I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 341 The 1st Avenue Defeats the Demon God

Donghuang, Daozong.

Deep in the void, supreme voices came from one after another.

At this moment, Daozong became the focus again.

When the darkness revives, a new Yang God enlightenment appears, and its influence on the entire catastrophe is self-evident.

A new Yang God appears, and there are as many as four Yang Gods in the world.


In the void, Jiang Che gently raised his hand, and infinite light bloomed.

The light formed a bright long river, which was always in the sky above Daozong.

"What does the Emperor want to do?"

Each disciple looked up to the sky.

The same question came to mind.

"Today I am enlightened and I will give you a blessing!"

The majestic voice sounded and spread throughout the Daozong.

The next second, the long river of light bloomed into an even brighter fairy light, forming petals of light that fell down.

The moment the petals fell on them, they poured directly into their bodies.

Suddenly, the auras of each disciple surged.

Under the Supreme, all disciples have received a wave of promotion.

A blessing in disguise!

"Thank God!"

A chorus of sounds rang out, shaking the sky.

Jiang Che took one step forward and his figure instantly disappeared into the air.


In the vast world, a vast storm has impacted everyone's hearts.

The darkness revived and the evil calamity came. No one could have imagined that at this time, Jiang Che would actually take this supreme step and step into the supreme god.

The thunder calamity reaches Yang Shen, and the immortality reaches immortality!
This step has surpassed hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

This is also the first new Yang Shen Emperor after the Dark Age.

Darkness invaded, and such a piece of news shone like light in the hearts of the Supreme Beings.


Dao Zong, a group of disciples dispersed, and received Jiang Che's "Heaven-shaking blessing." In a short period of time, the strength of Dao Zong's disciples will increase again.

Samsara Peak.

Jiang Che's figure appeared.

Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin came in front of him. Looking at Jiang Che in front of them, Mo Qilin and Chaos Tengu had incredible looks in their eyes.

Witness the birth of a sun god.

This is really impactful.

The strong impact was like a meteor falling in the heart and exploding, causing huge waves.

"Master, you...have you really stepped into Yangshen?"

Mo Qilin blinked his eyes, his expression filled with a hint of disbelief.

Jiang Che looked at the two beasts and instantly pointed his finger at Mo Qilin's head.


A strong light bloomed, and in the next breath, a terrifying wave emitted from Mo Qilin's body.

Its momentum instantly increased.

Jiang Che retracted his finger and looked at the Chaos Tengu again. He followed the same pattern and pointed at its brain.

Immortal light bloomed, and the aura of the Chaos Tengu instantly surged.

"Go down and absorb it. After it is stable, it shouldn't be a problem for you to break through the Ji Dao realm."

Jiang Che's voice reached the ears of Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin.

The two beasts opened their eyes, feeling the changes in their bodies, and nodded in unison. Then, their figures moved and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the two beasts disappear, Jiang Che withdrew his gaze.

A dark blue light bloomed from the void, and a mysterious sound in a sky-blue dress stepped out of the void.


Looking at Xuan Miaoyin, Jiang Che nodded slightly.

Xuan Miaoyin stepped out of the void and looked at him with a pair of bright eyes, saying: "I have achieved the Tao of Yang Shen. I didn't expect it. It's so fast."

"I have to thank Master for teaching me the Tao. Otherwise, I might not have been able to attain enlightenment so easily." Jiang Che said.

"Being a teacher is just an assistant, the key lies in you." Xuan Miaoyin smiled.

"What's your plan next?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin said.

Jiang Che thought for a moment and said, "I need to stabilize myself, and then improve my martial arts to the point where I can shatter the vacuum."

"You have already proven the Yang God. If you want to break through the crushing vacuum, it will probably be a hundred times more difficult than proving the Yang God. The avenues cannot coexist, and I am afraid that there will be a collision between the avenues, which will cause you to suffer backlash."

Looking at Jiang Che, Xuan Miaoyin said seriously.

Prove the Yang Shen and shatter the vacuum.

Only one of these two can break through.

At the same time, the realization of the Tao Yang Shen and the achievement of shattering the vacuum have never happened before in all ages.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't.

That would allow one's own avenues to counteract, and not even Yang Shen could suppress this kind of counterattack.

It can even destroy the true spirit and completely annihilate it.

People have tried it throughout the ages.

None can succeed.

Avenues cannot coexist!

Only one Tao of oneself can exist!
Either Yang Shen, or, shatter the vacuum.

The eternal law.

Moreover, the difficulty of entering the Yangshen from the Immortal Path and breaking through the Shattering Vacuum will be hundreds of times higher than before.

At this point, it is basically impossible to do it.

Jiang Che looked at her, was silent for a while, and said: "Master, I understand what you mean, but just because others can't do it, that doesn't mean that I can't do it."

Xuan Miaoyin looked at him and said: "If the avenue is against you, you will definitely suffer the backlash from the avenue."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing. If I can become one, then I will surpass any great emperor."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

The mysterious sound is silent.

After a while, she sighed: "You, once you reach this point, you will know how difficult it is."

"Master, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Jiang Che nodded.

"It's up to you. You're so stable. I'll go check out the situation first."

Xuan Miaoyin spoke, and then she turned around, escaped into the void, and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Xuan Miaoyin leave, Jiang Che withdrew his gaze.

How could he not know the dangers and difficulties of breaking through the shattering vacuum?

The avenues are in conflict, and even the Yangshen cannot suppress them.

The Tao of oneself is unique and cannot coexist.

And not to mention the danger of avenue hedging, just breaking through the shattering vacuum is not that difficult.

But he still has to do it.

Breaking through Yangshen and controlling the demon book are his strengths.


The figure turned into light, and Jiang Che disappeared from the spot instantly.

The next second, he came to the quiet room.

In the quiet room, Jiang Che sat cross-legged in the void, with the vast aura flowing around him.

Breaking through Yang Shen, shattering all the thoughts of the soul, all 8000 million thoughts of the soul were shattered, and the immortal true spirit was achieved.

A ray of true spiritual power is far from comparable to the power of the soul.

After truly breaking through Yang Shen, Jiang Che knew how powerful Yang Shen was.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Che moved with a thought.

In the true spirit, the bronze album bloomed with light.

Breaking through Yang Shen and communicating with the Demon Book, this time, there was finally a reaction.

"The breath of Tao, could it be that the book of demons is one of the avenues to escape?"

Looking at the bronze album, a bold idea came to his mind.

Just after communicating with the Demon Book, even with his Yang Shen cultivation level, he could feel the vast and infinite Tao in the Demon Book.

The Tao in this seems to be another Tao.

His Tao is very insignificant compared to the Tao contained in the Book of Demons.

The Tao of the Demon Book is a thousand times or even stronger than his.

Jiang Che opened his eyes all of a sudden.

"The Book of Demons, is it really that great avenue?!"

Jiang Che's heart beat violently.

One of the avenues is the avenue beyond the way of heaven.

When Jiang Che heard Emperor Xuanyuan's explanation, he felt that he really wanted to do this.

Your own golden finger is the way to escape one of them.

It can also be understood that his golden finger is another way of heaven.

The demons he killed were actually a kind of sacrifice, allowing the demon book to continuously regain its power.

Jiang Che clearly remembered that Emperor Xuanyuan said that one of the great avenues was created during the great destruction.

It is heaven.

However, it is another kind of heaven.

By controlling this Heavenly Dao and merging with oneself, one can break through the Yangshen, surpass the Great Emperor, and become an indescribable existence above the Dao.

Having used the Book of Heavenly Dao before, Jiang Che is very familiar with the power of Heavenly Dao.

The Tao of the Demon Book is the same Tao existence as the power of Heaven.

However, this kind of Tao is currently beyond his control.

Although he can communicate with the demon book, he cannot control the way of the demon book.

If he could control the Dao of the Demon Book, then he could destroy the Yang Shen Emperor and even the Dark Heavenly Dao.

After calming down, Jiang Che closed his eyes and started studying again.

Continue the communication with the Demon Book.

Once, Jiang Che thought that the Demon Book might be a supreme magic weapon, a magic weapon that surpassed the Taoist Immortal Weapons, but now, he understood clearly that the Demon Book itself was a kind of Tao.

Killing demons is just a sacrifice to the demon book.

And the reward was just a demon book sacrificed to him.

If he controls this kind of Tao, then combined with his own Tao, even the Tao of Heaven must be under him. He can crush and obliterate all the worlds and billions of living beings with a single thought. He can even restart chaos and destroy all the worlds. A new world of heavens and realms evolved.

But the prerequisite is that you must control the path of the demon book.

If you can't control it, it's all nonsense.

If he controls one of the great avenues, he will transcend the existence of the Tao and become an indescribable existence above the Tao.

Reaching this stage is beyond the realm of measurement.

Emperor Yangshen can be wiped out with just a thought.

This is one of the avenues.

Fusion of one avenue, everything that transcends everything.

He will not exist in any time and space, past, future or present.

Become the supreme, indescribable existence.


One month passed quickly,
The darkness revived, and the first wave of catastrophe was blocked.

But most of the other heavens and worlds still fell and were occupied by demons.

Half of the outer starry sky has become the land of demons.

And this is a fact that has to be accepted.

The demons who have obtained the power of darkness are too terrifying.

Yang Shen can block it, but the Demon God of the Demon Clan is not a vegetarian.

As long as Yang Shen is blocked, there will be no surprises from the demonic invasion.

Invading all the worlds, the power of the demons is also constantly increasing.


Daqian World, Donghuang, Dao Sect.

Within a month, the strength of the entire Dao Sect disciples more than doubled.

Jiang Che's power has enhanced the overall strength of the entire Dao Sect.

The stronger you are, the more confident you will naturally be in fighting against the demons.

The morale of Daozong up and down was like a blazing fire.

Daozong has two Yangshen, which is also the confidence.

Make other forces extremely envious.But it is also safer for the entire world.

After all, the existence of a Yang God is more important than hundreds of millions of monks.

And a month later, two Supremes at the peak of Thunder Tribulation appeared again in Dao Sect.

It is Jiang Che’s mythical beast.

With Jiang Che's promotion, Chaos Tengu and Mo Qilin also successfully entered the Nine Realms Supreme.

However, in comparison, Jiang Che's breakthrough to Yangshen was even more shocking.

However, with the addition of two supreme beings at the peak of the Nine Realms, the morale of the Dao Sect was even higher.

All fear comes from lack of strength.

If there is enough strength, then fear will naturally not exist.


Daozong, Samsara Peak.

For three months, Jiang Che has been studying the Demon Book in a quiet room.

He has determined that the demon book is the embodiment of one of the avenues.

After communicating for three months, Jiang Che was able to grasp a little bit.

He can use the Tao of the Demon Book to improve his strength.

As for how big the improvement will be, that will only become clear after actual combat.

In three months, he had only mastered a trace of the demon book, but this was a good start for Jiang Che.

With one of the avenues in the Demon Book, he can achieve the coexistence of the avenues.

The hope of breaking through the crushing vacuum is even greater.

As for the avenue hedging, he can use the demon book to suppress and calm down.

But it also needs his control to be strong enough. It's not possible now, it's still far behind.

And by communicating with the Demon Book, Jiang Che can also sense the needs of the first avenue.

More sacrifices are needed, and the more powerful the sacrifices, the better.

"If I sacrifice a demon god, not only can I get a reward, but I can also... control more of the avenues."

Jiang Che's eyes were filled with fiery gaze.

The possibility of killing the Demon God is very small even after he breaks through the Yang God. However, if he can suppress it, he can activate the Demon Book to devour the Demon God's life.

Jiang Che believes that the Demon Book's ability can accomplish this.

The problem now is that he must find the demon god of the demon clan and take advantage of the opportunity to suppress it.

"I'm afraid that even the suppression of the All Heavens Temple can't suppress it, and we have to rely on the Demon Book to successfully suppress a demon..."

A thought flashed through Jiang Che's mind, and when he thought of this, his mind instantly became calm.

By sacrificing to the demon god, not only can you get rewards from the Demon Book, you can also gain more powerful control, and at the same time, you can strengthen the Tao of the Demon Book.

This is a virtuous cycle. If you kill the devil, the benefits he will gain are endless.

"Now, the situation in the outer starry sky should be the most chaotic..."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared instantly.


"Are you going to the outer space?"

On Xiao Qiong Peak, Xuan Miaoyin looked at Jiang Che and frowned.

Jiang Che nodded.

Xuan Miaoyin frowned, looked at him, and said: "The demon clan is now at its peak, and the power of darkness is at its peak. If you go to the outer stars, I'm afraid you will be in danger."

"I must go and kill the demons so that I can break through the shattering vacuum."

Jiang Che spoke.

Xuanmiaoyin: "?"

Killing demons and breaking through the vacuum, are these two connected?

Staring at Jiang Che, Xuan Miao said after a while: "Okay, since you want to go, that's fine. Pay attention to yourself. The ten demon ancestors are not ordinary demon gods, and they have greatly improved the power of darkness. Even you may be in danger."

"I understand, Master, don't worry."

Jiang Che nodded, and then he raised his hand, and a gate of time and space appeared instantly. He stepped into the gate of time and space and disappeared.

Watching Jiang Che leave, Xuan Miaoyin thought for a while, but she still couldn't figure out what Jiang Che wanted to do.

Breaking through the crushing vacuum, can he really suppress the collision of the avenue?
No great emperor has ever been able to succeed.

The collision between the avenues was so powerful that even Yang Shen couldn't bear it.

At the most minor level, one's own Dao will be shattered and one's vitality will be greatly damaged. At the most serious level, the immortal true spirit may have to be completely shattered.

However, Jiang Che has become the Yang God, and she will not interfere in whatever he wants to do.

Although it was strange, I didn’t go into it too deeply.

Maybe he has his own secret.


The starry sky outside the territory, the boundary sea.

In the broken starry sky, a gate of time and space suddenly appeared. The next second, a young Taoist figure in a blue robe stepped out of the gate of time and space.

It was Jiang Che.

Opening the door to time and space, the outer starry sky, all the heavens and all realms, Jiang Che can quickly reach any place.

This is also the ability of Yang Shen.

Similarly, to travel through billions of time and space, only the strength of Yang Shen can do it.

Looking at the broken starry sky, Jiang Che could feel the boundless surge of demonic energy.

After closing his eyes for a while, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

His current location is the firmament star field of the Boundary Sea.

Not long ago, the innate divine forces here fought against the demons. In the end, the demons won a great victory, and these innate forces fled to other stars.

But Jiang Che doesn't care about these, he cares about the devil.

Only a demon-level sacrifice can allow him to strengthen his control over one of the avenues.


He raised his hand slightly, and a picture appeared in his eyes in the starry sky.

In the picture, there is a vast starry sky continent.

This place was originally the base camp of the innate god clan, but now it has been occupied by the demon clan.

"This aura...should be that of the Demon God Qingtian..."

Jiang Che murmured to himself, his eyes flashed, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared instantly.

Sky star field!

In the vast starry sky, a huge starry sky continent is suspended in the starry sky.

Strong demonic energy spread out, turning the entire Starry Sky Continent into a demonic realm.

The demonic energy billowed into the sky.

Looking at the starry sky, it can be seen that countless demons have appeared on this starry sky continent.

Deep in the dark starry sky, Jiang Che's figure stepped out and looked at the starry sky continent.

Standing in the starry sky, Jiang Che could feel the aura of the devil deep in the starry sky continent.

Before he could approach the Starry Sky Continent, a terrifying demonic energy rushed out from the depths of the Starry Sky Continent.

In the next breath, a majestic figure stepped out of the Starry Sky Continent.

The powerful aura shook the starry sky, and the demonic energy surged into the sky. Dressed in black robes, he looked like the supreme demon god stepping out of hell.

It is the Qingtian Demon God.

He stepped out of the Starry Sky Continent and looked at Jiang Che deep in the starry sky.

"It's you!"

The eyes of Qingtian Demon God were filled with murderous intent.

"You dare to come here not long after you achieved enlightenment. I have to say that you are very courageous."

Demon God Qingtian spoke, and his voice shook the starry sky.

Jiang Che's face did not waver at all, and he looked at Demon God Qingtian quietly: "I have always been very courageous. I came here today just to do one thing, to take your life."

"Really, then I want to see how strong you are!"

Rolling demonic energy filled the air.

With the next breath, Demon God Qingtian moved instantly, and the vast demonic energy turned into a dark demonic seal and blasted directly towards Jiang Che.

"Era Divine Fist: Heavenly Reincarnation!"

A bright golden light rose behind Jiang Che and turned into a huge whirlpool of golden light. Terrifying power filled the air, and the magic seal struck together in an instant.


Large swathes of starry sky instantly collapsed and turned into primitive chaos.

Jiang Che stood in the starry sky, motionless.

With one strike, the supreme strike of the Qingtian Demon God was destroyed on the spot.

The figure also took a few steps back.

"Sure enough, there are two hits."

Qingtian Demon God's eyes narrowed and he raised his dignity.

"Creation of the Great Way!"

Jiang Che raised his hand and the third move exploded instantly.

In the starry sky, a majestic force swept across, and the Unparalleled Fist Seal burst out with the power to destroy everything. Wherever it went, everything collapsed.

The terrifying power was released, and the Starry Sky Continent instantly turned into powder and disappeared into thin air.

Billions of demons were wiped out in an instant.

The power of creation contains the supreme law of destruction, crushing everything.


Billions of stars trembled in the sky, and the figure of the Sky-holding Demon God stepped out from the primitive chaos.

The breath on his body vibrated.

This blow caused serious injuries.

But for a Yangshen-level being, this injury is not a problem.

"The blessing of the power of darkness is indeed powerful..."

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che's pupils shrank slightly.

The blow that fully inspired the creation of Dao was only slightly injured.

"Your strength is indeed good, but unfortunately, with the blessing of the power of darkness, you can't even think of leaving today!"

The voice of Qingtian Demon God sounded, and in the next breath, he raised his hand, and in the primitive chaos, a supreme power of darkness descended instantly.

Qingtian Demon God's momentum skyrocketed.

"The way to Qingtian, kill!"

Fusion of the power of darkness, the Qingtian Demon God surged in momentum, and struck Jiang Che instantly with a strike that shattered the starry sky.

Feeling this terrifying power, Jiang Che's expression also changed slightly.

The avenue of creation erupted again, and the law of destruction of the power of creation roared out like a dragon.

Running through the starry sky, the two avenues collided instantly.

Boom--! !

The terrifying power penetrated layers of time and space, and the entire firmament star field was affected.

Billions of stars turned into powder in an instant.

In the center of the destruction, two figures retreated violently.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Jiang Che's mouth.

In this collision, even the power of Dao Chuangshi could not defeat them, and they were evenly matched.

After all, he underestimated a demon god. No, to be precise, he underestimated the demon god with the increased power of darkness.

"Then give it a try!"


With a thought, Jiang Che instantly activated the Demon Book, and a terrifying wave of Tao instantly burst out from the Demon Book.


Jiang Che's aura surged, and in an instant, it improved a lot.

After receiving the increase of one of the avenues, Jiang Che now felt that nothing could stop him.

The supreme power of destruction.

His body was showing cracks, and it seemed that he could not withstand the force of his body.

But in an instant, Jiang Che suppressed it.

"The power of one's law is indeed extraordinary!"

Jiang Che's momentum surged, and the terrifying momentum was released. He looked at Demon God Qingtian, took one step forward, and instantly landed in front of Demon God Qingtian.


A simple punch landed directly on the Qingtian Demon God.

One blow directly destroyed the demon god's body.

Only his true spirit remains.

"Damn, what kind of power is this!"

Qingtian Demon God's expression changed drastically, and without any hesitation, he once again used the power of darkness and unleashed a supreme blow.

But the next second, Jiang Che raised his hand and directly shattered his magical power.


One blow destroyed the magical power and even penetrated his immortal spirit.

The momentum plummeted instantly! (End of chapter)

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