I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 96 The Great Sun Tathagata Seals the Ghost, Rakshasa King 【Subscription】

Chapter 96 The Great Sun Tathagata Seals the Ghost, Rakshasa King 【Subscription】

"Eight Grades of Cosmic Characters!"

Looking at the words dissipating from his eyes, a look of joy appeared on Jiang Che's pale face.

The level of this evil dragon soul exploded far beyond his imagination.

It is even higher than the reward for killing a martial saint.


Absolute surprise!

Exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, Jiang Che calmed down the turmoil in his heart. The Sky Demon Spiritual Blade trembled in his hand. Jiang Che looked at it and judged from the breath that after killing the evil dragon soul, the power of the Sky Demon Spiritual Blade became even stronger.

The more you kill, the stronger!

The dao rhyme on the living blade has also increased by three points.

"call out--!"

With one thought, the next breath, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade instantly sank into his body.

The aroused power is less than one-tenth, but even if it is less than one-tenth, the power of the Sky Demon Life Blade is far beyond imagination.

Slash the dragon with one blow!

However, the consumption was also very high, directly draining [-]% of his true energy.

If he hadn't cultivated the thoughts of the gods and kings of the heavens and condensed multiple true qi, I am afraid that this knife would not be able to exert such powerful power even if it was drained.


Just when he was about to leave, suddenly, golden light bloomed in the void.

A ray of light like a golden auspicious cloud instantly descended from the sky and poured into his body.

Heaven and earth merit!

With this large expanse of merit from heaven and earth entering his body, Jiang Che's soul trembled instantly, and he felt a refreshing feeling from the depths of his soul.


With this breath, his aura suddenly rose sharply, and within a breath, Jiang Che instantly entered the late stage of the true state of mind.

The soul is also strengthened again, and the yang energy in it has also become stronger.

The pupils opened, and a light like electricity flashed in the pupils.

With the help of the merits of heaven and earth, he broke through the entrance in an instant, broke through the realm, and reached the late stage of the true state of mind.


With a flash of his figure, and the next breath, Jiang Che disappeared in place.


On the bank of the Qianlong River, the river flows, leaving a huge gap of three or four feet on the bank of the river.

The evil flood dragon soul was killed, and the traces left on the battlefield were also shocking.

At this moment, the entire Baiyun County exploded instantly.


Countless people have seen it.

In an instant, everyone thought of the centuries-old legend of the evil dragon.

The heart was turbulent, but no one thought that the legend of the evil dragon was not a fiction.What's even more incredible is that they witnessed the evil dragon with their own eyes.

Beheaded by a mysterious fairy!

Although they couldn't see the face of the immortal clearly in the night, they were still very excited.

Before the legend manifests, no one can feel at peace.

This night, everyone in Baiyun County was doomed to suffer from insomnia.


Jiang Che returned to the inn. The inn was brightly lit, and everyone was discussing what happened in Qianlongjiang just now, but no one thought that the instigator was in the inn.

"My God, could it be that the mysterious fairy from a hundred years ago reappeared?"

"Fart, there are no immortals, they are just powerful practitioners."

"Do you have this strength?"


"That's a fairy!"

"All right, all right, you say yes."

"I don't know what this fairy looks like. I really want to have a storm with the fairy. Even if I die, it will be worth it."


In the room, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

With his extraordinary perception, he could clearly hear the miscellaneous discussions in the inn.

It's just that these words are a bit too presumptuous.


Taking out a talisman and forming a barrier, Jiang Che instantly blocked the outside discussion, and only then did he feel that his ears were much cleaner.

Sitting by the bed, Jiang Che thought, and his consciousness penetrated deep into his mind.

The purple reward light group is suspended above the demon book, shining brightly.

"Eight ranks of Zhou Zi, should be able to burst out better rewards!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Che immediately withdrew the reward as soon as he thought about it.


Light bloomed in his mind, and with the next breath, infinite golden light hit his soul.

Jiang Che's consciousness instantly suffered the shock.

Amidst the radiant golden light, a holy Buddha manifested.

A majestic momentum permeated the air.

Just like a fairy!
Holy, majestic!
But the eyes are closed, it is a Buddha with closed eyes!

The infinite brilliance shrouded the aura of the closed-eyed Buddha in his mind to become even stronger.

In the next breath, the Buddha closed his eyes and opened his eyes, and endless golden characters spewed out from the eyes of the Buddha.

It swept like a golden torrent.

A large number of golden words appeared in his mind.

A torrent of golden words was sprayed out, and this holy Buddha also collapsed in an instant, disappearing into thin air.

Jiang Che sat by the bed, motionless.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

The reward this time turned out to be a Buddhist and Taoist supernatural power!
Great day Tathagata printed!
It is a supreme Buddhist attack method!
The power is fast!

In comparison, it was even scarier than the magic seal of Tianlong Town.

Urging this supernatural power, manifesting the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, suppressing the heaven and earth.

The rewards revealed are also beyond imagination.

Jiang Che also quickly came back to his senses, and after he calmed down, he began to comprehend the Great Sun Tathagata Seal!

The completion of such a powerful Buddhist supernatural power will also be his big trump card.

Supernatural powers will grow with the growth of cultivation!
Powerful supernatural powers also require a certain amount of strength to be able to practice and comprehend.

Jiang Che just stepped on this threshold.


Dongfang Taibai, he slowly opened his eyes.

After a night of comprehension, with top-level aptitude, he successfully started.

But if you want to achieve great success, you still need to practice for a long time.

Supernatural powers are extraordinary, but it is not easy to succeed.

Jiang Che only succeeded in comprehending and stepping into the threshold. The rest still needs deeper cultivation.

Of course, he once again handed over this matter to his incarnation outside the body to comprehend.

Cultivation is all about the incarnation outside the body.

Improving cultivation, comprehending supernatural powers, and other things do not require an avatar outside the body to do anything.

Jiang Che also had a full schedule.

When his incarnation outside his body has enough strength, he will let it assist him in killing demons and demons.

Now, just concentrate on practicing.

The deity is connected with the incarnation outside the body, and if the incarnation comprehends, he will also master it.

Yuan Ling is his tool on the road of practice.

Standing up, Jiang Che washed his whole body with the cleansing talisman, and then left the room.

After checking out and leaving the inn, there were few people on the street.

All the people in Baiyun County flocked to the bank of Qianlong River.

From a distance, there is a large crowd of people on the bank of Qianlong River.

Everyone gathered at the place where Jiang Che slayed the dragon last night.

On the bank of the river, the huge and eye-catching traces of the battlefield made everyone talk about it.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Che felt inexplicably satisfied.

He is not a saint, and he has no idea of ​​hanging the pot to help the world or save the world, but he just does what he can.

After taking a look from a distance, Jiang Che stepped out of Baiyun County, shrunk to an inch and exploded, and soon disappeared within the territory of Baiyun County.



Yuanyang Mansion.

Jiang Che, who left Baiyun County, stepped into the territory of Yuanyang Mansion.

On the top of the mountains and rivers, his figure appeared.

Looking at the city dozens of miles away, in the eyes of the sky, the raging fire of the world of mortals is burning.

The stronger the fire of the world of mortals, the stronger and more prosperous the city is.

Standing on the top of the mountain, relevant information appeared in Jiang Che's mind.

To deal with the monsters in Baiyun County, the next goal is Luo City, Yuanyang Prefecture.

And the city dozens of miles away is Luo City!
Although it is not as powerful as the capital city, it can still be regarded as a big city.

It is similar to the previous cities.

However, his goal was not in the center of Los Angeles, but in a small county within the territory of Los Angeles.

After carefully looking at the information in his mind, Jiang Che disappeared on the top of the mountains and rivers in an instant as soon as his figure moved.


Night falls.

Starry night.

Outside Baishui County, Jiang Che's figure appeared.

In the outskirts, on the hillside, Jiang Che stood where he was, with his hands behind his back, looking at Baishui County in the distance.

In the eyes of the sky, the fire of the world of mortals is lingering.

Baishui County is a small county under the jurisdiction of Luo City, and it is also Jiang Che's second target.

According to his intelligence materials, there are monsters hiding in Baishui County. For the specific situation, you need to go there in person.

Looking at Baishui County, Jiang Che's figure flashed, and then disappeared in place.

After a while, he came to Baishui County.

In the county town, people come and go, and the night is also very lively, full of human fireworks.

Jiang Che shuttled on the roads of the county seat, and headed towards the west of Baishui County according to the situation.

After crossing the bustling street, Jiang Hao came to a dark alley.

This alley is very remote and sparsely populated, few people shuttle here in the dark.

Jiang Che walked, and soon, through the dark alley, he came to a mansion.

The mansion is not big, there are lanterns hanging at the door, but the lights are not lit, it seems that the owner of this mansion is not at home.

The eyes of the sky opened silently, and a ray of special breath broke into the eyes from the sky above the mansion.

The evil spirit of the demon!

"It should be here."

Jiang Che was certain in his heart, and at the next breath, like a bird, he easily crossed the two-foot-high courtyard wall and entered the mansion.

In the mansion, it was dark and there was no one.

The ground is full of dust and fallen leaves, and it looks like no one has lived in it for a long time.

It was so dark that it made people feel like they had broken into a haunted house.

Jiang Che landed on the ground, looking at a room in the mansion.

A special aura emanated from the room.


With a flash of his figure, he quickly came to the door of this room.


As soon as he reached the door of the room, the door opened in response to the sound.

A gust of Yin Qi rushed out from the mansion.

Jiang Che frowned, protecting his body with true energy, blocking the attacking Yin energy.

"What a handsome little brother, my family is so lonely, little brother, are you here to accompany my family?"

A woman's voice came from the dark room, accompanied by a surge of Yin Qi, a Sequoia woman slowly appeared in his eyes.

She has a thin face and a plump body, but her face is very white, and her red lips are full of a strange feeling.

The twisted and plump figure quickly came in front of him.

"Little brother, my family is so lonely~"

The woman's voice sounded again, a pair of eyes, the dim light flickered.

"Is it just a ghost..."

Looking at this Sequoia woman, Jiang Che was slightly disappointed.

The woman in red in front of him, Jiang Che could tell at a glance that she was a ghost.

Possesses a very strong resentment, much stronger than ordinary little demons.

However, this is still difficult to enter his eyes.

The ghost king in this file...

I'm afraid I'm kidding.

Jiang Che sighed inwardly.


Lightning flashed in his palm, and at the next breath, Jiang Che raised his hand, and terrifying lightning rushed out quickly, directly hitting the woman in red in front of him.


A shrill scream sounded, and in the next breath, the face of the woman in red changed, turning into a rotten face that made people shudder.

A pair of eyes looked at Jiang Che, filled with endless hatred.

I don't know if it's because a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but instead of running away, the red-clothed ghost rushed straight at him.

A bolt of lightning burst out, instantly splitting the red-clothed female ghost in front of her, causing smoke to rise from her entire body.


With one step forward, Jiang Che came to the fallen female ghost in red. He raised his hand and flashed lightning. Just as he was about to strike, the female ghost in red suddenly said, "Immortal, don't kill me. I am a member of King Rakshasa. I just came here to absorb some popularity. If you kill me, King Rakshasa will definitely not let you go."


Hearing these words, the thunder light in Jiang Che's palm stopped immediately, and he looked at the red-clothed female ghost in front of him.

Rakshasa King...

"Behind this ghost, is there a backer?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback.

And this scene, the red-clothed female ghost saw it.Thinking that Jiang Che was frightened, he immediately showed a ferocious smile: "You are also a cultivator, as long as you don't kill me, I can introduce King Rakshasa to you at that time. Following King Rakshasa, you will definitely have a lot to do in the future."

"The Rakshasa King is your backer?"

Jiang Che came back to his senses, put down his hands, and quietly looked at the red-clothed ghost in front of him.

"Exactly, what's the matter, as long as you don't kill me, I can introduce you to you." The female ghost in red said.

"where is he?"

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"On Baiman Mountain, my king is an invincible existence." The red-clothed ghost grinned ferociously.

"Hundred Man Mountain..."

Jiang Che frowned, a map of Youzhou appeared in his mind, and after thinking for a while, he finally found this location.



The female ghost in red was about to speak, when Jiang Che raised his hand suddenly, a terrifying lightning burst out instantly, and in the next breath, the female ghost in red disappeared into thin air.

The demon book vibrated, and a faint golden light group appeared on the book.

The font is presented, and the demon book gives an evaluation reward: Huangzi Six Grades.

With a single thought, he extracted the reward, and a Qi Gathering Pill that increased his true energy appeared in his hand.

Putting away the Qi Gathering Pill, Jiang Che turned around and stepped out of the room.

Looking at the night sky, his thoughts sank into the demon book. Looking at the introduction information of the female ghost in red, Jiang Che also found information about the Rakshasa King in the demon book.

Few, not detailed, but enough.

"Hundred Man Mountain..."

Jiang Che muttered to himself, and in the next breath, his figure disappeared into this abandoned mansion.

After quickly leaving Baishui County, Jiang Che headed towards Baiman Mountain.

This is an unexpected situation.

If the female ghost in red didn't speak, Jiang Che might ignore it. After all, he wouldn't have much energy to pay attention to this kind of little guy.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that he got such an unexpected situation from the mouth of the female ghost in red.

Rakshasa King!
Although he doesn't know the specific strength, he has to go no matter what.

If nothing else, this should be a big boss.

Absolutely not to be missed.

The stronger he is, the more excited he is.

Wealth and wealth are in danger, but if he can't do it, then he has the ability to run away.

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(End of this chapter)

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