Chapter 41 Vibration
Thousands of pairs of eyes looked at the Demon Suppressing Tower in the void.

No one knows what happened.

Most of the disciples witnessed this legendary fairy artifact for the first time.

"It is said that the demon-suppressing tower is imprisoned with demon-level monsters. Could it be because the monsters in it want to break through the demon-suppressing tower?"

A Taoist disciple muttered to himself, staring at the demon-suppressing tower in the void of the sky, even if they were separated by a distance, they could still feel the destructive demonic aura.

If the demons from the Demon Town Tower break through the shackles and come to the world, it will definitely be a catastrophe.

Jiang Che also looked at the Demon Suppressing Tower in the void of the sky.

Judging from the vibration, it seems that there is a connection, but Jiang Che has no obvious evidence.

The demon book just vibrated for a moment, and then there was no movement.

Is it a coincidence?
Jiang Che didn't know, he looked up at the Demon Suppressing Tower in the sky.

"call out!!!"

And at this moment, on the top of Tongtian Peak, a ray of divine light shone in the sky, and in the next breath, a figure in a purple Taoist robe appeared in front of the Zhenyao Pagoda.

Standing in the void, his robe fluttering in the wind, he looked at the Demon Suppressing Tower in front of him with an extremely serious expression.

And this figure is the Supreme Headmaster of the Dao Sect, Feng Xuanji!
Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of breaking through the sky in the distance.

An old man in a white Taoist robe stepped on the void, and also came to the Demon Suppressing Tower in the void.

"Big elder!"

Jiang Che recognized the figure of the old man in white robes at a glance.

The movement of the Zhenyao Pagoda directly triggered the appearance of two Taoist giants.

And in the distance, one after another divine light came one after another.

Manifest your true face.

There are men and women, all of them are immortal, with outstanding demeanor and majestic momentum.

The elders of Daozong and more than half of the peak owners of Peak 72 also came.

Standing in the void, looking at the demon-suppressing tower manifesting in the void sky, even their faces were shocked.

This happened suddenly in the Demon Town Tower, and no one knew what was going on.

This has not happened for thousands of years.

"Could it be that there are really monsters who want to break through the Demon Town Tower and come to the world?"

A huge question mark appeared in everyone's mind.

In the void, the Headmaster looked dignified, and the Great Elder at the side also looked at the Demon Suppressing Tower in front of him with an extremely serious expression.

If the demons among them break through the Demon Suppressing Tower and come to the world, it will be a disaster for the entire Dao Sect and even the Eastern Desolation Continent!
"Headmaster, is there any problem with this?"

The Great Elder looked at Feng Xuanji beside him, and said seriously.

Feng Xuanji closed his eyes, and a ray of divine light rose. At the same time, the demon-suppressing tower manifested in the void sky also made a noise, and a vast aura filled the air.

Suddenly, Feng Xuanji opened his eyes and said: "There is no problem with the Demon Suppressing Tower, there may be some reason that caused the Demon Suppressing Tower to manifest."

"Brother doesn't know?"

The Great Elder frowned, looked at Feng Xuan and said mysteriously.

"The situation is unknown." Feng Xuanji shook his head.

"Open the void, and send the Town Demon Tower back to the void world!"

The mysterious wind sounded.

As soon as the words fell, Feng Xuanji raised his hand, and there was a bang, and a deafening thunder sounded through the heaven and earth.

The Great Elder didn't say much, and made a move at the same time, and a powerful fairy light bloomed.


Under the eyes of thousands of people, the void suddenly shattered, revealing a huge black hole.It was as if the sky had collapsed.

In the next breath, Feng Xuanji and the Great Elder burst out with divine light at the same time, blasting towards the Demon Suppressing Tower.


The Demon Suppressing Tower in the sky trembled and made a loud noise, and soon, the Demon Suppressing Tower, which was holding up the sky, was quickly swallowed by the black hole.

The terrifying evil spirit and the vast heavenly power disappeared in an instant.

It's just that there is still coercion left in the void, which makes everyone feel a strong sense of palpitation.

The Zhenyao tower sank into the black hole, and the collapsed sky quickly recovered, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

"Go away!"

After finishing all this, Feng Xuanji spoke.

The other peak masters and the Taoist elders looked at each other in dismay, and after saluting to Feng Xuanji, they turned and left.

Tian Qiong, Feng Xuanji and the Great Elder looked at each other, and the figures of the two giants also disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

At this moment, thousands of disciples around Tongtian Peak also came back to their senses one after another.

Suddenly this happened and no one knew what was going on.

This legendary Daozong fairy weapon has actually manifested, it feels like a dream.

How many disciples have never seen the beauty of the fairy weapon, but today they saw it.

Daozong's Zhenpai immortal artifact manifested out of thin air and appeared in full view.

"Isn't there something big going to happen when the fairy artifact manifests?"

"This guess may be possible!"

"The Demon Town Tower is an artifact that communicates with heaven and earth. If it suddenly manifests, something big must happen. I don't know if it's good or bad..."


Beside him, a group of Taoist disciples were discussing.

Jiang Che also withdrew his gaze. Hearing the discussions among the disciples, his consciousness turned to the demon book in his mind.

The mottled and simple bronze album is still quietly suspended in the depths of my mind, motionless.

"Does it really matter?"

"Should it be just a coincidence?"

The thoughts in Jiang Che's mind turned, and soon he came back to his senses.

No matter what, seeing Daozong's suppressive artifact today opened his eyes.

Immortal artifacts have the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

And the ability is terrifying, some fairy artifacts can turn back time and travel to the past and the future.

Extremely unbelievable.

As for immortal artifacts, only those who have attained the Lightning Tribulation Supreme can refine immortal artifacts.

It can't be refined after stepping into the Thunder Tribulation, it needs to be close to the stage of Immortal Yang God.

His master didn't even have the ability to refine immortal artifacts.

Its own strength has not yet reached the level that can refine immortal weapons.

In addition to post-celestial artifacts, there are also pre-celestial artifacts.

However, Jiang Che didn't know how the Xiantian Immortal Artifact was born, it was just a legend.

"If I have enough strength in the future, then I must take a look at the monsters in the Demon Town Tower!"

Looking at the void sky, Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

In the Zhenyao tower, there are all monsters at the level of demons!
If this person has the ability to kill one, the reward will definitely explode!

Of course, at present, he can only think about it.

Fairy-level monsters can be said to be immortal.

Even if they are completely restrained and let him kill while standing still, then he will not be able to kill.

If it can be easily killed, then there is no need to imprison it in the Demon Town Tower and spend thousands of years obliterating it.

"Let's go to the Hall of Merit to see the mission first..."

Calming his mind, Jiang Che walked up the path of Tongtian Peak.


A few moments later, on Tongtian Peak, halfway up the mountain, Jiang Che came to the front of the Hall of Merit.

The Hall of Merit and Virtue is more than ten feet high, the whole body is black, and it looks solemn and solemn.

At the gate, there were other Taoist disciples.

Most of them are from Shenhai or above.

Those who can receive the mission basically need the cultivation of Shenhai.

The gas-gathering environment is just the foundation, and it is not yet possible to receive these powerful tasks.

of course there are exceptions.

Jiang Che also saw one or two people in the Qi Gathering Realm.

There are many tasks in the Hall of Merit.

In addition to the task of killing demons and eliminating demons, there are also some relatively simple collection tasks.

The one with the highest merit is without a doubt the task of slaying demons.

In addition to the corresponding merit, there can also be other rich rewards.

These tasks come from all over Dagan.

In addition to the rewards from the sect, the employer will also have certain rewards.

Get money rewards.

Among the fairy gates, most of them are traded with spirit stones, and spirit stones are also a currency among fairy gates.

But worldly money is also important.

After all, there are still a small number of practitioners of Xianmen, and most of them in the world of mortals are money transactions.

Of course, spirit stones can also be exchanged for secular money.

A low-grade spirit stone is worth twelve taels of gold!

And this kind of exchange can only be exchanged by banks in big cities.

Of course, the major immortal gates can also be exchanged.

Daozong can be exchanged.

Jiang Che has always had dozens of taels of gold on him, which was given to him by Jiang Hong at the beginning, but after entering the Immortal Sect, Jiang Che is basically useless.

Looking at the Taoist disciples coming in and out of the gate, Jiang Che stepped into the Hall of Merit and Virtue.

(End of this chapter)

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