I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 338 Encountering Divine Rebellion Again in the Jidao Realm

Time flies.

200 years are fleeting.

Donghuang, Daozong.

Since the unification of Immortal Dao was completed 200 years ago, the power of Dao Sect has expanded rapidly.

The existence of the Supreme Realm has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

In 200 years, the number of supreme beings has doubled.

With top-notch training resources and a slightly better talent, you can make a huge difference.

Donghuang Dao Sect has now become one of the super overlords in the world.

He has more than 500 million disciples.

Regardless of the number of supreme beings or the number of disciples, their overall strength far exceeds that of ordinary forces.

200 years of crazy expansion have also made Daozong's reputation even stronger.

It has completely become an unshakable existence in the Eastern Wasteland.

Daozong Mountain Gate is magnificent.

In the mountain gate, the city stands.

In the void, there are disciples flying with swords, and there are also strange beasts soaring into the void, surrounded by immortal energy, showing a prosperous scene.

From a distance, the entire Dao Sect looks like an Immortal Dao Dynasty.

The intense red dust fire burned over the Daozong Mountain Gate.

The gathered immortality and luck are top-notch existences in the world.

After 200 years of development, Daozong has changed a lot.

The city and the heavenly palace rise from the ground.

Splendid rivers and mountains stand one after another, vast and boundless.

He used his great supernatural powers to move mountains and drastically change the environment of Dao Sect.

The number has increased dramatically, but there is no difference in management.

Uniform and orderly.

The divisions among the disciples were also re-divided.

Beginner disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples, true disciples!
With Jindan cultivation, one can only be an inner disciple, and only by cultivating Yuanshen can one become a true disciple.

This is also because of the large number of disciples.

Needs to be reformed.

So it must be re-divided.

Being able to enter the Dao Sect is tantamount to embarking on the road of hope for immortality.

The only holy land of immortality in the entire Eastern Wasteland.

It is also a place that many people dream of joining.


Daozong, Samsara Peak.

Although Daozong has undergone earth-shaking changes, there are only two things that remain unchanged.

The first is Daozong Samsara Peak.

The second is Daozong Xiaoqiongfeng.

These two places are Tao Sect forbidden areas.

In particular, Samsara Peak has become a forbidden place among the forbidden places in Dao Sect.

The Supreme Elder of the Holy Land can enter and leave any place in the Dao Sect, but only Samsara Peak. No one is allowed to enter without Jiang Tianzun's order.

Although 200 years have passed, the strength that was once shown remains unshakable even in the heart of the Supreme Elder.

The former Dao Sect was just one of the ten sects of the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao.

Although he was also a giant in the Immortal Way at the beginning, he was limited to the Eastern Wasteland.

Looking at the entire world, that is nothing.

Then the Eastern Wasteland Immortal Dao changed drastically, and the situation of the ten Immortal Dao gates was broken.

The Nine Immortals Alliance and the Outer Immortals Alliance were established.

Daozong was also promoted amidst the changes, but it was still established in the name of Daozong.

Finally, there was the battle of the Immortal Dao. Under the leadership of Jiang Che, the Dao Sect annexed the Nine Immortals Alliance, destroyed the Outer Immortal Alliance, and finally decided the world in one fell swoop and unified the Eastern Wilderness.

Then the Supreme Immortal Force came, but was still defeated. Finally, the clone of the Great Emperor came forward, but it still only ended in destruction.

Every thing is earth-shattering.

What’s even more incredible is that these things all happened to one person.


Daozong, outside Samsara Peak.

In the distance, two figures descended from the sky, standing there, looking at Samsara Peak.

The true appearance is revealed, they are an old man and a young girl.

"Master, have you really seen Jiang Tianzun's true appearance?"

On the side, the girl in blue looked at Samsara Peak, blinked, and then looked at the old man in white.

The old man in white nodded: "I joined 300 years ago, so I have seen it before."

"It is rumored that Jiang Tianzun is as powerful as Yang Shen. Is it true?"

The girl in blue blinked her eyes and looked at Samsara Peak with a curious look on her face.

The old man in white smiled: "That's natural. More than 200 years ago, Jiang Tianzun slaughtered a Yang God clone, and I witnessed it with my own eyes."

"It would be great if I could take a look at Tianzun."

The girl in blue blinked.

The old man in white looked at her and said: "There will be a chance. You have a good talent, and you have great hope of entering the Thunder Tribulation Realm in the future. Although Jiang Tianzun is elusive, there is still a chance to meet him."

The girl in blue looked at Samsara Peak and then at the old man in white, with a determined look on her face: "Master, I will definitely work hard to practice."

"Haha, very good, let's go, don't stay here too long." The old man in white nodded with a smile on his face.

But just as he was about to leave, suddenly, a figure in green clothes stepped out from Samsara Peak.

The girl in blue and the old man in white stood there with stunned expressions as if struck by lightning.

At this time, the figure in green who stepped out of Samsara Peak looked at the old man and the young man, but he only glanced at them. The next second, a purple light flashed through, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

When the figure in Tsing Yi disappeared, the old man and the young man slowly came back to their senses.

The girl in blue looked at the old man in white beside her, and she said in a daze: "Master, just... that person just now was the legendary Jiang Tianzun?!"

The old man in white took a deep breath and nodded, "It's him."

"I saw Tianzun!"

The girl in blue's eyes instantly lit up, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

"You are lucky to be able to see Tianzun, but it is a rare opportunity."

The old man in white came back to his senses and smiled.

"Tianzun is so beautiful." The girl in blue said.

The old man in white: "..."

"Let's go back and practice with Master Wei Haosheng." The old man in white said, and then, with a flick of his Taoist robe, the fairy light swept over the girl in blue and disappeared in an instant.


In the vast world, in the dark outer starry sky, a purple lightning appeared out of thin air.

A young Taoist priest in a blue robe appeared out of thin air.

It was Jiang Che.

Looking at the dark starry sky, Jiang Che's eyes flickered slightly.

After 200 years of seclusion, he finally understood the way of the era, and now it was time for a breakthrough.

In 200 years, Jiang Che not only comprehended the Way of the Era, but also created the third form of the Era Divine Fist.

This retreat will also be his greatest improvement.

Breaking through the Dao of the Era and stepping into the Realm of the Dao, one step closer to the Yangshen Avenue.


Looking at the dark sky, Jiang Che's thoughts suddenly came to him, and his aura suddenly exploded.


Suddenly, in the vast deep sky, a majestic power of heaven descended instantly.

The divine thunder of the avenue exploded, and terrifying lightning spread across the depths of the starry sky.

The clouds of calamity manifested and were covered by many clouds of calamity.

The terrifying aura raged across the starry sky.

Standing under the calamity cloud, Jiang Che's brows bloomed with brilliant light, and his soul instantly stepped out of the Heavenly Palace.

Looking at the calamity clouds appearing in the deep sky, the lightning was all over the place.

Jiang Che's heart was filled with excitement.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time to break through the Ji Dao realm!
This is also the last step in the Thunder Tribulation Supreme Realm.


As soon as the thought came to his mind, in an instant, the power of the soul turned into a sword of the soul, manifesting in Jiang Che's hand.

Holding the sword of the soul, Jiang Che waited patiently for the first catastrophe to come.


A thunder ripped through the starry sky, and the next second, a thunder dragon composed of chaotic divine thunder roared out from the calamity cloud.

The momentum swept across, making people shudder.

Jiang Che didn't have the slightest fear. He looked at the approaching thunder dragon, raised his hand and struck out with his sword in an instant.


The Soul Sword directly cut off the Chaos Thunder Dragon. In the next breath, his Soul moved, and a vast devouring power swept over him.

True Spirit Devouring Method!
Directly swallowing up the Chaos Divine Thunder containing the power of heavenly tribulation.

Above the soul, thunder and lightning crisscrossed the sky.

His soul energy quickly began to surge.


After exhaling a breath, Jiang Che looked at the robbery cloud. With a thought, his figure instantly escaped into the robbery cloud.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The Chaos Divine Thunder bloomed with light, and Jiang Che's soul was completely submerged in it.

One after another, the heavenly calamities were shattered, and in the calamity clouds, his aura gradually increased.


A month passed quickly.

The last heavenly calamity was shattered, the calamity cloud dissipated, and Jiang Che's soul stepped directly out of the calamity cloud and returned to his true body.


Deep in the starry sky, a large area of ​​light from the avenue poured into his body, and his aura soared crazily.

When the golden light of the avenue disappeared, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

Peak of Thunder Tribulation!

The realm of discipline!

Jiang Che raised his hand, and the powerful laws instantly condensed into one, and a terrifying power gathered in his palm.

"The power of the era..."

Looking at the power in his palm, Jiang Che let out a breath.

Breaking through the peak of Thunder Tribulation, he also took the final step.

Control the power of the era.

In fact, it is a new power formed by the condensation of multiple laws.

His soul thoughts have also reached the limit, 8000 million soul thoughts.

Breaking through the nine realms, he also reached the pinnacle of immortality.

The next step is self-realization.

Breakthrough of Yangshen.

All the thoughts of the soul are unified and become the immortal spirit.

However, Jiang Che was one step ahead of others.

Mark of the true spirit!

Now, he can use the true spirit mark to exert a trace of true spirit power comparable to the Yang God.

Although it is far from the real Yang Shen, this is still a clear improvement.

Sensing his own strength, Jiang Che was very satisfied.

His martial arts is still stuck at the peak of human immortality.

However, these 200 years of improvement have increased his power to the power of [-] million heavenly dragons.

Several times more than the peak of ordinary human beings.

Although he did not break through and shatter the vacuum, he understood a hint of the secret of the vacuum.

And this secret of vacuum was also understood from the creation of the Era Divine Fist.

So far, he has created three Era styles.

All worlds are destroyed!

Reincarnation of Heaven!

Daodao Creation!

These three techniques created can enhance his understanding of the secret of shattering the vacuum.

It will take longer to take this step.

If the Yuan Shen becomes the Yang Shen and the physical body becomes the Shattering Vacuum, he will be able to dominate even among the Yang Shen Emperors.


Suddenly, Jiang Che looked into the depths of darkness, and his eyes suddenly froze.

"Tsk, tsk, you're quite sharp!" A faint voice sounded, and in the next breath, a figure slowly stepped out from the darkness.

"God rebel!"

Looking at this figure, Jiang Che was stunned.

Why is this guy here?Could it be that he wants to enter the world?
Looking at the figure stepping out from the depths of darkness, Jiang Che looked back at the world.

"How will you be here?"

Looking at Shen Ni, Jiang Che asked.

"I was passing by, but I happened to meet you during the tribulation, so I didn't show up."

God retorted.

"Passing by..."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Ni.

Jiang Che has never seen him again since the divine rebellion was broken more than 200 years ago.

It happened so coincidentally after the tribulation today. There is something indescribably weird about it.

"You are Jiang Che?"

At this moment, from deep in the darkness, another voice came.

Jiang Che's whole body tensed up instantly, and in the darkness, another figure stepped out.

A man in black robe exudes endless ferocity.

The terrifying aura filled the air, making Jiang Che feel heavy pressure.

"Sun God!"

Looking at this man in black robe, Jiang Che's pupils shrank.

He has never seen this Yangshen before.

"who are you?"

"Shen Yuan." The man in black robe said.


As soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, his heart suddenly exploded.

Divine Yuan!

The Supreme of the Divine Lineage, the second ancestor of the Chaos Beast!
These two appeared at the same time. Could it be that they wanted to attack him?

Thoughts flashed through his mind. Thinking of this, Jiang Che tensed up instantly.


With one step forward, Shen Ni and Shen Yuan were in front of Jiang Che in an instant.

The two Yangshen Emperors stood in front of Jiang Che. Even with his breakthrough in strength, Jiang Che still felt heavy pressure.

Although he has fought against the Yang Shen clone and even destroyed the Yang Shen clone, the difference in strength between the clone and the original one is not as big as usual.

Moreover, there are still two Yang gods!
"Don't worry, I am not an ungrateful guy. Don't worry that I will take action against you."

Looking at Jiang Che, Shen Ni said.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's tense nerves relaxed slightly.

But it still came up in my heart.

"Tsk, tsk, your body is so strong, no wonder my elder brother said you are good, you are much better than the guys from the Ancient God Clan."

Looking at Jiang Che, Shenyuan's eyes shone with light.

"I'm afraid you two are more than just passing by, right?"

Jiang Che calmed down and looked at Shen Ni and Shen Yuan.

"It's nothing serious. I just heard that you have some trouble with the Sun Palace. What do you think? Do you want me to take action? As long as you agree, I can take action now. However, the oath between you and me ends here. ”

God retorted.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che suddenly felt enlightened.

I bet this guy came to him on purpose.

I just didn't expect it to be such a coincidence, and they met just after they had passed through the tribulation.

"No, there is no need to take action now." Jiang Che shook his head.

Are you kidding? You only have one chance like this, and it's gone once you use it.

Having stabilized, Jiang Che would naturally not waste this opportunity.

"You kid, aren't you afraid that the Golden Crow Emperor will cause trouble for you?" Shen Ni frowned slightly.

Jiang Che smiled: "No need to worry about this. If you want to cause trouble, you don't have to wait until now."

"Then break the oath yourself." At this time, Shenyuan on the side said.

"Why should I cancel it?" Jiang Che said calmly.


Shenyuan looked at him, with a fierce look in his eyes: "Are you really confident? If my brother can't take action against you, then I have no restraint."

"I'm afraid I can't undo it yet." Jiang Che said lightly.

"Good boy, you really won't shed tears until you see the coffin!" Shenyuan's voice sounded, and the terrifying ferocious energy burst out instantly.

"That's enough, forget it if he doesn't want to." At this time, Shen Ni suddenly spoke.

After hearing these words, the ferocious aura erupting from Shenyuan suddenly disappeared.

"Think better of it next time and remember to communicate with me using the real order." Looking at Jiang Che, Shen Ni said.

"Don't worry, I can do it." Jiang Che smiled.

Shen Ni glanced at him deeply, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in front of him.

Shenyuan followed closely behind and disappeared.


Seeing Shen Ni and Shen Yuan disappear, Jiang Che let out a sigh of relief.

"This guy's purpose is to break the oath... It should be more than that, right?"

Looking at the dark sky, Jiang Che frowned and thought for a while, but he really couldn't figure it out.

This avenue oath seems to have no other restrictions. It only takes one shot and has no impact.

But what does it mean when Shen Ni appears with Shen Yuan?
"This guy must have other purposes..."

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Che came back to his senses, then turned around and entered the world.

If he couldn't figure it out, then he wouldn't think about it for the time being.

No matter what the purpose was, even if he knew it, he might not be able to do anything about it.

One-on-one, I am afraid that using the Book of Heaven to communicate the will of Heaven may not be able to defeat him, let alone another one.

If the two of them go together, even if he can only defeat Yang Shen, he will be able to defeat him.

As for what the purpose is and whether it has anything to do with him, he will naturally know it when he is strong enough.


In the starry sky outside the territory, in the vast galaxy, two figures appeared.

It is the disappeared Shen Ni and Shen Yuan.

"Brother, this guy's body is very strong. It seems you are right, brother. He has great hope of breaking through the crushing vacuum in the future."

Looking at the vast galaxy, Shenyuan spoke.

"But there isn't much time left. I'm afraid he won't be able to break through before the calamity comes."

Shen Ni sighed.

Shenyuan looked at him: "Brother, doesn't he have a secret technique? Even if he can't break through, he can still block a demon with his secret technique."

"Secret techniques have to pay a price. His own strength is enough to be foolproof."

Shen Ni said lightly.

"I'm afraid this can't be forced. Whether he can break through the last step depends on his luck." Shenyuan said calmly.

Shen Ni looked at Xinghe, pondered for a while, and said, "Let's go to the Ancient God's Nest first."

Shenyuan nodded, and then the two figures disappeared into the starry sky again.


The Great Thousand Worlds, Dao Sect.

Deep in the void, Jiang Che looked at Daozong's situation.

Through Yuan Ling's external incarnation, Jiang Che also knew all the current developments in Dao Sect.

Just like his plan, with the Pure Yang Immortal Veins providing a steady stream of Pure Yang Immortal Qi, the overall strength of the Dao Sect has grown by leaps and bounds in 200 years.

If this situation continues, after more than 500 years, the great disaster will come, and the promotion of Daozong will be even more terrifying.

By then, there will be enough power to resist the catastrophe.

After watching for a while, Jiang Che had an idea and returned directly to Samsara Peak.

In the Reincarnation Hall, Jiang Che looked in the direction of Xiao Qiongfeng.

"I don't know how far Master has recovered now..."

Looking into the void, Jiang Che missed his master a little.

If he returns to his peak, there will be a Yang God, and the overall situation will definitely change drastically.

"The calm before the storm, there are still more than 500 years..."

Jiang Che let out a breath.

Immediately, he came to his senses and closed his eyes.

"These two guys have been here for so long and they still haven't come back?"

Jiang Che frowned. He had just sensed the soul marks of Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin, and Jiang Che could roughly sense their directions.

In the outer starry sky, near the starry sky near the boundary sea.

"It's okay now, so let's let these two guys be free for a while..."

With his mind settled, Jiang Che's figure immediately disappeared.

The next second, he came to the quiet room.

He also needs to stabilize himself before he can break through the ninth realm. For the rest of the time, he basically plans to practice hard.

Waiting for the calamity to come, it was time for him to take action.

Killing a large number of demon supremes would only give him enough rewards to continue his breakthrough, so it would be better to practice hard.

When the evil calamity comes, it is also the moment when he uses the Demon Book to break through the final step.

Now, it is also the moment of dormancy. When the evil calamity comes, it will be the day when he breaks out of his cocoon and is reborn.


The seasons cycle and time flies.

500 years passed quickly.

The world has formed a fixed situation.

After 500 years of rapid improvement, many supreme powers have emerged from all forces.

For mortals, it has been several reincarnations, but for the top supreme beings, it is just a time of retreat.

Donghuang, Daozong.

After 500 years of development, Daozong's power has become a well-deserved giant.

The power expanded rapidly.

His disciples number in the tens of millions.

The supreme number has also reached four digits.

The backbone, surpassing other holy lands and celestial sects in the world.

In the entire Great Thousand World rankings, it is a well-deserved overlord-level existence, and its influence is unmatched in the entire Great Thousand World.

Samsara Peak has remained the same for 500 years.

Basically no changes.

Except for Samsara Peak, the other changes can be described as earth-shaking.

As the number of Dao Zong's disciples increased, Dao Zong's territory also continued to expand.

The entire Qingzhou territory has become the mountain gate of Dao Sect.

Across thousands of miles.

Samsara peak, quiet room.

On top of the jade futon, Jiang Che sat cross-legged and motionless, with a hazy brilliance glowing around him.

His breath was completely settled.


A ray of fairy light bloomed, and the next second, Jiang Che's closed eyes opened instantly.

His pupils were as deep and vast as the starry sky.

The aura of Ruoyouruowu seems to exist between heaven and earth, but it also has a feeling of transcending the time and space of heaven and earth.

Jiang Che slowly stood up, and with a thought, he instantly stepped out of the quiet room.

After 500 years of seclusion, he sensed the coming darkness.

There is only a small amount of time left before the darkness revives.

In the Reincarnation Hall, Yuan Ling's figure stepped out of the hall.

This incarnation of Yuan Ling has reached the ninth level.

Most of this is because Jiang Che himself has broken through the Ninth Realm. There are no bottlenecks and sufficient resources. When he breaks through, he is naturally at ease.

Looking at Yuan Ling, Jiang Che also nodded with satisfaction.

This external incarnation broke through to the ninth realm and reached its peak.

Through Yuan Ling's information, Jiang Che also understood the current situation.

The world has changed a lot in the past few hundred years.

Beihuang is led by the demon clan.

In fact, the Northern Wilderness had been completely unified hundreds of years ago, even before the Dao Sect unified the Eastern Wilderness.

However, although the demon clan rules the Northern Wilderness, it has also divided into several different demon clan forces.

But generally speaking, headed by the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons, the other demon clan forces basically followed the arrangements.

Of course, there is still a big gap between it and Daozong, which is completely unified. (End of chapter)

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