Chapter 42
The Hall of Merit and Virtue is very large, with three floors in total.

Looking up, the dome is wide, and on the second floor, several Taoist disciples can be seen.

The first floor is the hall, and the second floor is the place to receive tasks.

Stepping into the lobby, Jiang Che took a look, and without stopping, he walked towards the second floor.

At the same time, two figures appeared out of thin air in Tongtian Peak, in the depths of Daozong's main hall.

They are the Supreme Master and the Great Elder.

Sitting on the chair, the Headmaster frowned, spread his hands, and a clear projection appeared in his palm, which looked like the Town Demon Tower.

Looking at the projection of the Town Demon Tower in his palm, the Headmaster frowned even deeper.

"Brother, why did such a change happen? You really can't find out?"

On the side, the Great Elder looked at Feng Xuanji with a solemn expression.

The Demon Suppressing Pagoda is the Taoist Suppressing Immortal Tool.

For so many years, there has been no disturbance, but today there is a sudden change, which is very illogical.

The spirit of the fairy artifact communicates with the world!
When this happens, something big is bound to happen.

Feng Xuanji looked at the projection of the Town Demon Tower in his palm, stared at it for a moment, and shook hands, the projection dissipated.

"The Town Demon Tower has changed because it was attracted by some kind of external force."

The mysterious wind sounded.

The Great Elder's expression became more dignified, he looked at Feng Xuanji, and said: "Brother, what do you mean... Could it be that there are other demons sneaking into my Taoist sect?"

"That's not what it means." Feng Xuanji shook his head.

Great Elder: "???"

"That's not what it means? What does that mean?"

Looking at Feng Xuanji, the Great Elder was even more puzzled.

"This external force dissipated in just an instant. If there is a demon immortal sneaking into the Taoist sect, it will not be able to hide from the induction of the Demon Suppressing Tower."

Feng Xuanji said slowly.

"Then senior brother means... a coincidence?"

The Great Elder was slightly taken aback and looked at him.

"Probably so." Feng Xuanji nodded.

"Brother, if you communicate with the Demon Suppressing Tower, could it be that you can't calculate this external force?"

Looking at Feng Xuanji, the Great Elder came back to his senses and said.

"This external force cannot be deduced. It is shielded by heavenly secrets, and even the Demon Town Tower cannot track it."

Feng Xuanji shook his head.

"Brother, do you think this matter is good or bad for my Daozong?" the Great Elder asked with his brows furrowed.

"I can't see the clue yet, so I can only wait. If the induction reappears next time, maybe I can track it down." Feng Xuanji said seriously.

The Great Elder nodded, looked at Feng Xuanji again, and said, "Senior Brother, the things in the Demon Suppressing Tower won't come out, right?"

"No, don't worry, the millennium suppression has wiped out part of it, unless the Demon Suppressing Tower suffers an external impact." Feng Xuanji shook his head and said.

"That's good."

Hearing this, the Great Elder breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense nerves also relaxed.

"If this matter gets out, other fairy sects will probably make noise."

After pondering for a while, the Great Elder spoke.

"Hehe, then come on, reward them for their strength!"

A cold light flashed in Feng Xuanji's eyes.

"Brother, I'm not worried about them, but those old ghosts of the Demon Sect. Although there has been no major movement these years, they have been secretly eager to move." The elder said solemnly.

Feng Xuanji lowered his head slightly.

After a while, he said: "It's enough to pay attention to precautions. They don't dare to be too presumptuous. Their strength has been weakened in the battle between righteousness and evil thousands of years ago."

"I'm afraid of colluding with outside forces, it will be troublesome." The elder said seriously.

"It depends on random." Feng Xuanji said four words.

The Great Elder nodded, then saluted Feng Xuanji, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Watching the figure of the Great Elder disappear out of thin air, Feng Xuanji spread his hand again, and the projection of the Town Demon Tower appeared in his palm again.

"A troubled world is about to start..."

Feng Xuanji muttered to himself, looking at the projection of the Demon Suppressing Tower in his palm, he fell into deep thought.


"Are you sure you want to take this task?"

On the second floor, in a room, the deacon Fang Zhong looked at the 16-year-old boy in front of him and said.

"Well, I've accepted this task." Jiang Che nodded, holding the jade slip in his hand.

"...Okay, then register, and give me the ID card." Fang Zhong nodded without saying anything.

Jiang Che immediately took out the identity jade badge and handed it to the deacon in front of him.

Soon, the registration was completed, and Jiang Che also received his first mission.

"Thank you, Deacon Fang."

Jiang Che saluted with a smile.

"This task is challenging, you should pay more attention." Looking at Jiang Che, Fang Zhong said calmly.

"Disciple understands." Jiang Che nodded.

Fang Zhong waved his hand, and Jiang Che immediately left the room.

"This young man, I hope he is not too ambitious."

Seeing Jiang Che's leaving figure, Fang Zhong sighed inwardly.

"However, it may be possible to be favored by the Great Elder and Peak Master Xuan, and the progress is so rapid in less than half a year. Maybe there is a way..."


After stepping out of the Hall of Merit and Virtue, Jiang Che walked down the mountain.

He received his first assignment.

It is also a very satisfying mission to kill monsters.

It is a place called "Baling City".

There was a demon, which caused a big local family to suffer a lot.

Six or seven people died.

And this monster also has some Taoism. Not only did some immortals who slay demons and eliminate demons not succeed in eliminating demons, but were severely injured, and even several were killed directly.

The degree of difficulty is full of challenges to Jiang Che.

However, the more so, the higher the reward after success.

Earning merit and making money came second, Jiang Che cared more about rewards from the Demon Book.

Judging from the data, this demon is probably a demon-level monster.

The lowest is comparable to the Divine Sea Realm.

But definitely not up to the level of true meaning.

Although there are challenges.

But Jiang Che thought he also had confidence in his heart.

His hole card is not vegetarian either.

The Heavenly Sword Jue taught by Xuan Miaoyin, he is using even more proficiently now.

Can form a sword array, the power is even more terrifying.

There is also progress in the magic seal of Tianlong Town.

The two kinds of divine king true qi are not like before, and they lose their resistance with one move.

All three times.

This is the qualitative change produced by the fusion of his two true qis.

It will also be more powerful.

If you want to do it, just do one vote.

Furthermore, even if his true energy is exhausted, his martial arts cultivation is not vegetarian.

Comparable to the qi and blood of the innate master of the fifth realm, his own qi and blood alone are enough to suppress and kill ordinary spirits and monsters.

After leaving Tongtian Peak, Jiang Che flew with his sword.

The preparations were ready, he didn't return to Little Qiong Peak, but went directly to the gate of Dao Zong Mountain.


After a while, Jiang Che completely left the Daozong mountain gate, and took out a map. This is the map of the Dagan border, and determined the direction of Baling City.

Jiang Che immediately headed towards Baling City.


At a height of hundreds of feet, Jiang Che walked with a flying sword on his feet.

The height of this position is very suitable.

With his true energy, Yujian can fly thousands of miles, and he can support it.

The quality of powerful true energy, in terms of consumption, is at most one-two-tenth.

There is no need to protect the body with true energy, and the powerful physical body can completely resist the force of the wind.

Looking down at the mountains and rivers, Jiang Che didn't stop for a moment.

Daozong Mountain Gate also gradually disappeared from sight.


Mountain villages, towns, passing by one by one.

Jiang Che flew across the sky like a bird in the sky.

Completely leaving the scope of the Taoist sect, Jiang Che opened his eyes to look down at the mountains and rivers.

Sporadic mortal flames appeared in the eyes.

Compared with Daozong's mortal fire, these mortal fires are like flames, which seem to be blown out with one breath.

Opening the eyes of the sky will also consume a certain amount of true energy, but this consumption is almost equivalent to nothing for Jiang Che.

The purpose of opening the sky eye is just to see if there are any monsters appearing.

The eye of the sky can check the fire of the world of mortals, and similarly, it can also check the evil spirit of demons.

Unless it is a big demon king who surpasses too many monsters, Jiang Che is still unable to find them out, and those below him cannot escape his heavenly eyes.

If we can meet each other, Jiang Che doesn't mind to slay demons and demons!
(End of this chapter)

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