I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 335 One Unifies the Eastern Desolation

I'll beat you up too!

As soon as the words came out, the golden palace suddenly became silent.

All is silent!

A group of senior officials from the Outer Immortal Alliance stared at Jiang Che. No one thought that Jiang Che would be so arrogant.

His arrogance has reached an unimaginable level.

He didn’t even give face to the Sun Palace.

Total contempt!

The sixth prince of the Golden Crow looked at Jiang Che, his pupils quickly became bloodshot, and his face turned crimson.

Behind him, a wisp of flame rose.

The void was burned.


A monstrous momentum instantly erupted from the body of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow, and the entire Golden Palace was enveloped by the momentum.

The air froze instantly.

A majestic force of heaven swept across the entire Xiangkong Mountain, and in an instant, the situation changed dramatically.

The disciples of the Outer Immortal Alliance looked at the sky with horrified expressions. The overwhelming momentum swept through the entire Outer Immortal Alliance, as if an ancient sacred mountain was weighing down their hearts.

"you wanna die!"

The ultimate angry sound exploded in the Yunhai Golden Palace. In the next breath, the robes of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow shook, and a terrifying golden light instantly tore through the void and rushed toward Jiang Che.


Jiang Che raised his hand, and a ball of fairy light bloomed. The golden light that came was instantly frozen by the fairy light in his palm.

With a squeeze of five fingers, the frozen golden light exploded instantly, but the vast fluctuations were suppressed by Jiang Che's single hand.

This perfect control instantly sent chills down the spine of the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance.

Jiang Che's terror was beyond their expectations. Even if he didn't use any secret techniques, he was still an extremely terrifying existence.

"Since you don't want to negotiate, then let's all go on the road together today!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded like the sound of death in the ears of the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance.

An even more terrifying aura filled the air from Jiang Che's body.

Behind Jiang Che, a golden divine bell instantly appeared.

"not good!"

The pupils of the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance shrank, and their bodies were instantly protected with mana.


At this time, the golden divine bell rang, and a golden wave swept out instantly.

When Jin Bo arrived, except for the Jade Emperor and the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow, all the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance present were instantly killed.

The physical body and soul are wiped out.

The Donghuang Bell exploded with terrifying power in Jiang Che's hands.

The Golden Palace of Cloud Sea collapsed on the spot.



In the void, the Jade Emperor and the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the divine light in their eyes dimmed by three points.

Even their cultivation level and the use of immortal weapons to protect their bodies have suffered a certain degree of impact.

The Yunhai Golden Palace was destroyed, and the senior officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance were instantly killed.

All this happened in a short moment.

Looking at Jiang Che, the Jade Emperor felt cold in his heart.

He never imagined that Jiang Che would not care about the Sun Palace at all and massacred a group of high-level officials of the Outer Immortal Alliance directly in front of them.

This is simply a killing god!
"Jiang Che, you really want to kill the fish and break the net!"

The Jade Emperor's angry voice sounded like thunder from the sky, shaking the void and resounding throughout the empty mountain.

"You're useless when I give you a chance, you're useless!" Jiang Che's voice sounded.

The Jade Emperor's face was as gloomy as water, and his body was trembling under his robe.

"This prince will make your life worse than death!"

At this time, the voice of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow sounded, a monstrous red light bloomed, and a terrifying golden flame emerged, turning into a flaming Golden Crow, fluttering its wings, and instantly rushed towards Jiang Che at a terrifying speed.


Behind Jiang Che, the Donghuang Bell rang again, and time and space froze. The incoming Flame Golden Crow was instantly frozen in mid-air by the time and space power of the Donghuang Bell.


After spitting out a word, it was as if the words were spoken. In the next breath, the flaming golden crow collapsed on the spot and turned into nothing.


Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Sixth Prince of Golden Crow shrank instantly.

Jiang Che stood in the void with one hand behind his back and looked at the Jade Emperor, "Yu Qingtian, I will give you one more chance. If you submit to me, I will spare your life!"

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor's face instantly turned ugly.

At this time, the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow spoke: "Take action, join forces to kill him, and the Outer Immortal Alliance will be destroyed. I will protect you from entering the Sun Palace."

As he spoke, a vast celestial power rose behind the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow, a monstrous aura condensed, a purple light bloomed, and a purple blade appeared in his hand.

It is filled with the power of Dao Immortal, and it is a Dao Immortal Weapon.


Actuating this purple fairy sword, the shocking sword energy condensed, the void split open, and the hundred-foot magic sword slashed towards Jiang Che in an instant.

On the side, the Jade Emperor gritted his teeth, and the magic power around him instantly exploded, activating his great magical power, turning into a giant hand that lifted up the sky, and blasted directly towards Jiang Che.

"If you don't want a way to live, then die!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and as he spoke, a dragon's roar instantly sounded within his body.

"Era Divine Fist: All Worlds Are Destroyed!"

Jiang Che raised his hand and gathered all his power. The terrifying laws of power were entangled and manifested into a world-destroying seal, which was instantly blasted out.


The sky collapsed instantly, a large black hole appeared, and a violent force of destruction swept across the world.

The Xingkong Mountain shook, and in an instant, it completely collapsed.

Everyone in the entire Outer Immortal Alliance was instantly struck by the force of destruction and annihilated.

Nearly a million disciples were all wiped out.

Jiang Che's supreme strike was pushed horizontally with an absolutely crushing attitude.

Even a single blow from the Dao Immortal Weapon was detonated.

The power is terrible.

It makes the Dao Immortal Weapon unable to withstand the attack.

The purple fairy sword was sent flying, and the Jade Emperor's attack was shattered in an instant.

In the void of destruction, violent turbulent power surged.

Endless power of destruction washes away.

The Jade Emperor and the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow all spat out a mouthful of blood.

The breath fell like a cliff.


The bell of the Donghuang Bell rang, instantly freezing the destroyed time and space.

Jiang Che took a step and arrived in front of the Jade Emperor in an instant. Time and space were frozen by the powerful power of the East Emperor Bell. Before the Jade Emperor could break away and leave, he was directly hit by Jiang Che's punch.

The physical body penetrated, and the power exceeding [-] million heavenly dragons instantly shattered his body.

A jade-colored divine light was activated and instantly broke through the frozen time and space.

It is the soul of the Jade Emperor.

However, although he escaped the life-and-death blow, his soul also suffered severe damage, and Jiang Che directly destroyed the idea of ​​​​1 million souls.


However, before the Jade Emperor could take a breath, Jiang Che came to his soul in an instant.

"All the heavens and the earth, seal the sky and the forbidden earth!"

Activating the All Heavens Temple, Jiang Che directly suppressed the Yuan Shen of the Jade Emperor in one piece.

When the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow came to his senses, the Yuan Shen of the Jade Emperor had just been completely suppressed.

This scene instantly made the Sixth Prince of Jinwu feel chilly.

The red light shines, and the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow instantly manifests his true form, breaks through the constraints of time and space, and escapes into the endless void.

Jiang Che glanced at it, raised his hand and punched, and the power of [-] million heavenly dragons instantly blasted the void. In the next breath, the figure of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow was directly forced out from a hundred thousand miles away.

Just after taking a breath, Jiang Che's figure stepped out of the darkness and landed in front of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow.


The Donghuang Bell was activated, instantly sealing off this side of time, space, and world.

The expression of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow changed instantly, and he let out a long, loud cry, directly breaking the shackles of the Donghuang Bell.

However, just as it was broken open, a white palm came directly, and with one palm fell, the figure of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow was shot into the depths of the earth.


Waves bigger than the falling meteorite swept out, shaking thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

A huge pit appeared on the ground.

The figure of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow was lying inside, and a lot of the golden hair on his body had fallen off.

But after all, he was a Nine Realm existence, and this little harm could not kill him.

In one breath, the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow rushed out of the pit, but he ran into Jiang Che head-on.

But this time, Jiang Che did not take action. He put one hand behind his back and looked at the hairless Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow. His expression did not waver at all, and he said calmly: "For the sake of the Golden Crow Emperor, I will spare you for today. I It’s not your Sun Palace’s turn to intervene in the affairs of the world, so get out!”

His tone was calm, but his words contained supreme domineering power!
The sixth prince of the Golden Crow had an ugly face. He looked at Jiang Che bitterly, but did not dare to say harsh words.

With a thought, it instantly turned into golden light, tearing through the void and disappearing in front of you.

Seeing the sixth prince of the Golden Crow disappear, Jiang Che withdrew his gaze.

Sensing the spiritual thoughts in the void, Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and a wave of waves spread out, shattering the spiritual thoughts in the void.

In an instant, millions of miles away, in the void, figures fell awkwardly.

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

There was no time to adjust their breath, and they all disappeared in place.

At the same time, Jiang Che tore through the void and disappeared instantly.


Outside the vast world, in the starry sky, a golden light rushed out, and an embarrassed figure appeared in the dark starry sky.

It was the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow who had escaped from the Great Thousand World.

He looked back at the world with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Jiang Che... I won't let you have an easy time!"

After saying these harsh words, the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow escaped into the dark sky without looking back and disappeared without a trace.


Donghuang, Daozong.

Tongtian Peak.

Rays of divine light rushed towards the Tongtian Hall.

They are all the supreme elders of Daozong.

Jiang Che had just received the order, and no one dared to disobey it. More than 200 Supreme Realm people arrived at Tongtian Hall one after another.


In the Tongtian Hall, a group of supreme elders from the Dao Sect gathered together.

There was surprise on their faces. Jiang Che had just left not long ago and summoned them so quickly. Was this a failure?
And just when the supreme elders felt strange, suddenly, the void opened, and Jiang Che appeared in a green Taoist robe.

In an instant, the eyes of all the supreme elders were focused on him.

"Jiang Tianzun, how is the situation of the Outer Immortal Alliance?"

A supreme elder looked at Jiang Che and couldn't help but ask.

Jiang Che looked at the supreme elder and said calmly: "It has been solved."

solved? !

So fast? !

As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, all the Supreme Peak Masters and elders were stunned for a moment.

Solved so soon?
"That's great. The Outer Immortal Alliance surrenders, and our Dao Sect will completely dominate the Eastern Wasteland."

One of the Supreme Elders clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

But at this moment, Jiang Che spoke again: "The Outer Immortal Alliance no longer exists. It was destroyed just now."

boom--! !As soon as the words were spoken, all the Supreme Peak Masters and elders in the main hall were stunned like thunder exploding in their minds.

Even the air seemed to freeze at this moment.

The Outer Immortal Alliance was destroyed... was destroyed? ! ?
Looking at Jiang Che, all the Supreme Peak Masters and elders were stunned.

So fast? !

Are you kidding me?
The Outer Immortal Alliance has the presence of the Nine Realm Supremes, and it has also found help from the Sun Palace.

He was also a Nine Realm Supreme Being, that is, two Nine Realm Supreme Beings. How could they be destroyed so easily?

"Tianzun...you, are you kidding?"

A supreme elder came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, and said with a dazed look on his face.

Jiang Che looked calm and said: "Everyone in the Outer Immortal Alliance has been destroyed."


After receiving Jiang Che's affirmative answer, the hearts of all the Supreme Peak Masters and elders exploded again.

Really destroyed...

Not one left!
This... how is this possible!

"Tianzun, where is the Jade Emperor, the leader of the Outer Immortal Alliance?" A supreme elder came back to his senses and asked.

"I have suppressed them, and the other people from the Sun Palace have already left." Jiang Che said calmly.


Hearing this, all the supreme elders in the hall took a deep breath.

Good guy, the existence of the Nine Realms Supreme and Ji Dao Realm was suppressed so easily.

In such a short period of time, it was completely calmed down.

This is simply a myth!

They knew Jiang Che was powerful, but such terrifying strength still made them feel trembling.

Could it be that Tianzun used a secret method again? !
Well, maybe so.

Thoughts appeared in the minds of the Supreme Peak Masters and elders one by one.

Thinking of this, they were able to accept it.

After all, they have seen it before.

The secret technique is improved, and it can even reach the strength comparable to Yang Shen.

This is indeed terrible!
Jiang Che glanced at all the supreme beings, especially pausing for a moment on the original supreme beings of the Nine Immortals Alliance.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said: "Send the order and tell the world that the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao is unified, and the Dao Sect will open its gates. All casual cultivators who pass the Dao Sect's test can enter the Dao Sect."

"Follow the decree of Heavenly Venerable!"

The supreme peak masters came to their senses and spoke in unison.

Jiang Che nodded lightly and looked at the supreme peak masters and elders: "You are all members of the Dao Sect. No matter what happened before, I hope that you will work together to strengthen our Dao Sect. Anyone who has two minds, I will If he knows, he must die without a burial place!"


Jiang Che's voice reached the ears of every Supreme Peak Master and Elder.

Hearing this, all the Supreme Peak Masters and elders looked at him, took a deep breath, and said in unison: "Don't worry, Heavenly Lord, we will try our best to strengthen the Dao Sect, and we promise not to let Heavenly Lord down!"

"Very good." Jiang Che nodded, and then said: "As long as you all work together, I will not treat you badly."

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you."

After saying that, Jiang Che's figure flashed and disappeared into thin air.

Seeing Jiang Che disappear, all the Supreme Peak Masters and elders came back to their senses.

I felt relieved at the same time.

Looking at each other, a group of Supreme Peak Lords and elders followed and left the hall.


Soon, the news of the collapse of the Outer Immortal Alliance swept across the entire world like a super storm.

The news of the unification of the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao also shocked all the forces in other continents.

A month ago, Dao Zong issued an ultimatum, and a month later, the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao was completely unified.

Say it and do it!
Just one month later, the unification was completed directly.

Moreover, the Outer Immortal Alliance was destroyed on this day.

At this moment, more forces became strongly fearful of Daozong.

To be precise, the one who was afraid was Jiang Che.

He single-handedly completely wiped out the Outer Immortal Alliance.

The leader of the Outer Immortal Alliance was suppressed, and the Supreme Immortal Power of the Sun Palace was defeated and fled.

This is something no one would have thought of.

No one could have imagined that Jiang Che would not even give the Sun Palace any face.

Just like a madman.

Moreover, he is also a powerful lunatic!
If it were not the Supreme of the Sun Palace, but the Supreme of other top forces, the end would probably be doomed.

The Supreme Being of the Sun Palace can leave, probably for the sake of the Golden Crow Emperor, otherwise, he will also fall.

The Immortal Dao of the Eastern Wasteland was unified, and for a time, the Dao Sect's popularity reached its peak.

And Jiang Che's name has reached the pinnacle among the pinnacles.

It has become a taboo for all major forces.

This ruthless man didn't even give the Immortal Force any face when he started to use his hands.

For a time, the Eastern Wasteland became a forbidden area for other forces.


The place of origin, the depths of chaos.

In a space-time world deep in the chaos, above the vast sea of ​​clouds, a magnificent heavenly palace stands.

In front of the magnificent Tiangong, a golden light came from a distance, and a figure appeared in front of the Tiangong.

The light converged, revealing his true appearance. He was a Taoist boy in green.

The Taoist boy in green looked at the Heavenly Palace in front of him, straightened his clothes, and stepped into the Heavenly Palace.

Soon, the Taoist boy in green came to a quiet room deep in the hall.

"Qingfeng, if you don't go to practice, what are you doing here?"

A voice came from the quiet room.

The Taoist boy in green stood in front of the quiet room with a respectful expression and said: "Master Qi, a news just came from the world. This news is related to the people in my temple of origin."


"News from the world?"

The voice rang, and after a while, the door to the quiet room opened, and the voice came again, "Come in."

"Yes, Master!"

The Taoist boy in green nodded and then stepped into the quiet room.

In the quiet room, a cloud couch was suspended in mid-air. On the cloud couch, a purple-robed figure sat cross-legged on the cloud couch, shrouded in hazy fairy light, making it difficult to see his face.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The purple-robed figure shrouded in fairy light sounded, and the Taoist boy in green knelt in front of the cloud bed, holding a jade slip high in his hands: "The situation is recorded in it, please take a look at it, Master."


As soon as he finished speaking, the jade slip disappeared instantly and fell into the hands of the purple-robed figure.

Checking the information in the jade slip, after a while, the purple-robed figure spoke: "Jiang Che... This little guy is really good. He even beat up the son of the Golden Crow Emperor. It's interesting, haha, not bad."

Listening to the voice, the Taoist boy in green blinked his eyes, looked at the purple-robed figure shrouded in fairy light, and said, "Master, aren't you angry?"

"He even beat up the Golden Crow Emperor's son. I'm afraid this will offend the Golden Crow Emperor."

"Whatever it is, I can kill him." The purple-robed figure said calmly.

Taoist boy in green: "..."

"This son has endless potential. He may be the new emperor of my Temple of Origin in the future. You just need to keep people's attention and don't interfere with his actions."

The purple-robed figure said calmly.

"Understood, I will follow Master's instructions." The Taoist boy in green nodded.

"Go down and have a good time practicing." The purple-robed figure said.

The Taoist boy in green immediately stood up and said, "Master, I am in good health, and my disciple and grandson will leave first."

After saying that, the Taoist boy in green turned around and left the quiet room.

The quiet room door was also closed.

On the cloud couch, the purple-robed figure looked at the jade slip in his hand and said, "Interesting. It seems that this guy with bad ethics has done something good."

He murmured to himself, and then, the fairy light around the purple-robed figure instantly became three points stronger, and a majestic aura filled the quiet room.


Daozong, Samsara Peak.

Jiang Che's figure appeared in the quiet room, sitting cross-legged on the jade futon. With a thought, the Temple of the Heavens instantly appeared in front of him.

"Let me go, Tianzun. I know I was wrong. Please, don't kill me. I will definitely work for you."

The Jade Emperor's voice came out from the All Heavens Temple, Jiang Che's expression did not waver at all, urging the All Heavens Temple, the power of fear swept over instantly, covering the Jade Emperor's soul.


The shrill screams resounded throughout the heavens, time and space, and the formations of the heavens rotated, beginning to obliterate the Yuan Shen of the Jade Emperor.

"Jiang Che, you must die!"

The spiteful voice sounded, but Jiang Che's expression remained unchanged, without any fluctuation.

Continue to urge the All Heavens Temple to destroy the Jade Emperor's soul.

The screams resounded throughout the sky and space.

Jiang Che concentrated on urging the All Heavens Temple to destroy the Jade Emperor Yuanshen, and time also passed by unknowingly.


Half a month passed quickly.

The Jade Emperor's soul was also completely wiped out. Jiang Che captured the original soul, left the mark of the god, and directly resurrected it.

In two days, he successfully resurrected the Jade Emperor.

But the temperament has completely changed.

After collecting the Grand Avenue God-Selfing Monument, Jiang Che's eyes turned to the demon book in his mind.

Kill the Jade Emperor and reveal the reward of Grade [-] Yu Zi.

It just exists in the ordinary Ji Dao realm, but the reward is not bad.

With a thought, Jiang Che instantly took out the reward.

The light bloomed, and a Heavenly God Dao Fruit appeared in front of him.

Looking at the God Dao Fruit, Jiang Che swallowed it in one gulp.

In the Heavenly Palace, the soul was shaken.

Running the Chaos True Spirit Technique, Jiang Che absorbed the power of the God's Dao Fruit with all his strength.


A few days passed, and Jiang Che completely absorbed the Heavenly God Dao Fruit, and his thoughts of Yuan Shen improved a lot again.

"It's almost ready to absorb the liquid of heaven."

Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Jiang Che's mind moved, and the sealed liquid of heaven quickly appeared in front of him.

"I hope that the Heavenly Liquid can successfully perfect the second form of the Era Divine Fist..."

Looking at the liquid of heaven in front of him, Jiang Che's mind moved and he quickly swallowed it.


After swallowing the liquid of heaven, Jiang Che's whole body suddenly glowed with bright golden light of heaven.

At the same time, he seemed to have entered a new state.

A strange feeling came over me.

Jiang Che knew that this was the liquid of heaven's law taking effect, so he calmed down and started practicing immediately without wasting any time.

Creating magical powers and cultivating magical powers are extremely difficult.

Creating the first form of the Era Divine Fist, he also changed through constant breakthroughs.

If he hadn't broken into the sealed place of Shen Ni, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been so easy to succeed.

The opportunity is only for a moment. If you miss it, you will miss it.

Jiang Che was not absolutely sure whether he could create the second style.

After all, the effect of Heavenly Liquid also depends on different qualifications.

But he shouldn't feel too bad.

After all, his qualifications are powerful enough in themselves, and he has changed a lot under the multiple fortunes. Otherwise, he would not have been able to break through to the ultimate realm of swordsmanship. (End of chapter)

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