Chapter 89
The battle lasted less than two hours.

The situation in Crane City has been completely calmed down.

The remaining Black Water Army also began to clean up the battlefield.

And Jiang Hao also issued an order to collect all the blood essence of demons.

Although there are not many monsters, there are also many.


Can't be wasted.


To wipe out the remnants of the enemy, Jiang Che and his party also came to the Mansion of the Lord of Crane City.

In the hall, ten commanders and deputy commanders appeared.

Jiang Hao and Bai Yutang sat on the head side by side.

Jiang Che was also sitting at the top on the left.

Bright smiles appeared on the faces of all the leaders.

Looking at Jiang Che, many commanders were full of admiration.

If it weren't for Jiang Che's treasure, it would be absolutely easy to win Crane City.

Bai Yutang glanced around and landed on one person, and his voice sounded: "Commander Yuan, immediately send an order to City Lord Chu to arrange personnel to take over Crane City and restore it quickly."

"Yes, this subordinate will send the order."

A leader nodded, and then used a voice transmission order to announce the situation of Crane City.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yutang looked at the other commander again, "Commander Mo, order the entire army to quickly clean up the battlefield. I will rest here and leave when the personnel who take over Crane City arrive."


"Commander Yu, send scouts to investigate the situation in the four cities, there must be no mistakes!"


"I wonder if Brother Jiang has anything else to say?"

After giving the order, Bai Yutang looked at Jiang Haodao.

"No, today's battle was quite enjoyable. I don't know what's going on in the other four cities."

Jiang Hao smiled and said.

Great first battle!

He was in a good mood.

"Crane City is shattered, and the four cities will definitely take action. It is estimated that they will be defeated without a fight, and it may not be possible to run ahead of time."

Bai Yutang opened the mouth and said.

"It's possible." Jiang Hao nodded.

"Then let's rest first. Fortunately, there are two of us in today's battle. Otherwise, we wouldn't have won so easily."

Bai Yutang smiled.

"It's a matter of course to protect the country's borders." Jiang Che smiled.


After a while, Jiang Che left the hall.

I chose a room in the City Lord's Mansion.

With the talisman on guard, Jiang Che couldn't wait to sit by the bed, and with a thought, he began to withdraw the reward.

There are hundreds of wild character rewards.

There are only a dozen of flood rewards.

And what Jiang Che cares about the most is the only reward of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi.

This is also the first time he has exploded with such a high reward.

It is also what Jiang Che looks forward to the most.

The light bloomed, and an inscription appeared in his mind.

After a while, Jiang Che opened his eyes.

The first reward.

Spells, sprinkle beans into military art!

Jiang Che didn't stop, and directly started to withdraw the second reward.


The sky turned white, and Jiang Che stayed up all night.

Withdraw overnight rewards.

Hundreds of wild character rewards were all withdrawn, and more than a dozen flood character rewards were also withdrawn.

Most of them are pills, talismans, spells, and a small amount of magic weapons.

In addition, there are some special treasures.

Yin Electron Mother Thunder!
A one-time lethal magic weapon with great power and an additional effect on the soul.

Yuanyang Shenshui strengthens the foundation and cultivates the essence.

There is also a reward for a book of secret techniques in the room, which Jiang Che really did not expect.

The rewards that burst out can be said to be all kinds of strange things.

After categorizing them one by one, Jiang Che took a deep breath and regained his spirit.

All the rewards were withdrawn, only the last reward of the ninth grade of the universe character was left.

Look at the sky outside.

Jiang Che settled down, and as soon as he thought about it, he directly took the last reward.


There was a flash of light, and the next breath, the ground trembled, and a milky white stone as tall as a person appeared in front of him.


Looking at the milky-white stone that was as tall as a person in front of him, Jiang Che froze for a moment.

What is this?
A huge question mark appeared in his mind.

Looking at the milky white stone as tall as a person in front of him, he was a little confused.

The milky white stone exudes a dao rhyme like a picture of mountains and rivers, and the luster flowing in it can be faintly seen.

Jiang Che felt it was unbelievable that such a stone would explode from the reward of the ninth grade of Zhou Zi.

And at this moment, the dark font appeared in his eyes.

Yuanling Taoist Embryo: Innate spiritual embryo, splitting a part of the primordial spirit into the master, can become an excellent incarnation outside the body, born with Taoism, practicing immortality like a fish in water, becoming a clone, which can give back to the main body at all times, the stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the feedback, and can have cultivation strength beyond the realm of the main body, completely controlled by the main body, the main body falls, and can be resurrected with the help of the avatar...

The words appeared in the eyes, and Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

In the twin pupils, a ray of scorching heat appeared in an instant.

Big Bang!

Jiang Che's heart couldn't help beating a few times.

The rewards of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi exceeded expectations.

This Yuanling Taoist fetus is even better than imagined.

And the most important point is that the body dies, and it can be resurrected with the help of the Yuanling Dao Embryo.

Although there is a stand-in doll, the overall performance of the Yuanling Taoist fetus is not comparable to the stand-in doll.

Born with a spiritual fetus, practicing the immortal way is like a fish in water!

Moreover, it can also feed back its own energy.

This is also very powerful!

The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the feedback!
Even if you don't need to practice, you can easily improve.

The further you go, the more difficult it is to practice.

With Yuanling Taoist fetus, he is equivalent to cheating!

Moreover, it is the best helper.

With enough strength, when fighting, suddenly appearing to sneak attack, the effect...



At this moment, the door knocked, and Jiang Che came back to his senses in an instant.

With one thought, he quickly included the Yuanling Taoist fetus in the picture of mountains and rivers.

"Third brother, are you awake?"

Jiang Hao's voice came from outside the door.

Jiang Che also came back to his senses in an instant.

"Wake up, brother, what's the matter?"

Jiang Che immediately stood up and spoke, walked to the door, and opened the door.

The door opened, and Jiang Hao appeared in his eyes carrying two large jars.

A strong bloody smell permeated the air, accompanied by a demonic aura.

"This is the collected demon blood, for you."

Jiang Hao handed the two big jars to Jiang Chedao.

"so much?!"

Jiang Che's eyelids twitched.

Jiang Hao smiled and said: "Last night, we killed a lot of monsters, and some of them were wasted, otherwise, there would be more."

"Two cans, brother, you can keep one can."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"No, I kept a little, enough to improve."

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"That's fine." Jiang Che nodded, and put the two jars of demon blood into the storage bag.

"Brother, when are you leaving for the next city?"

Jiang Che asked.

"The situation has not been reported yet. I guess we have to wait. I probably won't leave today, and tomorrow will be the soonest. When the person who has been taken over by Crane City arrives, I can leave."

Jiang Hao opened his mouth and said.

"That's fine, just take a day off." Jiang Che nodded.

"Okay, you can continue to rest, I'm going to practice." Jiang Hao said.

Jiang Che nodded, watched Jiang Hao leave, and then closed the door.

Sitting on the side of the bed, Jiang Che moved with a thought, and with the next breath, his figure disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared in the map of mountains and rivers.

Yuan Ling Dao Embryo appeared in front of him.

Looking at the milky white Yuanling Dao fetus in front of him, Jiang Che couldn't help reaching out and touching it, it was very smooth, just like the touch of real skin.

Immediately, Jiang Che stabilized his mind, and his soul came out of his body, appearing in the void.


As soon as the soul moved, a ray of soul was split, turned into invisible light, and quickly entered the womb of the main spirit.

After splitting a strand of soul, his soul was slightly weakened, but the effect was not great.

It is just divided, not destroyed, and it will be restored soon.

After splitting the soul and quickly returning to the body, Jiang Che opened his eyes.


There was a violent heartbeat from the Yuanling Taoist fetus in front of him.

A breath of life overflowed from the Dao Embryo God Stone.

Jiang Che's eyes were piercing, fixedly staring at the Yuanling Taoist fetus in front of him.


There was another beating sound like thunder, and the overflowing vitality became stronger.


The third muffled thunder beat, and a ray of light visible to the naked eye flowed in the Taoist God Stone.



The ninth muffled thunder sounded, and the light in the Taoist God Stone became stronger and stronger, and cracks appeared.


There was a breaking sound, and a crack appeared on the smooth surface of the Daotai Divine Stone.

Continuously spread, all over the top and bottom.

The majestic spirit of life emerged.

In the next breath, white light blooms like the sun.

Jiang Che subconsciously closed his eyes.


With a tremor, the Dao Embryo Divine Stone completely shattered, and a white mist filled the air. In the mist, a figure with the same height as Jiang Che appeared.

The luster flickers, like a fairy descending into the world.

A huge Dao Yun Qi swept over.

Jiang Che took one breath, and the next breath, his soul was shaken, and his weakened soul instantly recovered to its peak.

And at this moment, the white mist was completely absorbed by the figure, the light dispersed, and a naked figure appeared in front of Jiang Che.

The eyebrows are three points similar to Jiang Che's, his eyes are full of spirit, and he is full of vitality, just like a real person.

Their eyes met, and Jiang Che seemed to have a sympathetic feeling with this figure.

His figure is stronger than his, and his muscles are knotted, showing a sense of strength.

Jiang Che took out a set of brocade clothes, and the figure in front of him instantly understood and put them on directly.

With a thought, Jiang Che seemed to feel that he could descend into his body.

Just like your own body.

And this is the incarnation outside the body transformed by the Yuanling Taoist fetus.

In addition, Jiang Che could also feel a ray of innate consciousness in the avatar outside his body.

Blend with his soul and become a new individual existence.

But he dominated absolutely.

The incarnation outside the body is not as dull and dull as a puppet. The innate consciousness blends with his soul, and the combination of new consciousness is no different from a real person.

With a single thought, Jiang Che instantly passed on the practice method of the avatar outside his body, and the gods and kings of the heavens watched the idea!

In addition, there are various spells, supernatural powers and swordsmanship, all of which Jiang Che taught to the avatar outside his body.

After stepping into the practice, you can directly cast spells and supernatural powers.

The main body understands, the incarnation outside the body does not need to comprehend thoroughly, and can be used directly.

For the spells that Jiang Che didn't know, he also gave the avatar outside his body. After the avatar outside the body penetrated, he could directly cast them on his own body.

The innate spiritual fetus contains the innate dao rhyme, and it may be stronger than this deity when he cultivates.

"Yuan Ling Taoist, from then on, you will be called Yuan Ling."

Jiang Che spoke.

The incarnation outside the body in front of him understood instantly, bowed and saluted like a real person: "Yuan Ling has seen the master."


Jiang Che nodded in satisfaction, and then communicated with Yuan Ling for a while before leaving the map of mountains and rivers.

The map of mountains and rivers can absorb the aura of the outside world, and he can let Yuan Ling practice in the map of mountains and rivers with peace of mind.

All kinds of magical powers that burst out can also be comprehended through practice.

Even the art of making talismans, alchemy, and weapon refining, Jiang Che threw all of them to Yuan Ling.

Born with Dao rhyme, it can be said to be very fast in practicing magic and supernatural powers.

Before, he couldn't chew too much, but now that Yuan Ling has cultivated, that means he has cultivated.

Jiang Che quietly paid attention to it for a while, and within a quarter of an hour, Yuan Ling directly drew Qi into his body, achieving the first level of Qi Gathering.

Its speed is even more perverted than his original one.

At this very moment, Jiang Che could feel his zhenqi slightly increase.

Although it is almost imperceptible, Jiang Che can still perceive it with his keen soul spirit.

Being able to cultivate to the first level of Qi Gathering so quickly is also because the body has comprehended the realm, so it can be so fast.

Now he is in the middle stage of the true state of mind. It can be said that Yuan Ling can go all the way before the middle stage of the true state of mind!
And after reaching the middle stage of the true state of mind, you need to comprehend it yourself.

With the incarnation outside his body comprehended, he can also go all the way without any barriers.

Common one.

It has an innate consciousness of self, and it is completely under Jiang Che's control.

This is also the metamorphosis of the Yuanling Taoist fetus.

And it's not just the feedback on the cultivation level, but also the spiritual feedback.

"The feeling of lying really comfortable."

Exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Che's eyes flooded.

With Yuan Ling, he would have no problem even lying flat completely.

Of course, you still have to kill the demon if you want to kill the demon!
The feeling of exploding rewards is as refreshing as ascending to heaven.


A faint light flashed, and Jiang Che took out Li Hunfan.

A terrifying breath overflowed from Li Hunfan.

The soul came out of his body, and Jiang Che instantly entered Li Hunfan's space.


The sound of howling ghosts and wolves sounded, and countless demons roared and screamed.

The number of harvested souls reached over ten thousand.

Among them, the most powerful soul is the Heavenly Blood Martial Saint.

The soul enters the sail, and the overwhelming monster Lihun sweeps in.

Jiang Che's soul stood in the void, with a bright smile on his face.

The Soul Eater broke out and devoured!


Youzhou, Yuandu.

City Lord's Mansion.

in the library.

Chu Xiong stood in front of the window of the study, looking at the direction of Crane City.

In the middle of the night, he suddenly received a message from Crane City.

Bai Yutang and Jiang Hao led the Black Water Army to wipe out the Hecheng cult demons in one fell swoop.

After receiving this situation, Chu Xiong wondered if the servant's report had gone wrong.

But after repeated confirmation, the situation in Crane City has indeed stabilized.

After knowing the specific situation, Chu Xiong's heart jumped a few times.

According to the news I got, only three people left the Blackwater Army garrison.

But in fact, they brought a hundred thousand black water army.

And the person who made his news go wrong was Jiang Hao's younger brother, Jiang Che.

"It's no wonder that a disciple of Taoist Xuanmiaoyin has such a magic weapon..."

"In this way, within a few days, the remaining four cities can be wiped out in one fell swoop."

Chu Xiong muttered to himself, then turned around.

"Come on!"

"City Lord!"

The study door opened, a middle-aged man stepped into the study, came to Chu Xiong, and bowed to salute.

"Pass down the order to prepare the other four cities to take over at any time. When the news comes from the Blackwater Army, they will go there immediately."

"Follow the order of the city lord!"

"Prepare the sedan chair and go to the Governor's Mansion!"


(End of this chapter)

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