I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 340: The Great Tribulation Comes to Prove the Yang God

East Wilderness.


The falling snowflakes are accompanied by waves, and in an instant, they become invisible.

The snow stopped.

There is a special atmosphere in the air.

"The great calamity has arrived..."

At this moment, the expressions of countless supreme beings changed drastically.

Although I knew that such a day would come, when the catastrophe actually came, I couldn't help but feel fear in my heart.

The darkness will revive, and the demon clan will once again glow with glory. After being dormant for tens of thousands of years, this time, it will once again sweep across the heavens and worlds with the power of dominating the world.

Demons blessed by the power of darkness will be even more terrifying.

Everyone knows this very well.

It is precisely because of this that it makes you even more frightened.

The terror of the demons was almost imprinted in his mind.


The starry sky outside the territory, the boundary sea.

The boundless black mist descended on the starry sky, squirming as if it contained life.

In the black mist, billowing demonic energy filled the air.

Rolling demonic energy covers the starry sky.

Wherever the black mist arrives, the starlight disappears.

At this moment, many forces in the boundary sea saw the approaching black mist.

At this moment, even the Supreme's expression changed.

The monstrous black mist contains the supreme evil spirit.


A ferocious roar sounded from the black mist.

The next second, a tall demon appeared.

Manifesting the true body with three heads and six arms, infinite demonic energy and violent energy exploded, like a peerless fierce god, with overwhelming arrogance.

Immediately afterwards, waves of monstrous sounds came from the black mist.




Voices full of infinite violence rang out from the black mist, monstrous demonic energy surged, and terrifying figures stepped out one after another.

The endless army of demons manifested and swept across the galaxy.

The monstrous demonic energy rolled into the sky, completely covering the starry sky.

At this moment, the hearts of countless forces in the boundary sea sank.

Looking at the killing demons, after a brief silence, a shocking fighting spirit suddenly broke out.


Countless forces took action at this moment.

No matter what the relationship between the various forces was before, even if it was a hostile relationship, at this moment, the demon clan, facing the enemy of all living beings in the world, is united together.

The two sides fought in an instant.

boom boom-

The starry sky trembled, the fairy light of destruction washed away, the stars and meteorites exploded, and endless fragments splashed into the starry sky.

The entire boundary sea became a battlefield in an instant.

And this scene not only happened in the boundary sea, but also happened in other places in the outer starry sky.

The dark starry sky and strange black mist descended, and countless demonic armies rushed out, killing all the heavens, worlds, and billions of time and space.

This moment also showed the terror of the demons.

Only when the darkness truly revives, the strength of the demons truly explodes.

The demon clan, blessed by the power of darkness, also showed abnormal strength at this moment.

Even if the demons are at a lower level, they can still fight head-on and even fight back.

In the place of origin, in the endless chaos, black mist invaded the chaos. In an instant, countless demonic armies came out of the black mist.

The endless army of demons are all three-headed and six-armed.

Wherever he went, he was almost invincible.

At this moment, darkness reappeared.

The demons completely exploded.

Billions of lives perished at the same time.

Fight against the demons.

There is no second way to choose, either the demons disappear or they themselves are destroyed.


In the vast world, deep in the outer starry sky, a strange black mist descends.

One by one, the demons stepped out of the black mist and looked at the world. The eyes of these demons showed extremely greedy and bloodthirsty eyes.

"Kill and occupy the fairy world!"

With roars one after another, the endless demon army roared towards the world.

"The fairy world is not a place that your demon clan has your hands on!"

At this moment, a majestic voice came from the world.

Brilliant golden light burst out from the vast world and swept across the dark starry sky.

Wherever the golden light reached, the tens of millions of demonic armies were instantly wiped out.

It was as if the spring snow melted, directly wiping out part of the demon army.

But in the black mist, there are still a steady stream of demons coming.

However, the golden light exploded, and these demons were blocked from the world.

"God Emperor Xuanyuan...hehe, can you stop my demon clan on your own?"

Deep in the black mist, a faint voice sounded.

The next breath, a bloody red light came.


The collision of red light and golden light, and the duel between the two avenues triggered strong fluctuations.

The terrifying aura filled the air, causing the other demonic armies to retreat instantly.

"You can't stop the power of darkness, destroy it for me!"

The cold voice came from the black mist again, and in the next breath, a terrifying demonic hand descended.

In the depths of the golden light, Emperor Xuanyuan's expression in a golden robe remained unchanged. With a thought, a big golden hand was instantly activated and rushed towards the devil's hand.


The terrifying magic hand collided with the golden hand, and a destructive force swept across the starry sky.

The demon army of tens of millions was instantly wiped out.

"Power of darkness, kill me!"

A faint voice sounded, an icy breath filled the air, and an even more terrifying demonic hand descended.

In the depths of the golden light, Emperor Xuanyuan's expression changed as he looked at the descending demon hand.

However, the next second, a faint blue light bloomed in the vast world, and a graceful figure stepped out of the dim light.

"Xuantian Avenue, broken!"

In the blue light, a majestic voice sounded, and it gathered into a sword of the great avenue, containing the aura of the supreme avenue, and instantly slashed at the devil's hand.


The demonic hand instantly collapsed and disappeared under the Great Dao Divine Sword.

"Xuan Nu Tianjun!"

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at the figure in the blue light with surprise in his eyes.

"Fellow Divine Emperor, you and I will work together to destroy him!"

Xuan Miaoyin spoke, and Emperor Xuanyuan came to his senses instantly.


Arrogant laughter sounded, and in the next breath, a terrifying golden power rushed out of Emperor Xuanyuan's body.

"Shentian Dao, kill me!"

The law of the infinite avenue was activated, and in an instant, the supreme power roared like a dragon, rushing out in an instant, forming a long river of law, sweeping deep into the starry sky.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

It is no small matter that Yang Shen takes action.

A full blow instantly caused the strange black mist to dissipate.

Deep in the starry sky, a blood-robed figure appeared.

The demonic aura is overwhelming, and he is clearly a demon-god-level existence.

"I'll stop him, you destroy the demon army first."

The sound of Xuan Miaoyin sounded, and in the next breath, the Great Dao Divine Sword instantly manifested, and the infinite Great Dao Law slashed at the blood-robed demon.

Seeing the mysterious sound rushing towards him, the blood-robed demon god's eyes narrowed and he killed him instantly.

After a collision, the figure of the blood-robed demon did not retreat at all, but the figure of Xuan Miaoyin was shocked back.

"Xuannu Tianjun, Tuntian didn't kill you back then. Today, I will let you be completely annihilated and the true spirit will be crushed."

An icy voice sounded, and in the next breath, the blood-robed demon took action in an instant, condensing the infinite power of the avenue and turning it into a destructive-level immortal light of the avenue, bursting out with a supreme strike of magical power, and blasted directly towards him.

"Be careful, fellow Daoist!"

Emperor Xuanyuan reminded him, and immediately took action to kill the army of hundreds of millions of demons.

When Yang Shen takes action, not even an army of hundreds of millions of demons can stop him.

"Join us!"

"Lord of the Supreme Darkness, please grant me strength!"

A chorus of voices sounded, and in the next breath, blood-colored magic light rose from the army of hundreds of millions of demons, gathering into a huge demon body, and the aura it exuded was no less than that of a demon-god-level being.

Combined with the power of hundreds of millions of demons, this shocking attack broke out.

"If it's made of darkness, it's just a castle in the air."

God Emperor Xuanyuan flashed a cold light, raised his hand, and punched golden light, which instantly turned into a long river of light and blasted towards the demonic body.

At the same time, the demon body was sensed, and a force of darkness exploded, combining the power of hundreds of millions of demons to deliver a supreme blow.


Destructive-level powers collided together, and two different powers burst into destruction, entanglement, and collision.

Divine Emperor Xuanyuan's body was surrounded by the light of the avenue, and he easily blocked the attack.

The next second, he rushed out.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The starry sky trembled, each demon clan was annihilated by the power of destruction, and the power of the demon body was also constantly weakening.

When the final blow came, it completely penetrated the demon body and was directly blasted into nothingness.

The army of hundreds of millions of demons was also wiped out in ashes at the same time.

On the other side, the blood-robed demon god used his infinite supreme magical power to continuously attack the mysterious sound.

The blood-robed demon god who is also a sun god and can be blessed by the power of darkness is even more powerful.

After defeating the army of hundreds of millions of demons, Emperor Xuanyuan didn't spare any effort and instantly joined the battlefield to level the situation.

Two on one.

Gained a slight upper hand.

The strength of the demon god blessed by the power of darkness is too abnormal. Even if the two of them join forces, they will only have a slight upper hand.

"Sword cuts through time and space!"

At this time, in the vast world, a terrifying sword energy rushed out and directly killed the blood-robed demon.

The sudden blow instantly caught the blood-robed demon off guard.

Shock back with one blow.

At the same time, in the vast world, a figure stepped out.

The supreme sword energy entwined him, as if he was the master of all swords.

"Sword God!"

"Fellow Taoist, I thought you weren't here."

Looking at the figure, Emperor Xuanyuan smiled.

"When darkness falls, it is our duty to protect the fairy world."

The voice of the sword god sounded.

In an instant, they arrived in front of Emperor Xuanyuan and Xuan Miaoyin.

"Another one!"

The blood-robed demon's expression changed, and in the next breath, he tore apart the starry sky and turned around to leave.

Even with the blessing of the power of darkness, he could not defeat the three Yang gods.

Can only retreat temporarily.

But looking at this scene, Xuanyuan God Emperor and the other three people did not pursue them.

It was temporarily repelled, but this was just the beginning.

The real catastrophe is yet to come.

"With this first wave of impact, I don't know how many supreme beings will fall."

Emperor Xuanyuan let out a long sigh.

"It's just the beginning. If you can't hide, you can only face it." The sword god said.

After saying that, he looked at Xuan Miaoyin again and said, "Tianjun, I thought you had fallen back then, but I didn't expect that you retained a trace of your true spirit and was reincarnated. What a joy to congratulate!"

"I'm not that easy to die." Xuan Miaoyin said calmly.

"Haha, it's a good thing for us that our fellow Taoist is alive." God Emperor Xuanyuan smiled.

"That's true." The Sword God nodded.

"You two, if you are big-hearted, you'd better prepare with peace of mind. I don't have time to fight with you."

Xuan Miaoyin spoke, and after speaking, her figure moved and disappeared instantly.

Emperor Xuanyuan and the Sword God looked at each other and shook their heads silently.

Immediately, the figures of the two Yang Gods disappeared at the same time.

——Donghuang, Dao Zong.

On the Tongtian Peak, every supreme gaze looked deep into the sky.

Three...three Yangshen?
In this vast world, there are still three Yang gods? ! !
Stormy waves arose in the hearts of all the supreme beings.

What's even more incredible is that one of the Supreme Beings looks very much like the mysterious voice that has disappeared for a long time.

Jiang Che’s master.

There was absolutely no news about it hundreds of years ago.

But today, she seems to have appeared, and what’s even more incredible is that she turns out to be a Yang God.

"Headmaster...then...is that really the mysterious sound, Master Xuanfeng?"

The great elder looked stunned and said with dilated pupils.

Feng Xuanji also had a look of shock on his face.

Although he did not believe that Xuan Miaoyin would be a Yang God, he was sure that he was not wrong.

One of the three Yang gods must be Xuan Miaoyin.


Feng Xuanji nodded.

The Great Elder fell into silence, and he glanced at Xiao Qiongfeng subconsciously.

No matter how much he thought about it, he never imagined that Xuan Miaoyin would be a Yang Shen Emperor.

And at this moment, a faint blue light bloomed in the sky above Tongtian Peak, and the figure of Xuan Miaoyin stepped out of the void.

The eyes of all the supreme beings instantly turned to Xuan Miaoyin.

"Sun God!"

Feeling the vague aura, the hearts of all the Supreme Beings were instantly shocked.

Not an illusion, but real.

At this time, Xuan Miaoyin's voice sounded: "I am Xuan Nu Tianjun. I am reborn in this life. The demonic calamity has arrived. Although the first wave has been temporarily blocked, you must not be careless and be prepared at any time to face the demonic calamity. Clan!"

Xuan Miao Yin's voice reached the Dao Sect, and all the Supreme Beings fell into a daze, but they quickly came back to their senses, looked at Xuan Miao Yin, and spoke in unison: "I will obey the decree of the Heavenly Lord!"

A chorus of voices sounded, Xuan Miaoyin nodded, and then she disappeared in full view of everyone.

As soon as Xuan Miaoyin left, everyone came back to their senses.

"Xuan Nu Tianjun..."

The hearts of all the supreme beings were trembling wildly.

The classical books that I had read quickly appeared in my mind, and I quickly found information about this person named Xuannv Tianjun.

This is Emperor Yang Shen from 10 years ago.

In their Dao Sect, there was actually a reincarnation of the Yang God.

This is a bit of an unprecedented joke.

But the reality is like this, even if you can't believe it, the facts will not change.

The mysterious sound is the reincarnation of Xuannv Tianjun 10 years ago.

"Jiang Tianzun seems to be Tianjun's apprentice, right?"

A supreme leader looked at Samsara Peak and said with a dazed look on his face.

The other Supremes also came to their senses and looked at Samsara Peak.

It seems like, probably, maybe, maybe... it's like this.

"No wonder Jiang Tianzun is so powerful..."

At this moment, all the Supremes came up with the same idea.

Perhaps no one would have imagined that Yang Shen could be his master.

This Master of Xuan Peak, who had disappeared for hundreds of years, turned out to be the reincarnation of the ancient Yang God Emperor.

Boy, this is magical.

But reality is often so magical!


In the vast world, all the forces looked at that shocking scene and were silent for a long time before they came back to their senses.

In this vast world, there are actually three Yang gods.

This scene stimulated many forces.

However, after the shock, all forces were ready.

The darkness revived and the demons descended. This was just the previous charge.

The real catastrophe is now beginning.

The real horror is yet to come.


Donghuang, Daozong.

An order was issued that all Dao Sect disciples should return to the sect. No one was allowed to go out without an order.

The same scene also happened among other forces.

If the three Yangshen hadn't taken action, I'm afraid the first wave would have wiped out many forces in the world.

Hundreds of millions of lives may be lost.

No one knows what the next impact will be.

Daozong, Samsara Peak.

Outside the hall, Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin looked at Samsara Peak.

The two beasts blinked.

"Is this the power of the Yang God?"

"It's really scary. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on even one move." Mo Qilin smacked his lips.

The Chaos Tengu glanced at it and said, "Be more confident, you can't even sustain half a move."

Mo Qilin: "..."

"At any rate, I am also..."

Just when Mo Qilin was about to speak, suddenly, a vast aura swept out of Samsara Peak.

The two beasts instantly set their sights in the direction of the quiet room deep in the hall.

"This is the breath of the master!"

Mo Qilin blinked.

And at this moment, Jiang Che's figure suddenly stepped out of thin air.

Ignoring the two beasts, Jiang Che flew into the sky and reached the sky above Daozong.

Deep in the sky, a huge nine-color vortex appeared.A wave of waves spread out instantly with Daozong as the center.

At this moment, countless Dao Sect disciples cast their gazes into the void.

"Jiang Tianzun!"

"Holy shit, what are you doing?!!"

"Wardian, what a terrifying power of the avenue!"

"Hiss, this is the power of the Supreme Avenue. Isn't Tianzun going to prove it and become an emperor?!"

A pair of eyes looked towards the sky, the huge colorful vortex was very eye-catching.

The fluctuations spread and swept across Donghuang in an instant.

Not only the Eastern Wasteland, but also other continents were swept by the fluctuations.

All forces sensed it instantly and all turned towards the direction of Donghuang.

In an instant, it swept the entire world.

Deep in the sky, a very special sound sounded.

Spread throughout the world.

After the nine sounds of the Tao, endless visions appeared from the void.

"The voice of heaven, the nine voices of heaven, this...this...this is someone who has proven immortality!"

One by one, the Supremes looked into the depths of the void, all looking in the same direction, Donghuang.

Xuanyuan family, Emperor Xuanyuan, who had just stepped into the time and space of the Holy Land, appeared again.

He waved his hand, and a divine light gathered in front of his eyes, and a picture instantly appeared in his eyes.

"Jiang Che!"

"He's preached!"

Looking at the figure in the divine light screen, Emperor Xuanyuan's pupils shrank.

"So fast!"

Even as a Yang God-level being, at this moment, he couldn't help but stir up a storm in his heart.

Dark abyss.

A sword light shattered the void, and the figure of the sword god appeared.

Standing in the void, the Sword God thought, and a scene instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at the figure in the picture, his eyes were shocked.

"It's him……"

"It seems that I was right when I saw him. This guy has great potential. He became enlightened so quickly."

Looking at the void scene, the Sword God murmured to himself.

"Very good. With the addition of an emperor, it seems that the chances of victory in this catastrophe have increased."

A smile appeared on the Sword God's face, and the next second, his figure disappeared instantly.


The place of origin, the depths of chaos.

A figure stepped out.

"Haha, very good. I have attained enlightenment so quickly. I came at the right time."

"There is another Yang God in the world!"

"The power of my Origin Temple can be even stronger!"


Unbridled laughter spread throughout the chaos.

At the same time, in the Origin Chaos, other Yang Shen Emperors sensed this special situation.

The starry sky outside the territory, deep in the vast starry sky.

In the strange black mist, a figure stepped out and looked at the world: "This special aura... Well, it's him who has attained the Tao of Yangshen!"

There was a hint of murderous intent in the figure's eyes.


A terrifying aura erupted, and the surrounding black mist froze instantly.

"So what if you prove Yang Shen? With the blessing of the power of darkness, you still can't escape!"

The figure was full of murderous intent, and then disappeared into the strange black mist.


Donghuang, Daozong.

Deep in the sky, the rotating nine-color vortex cannot be huge, as if it wants to swallow everything.

"The great road is self-contained. Today, I, Jiang Che, have attained the Tao of Yangshen, and millions of sentient beings will fall under it!"

The loud voice resounded throughout the entire world and even reached the outer starry sky.

As Jiang Che's voice sounded, in the next breath, a bright beam of heavenly light was cast into the nine-color vortex.

Jiang Che moved one hand, and a majestic figure appeared behind him, which was his true spirit.

The endless heavenly beams were instantly absorbed by his true spirit.

A vast aura swept over him.

"The great road, stand up!"

The majestic voice sounded, and in an instant, hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the entire world felt this clear voice.

A supreme momentum instantly erupted, sweeping across the world.

The momentum is overwhelming, suppressing the universe.

After completely absorbing the heavenly beam, the true spirit behind Jiang Che instantly entered his body.

At the same time, the spreading momentum disappeared instantly.

Looking at the sky, Jiang Che's thought exploded, and the nine-color whirlpool immediately dissipated, and the vision that filled the world was instantly reduced to nothing.

At this moment, he completely entered the realm of Yangshen Emperor.

An immortal who has reached the pinnacle of the great road and surpassed hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

"Today, as the Emperor of Heaven, I shall protect all living beings and my human race. I will be immortal for eternity, eliminate demons and defend the Tao, and I will never stop fighting!"

The majestic voice sounded again, word by word, resounding throughout the world.

"Meet Emperor Jiang Tian!"

A chorus of voices rang out, shaking the entire sky.

Thousands of disciples from up and down the Dao Sect knelt down in unison, even the supreme elder knelt down on one knee at this moment.

In the void, Jiang Che turned around and looked at Dao Zong. At this moment, his momentum changed instantly.

"You guys get up, as long as I am here, the Dao Sect will never be destroyed!"

The majestic voice reached the ears of everyone in Daozong.

"The Emperor of Heaven is immeasurable and immortal!"

A Supreme Master spoke, followed closely by a thundering voice.

"The Emperor of Heaven is immeasurable and immortal!"

The sound was shocking, and Jiang Che nodded slightly.

At this moment, a voice came from the depths of the void.

"Da Qian Yang Qian, congratulations to Emperor Jiang Tian for his enlightenment and immortality!"

"Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals, God of Nothingness, congratulate Emperor Jiang Tian on his enlightenment and immortality!"

"Tianwu Temple, Xuan Qiong, congratulations to Emperor Jiang Tian for his enlightenment and immortality!"

"Purple Rainbow from the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, congratulates Emperor Jiang Tian for his enlightenment and immortality!"

"Emperor Jie of Daxia, congratulations to Emperor Jiang Tian for his enlightenment and immortality!"

"Holy Land of Yin and Yang, Jade Sky, congratulations to Emperor Jiang Tian for his enlightenment and immortality!"


Loud voices came from the void one after another, resounding throughout the world. (End of chapter)

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