I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 336: The Golden Crow Prince versus the Great Emperor

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Since the fall of the Outer Immortal Alliance, the Dao Sect's power has expanded extremely.

In the Eastern Wilderness Continent, Dao Zong also became the absolute master, and its influence even surpassed that of the Daqian Dynasty.

One is a human dynasty, and the other is a holy land of immortality.

In three months, Daozong's base camp also expanded rapidly.

Most of Qingzhou has become the land of Daozong Mountain Gate.

As the Holy Land of Wushang Immortal Gate that dominates the Eastern Wasteland, Daozong also renovated many buildings in the gate within a few months.

Palaces, pavilions, temples and heavenly palaces.

The only places that haven't changed are two.

One of them is Jiang Che’s Samsara Peak.

The second one is his master’s Xiao Qiongfeng.

These two places are both listed as Taoist forbidden areas.

Without Jiang Che's order, no one is allowed to enter without permission. Even the Supreme Leader has written this into the Dao Sect's rules.

Under Jiang Che's thunderous methods, Donghuang was completely unified.

And the annihilation of the Outer Immortal Alliance also completely eliminated some of the little Jiujiu in the heart of the original Nine Immortal Alliance Supreme.

Being able to kill millions of monks from the Outer Immortal Alliance, Jiang Che would never be merciful if he took action.

It was this iron-blooded approach that made the supreme leader of Dao Sect completely surrender.

Work together to strengthen the Dao Sect.

Cultivating new blood, within three months, Daozong had admitted hundreds of thousands of disciples.

The Eastern Wilderness Continent is vast and densely populated.

After the unification of Daqian, the population grew rapidly, and a number of reforming national policies also brought about a huge explosion of the Eastern Barren people.

And these people will also be the fresh blood of Daozong.

The Nine Immortals Alliance surrendered and took out two Pure Yang Immortal Veins, and the Supreme Leader also broke them into the land of Dao Sect, making Dao Sect's Pure Yang Immortal Qi become more powerful.

Not to mention more than 200 million disciples, even if the number were increased tenfold, it would still be enough for cultivation.

There are sufficient resources, and the Supreme Master is here to guide them. Other Immortal Sect disciples are still worried about spiritual stones, but Dao Sect disciples have achieved spiritual freedom.

Even if it is needed, who would use spiritual energy to practice when there is pure Yang Immortal Qi.

This top-level energy can be cultivated faster.

As long as it is stable for a period of time, Daozong will inevitably usher in a major explosion.

And this is also one of Jiang Che's plans.

Why does he want to unify the Eastern Wasteland? !

Because it is unified, it is easy to manage.

As long as there are enough resources, the human race can strengthen a large number of masters in the future.

This is also the reason to fight against the evil tribulation.

In addition to his own improvement, he will also try his best to improve the strength of Daozong.

We hope that after the demonic calamity comes, the human race will have stronger power to fight against the demons.

He doesn't have any great righteousness for the human race, but as a human being, as the supreme giant of the human race, he just does what he can.

In the next few hundred years, Daozong will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The larger the base, the higher the probability of genius.

Dao Sect has abundant resources, and Pure Yang Immortal Qi is a unique cultivation resource.

With these points, if it can't be improved, it will be damned.

Although several months have passed, Daozong is still the focus of many forces in the world.

Daozong is now a super overlord.

If Jiang Che can prove the Yang God in the future and achieve the position of great emperor, then he will be a new immortal force.

In all the heavens and worlds, they are absolute overlord-level existences.


Daozong, outside the mountain gate, on a mountain top in the distance, a gap opened in the void.

Several figures stepped out of the void one after another and landed on the top of the mountain.

And one of them was the sixth prince of the Golden Crow.

The auras of the other three people were as unfathomable as the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow, or even stronger.

And the most terrifying thing is one of the men wearing a golden robe.

The aura is like an abyss, much more terrifying than the Sixth Prince of Golden Crow and the other two.

They are also in the Ji Dao realm, but the man in gold robe is the most powerful.


"Sixth brother, is this here?"

Among them, a young man in white robe looked at the magnificent mountain gate of Daozong and asked.

"Yes, third brother."

The Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow nodded and looked at the Daozong Mountain Gate, his eyes full of resentment.

"The red dust fire of this Dao sect is very strong!"

Another purple-robed man spoke.

Hearing these words, the eyes of the Sixth Prince of Golden Crow flashed with murderous intent, "If it weren't for that damn Jiang Che, then it would be the Outer Immortal Alliance that unified the Eastern Wilderness now."

The purple-robed man glanced at the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow and said, "Sixth brother, don't worry, the eldest brother is here. This time, he must pay the price."

"I want him to kneel on the ground and kowtow to admit his mistake." A perverted look flashed in the eyes of the Sixth Prince of Golden Crow.

"Stop fantasizing, take action first and let this person show up." The young man in white robe said.

"I come."

The Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow took a step forward, and immediately flew into the sky. His feet stepped into the void, and the aura around him was instantly activated.


The monstrous momentum shook the heaven and earth, instantly inspiring endless visions.

A violent momentum rushed out, and in an instant, the situation changed drastically.

The momentum rushed out, and the entire Daozong's protective formation glowed with intense light.

This scene instantly shocked everyone in Daozong.

One by one, supreme figures rushed out, looking outside the gate of Daozong Mountain.

"Jiang Che, get out of here, or else we will destroy the Dao Sect!"

Outside the void of the mountain gate, the voice of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow resounded throughout the Dao Sect world.

As soon as the voice rang out, the expressions of everyone in Dao Zong changed drastically.

"Who is this person?"

"It's the aura of the Golden Crow. He is the Golden Crow. Could it be... that he belongs to the Sun Palace!"

A Supreme spoke and his voice sounded.

The expressions of the other Supremes changed.

The Palace of the Sun is still the Golden Crow, and he calls himself the prince. Could he be the son of the Golden Crow Emperor? !

The Sun Palace is looking for trouble!
In an instant, all the causes and consequences were quickly outlined in the minds of all supreme beings.

The Sun Palace is controlled by the Golden Crow clan.

He calls himself the prince, and his strength is so terrifying. He wants to find Jiang Che by name. Why isn't he here for revenge?
Thinking of this, the expressions of all the Dao Sect Supremes changed drastically.

Everyone looked at the red-robed figure outside the void of Daozong Mountain Gate as if facing a formidable enemy.

At this moment, a breath of soaring energy swept out from the Samsara Peak.

Immortal light shines in the Taoist world, and in the bright immortal light, a young Taoist in blue robes appears.

It was Jiang Che.

He stepped on the immortal light, stepped out, and arrived outside the mountain gate of Daozong in an instant.


Stepping out of the mountain gate, a golden light burst out of Jiang Che's Taoist robe, and the East Emperor Bell quickly grew in size, appearing in the void like the sun.

Golden light covered Daozong, instantly shrouding the entire Daozong under the protection of the Donghuang Bell.

After doing all this, Jiang Che looked at the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow.

His eyes scanned the three figures in the distance, and stopped for a moment on one of the men in gold robes.

"The peak of human immortality, the ninth realm of thunder tribulation..."

Looking at the man in golden robe, Jiang Che's eyes narrowed slightly.

This is the third top-level double supreme he has met.

The first one is Dongfang Shuo of the ancient heaven, while the other one is the Demon Emperor of the Great Sun of the Demon Clan, and the current man in golden robe is the third one.

At this moment, three figures in the distance came to the front of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow in an instant.

"They are all from the Golden Crow clan..." Jiang Che saw through the aura at a glance and recognized his true identity.
"Jiang Che!"

The Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow stared at him with murderous intent in his eyes.

"What, just get a few helpers and you can take revenge?"

Jiang Che said lightly.

Even facing such a lineup, there was still no trace of panic on his face.

"You are so confident, it seems you have a few tricks up your sleeve." One of the men in purple robes said.

"You destroyed the Outer Immortal Alliance and injured my sixth brother. How about this? You compensate [-] million sources of immortality, then apologize, and the matter is revealed. How about that?"

Among them, the young man in white robe spoke.

"Third brother, you can't understand so easily. I have to make him kowtow and admit his mistake."

The sixth prince of the Golden Crow gritted his teeth and said.

Jiang Che stood in the void, with no trace of joy, anger or joy on his face.

Listening to their conversation, he understood that these three should be the other sons of the Golden Crow Emperor, and the most powerful one should be the Golden Crow Crown Prince.

"Do as my sixth brother says and this matter will be revealed."

At this time, the Golden Crow eldest prince spoke.

After hearing the words of the eldest prince of Jinwu, the sixth prince of Jinwu suddenly became very proud.

Jiang Che shook his head gently and said, "For the sake of the Golden Crow Emperor, I can let you leave, and I can forget the past."


As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, several princes of the Golden Crow clan were stunned for a moment.

"Presumptuous, you are courting death!"

In an instant, the young man in white robe raised his hand and a terrifying sun fire bloomed, turning into an arrow and rushing towards Jiang Che.

But the moment he got close to Jiang Che, a purple light bloomed, and the sun's divine fire disappeared instantly, leaving Jiang Che unscathed.


Seeing this scene, several princes of the Golden Crow clan suddenly stared at each other.

"Don't seek death. My patience is limited."

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and his tone was filled with endless coldness.

"There are a few moments, but you must bow your head today!"

The Golden Crow Crown Prince's eyes flashed coldly, and a terrifying aura instantly erupted.

With one punch, the void instantly exploded.

The terrifying divine light turned into a golden crow and rushed toward Jiang Che.


A loud sound tore through the void, and millions of miles of space were penetrated and torn apart by the sound.

The void collapsed instantly, and the mountain peaks exploded under the sound and turned into powder.

The Divine Light Golden Crow strikes, and its overwhelming momentum makes people feel a strong palpitation deep in their souls.


Jiang Che's whole body glowed with bright light. He raised his hand and punched, condensing the law of power and instantly blasted towards the divine light golden crow.


The forces collided together, a destructive wave of power spread, and the surrounding void instantly collapsed.

Jiang Che stood still, his figure motionless.

The surrounding space continued to collapse, and the violent power penetrated millions of miles away.

The Donghuang Bell inspired brilliant golden light and enveloped the entire Dao Sect territory.

Except for Daozong, all the mountains and rivers millions of miles away collapsed and were destroyed in an instant.

The light waves dissipated, and Jiang Che stood in front of Daozong's mountain gate, his figure motionless.

The breath is calm and has no influence at all.


Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Golden Crow Prince shrank slightly.

"I gave you a chance. If you don't want to, don't blame me."

Jiang Che sighed, and as soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying golden light of Heavenly Dao was instantly activated in his body, and above his head, the phantom of the Book of Heavenly Dao appeared.

Deep in the sky, a terrifying will suddenly descended.

Suddenly, Jiang Che's aura changed.

The book that inspires the way of heaven and directly communicates the will of heaven has arrived.

He is too lazy to talk nonsense and is shameless. What about the son of the Golden Crow Emperor?
If you are in a hurry, just call Shen Ni!
There is also a supreme god behind me!
Today, all four Golden Crows must die!The momentum changed instantly, and a vast force of heaven spread out from Jiang Che's body.

Looking at the four Golden Crow princes, Jiang Che's eyes were full of indifference.

Stared by this look, the four Golden Crow princes instantly felt chilled.


Four rays of divine light soared into the sky, and in the next breath, the four Golden Crow princes instantly manifested their true bodies.

At the same time, they all used their Dao Immortal Weapons and started attacking Jiang Che.

"Four feathered birds dare to try to provoke this god."

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and as soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand slightly, and the terrifying power of heaven gathered in an instant.

With his five fingers spread out, the attacks of the four Dao Immortal Weapons were directly frozen.

stopped in mid-air.

With a gentle squeeze of his five fingers, the attacks of the four Dao Immortal Weapons were annihilated on the spot.

Jiang Che's Taoist robe shook, and a terrifying golden light of heaven was instantly activated.

This seemingly ordinary move turned out to be completely different in the eyes of the four Golden Crow princes.

Each of them activated their magical powers and at the same time activated their immortal weapons to protect their bodies.


In an instant, waves of heavenly golden light swept over.

The defense of the four Golden Crow princes collapsed on the spot, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


The golden light in his eyes dimmed, and his aura dropped off a cliff.

But before he could recover, Jiang Che took action again, manifesting the big hand seal of Heavenly Dao, and blasted out with a palm.


The four Golden Crow princes were directly photographed by the big handprint of Heavenly Dao.

Except for the eldest prince of the Golden Crow, the bodies of the other three princes of the Golden Crow instantly collapsed, leaving only their dim souls.

One move, crushing with absolute attitude.

A fatal crisis exploded from the hearts of the four Golden Crow princes.


The eldest prince of the Golden Crow came to his senses instantly and tore the void apart with a punch, and the souls of the three princes of the Golden Crow instantly escaped into it.

And just when the Golden Crow Crown Prince wanted to leave, Jiang Che's attack came again.


The instinctive crisis struck, and the Golden Crow Crown Prince instantly activated the Dao Immortal Artifact in his hand.

The light collides and sweeps across the world.

His physical body immediately collapsed, but with the help of his immortal body at the peak of human immortality, he healed again.

Seizing this momentary opportunity, the Golden Crow eldest prince instantly tore through the void and disappeared from the spot.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's face did not change at all.

One step forward, and the next second, Jiang Che's figure appeared in the dark outer starry sky.

At this time, the souls of the Golden Crow Crown Prince and the other three Golden Crow Crown Princes had just broken through the world.

Seeing Jiang Che in the starry sky, the Golden Crow Crown Prince's expression changed wildly.

Jiang Che's strength has exceeded imagination.

At this moment, a trace of regret arose in the hearts of the four Golden Crow princes.

I thought I would be able to catch him this time and force Jiang Che to bow his head, but despite all calculations, I still miscalculated.

Jiang Che's strength has exceeded their expectations.

"In front of this god, do you still want to run away?"

Jiang Che's voice sounded.

The infinite power of heaven directly sealed the starry sky.

The faces of the four Golden Crow princes were ugly.

And the next second, Jiang Che raised his hand, and the big handprint of Heavenly Dao struck again.

The supreme power of heaven struck, and all four Golden Crow princes felt despair.

But they did not choose to sit still and wait for death, and quickly burst out with their superb magical powers.

"The Golden Crow destroys the world!"

The four Golden Crow princes joined forces and unleashed a supreme magical power.

It actually broke through the confinement of the power of heaven.

But the next second, their combined magical powers couldn't even hold on for a breath in front of Jiang Che's Heavenly Dao Hand Seal.

It collapsed on the spot.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The golden light of heaven reflects the starry sky and illuminates the dark deep sky.

The spirits of the four Golden Crow princes, except for the eldest one, were completely wiped out by Jiang Che.

The Dao Immortal Weapon that exploded was also collected by Jiang Che without mercy.

"Do not!!"

Seeing his three younger brothers die in front of him, the eyes of the Golden Crow eldest prince burst out with red eyes.

He looked at Jiang Che, his eyes filled with endless murderous intent.


Transforming into his true form, he activated his magical power with all his strength.

The dazzling divine light burst out instantly, blasting directly towards Jiang Che.

"Pearls of rice grains dare to compete with Haoyue!"


Jiang Che raised his hand and pointed into the void, and the supreme magical power of the Golden Crow Crown Prince instantly collapsed.

And not only did his magical power collapse, the power of one finger also penetrated his body.

Pierce directly!

A bloody wound was exposed. Even with the recovery of the immortal body, this wound would be difficult to heal.


The Grand Prince of the Golden Crow transformed into a human form, and the power of heaven filled his chest, preventing his immortal body from recovering.

One blow, causing eternal damage.

Look at Jiang Che.The eldest prince of Jinwu also calmed down instantly.

He opened his mouth and spat out, and a fiery red jade tablet appeared.


As soon as the Fire Ruby card came out, it exploded instantly.

At the same time, a supreme breath descended from the dark deep space of the universe.

A terrifying aura swept over him, and Jiang Che's eyes instantly turned to the depths of darkness.

In the depths of darkness, a large number of solar divine fires emerged, reflecting the dark vacuum.

Deep in the flames of the Sun Fire, a figure in golden robes appeared.

With one step, he arrived across endless time and space.

"It's God's clone again..."

Jiang Che muttered to himself.


Seeing the figure stepping out from the deep sky sun fire, the Golden Crow eldest prince immediately shouted, and the figure also came to the figure in an instant.

The endless fire of the sun god burned blazingly, and this figure seemed to be an innate fire god, with overwhelming momentum.

"Golden Crow Great Emperor!"

In the vast world, pairs of supreme eyes instantly fell on this figure.

"No, this is just a clone of the Golden Crow Emperor!"

"Hiss, that person is Jiang Che again!"

"Last time it was the Demon Lord, this time it's the Golden Crow Emperor, good guy."

In the vast world, a pair of eyes were filled with shock.

At this moment, in the starry sky outside the territory, the Golden Crow Grand Prince came to the side of the Golden Crow Emperor's clone.

"Father, my second, third and sixth brothers were all killed by this man. Father, we must make his life worse than death!"

Looking at Jiang Che, the eyes of the Golden Crow Crown Prince were filled with undisguised murderous intent.

There was still no expression on Jiang Che's face, and he watched this scene quietly.

"Human Jiang Che, I have heard of your name. In the battle on the Boundary Sea, you were able to repel the clone of the Demon Lord Wushi. You have some strength. So, if you submit to me, I can forget about it."

The voice of the Golden Crow Emperor rang out, shaking the starry sky.

As soon as the words came out, the Golden Crow eldest prince beside him was stunned for a moment.

Father wants to conquer him?

The eyes of the Golden Crow eldest prince showed extreme disbelief.

"Father, he killed two..."

"To shut up."

The Golden Crow Prince was about to speak, but before the words came out, the Golden Crow Emperor directly interrupted him.

The vast power of Heaven instantly made the Golden Crow Grand Prince feel a strong sense of suffocation.

Facing his father's power, the Golden Crow Crown Prince had no choice but to lower his head and swallowed the words that reached his lips.

"A clone of a god, are you qualified to make the god surrender?"

At this time, Jiang Che's voice sounded.

The tone was calm, but the words were filled with a supreme domineering air.


The Golden Crow Emperor's eyes instantly condensed and he looked at him intently.

A terrifying force of heaven filled the air from his body.

"I love talents, boy, don't be shameless!"

The Golden Crow Emperor's voice sounded again, his tone filled with endless coldness.

"How dare a mere clone of the Golden Crow Bird attempt to make this god surrender?"

Jiang Che still responded domineeringly, showing no fear in the face of the aura of the Golden Crow Emperor's clone.

"Okay, then I want to see your strength!"

A cold light rose in the eyes of the Golden Crow Emperor. In the next breath, he raised his hand, and a bright fairy light rose in the vast starry sky.

In the fairy light, a huge golden crow appeared, carrying supreme divine power, and instantly headed towards Jiang Che.

"The Golden Crow destroys the world!"

The Supreme Strike instantly hit Jiang Che and locked onto him.

Seeing this terrifying blow, Jiang Che's expression still did not change at all.

Infinite light of heaven burst out from his body, and the vast power of heaven gathered instantly.

"Heavenly Ruler!"

The blow contained the supreme power of heaven and was blasted out instantly.


With one strike, the starry sky outside the territory instantly collapsed, and all the stars within billions of miles were annihilated and turned into powder.

The starry sky shattered, revealing a large primordial chaotic vacuum.

The collision of two ways.

In addition to the vast world, all other stars and meteorites in the outer starry sky and within hundreds of millions of miles turned into powder.

A layer of terrifying light rises from the Great Thousand World, covering the entire Great Thousand World.

The guardian of the avenue is inspired again.

In the vast world, pairs of eyes looked at the scene in the deep sky, and their pupils shrank instantly.

If it were not for the protection of the Great Dao of the Great Thousand World, more than 90.00% of all life in the entire Great Thousand World would have been exterminated in just this one fight.


In the deep sky, the Golden Crow Grand Prince spat out a mouthful of blood and retreated a hundred thousand miles away.

Even with his strength, he suffered huge damage in this confrontation.

His will was eternally damaged. If he hadn't been at the peak of immortal immortality, he might have been annihilated in one blow.

In the light wave, deep in the destruction, the clones of Jiang Che and the Golden Crow Emperor appeared.

The breath shook, but there was no serious injury.

One blow confrontation, evenly divided.

"A clone of a god, that god will be destroyed today along with you!"

Jiang Che's voice sounded, and the terrifying golden light of heaven bloomed.

Deep in the vast starry sky, a striking light of heaven descended, forming a beam of light that instantly merged into Jiang Che's body.

Suddenly, his momentum surged again. (End of chapter)

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