn't know what to say.

However, his strength is indeed great, and it was only by attracting people that he was able to reject the Daozong ultimatum.

"I would like to fight with this person to see how powerful he is and whether he is just blown away."

The red-robed Taoist spoke again.

"Really? I also want to fight with this fellow Taoist."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in the hall.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

The void opened, and a young Taoist in a blue robe stepped out of the void.

Step out of the void and descend into the Golden Palace.

All the Supremes of the Outer Immortal Alliance stood up instantly and looked at Jiang Che with strong fear in their eyes.

The Jade Emperor and the man in red robe also stood up instantly, staring at him.

"I broke through the avenue formation silently. This...how is this possible!"

Looking at the figure in front of him, the Jade Emperor felt strong fear in his heart.

"Jiang Che!"

A senior executive from the Outer Immortal Alliance exclaimed.

No one could have imagined that Jiang Che could silently break through the outer immortal alliance's protective formation and descend directly.

How terrifying must this strength be? !

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, you broke into our Outer Immortal Alliance without permission. Doing so will really disgrace your Heavenly Lord!"

At this time, the Jade Emperor came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che and said.

Jiang Che looked at the Jade Emperor, then at the man in red robe beside him, and paused for a moment on the man in red robe.His eyes turned to the Jade Emperor again.

"Your Excellency is the leader of the Outer Immortal Alliance, the Jade Emperor." Jiang Che's voice was calm, and there was no change in the expression on his face.


The Jade Emperor nodded.

Jiang Che stretched out two fingers and said: "Very good, in that case, I can give you two choices, either surrender to the Dao Sect, or get out of Donghuang."

"What if I choose neither of them?" the Jade Emperor said solemnly.

"Then I'll send you on your way." Jiang Che said calmly.

"That sounds very loud. Do you know that the Outer Immortal Alliance is supported by my Sun Palace?"

At this time, the man in red robe spoke.

Jiang Che's expression remained unchanged, without any fluctuation, and he looked at the man in red robe quietly: "You know what, what if you don't know?"


After hearing this, the red-robed man's eyes narrowed: "You know, you still dare to be so presumptuous, don't you take my Sun Palace seriously?"

"Jiang Che, he is the son of the Golden Crow Emperor and the crown prince of the Golden Crow clan."

At this time, the Jade Emperor spoke and his voice sounded.

"The son of the Golden Crow Emperor..."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in red robe: "Emperor Golden Crow has nine sons, which one are you?"


The man in red robe spoke.

It turned out to be Lao Liu...

Jiang Che nodded lightly, looked at the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow, and said, "Let's do this. For the sake of the Golden Crow Emperor, if you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

"What if I don't leave, the prince?"

The Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow narrowed his eyes, and a wisp of cold air filled the air.

"Then beat you together!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded. (End of chapter)

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