I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 97 I bumped into it, and I am in charge of the master 【Subscription】

Chapter 97 I bumped into it, and I am in charge of the master 【Subscription】

Baiman Mountain.

This is a big mountain in Youzhou.

Hundreds of miles across, high mountains and dense forests.

The mountains are filled with poisonous mist and miasma all the year round, and poisonous insects and beasts are rampant. It is also a dangerous place.

From a distance, in the depths of Baiman Mountain, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, a powerful poisonous mist and miasma, which cannot penetrate even sunlight.

The morning sun is rising, and the sunlight rises from the eastern sky, dispelling the darkness of the earth and rejuvenating it.

Baiman Mountain, at the foot of the mountain, a figure of a young man in brocade clothes appeared.

It was Jiang Che.

After traveling all night, he finally arrived at the foot of Baiman Mountain that the female ghost in red said.

Looking far away, the miasma is rampant in the mountains, the forest here is lush, and it is also a place that is rarely visited by people.

The nearest villages are also hundreds of miles away.

It is a sparsely populated place.

"The aura of heaven and earth is abundant..."

Looking at the Baiman Mountain in front of him, Jiang Che sensed the aura of heaven and earth in the mountain, and it can be regarded as a good place for cultivation.

With the eyes of the sky open, Jiang Che didn't see any traces of demonic evil spirit.

The poisonous mist and miasma here formed a natural barrier, which could not be penetrated even with the eyes of the sky.

After closing the sky eye, Jiang Che frowned.

The situation in Baiman Mountain was different from what was expected.

"The situation is unknown, let's test the water with the paper man charm first."

Jiang Che's thought flashed, and in the next breath, a human-shaped paper mantra appeared in his palm.


With one breath of spiritual energy, and with the next breath, the paper figurine charm in his palm instantly rose against the wind, and with a flash of inspiration, an identical Jiang Che appeared in front of him.

Paper Doll Avatar!
It can be transformed into a clone like itself, and it can be regarded as a high-level talisman.

Can carry a certain amount of true energy, and always have a certain amount of strength.

Seeing his own appearance transformed into the paper figurine in front of him, Jiang Che nodded in satisfaction, and then pointed his finger between the paper figurine's eyebrows with one hand.


True Qi poured into the paper man's body, and with the next breath, a breath of breath filled the paper man's avatar.

It seems to be no different from real people.

Injecting a part of true energy, with a thought, the paper figurine in front of him rushed towards the Baiman Mountain.

Jiang Che immediately found a corner, quietly waiting for the news of the paper doll clone.


Almost half an hour passed before the paper figurine clone that went deep into Baiman Mountain turned back.

Pointing to the center of the eyebrows again, Jiang Che directly accepted all the situation detected by the paper figurine clone in Baiman Mountain.

Putting down the finger, the paper figurine's avatar also burst into a flash of spiritual light, and then disappeared.

"The Rakshasa King..."

With both pupils open, Jiang Che looked at the white Baiman Mountain, and a strange color flashed across.

Through the exploration of the paper figurine clone, he had a general understanding of the situation in Baiman Mountain.

King Rakshasa is indeed in the depths of Baiman Mountain, and there are some monsters under his command, but the paper figurine has not penetrated into the core to avoid being noticed.

But once the target was determined, Jiang Che felt relieved.

As long as it's there, that's fine.

Kill this Rakshasa King, and he will also be able to burst out a big prize.


Just when Jiang Che was about to leave, suddenly, he seemed to have sensed something, and turned his gaze to the sky.

"someone is coming!"

Jiang Che's heart trembled for a moment, he made a tactic with one hand, and then disappeared in place, blending perfectly with the surrounding trees.

But not long after he disappeared, a sound of breaking through the sky resounded.

"call out--!"

The divine light struck like a sword, and in the next breath, two figures appeared at the foot of Baiman Mountain, only a dozen feet away from Jiang Che.

The light converges, revealing its true face.

It's two women.

Uniform is dressed in blue and white clothes, with a plump figure and a stunning figure.

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback when he saw one of the women.

"Mikami Yuya..."

"Why is she here?"

One of them was Yuya Mikami from Daoist Jinxiu Peak, Jiang Che was still very impressed.

He once fought against each other at the Zhufeng Conference, and he is also a strong opponent.

The proud figure is even more impressive.

"Breakthrough Golden Core!"

"This woman's talent is also extraordinary!"

"No wonder it was hailed as the most powerful opponent to compete with Han Qing back then."

Sensing the breath, Jiang Che's heart trembled.

Golden Core Early Stage!

Mikami Yuya's breakthrough speed is definitely a rare genius in the Taoist sect.

"Who is that next to her?"

Jiang Che looked at the woman beside Mikami Youya.

The figure is also plump, although it is not as exaggerated as Mikami Yuya, but it is still stunning.

The appearance is even a little better than Yuya Mikami, and she looks very temperamental.

"Golden core peak, this woman's soul seems to be stronger, close to Yuanshen!"

Jiang Che felt a slight turmoil in his heart.

Looking at the two, a thought came to his mind.

"Could it be..."

"Is this woman also a true disciple of Daozong?"

The thought flashed across, and Jiang Che quickly came back to his senses.

With Mikami Yuya, there is a great possibility that he is a disciple of Daozong.

His strength should not be underestimated, and at the peak of Jindan, he might be an incredible existence among true disciples.

The higher you go, the harder it is to break!
Moreover, this woman's soul is so powerful that she has already half-stepped into the primordial spirit.

According to Jiang Che's understanding, so far, there seems to be no true disciple of Yuanshen Realm.

At the very least, within a hundred years, there will be no true disciples in the primordial spirit state.

However, there are more than 100 Jindan True Inheritance disciples, and Jiang Che doesn't know who is with Mikami Youya.

Most of the time, he practiced at Little Qiong Peak.

The only ones who deal with them are the disciples of Lingjian Peak and several other peaks.

True disciples, he has never dealt with any of them, and it is normal for him not to know each other.

"Could it be for the same goal?"

A thought flashed across Jiang Che, and his heart tensed.

The paper doppelgänger went to check it out just now. Among the Hundred Man Mountains, probably only King Rakshasa has the strength to attract them here.

"It should be a coincidence, maybe I'm thinking too much..."

As soon as his thoughts changed, Jiang Che calmed down, remained motionless, and continued to hide.


Arriving at the foot of Baiman Mountain, the two turned their gazes to Baiman Mountain.

Looking at Baiman Mountain in front of him, Mikami turned his head leisurely, looked at the woman beside him, and blinked: "Senior Sister Qin, this is within the range of Baiman Mountain, let's act."


Senior Sister Qin nodded, and then, just as she was about to take a step, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the hiding place where Jiang Che was.

"come out!"

With a cold face, Senior Sister Qin spit out two words coldly.


Jiang Che's heart tensed, but he remained calm and continued to hide.

And Mikami Youya on the side also looked at the direction that Senior Sister Qin was looking at, swept over with divine sense, but didn't find anything unusual.

Anyone else?
Just when Mikami Youya was feeling puzzled, Senior Sister Qin said coldly again: "If you don't come out again, don't blame me for being rude!"


As soon as the words were finished, a powerful spiritual force emanated from Senior Sister Qin, and the surrounding air rippled a little bit. A flash of spiritual light suddenly appeared in her hand, and a fiery red spiritual gun appeared in her hand.

The gun was glowing red, aiming at where Jiang Che was, showing signs of making a move at any time.

"Ma Dan, I was really discovered..."

Looking at this scene, a trace of luck in Jiang Che's heart was shattered, and his figure instantly manifested in the next breath.

"Senior sister made a mistake, I am not a bad person."

Jiang Che, who appeared, spoke immediately.

He didn't want to have a fight with this woman. Judging from her address, this Senior Sister Qin must be a disciple of Daozong.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Senior Sister Qin frowned, looked at Jiang Che and said coldly.

"Ahem, next time..."

"Junior Brother Jiang, why are you here?"

Before Jiang Che could speak, suddenly Mikami Youya who was at the side spoke violently.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Senior Sister Qin looked at her in surprise.

"Sister Sanshang, do you know him?"

Senior Sister Qin came to her senses, put away the Fire Spirit Spear, and asked.

"Well, I know him. Senior Sister Qin, he is the champion of this year's Zhufeng Conference, the super dark horse that even Han Qing lost to him, Little Qiongfeng Jiang Che!"

Mikami Yuya nodded and said slowly.

Hearing this, Senior Sister Qin immediately looked at Jiang Che.

She had heard about the first disciple of the summit meeting, but she was outside at that time and did not come back.

After returning to the sect, she also heard the story of the Zhufeng Conference, and what made her even more unbelievable was that this person was also a disciple of Senior Xuan Miaoyin.

Little Qiongfeng's only disciple was very angry when he heard that the great elder had accepted him as a disciple.

Finally, Master came forward to calm down.

Is this the person?

It looks okay...

Looking at Jiang Che, a thought flashed through Senior Sister Qin's mind.

At this moment, Jiang Che also stepped forward: "I have seen the two senior sisters."

"Junior Brother Jiang, why are you here?"

Mikami Yuya looked at him, blinked her bright eyes, and asked curiously.

Jiang Che coughed, and said, "There is a monster here, and I am here for the monster. I never wanted to meet the two senior sisters."

"Ah, you are also here for the Raksha King of Baiman Mountain?" Hearing this, Mikami Youya said with a surprised face.

"... Exactly."

Jiang Che nodded, his heart twitched.

This shit still bumped into each other, and sure enough, their target was also King Rakshasa.

"We are too, that's just right, Junior Brother, let's form a team together and kill the Rakshasa King, and you will also have a share."

Mikami said leisurely with a smile.

"This... then fine." Jiang Che nodded.

If they bumped into each other, he had no choice but to have multiple people and helpers.

He still doesn't know the specific situation of King Rakshasa, so he can ask the two of them for a while.

The two came from afar, so they must have been prepared.

"Senior Sister Qin, what do you think?"

Mikami Youya turned her head and looked at Senior Sister Qin with an expectant look on her face.

"Since they are all disciples of the same sect, that's okay, but King Rakshasa is powerful, so it's no small matter. Junior brother, you need to be careful. I'm afraid it won't be of much help to you when the battle starts."

Senior Sister Qin's expression softened, she looked at Jiang Che and said.

"No problem, Senior Sister, don't worry about me." Jiang Che nodded.

Seeing his confident appearance, Senior Sister Qin didn't say much.

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is Senior Sister Qin Yaqin, the apprentice of the Head Teacher Supreme."

Mikami Yuya looked at Jiang Che, blinked and said.


"Teach the master!"

Hearing Mikami Yuya's introduction, Jiang Che's heart shuddered.

Looking at Senior Sister Qin Yaqin, her expression was serious: "Little Qiongfeng, Jiang Che, I met Senior Sister Qin!"

"Students of the same clan, you are welcome to go out." Senior Sister Qin said lightly.

"Then let's go."

Mikami Yuya said.

Jiang Che nodded, and immediately, the three of them stepped into Baiman Mountain.


The winding and rugged mountain road was criss-crossed with thorns, poisonous mist and miasma filled the air, and it was very difficult to move forward, but for the three of them, this was not a big problem.

While advancing, Mikami Youya said, "Junior Brother Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been these days?"

Jiang Che: "I was in the capital of Youzhou a few days ago, and then I went to the two cities of Anhe and He. I just came here recently."

"Oh, that's it." Mikami Yuya nodded, and said as she walked, "Junior Brother Jiang, I heard that Youzhou evil cult monsters are rampant, and you are walking outside alone, did you encounter anything?"

"I met them, but they all subsided. Most of the cult monsters in Youzhou have been put down by the imperial army, so there is no major problem."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Why are you so clear?"

Mikami Youya paused slightly, looked at Jiang Che, and said in disbelief.

"I have relatives who serve as commanders in the imperial court, so I know something about it."

Jiang Che opened his mouth and said.

"Ah, you are still a nobleman, I really didn't expect it."

Mikami Yuya said in surprise.

"...It's just a small nobleman, not worth mentioning." Jiang Che smiled.

"Dagan Hongwuhou is also surnamed Jiang, are you the son of Hongwuhou?"

Suddenly, Senior Sister Qin interjected, speaking surprisingly.


"How does she know?"

Jiang Che was slightly taken aback, looking at Senior Sister Qin in disbelief.

Seeing the expression on Jiang Che's face, Senior Sister Qin said, "I have met Hong Wuhou before. Your eyebrows are somewhat similar to Hong Wuhou. You have the same surname, and you are also a nobleman. I think I guessed right."

"...Senior Sister has a clever plan, Hong Wuhou is indeed the father of my subordinates."

Hearing this, Jiang Che didn't hide anything, he nodded and said.

"When the grand master of the dynasty is still in charge of the military power of Dagan, his position surpasses that of the Duke of the state, and he is known as the number one marquis in the history of Dagan. Is this the little nobleman you speak of?"

"Junior brother, you are really humble."

Mikami Yuya looked at him resentfully and said.

"...Sister Sanshang, forgive me, that's just my father's glory, I'm nothing special." Jiang Che said with a smile.

Yuya Mikami: "..."

Senior Sister Qin: "..."


Looking at Jiang Che, the two women's hearts twitched at the same time.

Entering the sect, let the Supreme Master Lei Jie accept him as an apprentice, and win the championship in one fell swoop at the summit meeting, are you so ordinary? !

God is so mediocre...

"By the way, the two senior sisters are here, so they should know about King Rakshasa's situation?"

Jiang Che changed the subject and asked.

"You don't know the specific situation of King Rakshasa?"

Looking at Jiang Che, Mikami Youya's eyes widened with astonishment.

"I don't know much about it." Jiang Che nodded.

Senior Sister Qin frowned slightly, then spread her slender hands, and a jade slip appeared in her palm.

"Here is the specific information of Rakshasa King, you can take a look."

"Thank you, Senior Sister Qin!"

Jiang Che's expression brightened, he took the jade slip in an instant, and stuck it between his eyebrows. In an instant, information flooded into Jiang Che's mind.

After a moment, the jade slip was shattered, Jiang Che opened his eyes, and the situation of King Rakshasa became clear in his heart instantly.

This information is indeed detailed, almost fully explaining the situation of King Rakshasa.

(End of this chapter)

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