I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 88 Sweeping the Army and Killing the Martial Saint 【Subscription】

Chapter 88 Sweeping Thousands of Armies and Killing the Martial Saint 【Subscription】

The sky is like ink.

Dark clouds cover the sky!

A little bit of starlight shines on the earth from the clouds.

On the ground, Crane City crawled like a giant black iron beast.

In the air, there is a bloody aura.


In the suburbs, on the hills, several people waited patiently.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Until late at night, when the sky and the earth were completely plunged into darkness, the three of them quietly appeared in the darkness.


The figure was like the wind, and the three of them moved forward like ghosts in the night.

In an instant, the three of them came to a place less than three miles away from Crane City.

"I can't get any closer, this position is about the same."

Looking at Crane City three miles away, Jiang Hao said in a low voice.

Bai Yutang nodded slightly, and immediately, the two turned their gazes to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che instantly understood.

The map of mountains and rivers manifests, hiding the divine light.


Shentu trembled, and in the next breath, soldiers of the Black Water Army appeared out of thin air.

In ten breaths, one hundred thousand black water troops appeared on the plain.

Chilling air pervades.

Dressed in black armor, under the darkness of night, each and every soldier of the Black Water Army seemed to be in harmony with the heaven and the earth.

Jiang Che also took out the siege weapon at the same time.

More than a dozen tall god cannons appeared.

The dark and deep cannon muzzle bloomed with a gloomy color.

The God Cannon and the God Arrow Crossbow are all large-scale destructive weapons developed by the Dagan God Machine Battalion.

In particular, the power of the God Cannon is the most terrifying, attacking the city and conquering the territory, there is no disadvantage!

"call out!!!"

The army appeared, and Bai Yutang instantly fired a signal firework.

In the next breath, the black sky burst into light, and brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky.


The signal firework was launched, and in the next breath, one hundred thousand black water troops advanced at full speed in an instant, pushed the god artillery, and rushed directly to Crane City.

The earth trembled.

On the city wall, more than a dozen guards had just seen the sudden burst of fireworks, and taking advantage of the light from the explosion of the fireworks, they saw the large black figure.


This scene instantly made more than a dozen guards gasp.

The earth trembled.

It's like the sky is falling apart.

"Enemy attack!!"

"Enemy attack!!"

"The big army is coming!"

The sound of fear resounded above the city wall, instantly breaking the tranquility of the night.

In the next breath, a flame soaring to the sky came from the earth.


The God Cannon was fired instantly, and exploded directly. A terrifying air wave swept across, killing more than a dozen guards on the city wall in an instant.



More than a dozen divine cannons were fired, and terrifying shells exploded on the city wall.


The defense of Crane City was broken in an instant, and the city gate was directly destroyed.




A roar like an iron-blooded lion tore through the tranquility of the night, and a hundred thousand black water troops rushed into Crane City like a torrent.

In the city, there was chaos in an instant.

The Black Water Army swept the invincible with the technique of joint attack.

The iron-blooded evil spirit impacted, and the quiet Crane City exploded in an instant.

The smell of fresh blood filled the void.

One by one, the cult monsters were slaughtered in front of the Black Water Army.

The attack is combined and the action is fast.

The screams kept ringing.

The Blackwater Army moves quickly and its combat effectiveness is invincible.

In the city, the Blood God Cult and the Black Lotus monster were directly obliterated before they could react.

Although he reacted quickly, he still couldn't stop the Blackwater Army's charge.

Divine soldiers descended from the sky, sweeping away thousands of troops!
Looking at this scene, Jiang Che's eyelids twitched wildly.

The black water army's combined attack and attack was faster and more violent than he had imagined.

Although it was a divine soldier descending from the sky, he probably predicted that there would be a tragic battle, but looking at it now, it was a completely one-sided massacre.

With iron and blood evil energy protecting the body, all demonic arts and Taoist arts will be ineffective.

In a close combat, the city was torn to pieces in an instant.

At this moment, the great iron-blooded lion came out of the cage, crushing everything with invincible force.

In front of the army, unless you reach an absolute gap, otherwise, it will be futile.

With one hundred thousand black water troops, Wu Sheng would die if he faced head-on.

The giant Yuanshen also had to fall.

The iron-blooded evil spirit of the Black Water Army can ignore Taoism and magic.

It is impossible to break the defense at all.

Unless you reach the Supreme of Thunder Tribulation, or you have a number of Primordial God-level giants and Martial Saint-level existences.



Completely crushed!
As soon as the Blackwater Army made a move, it immediately launched the massacre mode.

The more you kill, the stronger the iron-blooded aura becomes, and the void is shaken by the endless iron-blooded aura.

The clouds in the sky were torn apart by the iron-blooded evil spirit of the Blackwater Army, and the bright moonlight shone from the sky.

In Crane City, blood flowed like a river.

Whether it is a cult monster or a demon or a ghost, they are all wiped out.

Jiang Che followed the army, and a black sail appeared in his hand.

Inspired by his true energy, he followed behind the army, quietly harvesting the souls of these cult monsters.

Follow the army and be invincible.

There are no ghosts and ghosts that can get close to them. The iron-blooded evil spirit is too strong, and there is a natural restraint against these ghosts and ghosts.

One person is not strong, but the iron-blooded aura of a hundred thousand black water troops is enough to shake the world!
The army is invincible!

This is where the army is terrifying.

Li Hunfan kept waving in his hand, and the souls of monsters and goblins were imprisoned by Li Hunfan.

In a short time, the Lihunfan in Jiang Che's hand had reached hundreds of thousands of souls.

Li Hunfan's aura instantly increased tenfold.

Jiang Che could even feel the excitement signal from Li Hunfan.

The magic weapon of the evil way is bloodthirsty!

The situation here completely inspired Li Hunfan.


There was an explosion in the distance, and a powerful shock wave swept in, and the two figures clashed at top speed.

One of them was his elder brother Jiang Hao.

And the one who fought against Jiang Hao was also a Martial Saint-level existence.

The two martial saints fought, and the surrounding houses were destroyed like grass and trees.

Qi and blood billowed like wolf smoke!
The energy collided, and the air exploded.

The other Martial Saint was wearing a blood-colored robe, and his body was filled with a strong breath of blood.

Like a monster stepping out of blood.

Fighting against Jiang Hao, he didn't lose the slightest bit.

Jiang Che glanced at the battle, and basically understood the identity of this blood-robed man.

A giant of the Blood God Cult.

Known as the Heavenly Blood Saint!

It is a giant stationed in Crane City!

Jiang Che did not intervene for the time being, and continued to use Li Hunfan to harvest demon souls.

A martial sage can't afford to make waves.

The evil cult monsters were defeated, as long as most of them were slaughtered, and finally attacked with the combined technique of the army, the martial saint would also die!
Harvesting with the army is the safest way.


A terrifying sword qi tore through the sky, the sword qi cut, and quickly slashed towards the Heavenly Blood Saint.

Jiang Che glanced, and it was Bai Yutang who made the move.

As soon as the sword came out of his body, the Heavenly Blood Sage suffered some damage in an instant.

With Bai Yutang's joining, the two teamed up and instantly reversed from a tie to gain the upper hand.

Although Bai Yutang is not a martial saint, but his swordsmanship is superb, and joining hands with Jiang Hao, the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint was defeated in an instant.

This time, Jiang Che also understood why he was called Excalibur Bai Yutang.

This sword technique is indeed terrifying!


Li Hunfan radiated a gloomy light, harvesting another wave of souls.

The aura it exudes is even three points stronger than the top-grade Lingbao.

At this moment, there are no less than tens of thousands of imprisoned souls in Li Hunfan.

Following the army's actions, Jiang Che made a lot of money in the first wave.

Crane City was also completely occupied by the Black Water Army.

Cult monsters and demons, who die, who flee.

The Divine Soldier descended from heaven to plan to kill a person who was caught off guard.

The effect has also reached an unprecedented level.

While harvesting souls, Jiang Che was also carrying out hunting operations.

The Demon Book kept vibrating, and rewards appeared one by one.

The gloomy font keeps refreshing like a barrage.


Holding the demon-suppressing seal in his hand, he smashed it down, and the demon in front of him was wiped out instantly.

The font is rendered again.

The Monster Book gave an evaluation reward: Huangzi Yipin!
Most of them are wild word rewards.

There are very few rewards for Hongzi.

However, under his frantic hunting, the number is large.

In a few quarters of an hour, more than 100 were hunted down.

The high-quality rewards are less, but the victory lies in the large quantity!

With a flash of his figure, Jiang Che instantly disappeared in place.

The situation in the city is almost over. Now, he should prepare for a sneak attack plan and kill the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint.

He definitely can't miss this big reward!
The energy impacted, and the sword energy roared.

The scars on the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint's body also increased.


With a roar, bright red light erupted from his whole body instantly, and his blood condensed a little, breaking through the encirclement circle of the two of them, and his body disappeared quickly like lightning.


But in the next breath, a golden seal as huge as a hill appeared out of thin air, and the seal fell on the body of the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint.


The body fell to the ground, destroying the house, and the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint was also hit by a surprise attack and vomited blood.


As soon as he reacted, there was a dragon roar, and a sky dragon as big as several feet manifested, with great momentum, it turned into a giant seal, and smashed down again.


The whole street trembled for a moment, the surrounding bricks and stones instantly turned into powder, and a powerful shock wave swept around and whizzed past.

A bloody figure in a panic rushed out, his whole body was covered with scars, dripping with blood, it was too horrible to look at.

"Made, why is this guy's life so tough!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched wildly. Under the continuous sneak attack, the blood martial saint's vitality was still tenacious this day.

Wu Sheng's life defense power is also abnormal to the level of Chuqi.

But at this moment, the attacks of Jiang Hao and Bai Yutang also came instantly.

The two teamed up and directly hit the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint.

Like a flying stone, his body smashed through the house and smashed into the ruins.

Second hit.


The moment he smashed into the ruins, red light bloomed, and the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint reappeared, spitting out blood, and the blood on his body was weakened a lot.

Under continuous heavy injuries, the strength of the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint was greatly reduced.

But that's the case, but he is still not dead.

But at this moment, spiritual talismans swept across the sky and cover the sky.

Like an arrow hitting.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Thunder and lightning, flames, and rays of light bloomed, and powerful shock waves swept around.

Jiang Che shot again.

Hundreds of high-level talismans were thrown out in one breath.

Although he felt distressed, he would not hesitate to kill this Martial Saint.

He still has a lot of talismans, and he is well-prepared for coming out this time.

Lightning flames enveloped the body of the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint, and the scream sounded instantly.


Watching this scene, Bai Yutang and Jiang Hao's eyelids jumped wildly.

There are hundreds of attacking talismans, so the power is not small. If you get hit by them, the taste will be unbearable.


In my mind, the demon book vibrated, and a purple light group appeared.

Huge Hunyuan!

Very eye-catching!

Jiang Che's eyes also showed dark characters.

The ninth grade of Zhou Zi!

The Heavenly Blood Martial Saint was killed, and under continuous heavy injuries, the last magic talisman attack directly obliterated this Martial Saint-level existence.

The powerful vitality is also completely over!
"Ninth grade of Zhou Zi!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

Cosmic word reward, this was the first time he had such a high reward.

This result also greatly exceeded his expectations.

Quickly regaining consciousness, Li Hunfan in his hand moved, and a faint light bloomed. This Martial Saint-level soul, Jiang Che, did not let go, and directly detained him.

The breath of Li Hunfan in his hand became even more terrifying.

Jiang Hao and Bai Yutang also came in front of him.

"Third brother, why do you have such evil things?"

"Soul restraint, this method is harmful to the peace of heaven! It may also be disadvantageous to your future practice."

Looking at Jiang Che, Jiang Hao frowned slightly.

Jiang Che smiled and said, "Brother, don't worry, this method is only used against monsters, it won't harm the peace of heaven, and killing monsters is also a merit of heaven and earth."


As soon as the words fell, a piece of golden light like a golden auspicious cloud poured into Jiang Che's body in the void.

In an instant, his breath rose by three points.

Bai Yutang: "..."

Jiang Hao: "..."

Heaven and earth merit?

Both of them wondered if they were delusional.

How can this be able to obtain the merits of heaven and earth?

Why didn't I get the merits of heaven and earth?

The two looked at each other.

The two also have the cultivation base of true mood, opened the eyes of the sky, and can see the merits of heaven and earth descending.


Isn't this something rare?
They have only seen it in books, but they have never seen it.

Today, this is the first time to witness the legendary merit of heaven and earth.

Can you get it by killing a cult monster?
Although they haven't killed Wu Sheng, but in the Blackwater Army, it is not without existence that can kill Wu Sheng.

It just seems that I have never heard of any merits from heaven and earth descending.


Jiang Che let out a breath of foul air.

Entering the body with merit not only restores the true energy in the body, but also improves it to a higher level.

His soul also became stronger, with a little more yang energy.

"Brother Jiang, at my age, this is the first time I've seen the merits of heaven and earth come down."

Bai Yutang couldn't help but speak.

"Is it difficult to obtain? It shouldn't be difficult." Jiang Che blinked his eyes with an innocent look on his face.

Bai Yutang: "..."

Jiang Hao: "..."

Is the merit of daring to love heaven and earth mediocre in you?
Is this blessed by heaven?
It is so easy to obtain the merits of heaven and earth?

Looking at Jiang Che, the two felt their hearts twitch.

But now there is no time to ask more questions, and the two left immediately to command the army to wipe out the remaining enemies in the city.


An hour later.

The battle in Crane City has also completely calmed down.

The cult monsters were wiped out.

And killed a giant of the Blood God Cult.

It's just that a giant of the soul of the Black Lotus Sect escaped.

But it's also great.

Although the Black Water Army suffered hundreds of casualties, it also killed tens of thousands of cult monsters.

This ratio is almost a complete victory!
The iron-blooded lion army, coupled with the magic soldiers descending from the sky, made a surprise move, and only then did they achieve this big victory.

The evil spirits of demons and bloody resentment that permeated Crane City were also dissipated by the iron-blooded evil spirits of the Black Water Army.

This hellish city, as long as it is restored after a period of time, it can still show the prosperity of the past!

(End of this chapter)

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