I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 337 The arrival of the extinct clone Haotian

The vast light of heaven bloomed from his body.

Infinite power of heaven rolls in.

In the starry sky, the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor looked at Jiang Che, his eyes instantly focused.


Golden light burst out, and the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor raised his hand, and the vast golden light instantly merged into one.

At the same time, the avatar's momentum instantly increased.

Dazzling golden light swept across the starry sky, illuminating the darkness.

"Heaven is boundless!"

The majestic voice resounded through the starry sky, and the infinite power of heaven condensed into a bright beam of light, which instantly hit the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor.


The supreme blow collided, and the wave of destruction instantly swept through the broken starry sky.

The primitive chaos vibrates, and the violent power rages.

The collision of two different paths caused a shock wave to roll over like a tidal wave.

destroy everything.

The two figures were instantly submerged in the light.

The power of the great avenue of destruction collides, and infinite laws are intertwined.

In the distance, the body of the Golden Crow Crown Prince collapsed on the spot, and he was killed hundreds of times in just a few breaths.

The power of spiritual will is constantly being worn away, and the breath is falling off a cliff.

He retreated frantically, escaping thousands of miles in one breath before stopping.

Looking at the center of destruction, there was endless fear in his eyes.

If it weren't for his immortal body, he would have been completely wiped out by the collision.

The light disappeared, and the clones of Jiang Che and the Golden Crow Emperor appeared again.

His breath did not tremble at all, and the strong light of heaven protected his body without any harm at all. Looking back at the Golden Crow Emperor's clone, this time the fight instantly caused the breath to drop a lot.

"Heaven and Heaven!"

The majestic voice sounded again, and Jiang Che did not give the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor the slightest chance to breathe. The terrifying power of heaven burst out and killed him again.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The vast starry sky turned into a battlefield, and layers of time and space collapsed.

Wherever it goes, everything turns to dust.

In the extremely fast confrontation, Jiang Che completely gained the upper hand.

Directly overpowering the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor.

The power of the explosion raged, and the dark starry sky was directly exploded.


In the vast world, all the supreme eyes looked at the terrifying battle outside the sky.

Jiang Che's strength has exceeded imagination.

The clones of the majestic Golden Crow Emperor were all pressed down and beaten violently.

Although it is only a clone of the Golden Crow Emperor, the clone can also burst out the strength of Yang Shen.

This scene made all the supreme beings in the world look dumbfounded.

Jiang Che's strength is already far beyond predictions.



The light collided, and the wave of destructive power spread again.

The clone of the Golden Crow Emperor has become dim and dull, and his momentum has dropped a bit.

But Jiang Che's aura became more and more terrifying.

The terrifying power of heaven lingered, completely surpassing the Golden Crow Emperor's clone in terms of momentum.


A cold voice sounded, Jiang Che moved his hands, and from the depths of darkness, the vast light of heaven descended, like a long river of time, across the starry sky.

In an instant, he rushed towards the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor.

Seeing the incoming stream of heavenly light, the expression of the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor changed.

In an instant, vast golden light rose, and a huge golden crow of divine light appeared.


A loud and long cry penetrated the starry sky, and the Divine Light Golden Crow spit out the vast fairy light and rushed towards the sweeping river of heavenly light.


Two different forces collided together, and the light shone brightly, reflecting the dark starry sky.

But after holding on for less than three breaths, the long river of heavenly light submerged the Divine Light Golden Crow and was completely annihilated.

The clone of the Golden Crow Emperor was also submerged in it in an instant.

Under the erosion of the terrifying long river of heavenly light, the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor began to collapse inch by inch.


A loud noise that shook the starry sky penetrated billions of time and space, and the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor was completely annihilated and turned into nothing.

"Father's clone was shattered, this...how is this possible!!"

In the distance, the Golden Crow Crown Prince's eyes were focused, and his pupils were trembling violently.

Father's clone was shattered!

This is simply impossible!

But it happened.

And he saw it with his own eyes.

The long river of heavenly light dissipated, and Jiang Che's figure stepped out of it.

At this moment, the Golden Crow Crown Prince came to his senses instantly, and before he had time to think about it, he turned around and fled.

"You want to run away in front of this god?"

A cold voice sounded in the ears of the Golden Crow Crown Prince, and the infinite power of heaven instantly sealed the starry sky.

The eldest prince of the Golden Crow was instantly intercepted.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand seal of heaven came and directly blasted the body of the Golden Crow eldest prince.

Just as it condensed, a vast avenue temple fell from the sky and directly suppressed it.

Facing Jiang Che's power, the Golden Crow Crown Prince did not resist at all and was easily suppressed.

The Avenue Temple turned into light and poured into Jiang Che's body. In the broken starry sky, only the power of destruction was left to rage.


Jiang Che's figure moved and disappeared instantly.

Escape into the vast world and disappear without a trace.


In the vast world, the eyes of all supreme beings are dull.

The clone of the Golden Crow Emperor was directly destroyed by Jiang Che.

This is the clone of Emperor Yangshen.

Just destroyed!

how can that be!

Everything happened so fast that none of the supreme beings in the world could react.

Destroyed the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor and suppressed the Golden Crow Prince.

It's just crazy.

Are you really not afraid that the true form of the Golden Crow Emperor will come and kill the whole world? !

He destroyed the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor and suppressed his son.

This move seemed extremely crazy even to the Immortal Force.

Looking at the broken starry sky, everything seemed like an illusion.

Real and full of dreamy feeling.


In the place of origin, in the vast chaos, a terrifying force of heaven suddenly burst out from the chaos.

A piece of golden light rushed out, tearing apart the chaos. In the golden light, a majestic figure stepped out, entwined with divine light and overwhelming momentum.

His true appearance was faintly visible, that of a middle-aged man in a golden robe.

"Jiang Che!"

He exuded a terrifying murderous aura, and under the murderous aura, millions of miles of chaos seemed to turn into hell.

"If I can't destroy you, you won't be the Golden Crow!"

A cold voice echoed through the chaos.

The violent momentum stirs chaos.

But at this moment, from the depths of the chaos, a ray of purple light rushed out and quickly came towards the middle-aged man in gold robe.

In an instant.

The purple figure came, and the middle-aged man in gold robe looked at him instantly.


"What are you doing in my dojo?"

Looking at the purple figure, the middle-aged man in gold robe said solemnly.

"It's nothing, I just want to say that Jiang Che is from my Temple of Origin, you can't touch him." The purple figure said.


The middle-aged man in gold robe looked at the purple figure with cold eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I just want to explain that Jiang Che is from my temple of origin." The purple figure said calmly.

"He killed my son and must die!" the middle-aged man in gold robe said coldly.

"Those sons of yours are just chess pieces you arranged. Just change a few chess pieces."

The purple figure said lightly.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in golden robe laughed angrily, "Haotian, if I kill the members of your Origin Temple, will you agree?"

"Others can, but Jiang Che can't." The purple figure said calmly.

"Okay, you are determined to protect him today, right?" The middle-aged man in gold robe's eyes were as cold as ice.

"Yes." The purple figure nodded without hesitation.

"He killed your son, I can compensate you." As he spoke, the purple figure raised his hand, and a shining light ball appeared in his palm.

"There are a billion sources of immortality here, as well as a fragment of the avenue, as compensation for you."

The purple figure spoke.

"Hahahahaha, you dare to ask for compensation for this thing?" The middle-aged man in gold robe laughed loudly.

The purple figure said: "This compensation is enough. You also have spare chess pieces, enough to support you."

"Then what if I don't accept it?"

The middle-aged man in golden robe said coldly.

"Then pass me first." The purple figure said calmly.

"There's still my level!"

A voice came from the depths of chaos again, and a bright fairy light descended. A white-robed figure stepped out of the fairy light.


Looking at this figure in white robe, the middle-aged man in gold robe shrank his pupils.

"Jiang Che, I will protect you too!"

The white-robed figure and the purple figure stood together, and a voice sounded.

"Okay, very good!"

The middle-aged man in gold robes' face darkened and he clenched his fists.

"Jinwu, this matter is your son's fault. If he hadn't sought death, then this matter might not have happened."

The white-robed figure said calmly.

The middle-aged man in gold robe lowered his head. After a while, he raised his head, looked at the figure in white robe and purple figure, and said: "Okay, I can accept the compensation, but I have one condition."

"Yes, as long as it's within the scope, I won't refuse anything I can promise."

The purple figure said lightly.

"My eldest son is not dead yet. If I want him alive, he must be left to me. Otherwise, I will not hesitate to go to war with your Origin Temple!"

The middle-aged man in the golden robe said lightly.


The purple figure nodded.

Immediately, the ball of light in his hand floated towards the middle-aged man in golden robe.

Golden light swept across, and the middle-aged man in golden robe instantly accepted the light group.

"If you break your promise, I won't agree to it either, huh!"

With a cold snort, the middle-aged man in golden robe turned around and instantly disappeared into the chaos.

Watching the middle-aged man in gold robe disappear, the figure in white robe looked at the purple figure: "I'll go, you probably can't tell the difference."

"No, it's easier for me to go and see it before." The purple figure shook his head.

After hearing this, the white-robed figure nodded, and then his figure instantly disappeared into the chaos.

The purple figure also disappeared into the vast chaos.


The Great Thousand Worlds, Dao Sect.

The eyes of all the Supreme Peak Masters and elders were stunned, as if they had been cast a restraining spell.

The clone of the Golden Crow Emperor was shattered.

This...is this true?

That's Yang Shen's clone!
Jiang Tianzun's strength can't even stop Yang Shen's clone? !
After a brief silence, a storm swept across Daozong in an instant.

Not only Dao Sect, the focus of the entire world was focused on Jiang Che.

Destroying the Yang God clone is simply a myth!

Even the emperor-level existence failed to reverse this outcome.

Jiang Che suddenly became a taboo for many forces.

Even if Daozong is not there, they have been turned into targets that cannot be provoked by many forces.

Even the emperor failed to reverse the outcome. This ruthless man must not be offended.

...Daozong, Samsara Peak.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

With a thought, the Donghuang Bell suspended in Daozong was instantly taken into his body.

The light of heaven disappeared, and Jiang Che's cold aura also dissipated.

"It consumed 5000 million soul thoughts, which is even worse than the last time."

In Samsara Peak, in a quiet room, Jiang Che sat cross-legged on a jade futon, his face pale.

His immortal body was also consumed a lot.

However, to be able to explode with such strength, the price is reasonable.

With the source of immortality, he can recover quickly.

After swallowing a large amount of the source of immortality, Jiang Che's consumed soul power quickly recovered, and his physical body was also rapidly recovering.

This time, he was ready to burn the boat.

If the Golden Crow Emperor comes in his true form, he will not hesitate to use the True Spirit Mark to summon the Divine Rebellion.

This is the final trump card.

Jiang Che also knew the consequences of killing the Golden Crow Emperor's son.

But he had done it, and he had no regrets.

There is still a little chip in hand, and that is the Golden Crow Crown Prince.

Suppressed in the Temple of the Heavens.

Although it may not have much effect, it can at least delay delay.

Absorb the source of immortality and recover as quickly as possible.

Ensure that you return to your peak condition.


Less than an hour after he recovered, Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes.

He opened his hand, and a token appeared in his hand.

The Order of Origin!

"Is someone from the Temple of Origin coming?"

Looking at the token in his hand, Jiang Che was slightly startled, and then he stood up and disappeared in an instant.

Judging from the signal from the Order of Origin, the people from the Temple of Origin are near Daozong.

Although Jiang Che has not recovered, he still wants to take a look.


Stepping out of Daozong, Jiang Che looked at the destroyed mountains, rivers and land. The supreme leader of Daozong was casting a spell to restore the place.

Jiang Che took out the Origin Token and quickly determined the target location based on the signal direction on the token.

"Southeast direction..."

Putting away the Order of Origin, Jiang Che stepped forward and disappeared instantly.

In an instant, Jiang Che's figure appeared out of thin air on the top of a mountain.

His eyes looked at a purple-robed figure on the cliff not far away.

When Jiang Che appeared, the purple-robed figure turned around immediately.


Seeing the face clearly, Jiang Che's heart suddenly exploded.

Emperor Haotian? ! !

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched wildly.

Jiang Che never expected that the person communicating with him would be Emperor Haotian!

The last time I saw Emperor Haotian was when he was giving a sermon in his dojo.

This time, it is the second time.

Soon, Jiang Che came back to his senses, bowed his hands and said, "Jiang Che pays homage to Emperor Haotian."


As soon as the figure moved, Emperor Haotian came to him in an instant.

Looking him up and down, he raised his hand and landed on Jiang Che's shoulder.

Jiang Che was instinctively startled, but quickly calmed down again.

A vast energy surged into his soul and body.

The consumed spiritual and physical power was quickly restored under this vast energy.

In an instant, Jiang Che recovered as before, and even improved a bit.

Emperor Haotian personally helped him recover.

After recovering as before, Emperor Haotian immediately stopped.

Jiang Che quickly came to his senses and said, "Thank you so much, Emperor Haotian!"

"You kid, you made such a big fuss and killed the son of the Golden Crow Emperor. Do you know what the consequences will be?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Emperor Haotian finally spoke, and his voice reached his ears.

Jiang Che looked at Emperor Haotian and said: "It's not that I want to take action, but that they are seeking death themselves. I have given them a chance, but they still won't retreat. I have no choice but to take action."

"You are quite eloquent." Emperor Haotian smiled.

"I don't know if the emperor is here, but for the matter of the Sun Palace?" Jiang Che looked at Emperor Haotian and asked.


Emperor Haotian nodded.

Jiang Che looked calm on the surface, but there was a slight thump in his heart.

"I wonder what the emperor's plans are?" Jiang Che asked.

"What do you think?" Looking at Jiang Che, Emperor Haotian said calmly.

"...Emperor, are you not going to tie me up to apologize to the Golden Crow Emperor?" Jiang Che asked tentatively.

"You kid, if I really want to take action, will I recover for you?" Emperor Haotian said with a smile.

Jiang Che was startled, but thought about it too.

If you really want to take action, wouldn't it be unnecessary to take off your pants and fart?

"Then are you here, Great Emperor?" Jiang Che blinked.

"Leave the Golden Crow Crown Prince to me, and this matter will be settled."

Emperor Haotian said.

"Prince Jinwu..."

After hearing these words, Jiang Che glanced at the suppressed Golden Crow Crown Prince in the All Heavens Temple.

Immediately, he came back to his senses, and with a thought, he instantly released the Golden Crow Crown Prince.


With a flash of light, the Golden Crow Crown Prince appeared in front of him instantly.

Just as he regained his consciousness, the Golden Crow Crown Prince's pupils shrank when he saw Emperor Haotian in front of him.

"God Haotian!"

The eldest prince of Jinwu blurted out.

Looking at Jiang Che in front of him again, he understood instantly.

This guy is actually from the Temple of Origin!
"Great Emperor, what should we do with him?"

Jiang Che stood aside and said.

Hearing these words, the eldest prince of Jinwu suddenly felt chilly.

In front of Emperor Haotian, it was absolutely impossible for him to run away.

If Emperor Haotian takes action, even his father may not be able to save him.

"Leave it to the Sun Palace." Emperor Haotian said, and immediately, before the Golden Crow Prince could react, a ray of light swept across and instantly put the Golden Crow Prince away.

"Leave it to the Sun Palace..."

After hearing this, Jiang Che rolled his eyes and looked at Emperor Haotian: "Emperor, is it because of Emperor Jinwu?"

"Otherwise? Fortunately, he is alive, otherwise, I might have no choice but to take you away." Emperor Haotian said calmly.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

But think about it, the Golden Crow Emperor is a Yangshen Emperor after all. If he does this regardless of the consequences, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop him.

"Will there be any problems later? The Golden Crow Emperor..." Jiang Che hesitated at this point.

"Don't worry, as long as the Golden Crow Crown Prince is alive, there will be no problem."

Emperor Haotian said calmly.

"That's good……"

Jiang Che nodded and felt relieved.

After all, if he really wants to go to war with a Yang Shen Emperor, he is probably very likely to lose.

Even if Shen Ni takes action, it is only an opportunity.

If you can use it, try not to use it.

Improving your own strength is the greatest guarantee.

"Thank you, Emperor." Jiang Che bowed again.

This time, he meant it.

If Emperor Haotian had not taken action, I am afraid that Emperor Golden Crow would have come to kill him.

"You have great potential, and you have great hope of becoming a Daoyang God in the future. Practice with peace of mind and stop making trouble. Improving your strength is the most important thing."

Emperor Haotian said.

Jiang Che's face turned red and he nodded: "I will definitely keep the emperor's words in mind."

"Well, there's nothing else to do. There are a billion sources of immortality here for you to use."

As he spoke, Emperor Haotian spread his hands, and a ball of light appeared in his eyes.

Time and space in the palm of your hand.

Inside is a massive source of immortality.


Jiang Che's eyes widened.

Then, he reacted quickly and took the light ball away.

"Thank you, Emperor. I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Emperor Haotian nodded, "Okay, I'll leave first, you can take care of yourself."

"Congratulations to the emperor!"

Jiang Che made a salute.

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Che looked at the void and then at the billions of sources of immortality.

The crisis is over.

Not only was it relieved, but it was also blessed with some blessings.

Jiang Che also let out a sigh of relief.

"It seems that it was the strength I showed that earned me this fortune."

Jiang Che murmured.

He is also very clear.

If he hadn't shown such great strength, Emperor Haotian would definitely not have cared about it.

If you offend a Yangshen Emperor for a member, the gain and loss will be huge.

Only by showing enough strength can Emperor Haotian take action himself.

This is also a strong enough backing!

A normal backer might not be able to stop him.

After calming down, Jiang Che's figure moved and disappeared instantly.

The next second, he returned to Samsara Peak.

The danger from the Sun Palace was lifted, and with Emperor Haotian coming forward, Jiang Che at least no longer had to worry about this problem.

But he can't be careless, he still needs to improve his strength quickly.

The source of immortality he accumulated, plus the billions of sources of immortality gifted by Emperor Haotian.

Understand the way of the era and quickly break through the ninth realm.

Once he reaches the peak, his own strength will increase again.

Moreover, using the art of Heaven to communicate the power of Heaven's will will be even more terrifying.

Enough strength can keep him safe.

If the full strength of Tiandao could be unleashed, not to mention one Golden Crow Emperor, even ten Yang Shen Emperors would not be enough to defeat him.

However, to be able to carry such a powerful will of heaven, one's own strength also needs to be strong enough.

Otherwise, if you can't bear it, it may have the opposite effect.

If you don't kill the enemy, you may be washed away by the will of heaven and die.

The strength achieved through cultivation is one's own strength.

Using the Book of Heaven is tantamount to cheating.

But the consumption was huge and he couldn't bear it.

It would be great if I could keep cheating.

It's cool to open and hang for a while, and it's always cool to open and hang.

Unfortunately, this is basically impossible. To use the power of heaven, you must pay a price.

Unless he can reach the same strength as Tiandao.

Then there may be no need for this price.

The stronger he is, the smaller the price he pays.

The duration will be longer, and the power of heaven obtained will be more terrifying.


Time passed silently.

The limelight of Daozong has not calmed down yet, and it is still on the cusp of the storm.

The eyes of countless forces are focused on Daozong.

Destroyed the clone of the Golden Crow Emperor and killed the Golden Crow Emperor's son.

This almost offended the Sun Palace to death.

If there were no accidents, then Daozong would probably face a devastating blow.

If it succeeds, it will be famous forever; if it fails, then the Taoist sect may be short-lived. (End of chapter)

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