I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 339 Master and Disciple Gather, Darkness Resurrects

The Southern Wilderness is led by three major forces.

One is the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

This force is also the most powerful.

The second is the Tianwu Temple.

The third one is Yuanxu Palace!

Behind these three major forces, there is the shadow of the Immortal Force.

Dominate the Southern Wilderness.

And in the Western Wilderness, there are thousands of Buddhisms.

The former Great Leiyin Temple has also become a part of Wan Buddhism.

And behind this Ten Thousand Buddhism, there is also the support of the immortals of Buddhism to unify the Western Wilderness.

The Holy Land in Central Continent has also changed a lot. The weak Holy Land has been directly annexed. Those that can survive are the highest-level forces with the existence of immortals.

The forces from all over the world also merged into one and established the Dragon Temple.

The once four-sea dragon clan has also become a whole and dominates the sea.

There are also dragon immortals behind him.

After understanding the general situation, Jiang Che basically had an idea.

However, the changes in the world are only part of it.

Whether the combined forces can stop the demonic calamity is still unknown.

When the darkness revives, the demons will receive endless blessings of dark power from the darkness. This is the most terrifying thing.

In layman's terms, this power of darkness is equal to the power of heaven.

However, it is the dark way of heaven.

It can also be said that it is the source of the demon's power.

And the most terrifying thing is the existence of Demon Ancestor level.

The dark heaven is immortal, and it is almost impossible to die.

The most repressive!
This is also a headache.

Standing up, Jiang Che stepped out of the hall in one step.

Looking into the void, he fell into deep thought.

The revival of darkness may come soon.

Of course, he wasn't too scared.

Except for demon-god-level beings, Jiang Che didn't pay attention to others.

His spiritual consciousness probed the Dao Sect, and the situation became clear in an instant.

Daozong is developing very rapidly nowadays.

The great catastrophe of the demon clan is a disaster, and it is also a test for all the worlds.

a baptism.

If it cannot bear it, it will inevitably perish completely.

But if you can bear it, you can break out of the cocoon and be reborn!
Withdrawing his consciousness, Jiang Che closed his eyes and used his soul mark to sense the traces of the Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin.

"After being free for so long, it's time to come back."

Jiang Che looked towards the sky, and his figure moved and instantly disappeared from Samsara Peak.

These two guys have completely forgotten about themselves.

If I hadn't gone there in person, I probably wouldn't have come back as expected.

Of course, capturing these two guys is only one of the goals.

He also wanted to visit the Master in the Ancient God's Nest.


Traveling in the starry sky.

One thought can span hundreds of worlds.

Using the power of the era to move forward, his speed has reached its ultimate peak.


In the starry sky outside the territory, above a vast galaxy, deep in the starry sky, two divine lights struck.

Suddenly, the divine light stopped and stood above the galaxy.

Two figures were revealed.

One is wearing a black robe, and the other is wearing a white robe.

Standing on the galaxy, the man in black robe frowned, looked into the dark sky, and reached out to do some calculations.

After a while, he opened his eyes again.

"what happened?"

The young man in white robe on the side looked at the man in black robe and asked.

"There seems to be something wrong..."

The man in black robe frowned.

"Not right?"

The young man in white robe looked at the starry sky and then at the man in black robe: "What's wrong? Why didn't I sense it?"

"Intuition tells me." The man in black robe replied.


The young man in white robe rolled his eyes at him, but suddenly, his body stiffened and his eyes widened, as if he saw something incredible.

The man in black robe seemed to be aware of it and looked over. In an instant, his body became stiff.

In the dark sky, a young figure wearing a blue robe appeared.

As if they had stepped out of endless time and space, they were in front of the two of them in an instant.


The young man in white robe stammered.

"Master, why are you here?"

On the side, the man in black robe also said the same.

Jiang Che looked at the two people, black and white, who were the Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin in human form.

In a few hundred years, the Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin also broke through to the peak of the Eighth Realm, but their auras were comparable to those of the Ninth Realm.

"You two have been wandering around for so long. You two are quite capable. You won't come back for hundreds of years. Does it mean that if I don't show up, you won't come back?"

A cold voice sounded and Jiang Che said calmly.

Hearing this, Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin showed a hint of embarrassment on their faces.

But he quickly calmed down again.

"Master, it's not that we didn't want to go back, but we encountered some dangers, so we didn't go back."

The Chaos Tengu spoke.

"Yes, Master, we have met demons. We have seen many of them over the years. We just eliminated a few demons not long ago." Mo Qilin also spoke in agreement.

"You're still making excuses. It seems like you two are itching, right?" Jiang Che said calmly.

"Absolutely no excuse." The two beasts replied in unison.


Jiang Che was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly raised his hand, powerful fairy light bloomed and instantly enveloped the bodies of the two beasts.

The next second, the Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin transformed into their original forms.

With a flick of the Taoist robe, the immortal light swept across, and the two beasts were received by Jiang Che into the Temple of the Heavens without any resistance.

"The darkness is about to revive, and the evil calamity is about to come. You two, please stay patiently."

Jiang Che's voice rang in his ears. In the Temple of the Heavens, Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin looked at each other and lowered their heads at the same time.


Jiang Che just glanced at it and said nothing more. He looked into the dark sky, and his figure moved and disappeared instantly.

In the Temple of the Heavens, the Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin looked at each other and both calmed down, practicing obediently.

Even with their current cultivation level, they couldn't make any waves in front of Jiang Che.


In the starry sky outside the territory, outside the nest of the ancient gods, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Looking towards the Ancient God's Nest, Jiang Che stepped into the Ancient God's Nest without any further pause.

After entering the Ancient God's Nest and passing through the chaos, Jiang Che headed directly towards the depths of the Ancient God's Nest.

Soon, Jiang Che met an ancient god who was at the peak of human immortality.

"Stop, who are you?"

The ancient god who was at the peak of immortality looked at Jiang Che and said coldly.


Jiang Che didn't say any nonsense and showed a token with a flip of his hand.

"I, Jiang Che, come here today to meet with the Great Heavenly Lord."

Looking at this Ancient God Nest tribesman, Jiang Che said calmly.

"Great Heavenly Lord Token!"

Seeing the token in Jiang Che's hand, this ancient god at the peak of human immortality was shocked.

Soon, he came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Che, and said: "It turns out that you are the Great Heavenly Lord's guest. I'm sorry, please come with me."

With a smile on his face, Jiang Che put away the token in his hand and followed the ancient god who was at the peak of human immortality towards the Great Heavenly Master's dojo.


One day later, Jiang Che followed this ancient protoss to the Great Heavenly Master's dojo.

As soon as he arrived at the dojo, a majestic voice came from the dojo.

"Just let him in."

The majestic voice sounded in the ears of the Ancient God Clan and Jiang Che.

Hearing this voice, the ancient god tribe member nodded instantly, looked at Jiang Che aside, and made a gesture.

Jiang Che nodded slightly and then stepped into the dojo mountain peak.

Soon, Jiang Che arrived halfway up the mountain, in front of the same small courtyard.

Hundreds of years have passed and nothing has changed here.

The courtyard door opened, and Jiang Che strode into the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Jiang Che saw the Great Heavenly Lord dressed in white.

Their eyes met and they sensed their breath.

Compared with the unfathomable depth at the beginning, now Jiang Che can also sense the approximate depth of the Great Heavenly Lord's aura.

"I have seen the great Tianzun."

Looking at the Great Heavenly Lord, Jiang Che bowed his hands.

"Jiang Che..."

The Great Heavenly Lord looked him up and down with his eyes and nodded slightly.

"I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, your strength has changed amazingly."

The Great Heavenly Lord spoke.

Jiang Che smiled and said: "Great Heavenly Lord has given me too much praise. Before I attain enlightenment, there can be no talk of change."

"...You kid, your tone is not small. It seems that you are completely sure about the enlightenment?" The Great Heavenly Lord looked at him, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

"I think there are some, but I can't say I'm [-]% sure." Jiang Che shook his head.

"You came here this time to meet your master, right?"

The Great Heavenly Lord spoke.

Jiang Che nodded: "Yes, I wonder what level Master has recovered to?"

"It's almost reaching its peak. Now that I'm here, I'll take you to see him." Great Heavenly Lord said.

"Thank you, Great Heavenly Lord." Jiang Che bowed.

The Great Heavenly Lord smiled and just stood up, but seemed to sense something, and his expression changed slightly.

Jiang Che also cast his gaze towards the top of the mountain.


The void rippled, and a faint blue light bloomed, followed closely by a figure stepping out of thin air.


Jiang Che was slightly startled when he saw the mysterious sound in front of him.

"It looks like everything has recovered."

Looking at the mysterious sound that appeared, the Great Heavenly Lord nodded.

"Thank you, Brother Dao. If it weren't for Brother Dao's support, I might not have recovered so quickly."

Looking at the Great Heavenly Lord, Xuan Miaoyin also had a smile on his face.

The Great Heavenly Lord smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just provided a place to help with recovery."

"Congratulations, Master, for returning to his peak."

At this time, Jiang Che also came to his senses and bowed with his hands.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said: "Disciple, your strength has improved very quickly. Even my master feels that you are not far away from enlightenment."

"Master, I've given you the reward, but I'm still a little short of that." Jiang Che said with a smile.

"It's almost time. You should be able to attain enlightenment in a short time." Xuan Miaoyin said.

"The darkness is about to revive. It's a good thing that you can regain your peak before the darkness."

Looking at the mysterious sound, the Great Heavenly Lord spoke.

"Dark Resurrection..."

Xuan Miaoyin's bright eyes flashed with a sharp look, and a murderous aura filled the air.

"Fellow Taoist, the blessings the demons will receive from the resurrection of darkness are not small, they should not be underestimated!"

The Great Heavenly Lord spoke.

Xuan Miaoyin calmed down, looked at the Great Heavenly Lord, and said: "Brother Dao, don't worry, I understand."

"Master, what are you going to do next?" Looking at Xuan Miaoyin, Jiang Che asked.

"Return to the Great Thousand World and wait for the opportunity." Xuan Miaoyin said.

"That's just right. My disciple also wants to go back, so let's go together." Jiang Che said.

Xuan Miaoyin nodded and said nothing more.

An hour later, the master and disciple left the Great Heavenly Master's dojo.

Stepping out of the Ancient God's Nest, the master and apprentice headed directly towards the world.

"Disciple, tell me about the current situation in the world." Xuan Miaoyin said while walking forward.

Jiang Che nodded, and then explained the changes over the past few hundred years.

"Unify the Eastern Wastelands, disciple, you can do it!"

Listening to Jiang Che's description of the situation, Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and his eyes lit up.

Jiang Che smiled: "I just solved some troubles, it's nothing." "That's not bad. To be able to do so many things before you were enlightened, you were an incredible person even in the beginning of time. Talent.”

Xuan Miaoyin said with a smile.

"The honored master has won the prize."

"After I go back, my teacher can impart some experience to you, which may help you achieve enlightenment faster."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin said.

Hearing these words, Jiang Che's eyes suddenly lit up: "Thank you, Master."

"Whether you can do it or not, it depends on you."

"Master, don't worry, I believe it can be done."

Jiang Che nodded, exuding a strong sense of confidence.

Xuan Miaoyin smiled and said nothing more.

Immortal light shone, tearing apart time and space. In less than half an hour, the master and disciple traveled through time and space and returned to the great world.


Donghuang, Daozong.

The figures of Jiang Che and Xuan Miaoyin appeared at Xiao Qiong Peak.

"Master, why don't you stay at my place?" Looking at Xuan Miaoyin, Jiang Che said.

"No need, my master has recovered and is not so picky." Xuan Miaoyin shook her head.

When Jiang Che saw this, he didn't say much.

Following Xuanmiaoyin, we arrived at Qiongfeng Hall.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Che followed Xuan Miaoyin to the quiet room.

"The Tao of each Yang Shen is different. As a teacher, I can only give you a reference. You have to perfect your own Tao before you can fully realize the Tao. Do you understand?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin said.

Jiang Che nodded.

Xuan Miaoyin then spoke and explained his own way orally.

Jiang Che was also listening carefully.

After 500 years of training, he has reached the peak of the Ji Dao realm, but he is still a little short of the Yang Shen Dao.

Proving the truth was not as easy as he imagined.

However, although I have not attained enlightenment, I have also understood some mysteries.

Listening to Xuan Miaoyin's explanation of Tao, Jiang Che's heart became clearer and clearer.

In the Heavenly Palace, the soul was shaken.

Jiang Che was immersed in it, and a layer of gloom enveloped his body.


Three years flew by in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Qiongfeng, the main hall, Jiang Che and Xuan Miaoyin appeared.

In three years, Jiang Che has gained a lot, and Xuan Miaoyin's analysis of Tao has given him a clearer understanding.

That layer of film is becoming clearer and clearer.

However, he still has not stepped into Yangshen.

Still missing a bit.

But the truth in Jiang Che's heart became clearer and clearer.

He felt that he was not far from a breakthrough.

Maybe a breakthrough can be achieved in just an instant.

All that's missing is the last bit of opportunity.

"The power of darkness is getting stronger and stronger..."

Stepping out of Qiongfeng Palace, Xuan Miaoyin looked towards the sky.

Jiang Che also looked deep into the sky.

"It is estimated that it will take a few years for complete recovery..."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

Xuan Miaoyin looked at Jiang Che and said, "The rest of the way is up to you. This is the only thing you can do as a teacher."

"Thank you, Master."

Jiang Che made a bow.


Xuan Miaoyin waved her hand, and then her figure disappeared in front of her in an instant.

Jiang Che stood there and pondered for a while, then his figure moved and disappeared from the place.

Daozong, Samsara Peak.

Immortal light burst out of Jiang Che's Taoist robe, and the Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin appeared in front of him.

"Got home."

The Chaos Tengu swung its tail, and Mo Qilin blinked.

"The disaster is coming, you two, stay here obediently."


The Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin nodded at the same time. Jiang Che didn't say anything. His figure moved and instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared.


A year has passed.

A news spread throughout the Taoist sect, and Jiang Che announced a sermon.

The time will be one month later.

All disciples of the Dao Sect can come to listen to the Dao.

As soon as the news came out, tens of millions of disciples in Dao Sect were shocked.

Everyone came to the distance around Samsara Peak early.

There was a sea of ​​people and a huge darkness. In addition to the disciples, there were also elders and peak masters at the Supreme Realm who also arrived in front of Samsara Peak in advance.

In front of Samsara Peak, a huge open space was specially opened and a Taoist platform was built.

That's where Jiang Che will go.

And there are rules for listening to sermons.

Introductory disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples, and true disciples are all in different positions.

The closer you get to the Taoist platform, the only one that can be reached is the Supreme Elder and the Peak Master.

On the outside, there are only disciples.

But even so, an endless sea of ​​people formed in front of Samsara Peak.

At a glance, there are huge crowds of people hundreds of miles away.

Jiang Tianzun said, this is a rare opportunity.

Even the Supreme Being in the Thunder Tribulation Realm is not willing to miss this sermon.

A month passed quickly.

Today, the weather is fine.

A loud bell rang, spreading throughout the entire Taoist sect.

In front of Samsara Peak, they were already surrounded by a sea of ​​people.

After the bell sounded, a fairy light condensed on the thousand-foot-high Taoist platform.

The eyes of thousands of disciples and elders are focused on the Taoist platform.

Jiang Che's figure stepped out, and all the disciples had extremely excited expressions on their faces.

"This is Jiang Tianzun!"

"So young!"

"So lovely……"


All the disciples' eyes were focused on the Taoist platform.

Most of the disciples have never seen Jiang Che's true appearance.

If it hadn’t been for this sermon, I might not have seen it.

"Meet the Heavenly Venerate!"

The voices of thousands of disciples rang out, and their voices rushed straight up to the sky, shaking the sky.

Jiang Che appeared on the Tao platform and glanced at all the Tao sect disciples.

A clear light swept out from the Taoist robe.

After the light was cleared, each disciple's mind calmed down.

"I am Jiang Che, and I am preaching here today. I hope you can listen to the sermon wholeheartedly and reach a higher level."

His voice was like thunder, clearly reaching the ears of every disciple.

Calmed down by Jiang Che's magic, all the disciples just nodded silently.

Jiang Che sat cross-legged on the platform and immediately began to preach.

"The great road has no beginning, no birth and no end, it goes round and round, it is the law of heaven, the universe is immeasurable, the great road is endless..."

Like the voice of the great avenue, his voice clearly penetrated into the hearts of every disciple and elder.

In the sky, purple lotuses bloomed.

Lotus of Laws...

A strange phenomenon appeared in the sky and swept the Taoist sect.

Countless people were immersed in it, and their souls seemed to be cleansed.

The hearts of all the supreme elders were also deeply shaken.

As the sermon progressed, some disciples' auras instantly began to improve.

Strength has grown silently.

Even the elders in the supreme realm are no exception. The sound of the Tao penetrates deeply into the soul, as if it has some kind of magic power, and is deeply cleansed.

The breath becomes purer and also becomes more powerful.

At Xiao Qiong Peak, Xuan Miaoyin's figure appeared on the cliff. Looking at Jiang Che on the stage of Samsara Peak, her eyes moved.

"Proving myself through preaching seems to be coming soon..."

As she murmured to herself, a smile appeared on her lips.

"This reincarnation seems to be very lucky. It can bring out a Yang God... tsk tsk."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Xuan Miaoyin's figure disappeared instantly.


The seasons change, and the time of the year flies by.

This time, the sermon lasted for a whole year. When the last word fell, the heaven and earth shook, and a vast golden light of heaven poured into Jiang Che's body.


On the Taoist platform, Jiang Che's figure absorbed the golden light of heaven and disappeared instantly.

When the disciples and elders came to their senses, Jiang Che had disappeared without a trace.


Every disciple is still shocked.

Listening to the sermon this time almost raised the strength of all Dao Sect disciples to a whole new level.

As long as it is stable, it is not a problem to break through a realm.

Looking towards Samsara Peak, a group of disciples and elders bowed and saluted, and then they dispersed and left.


Samsara Peak.

In the quiet room, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Sitting cross-legged on the jade futon, his whole body was glowing with divine light.

In the Heavenly Palace, the soul manifested itself, and the mark of the true spirit within the body sent out a strong vibration.

An invisible force lingers in the quiet room.

Jiang Che closed his eyes and absorbed the golden light of heaven. His breath was like a wave, rising and falling.

The divine light emanating from the whole body became stronger and stronger, like the sun's brilliance, illuminating every corner of the quiet room.

A terrifying aura filled the quiet room, but it did not break out of the quiet room.


Time passed, and three years passed again.

In the vast world, snowflakes suddenly fell in the sky.

Snowflakes are falling in every corner of the world.

Everywhere is covered with snow.

In Donghuang, Dao Sect, there is a supreme Dao formation covering the sky and the earth, but the weird snowflakes can easily pass through the Dao formation and fall to the earth.

It was snowing heavily.

Snowflakes completely covered the entire world.

And this scene is also played out in all the heavens and worlds.


From the place of origin, deep in the chaos, majestic figures stepped out one by one. They looked into the endless dark sky, their expressions showing solemnity.

Darkness, revived!

The catastrophe has officially arrived!

In the dark void deep in the boundary sea, a vast wave of waves swept over.

Wherever the fluctuation occurs, strong demonic energy rises into the sky, shaking the starry sky.

Soon, this wave of fluctuation swept across the entire boundary sea, and was still expanding rapidly.

In the extraterrestrial starry sky, all the heavens and worlds, the place of origin, mysterious fluctuations swept through endless time and space, and finally arrived at the vast world.


Zhongzhou, deep palace in the imperial city.

A figure in a black water dragon robe appeared. He looked up at the sky and looked at the falling snowflakes with a solemn expression.

"Darkness has revived..."

He murmured to himself, and suddenly, he looked deep into the sky, and an invisible wave came instantly.

At the same time, everywhere in the world, the fluctuations occurred and the white snow stopped.

At this moment, all the supreme beings in the world felt invisible fluctuations.

"Darkness is resurrected, and catastrophe is coming!"

Each and every supreme gaze looked towards the sky, waves swept across, and the falling white snow also stopped. (End of chapter)

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