I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 98 Teaming up to Kill Raksha【3 more for subscription】

Chapter 98 Teaming up to Kill Raksha 【Subscription for the third watch】

Rakshasa King, whose main body is Blood Shura.

The existence of a strong cultivation base and a blood pill, which is equivalent to a Taoist golden pill, has a strong physical body and comprehensive combat power, which is even more crushing.

Absolute monster.

Blood Shura, Jiang Che has also seen some introductions from the ancient books of Taoism.

This is a special race, very ferocious.

Born bloodthirsty and warlike.

But in the Eastern Wasteland, it is a rare existence. This is a race that is active in the Northern Wilderness Continent.

The innate extraordinary physical body also made this special race very strong at birth.

Moreover, he is also born with supernatural powers, which is an extremely powerful existence.

Supplements from the Northern Wilderness: Northern Wilderness, a bitterly cold place in the northwest, where there are bloodthirsty Shuras, who love to eat the blood of human beings, bloodthirsty and warlike, and belong to the branch of the extraterritorial demons...

The situation in the jade slip was clear, but Jiang Che was not too shocked.

A monster that can attract Qin Ya and Mikami Yuya to join forces is definitely not an ordinary thing.

The stronger, the better!
He was not too afraid of the Rakshasa King at the peak level of Jindan.

With the comprehensive strength of martial arts and immortality, he is enough to fight.

The physical body is extraordinary, but no matter how strong it is, it is not as strong as the physical body of the Martial Saint.

He was at least [-]% sure of beheading Blood Shura and giving out rewards when the three joined forces.

"Let's go."

Seeing Jiang Che come back to his senses, Senior Sister Qin spoke, her figure flashed, and she continued to follow the rugged mountain road to the depths of Baiman Mountain.

Jiang Che and Mikami Youya followed behind, and the three of them quickly disappeared into the white poisonous mist.

Without the protective body of true energy, the poisonous mist and miasma here could not harm his physical body.

With his current golden body, it is enough to easily block it.

The environment here has a certain influence on the second daughter, but it doesn't have much influence on him.


The scorching sun was in the sky, but it was damp and cold in Baiman Mountain.

The towering trees and the poisonous mist completely blocked the sunlight, and it was dark and cold, which was normal.

The air is very humid.

The trees and thorns are covered with drops of water.

As they continued to go deeper, the three of them became more and more vigilant.

Jiang Che was at the end and followed with ease.

Before the paper figurine clone investigated the situation, he basically figured out the environment in Baiman Mountain.

How much is also emboldened.

Passing through a dense jungle, the three of them appeared on a hillside in the mountains.

Looking far away, looking into the distance.

"It should be close."

Senior Sister Qin said solemnly.

King Rakshasa is powerful, even she dare not underestimate him.

"It's close, probably soon."

Jiang Che nodded.

"Junior brother, when we meet later, you have to pay more attention to yourself. King Rakshasa is good at using poison, so be careful."

Looking at Jiang Che, Senior Sister Qin said.

"Understood, Senior Sister, don't worry, I will be careful." Jiang Che nodded.


Senior Sister Qin didn't say much, her figure flashed and quickly disappeared on the hillside, followed by Jiang Che and Mikami Youya.



In the dark woods, a vine as thick as an arm struck like an arrow.

Glowing, with spikes on the vines.


He raised his hand and cut off the attacking vine, and the purple liquid gushed out instantly.

The falling vines were wriggling as if they were alive. When Jiang Che raised his hand, lightning burst out, quickly obliterating it and turning it into nothing.


"You're not so brave, trespassing on this king's territory without permission, you're courting death!"

In the woods, a cold voice sounded, and in the next breath, countless vines attacked the three of them from all directions as if they were alive.


He moved quickly, and the endless vines were densely packed, making one's scalp tingle just looking at it.

The three of them were on guard quickly, their true energy burst out, and with the next breath, they quickly delivered a powerful blow.


An explosion sounded, shaking the forest.

The rays of light intertwined, and the attacking vines were instantly wiped out.

The three of them held Lingbao and looked at the dark bushes with unison.

A ten-foot-tall monster appeared in their eyes.

His eyes are as red as blood, his whole body is full of blood-colored muscles, full of a sense of strength, and he only wears a simple animal skin, which looks like a man, but his ears are pointed and hairless, like an evil spirit stepping out of the underworld.

A terrifying aura swept over, and behind him, there were two monsters with wolf heads and human bodies following.

However, compared with this red-skinned monster, the two wolf demons behind him were automatically ignored.

"King Rakshasa!"

Jiang Che's gaze fixed, Senior Sister Qin and Mikami Youya also became serious.

The monster in front of them was the target of their trip.

Blood Shura, Rakshasa King!

With a tall body of ten feet, there seems to be an invisible sense of oppression.


The Fire Spirit Spear in Senior Sister Qin's hand trembled, and there was a sound of tremors. In the next breath, a red light bloomed, and the endless spear shadows rushed towards the Raksha King in an instant!

Mikami Youya was not idle either, she flew her fingers and made a tactic with one hand, a ray of cyan light bloomed, and hundreds of cyan sword qi rushed towards King Rakshasa.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Seeing the incoming attack, the Rakshasa King showed disdain, stomped his feet, and the red light bloomed all over his body.

In an instant, a crimson enchantment was formed, covering the whole body.

"Clang clang!!!"

The sword qi and gunshots landed on the crimson barrier, but there were ripples, but they did not break the defense.

"The mighty king!"

The two wolf demons behind them looked excited, uttered words, and waved the mace in their hands.


But before he came back to his senses, suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of the Rakshasa King, and the majestic Qi and blood burst out like a torrent, and he punched on the barrier. In an instant, cracks appeared on the scarlet barrier, and then there was a roar, and the barrier was instantly shattered.

"Boom bang!!"

King Rakshasa took a step back, and the two wolf demons behind him were directly blown away by the black shadow's punch. The wolf's head exploded, and blood sprayed all over the ground, staining the fury on the ground red.

The two subordinates were instantly wiped out.

It was Jiang Che who made the move.

With pure strength, he blasted Rakshasa King's enchantment abruptly and shattered it directly.

With Jiang Che's strength comparable to that of a junior martial saint, this is not a difficult task.

Strength is the strongest supernatural power!
One punch!

Seeing this scene, Rakshasa King was furious instantly, and with the next breath, he waved his two thick arms, and a crimson light slashed towards Jiang Che like lightning.


Shrinking the ground into an inch and bursting out, Jiang Che disappeared in place the moment the attack came.

Relaxed and comfortable, without the slightest hindrance.

This scene also made Senior Sister Qin and Youya Mikami look at each other with admiration.

Although he knew that Jiang Che had the strength beyond the realm, he never expected it to be so terrifying.

Colliding with the Rakshasa King at the peak level of Jindan has no effect at all.

This span is incredible!

But now is not the time to be shocked, the two girls reacted instantly, and at the same time broke out their unique moves, and the attack fell on King Raksha in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The light swept across the Rakshasa King, and the crackling sound continued.

Senior Sister Qin danced with the Fire Spear in her hand, and the overwhelming shadows of the spears seemed to materialize, surrounding the Rakshasa King.

The three of them teamed up, and the Rakshasa King had no chance to breathe in an instant.


An angry roar pierced through the woods, and the Rakshasa King, who was besieged by the three, was completely enraged. A crimson light bloomed, and the blood-colored light bloomed on the bloody muscles. The terrifying air wave rushed away, breaking the siege of the three in an instant.


With one foot on the ground, the ground trembled.

The Rakshasa King's figure flashed, and he rushed towards Mikami Yuya quickly.


With one hand, countless fierce sword qi rushed towards King Rakshasa.

But relying on the perverted physical body, Rakshasa King was safe and sound.

Blood Shura's special physique was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.


The moment he approached Mikami Yuya, a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm suddenly fell from the sky, and instantly exploded on Rakshasa King's body, flashing with lightning.

The blood-colored skin was scorched black, and at the same time, there was a smell of barbecue.

Lightning Strikes Thunder Fist!
Rub the thunder with bare hands!
At the critical moment, Jiang Che injured the Rakshasa King with one blow, giving Mikami Youya a chance to breathe.


As soon as the figure moved, Mikami Yuya instantly disappeared in place.

At the same time, Senior Sister Qin made another move, making a tactic with one hand, a fiery red light soared into the sky, and fireballs the size of a millstone smashed towards King Rakshasa at an extremely fast speed.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As if hit by a meteorite, the entire forest trembled, and half of Baiman Mountain felt the strong vibration.

Continuously injured, Rakshasa King's strong physical body also showed cracks.

Drenched with blood, it looked even more harmful.

The fireball didn't kill Rakshasa King, but it also dealt him a heavy blow.


Just as King Rakshasa rushed out, a black shadow flashed, and in the next breath, an invisible spiritual thunderbolt burst out, quickly rushing towards King Rakshasa's body.

Thor thorn!
Kill souls!

Today's Thunder God thorns have been cultivated to three.

It penetrated Rakshasa King's body and instantly caused severe damage to his soul.

Movements have become much slower.

Clenching a fist with one hand, Jiang Che's body showed a golden light, arousing the golden body state, and with the next breath, the Fudo King Fist exploded, and a fist landed on Raksha King's chest.


The sound of bone breaking sounded, and the power surpassing ten dragons fell on the Rakshasa King. In an instant, a punch flew directly, breaking more than a dozen big trees, and fell heavily to the ground.


Seeing this, Senior Sister Qin flashed directly, and burst out a fierce blow from the Fire Spirit Spear at the fastest speed, piercing King Rakshasa's chest.

A large amount of blood spurted out instantly.

After continuous heavy injuries, Rakshasa King's vitality declined like a cliff.

Pulling out the Fire Spirit Spear, before he could deliver the second blow, the Rakshasa King made a bold move, and the crimson light rushed towards Senior Sister Qin in an instant.


Mikami Yuya exclaimed.


And in an instant, a black shadow flashed, directly took Senior Sister Qin away, and disappeared in place.


The attack was in vain, the big tree behind him exploded, and terrifying air waves hit the surroundings.

Jiang Che flashed to the side with Senior Sister Qin. If he hadn't shrunk the ground to an inch fast enough, the blow might have landed on her solidly.

Quickly let go of his hand, Jiang Che took a step forward and rushed directly to King Rakshasa.

The Thunder God thorn severely injured King Rakshasa's soul, and now is the perfect time to make a move.

While you are sick, I will kill you!
He would not just watch the Rakshasa King run away.


In close combat, relying on terrifying strength and golden body, Jiang Che abruptly flew King Rakshasa.


In the next breath, the Heavenly Demon Spiritual Blade appeared in his hand, and before the Rakshasa King could react, Jiang Che raised the blade and dropped it.


A huge head flew up, and Rakshasa King was cut off in an instant.

Blood spurted out, the headless body shook, and smashed to the ground.

But the Demon Book didn't vibrate. When Jiang Che was wondering, a bloody light flew out from his body, and quickly fled to the depths of the bushes.

"Soul out of body!"

Jiang Che understood in an instant, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade moved again, the terrifying saber energy tore through the void, and with the next breath, it killed King Rakshasa's soul.

When the knife fell, the demon book in his mind finally shook.

In the next breath, a purple light cluster appeared on the mottled bronze atlas.

The dark font also manifested in the eyes.

The demon book gave an evaluation: the ninth grade of Zhou Zi!
Jiang Che also let out a long breath.


Finally killed King Rakshasa!

Ordinary methods are difficult to kill completely, after all, blood Shura's vitality is too tenacious.

Moreover, he is also the blood Shura at the peak of Jindan.

The supernatural powers are even weirder!

The Heavenly Demon Life Blade didn't kill this guy with a single strike, and it was only after making up the knife again that it was completely wiped out.

Putting away the Sky Demon Life Blade, Jiang Che came to the corpse of King Rakshasa.

He broke open the heart, took out the blood essence of Rakshasa King, and collected a large bottle full of it.

"Junior brother, you are really perverted."

Seeing Jiang Che's actions, Mikami Youya came in front of her and couldn't help but say something.

"I need this blood essence to refine treasures." Jiang Che casually found a reason.

Senior Sister Qin also came in front of her, looking at Jiang Che with complicated eyes.

It was originally planned that it would be good if this junior could protect himself.

Although Mikami Youya had heard that Jiang Che was very powerful, the gap was too great after all, but now, this scene broke her perception.

In the late stage of the True Mind Realm, he killed a Rakshasa King who was at the peak of his Golden Core!
I'm afraid that even if my supernatural powers burst out, I won't be the opponent of this junior brother.

Reverse Slash Golden Pill!

If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it was real.

"His martial arts cultivation base is too strong. It is reasonable to have such strength when he reached the peak of the sixth realm."

A thought flashed through Senior Sister Qin's mind.

They only paid attention to Jiang Che's cultivation in immortality, but forgot his cultivation in martial arts.

Moreover, when Jiang Che just started, his body changed. It seems that he must have practiced some kind of terrifying martial arts secret technique.

The body is so strong that even the Rakshasa King has to bow down.

"It's only been a year since I started..."

"In a few years, I'm afraid it will be the new giant of Daozong..."

Seeing Jiang Che, Senior Sister Qin felt a wave of excitement in her heart.

"Junior Brother, Senior Sister underestimated you. This time, thanks to your action, otherwise, I am afraid that the Raksha King would not be able to kill this easily."

Quickly regaining consciousness, looking at Jiang Che, Senior Sister Qin spoke.

She had no choice but to admit how strong this junior was.

It is indeed extraordinary.

The master is perverted, this apprentice looks even more perverted than the master!
"Senior Sister Qin has won the prize. It is only through joint efforts that we can kill this evildoer like this."

Jiang Che smiled.

"Junior brother, is the magic weapon you just used a middle-grade Taoist weapon?"

At this time, Mikami Yuya suddenly spoke.

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded.

"Master Xuan gave it to you?" Mikami Youya blinked.

"Yes." Jiang Che nodded.

Seeing this, Mikami Yuya's heart was shocked, and she didn't ask any more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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