I prove the truth by killing demons

Chapter 99 The Chaos Tengu of the Outer Demon Race 【Subscription】

Chapter 99 The Chaos Tengu of the Outer Demon Race 【Subscription】

"I need blood essence. The two senior sisters can handle the rest." Looking at the two of them, Jiang Che said.

"This is so embarrassing, junior brother, you should do your best, or you can take this Raksha King's demon pill." Mikami Youya said.

"We'll just take the corpse back. When the time comes, I'll give you a share of merit." Senior Sister Qin also said.


Jiang Che nodded, and didn't refuse. He tore open Blood Shura's body, and took out a fist-sized demon pill.

The value of the demon pill is also extraordinary, even if it is not needed, it can be sold in the future in exchange for a sum of spirit stones.

The whole body is blood-colored, holding it in the hand, it feels as warm and moist as jade.

Squeeze it, soft and hard.

With a single thought, Jiang Che put away Rakshasa King's demon pill.

Immediately afterwards, Mikami Youya and Senior Sister Qin also put away King Rakshasa's body.

"Junior brother, are you planning to return to the sect?"

After everything was packed, Mikami Yuya looked at Jiang Che and asked.

"Well, not for now, I still have to practice and practice." Jiang Che shook his head.

"Oh, that's fine." Mikami Yuya nodded.

Senior Sister Qin looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes: "Brother, since you want to practice, Senior Sister knows a special place. If you calculate the time, it should be soon. If Junior Brother is interested, then we can go there together, and maybe we can get a chance."


"A special place?"

Hearing Senior Sister Qin speak, Jiang Che glanced at her, "Could Senior Sister speak more clearly?"

Senior Sister Qin said, "It's an ancient relic, but there are some dangers in this ancient relic."

"Ancient ruins?!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up immediately.

Senior Sister Qin continued: "This ruin is a special place of time and space. There is a special kind of monster in it. This kind of monster is said to be created by the demons outside the territory. It is ferocious and bloodthirsty. It is somewhat similar to the blood Shura. It will be opened in a month."

"A monster created by the alien demons!"

Jiang Che caught the key words in it.

Extraterrestrial Demons!

This is an existence that makes the world tremble.

In the ancient classics, there are records of the demon race outside the territory, which is a very special race.

Not from the great world, but from the extraterritorial time and space of the outer world.

Cruel, bloodthirsty, belong to the real devil!
Slaughter all beings.

According to the records in the classics, the demon race is a bloodthirsty, naturally powerful, special species between reality and reality. Before the ancient years, the heavenly demons from outside the territory suddenly descended and slaughtered all life in the world.

All the supreme beings in the Great Thousand World rose up to resist, and finally paid a very painful price to drive the extraterritorial demons out of endless time and space.

That period of time was also called the Age of Darkness!
After countless years of recovery, the Great Thousand World gradually returned to life.

And the demon race outside the territory has also become a legendary existence, which only exists in the allusions of books.

However, there are still traces.

Blood Shura is a special race created by the Demon Race.

It is conceivable how terrifying this extraterritorial demon race is.

In the era of the Dark Era, an unknown number of years have passed since then.

The ancient ruins that Senior Sister Qin mentioned are related to the Demon Race.

Jiang Che's curiosity was also aroused.

There are monsters created by the demons in the ancient ruins, which must be very dangerous.

But the more dangerous it is, the more excited he is.

Killing the monsters will definitely give you a big reward.

His thoughts turned rapidly, and soon, Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at Senior Sister Qin, and asked, "Senior Sister, where is this ruin?"

"Jingzhou, Linyang Mansion, near Taixuan City."

"One month later, it will be the day when the ruins will be opened. It will last for a month. After one month, the time and space of the ruins will be closed."

Sister Qin said slowly.

"Jingzhou, Linyang Mansion, Taixuan City..."

Jiang Che memorized the name and location in his heart.

"So, then I'd like to see it."

Jiang Che nodded.

Senior Sister Qin showed a smile on her face, looked at Jiang Che, spread her slender hands, and a sound transmission bell appeared in her hand, and then handed it to Jiang Che: "Junior Brother, this is my sound transmission bell. When the time comes, we will meet in Taixuan City."


Jiang Che nodded, and then took out his sound transmission bell and handed it to Senior Sister Qin, "Then Junior Brother will be waiting for Senior Sister in Taixuan City in a month's time."


Senior Sister Qin accepted the sound transmission bell and nodded. Immediately, without too much delay, the three of them stepped out of Baiman Mountain together.

"Senior sisters, then I'll take a step first and say goodbye!"

Jiang Che cupped his hands, and the two girls nodded. Immediately, Jiang Che flew into the sky with his sword, and quickly disappeared from their eyes.

Seeing Jiang Che leave, Mikami Youya turned her head, looked at Senior Sister Qin, and said, "Senior Sister, I want to go too."

"Yes." Senior Sister Qin nodded.

An excited smile appeared on Mikami Yuya's face.

"But you need to be prepared. This ancient ruin is very dangerous. I heard that even the giant Yuanshen was buried in it."

Sister Qin said seriously.

"Understood, I will prepare." Mikami Yuya nodded.

"Then let's go, go back to the sect first." Senior Sister Qin nodded, and then her figure flew into the sky, followed by Mikami Youya, and soon, the two disappeared into the sky.


"Jingzhou, Linyang Mansion, Taixuan City..."

In the clouds and sky, Jiang Che walked with his sword, while thinking about the position that Senior Sister Qin had just mentioned.

Jingzhou is one of the Dagan Kyushu.

Located in the northeast direction.

There is still a lot of distance from Youzhou.

And crossing the range of Jingzhou, you have stepped out of the border of Dagan.

It borders Yuan Mongolia.

Stepping out of Jingzhou is the dividing line and entering the Bermuda grassland.

And this Bermuda grassland is the border line jointly controlled by Yuanmeng Kingdom and Dagan.

The ruins are located in Jingzhou, so it is not ruled out that people from other countries will come.

But since it is an ancient relic, there will naturally be many people coming.

But this is not the point, the point is that he wants to study the monsters in this ancient ruins.

A special species in the vast world left by the extraterritorial demons.

Jiang Che has never seen what a monster looks like.

There are very few records in the books and allusions about the information about the demons outside the territory.

In my memory, I saw it by accident.

Thanks to my original self who has read a lot of poetry and books, although I have never been to any place because of my physical condition, I have a lot of knowledge.

"One month, that's enough for me to deal with the remaining monsters."

Calming his mind, Jiang Che's thoughts were fixed, and with a surge of true energy, he accelerated his speed and walked towards the distance in the void.


As night fell, Jiang Che came to a small county town, found an inn, and checked in right away.

In the room, sitting on the bed, Jiang Che took out the talisman to construct a barrier, and then excitedly thrust his consciousness into his mind.

The reward of the ninth rank of Zhou Zi.

This is the fourth cosmic word reward.

A Yuanling Dao Embryo, a middle-grade Dao artifact, the Heavenly Demon Life Blade, and the supernatural power Great Sun Tathagata Seal, the three rewards are all extraordinary.

The higher the grade, the greater the probability of a grand prize.

Looking at the purple light group reward, Jiang Che got a thought, and instantly extracted it.

There was a flash of light in front of his eyes, and in the next breath, an oval golden egg appeared in front of him.


It is as tall as half a person.

There are mysterious dao patterns on the golden giant egg, and a powerful breath of life is brewing in the golden giant egg.

Seeing the golden giant egg bursting out in front of him, Jiang Che was taken aback.

The reward this time...

It's incredible!

An egg exploded!

It was also the first time Jiang Che saw such a big egg!

Still a golden egg!

It doesn't look ordinary.

And at this moment, the font appeared in the eyes, and the information of the golden dome also appeared in the eyes.

Chaos Tengu Egg: A divine egg that can give birth to a Chaos Tengu. It was born with extraordinary potential and has unlimited potential. It is not a problem to grow at its peak. It is not a problem to swallow the sun and the moon, and it is not a problem. However, in the growth stage, it needs a lot of energy to grow and has a big appetite. Put the Chaos Tengu Egg in the place of aura, and it will be conceived within a month. You can sacrifice it with your own blood before it is born.


Looking at the dark font in his eyes, Jiang Che's heart was overwhelmed instantly.

What the hell!

so scary? !

At the pinnacle of growth, devouring the sun and the moon, eating immortal gods? !
The dark words in his eyes gradually dissipated, but Jiang Che was still deeply shocked.

Obediently, this is incredible!

This thing will be a fairy giant in the future!
In an instant, Jiang Che came back to his senses, looking at the chaotic dog egg in front of him, his eyes were full of blazing heat.

Although he doesn't know what kind of species the Chaos Tengu is, but...

Just by the name, you can tell that this is definitely not an ordinary dog!
And judging from the information, this Chaos Tengu will definitely be a proper giant in the future.

If he grows up, won't he be able to let him roam the world?

"Come on, swallow him for me!"

Thinking about this scene, Jiang Che became emotional.

Forcing himself to calm down, looking at the chaotic dog egg in front of him, Jiang Che took a deep breath, and with the next breath, a trace of blood appeared on his fingers, and drops of blood essence dripped down the fingertips onto the chaotic dog egg in an instant.


After absorbing Jiang Che's blood, Chaos Tengu's Egg trembled instantly.

After dripping a hundred drops of blood in one breath, Jiang Che's ruddy face showed a trace of paleness before he stopped.


The golden chaotic tengu egg absorbed his blood essence, and the vibration became more obvious.

Jiang Che immediately executed the formula with one hand, and started the sacrificial training using the dripping blood essence.

A series of seals penetrated into the chaotic dog egg.

In the soul, he quickly established a connection with the chaotic dog egg.

With the connection in the soul, he can perceive the majestic vitality bred in the chaotic dog egg.

This powerful life energy seems to be three points more fierce than his life energy.


Jiang Che slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air, and after completing the ritual, he established a thorough connection with the Chaos Tengu.

As long as you are born, you will automatically recognize the Lord.

With such a "capable general", in the future, he will definitely be able to gallop the world.

This kind of divine beast can definitely move sideways.

He still remembered that his master once said that in the land of Central Continent, there is a fairy gate that enshrines the ancient gods and beasts and protects the sect.

And those super divine beasts are very terrifying, three points more terrifying than the average Thunder Tribulation Supreme.

It has the power to shake the heavens and the earth.


Moreover, the ancient gods and beasts all have natural supernatural powers and are very powerful.

Calling the wind and calling the rain is a breeze.

His Chaos Tengu will be one of them in the future, and he gets excited just thinking about it.

After recovering, Jiang Che had a thought.Directly put Chaos Tengu Eggs into the Mountain and River Map.

Putting it in the map of mountains and rivers, Jiang Che felt that a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy was converging towards the chaotic dog egg.

The map of mountains and rivers absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, and it is almost quickly absorbed by the chaotic dog egg.

"This appetite..."

"It's really big enough!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Che's heart twitched.

All the aura is monopolized by Chaos Tengudan, and his incarnation outside his body can't get any aura.

The spiritual energy absorbed by the mountain and river map is exactly the same as the spiritual energy swallowed by the chaotic dog egg.

Helpless, Jiang Che could only take out a large number of spirit stones and give them to the avatar outside his body for cultivation.

If the chaotic dog egg is to be conceived, it will not affect the cultivation of Yuan Ling, the incarnation outside the body.

This incarnation outside the body will also be a great help for him.

It's still in the growth stage, so don't be careless.

In one breath, Jiang Che took out a full [-] low-grade spirit stones and handed them over to Yuan Ling for training.

After everything was settled, Jiang Che returned to his mind.

"If a spiritual vein is put into the map of mountains and rivers, then the spiritual energy will not worry..."

Looking at the night outside the window, a thought flashed in Jiang Che's mind.

Spirit veins!

It is the vein of heaven and earth aura formed by the ultimate aura of heaven and earth containing the aura of the earth.

It can lock the time and space of one side of the world, continuously absorb the spiritual energy of the world, and breed the spirit stone's divine vein.

The spirit veins communicate with the air of the earth, and can continuously breed spirit stones. The stronger the spirit veins, the faster and better the speed of breeding spirit stones.

Spirit veins also have grades.

From one to nine!

The weakest one is the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein!

And the strongest one is the first-grade spiritual vein!
But even within the Taoist sect, there is only one second-grade spiritual vein!
And this second-grade spiritual vein is the core and foundation of Daozong's lifeline.

However, apart from a second-rank spirit vein, there are many third-rank, fourth-rank, and fifth-rank spirit veins.

Daozong's 72 peaks, each peak has a third-grade spiritual vein.

It is precisely because of this that Peak 72 has become a holy place for cultivation.

If there is plenty of spiritual energy, if the spirit veins are lost, it will not be able to draw the spiritual energy of the world. Even if there is spiritual energy now, it will dissipate over time, and eventually lose the spiritual energy completely, and it will become an ordinary place.

Spirit veins are also the core of a fairy gate!

Among the ten great immortal sects of the Eastern Wilderness, each has a second-rank spiritual vein.

As for first-grade spiritual veins, Jiang Che didn't know if there were any.

However, his master seems to have said that in the Dagan Imperial City, there is a first-grade spiritual vein, which is integrated with the national destiny.

It is the spiritual vein of Dagan, and it is also the dragon vein of Dagan!

Nourish the spiritual veins with the power of the national destiny, and the spiritual veins feed back the national destiny, continue to strengthen, and help each other!

Of course, he didn't know if it was true or not.

But even if he knew, he couldn't get it.

Strength can't do it either.

The strength of a first-grade spiritual vein is comparable to that of the giant of the primordial spirit, and it is at the peak level of the primordial spirit.

Even in front of him, he doesn't have the strength to suppress a first-grade spiritual vein.

And above the first-grade spiritual vein, there is also the legendary Chunyang Immortal Vein!

But if there is a Pure Yang Immortal Vein, then I don't know.

A pure Yang celestial vein, what is released is not a simple aura.

It is a higher and purer extremely pure Yang immortal energy!
Pure Yang Immortal Qi!

This is an extreme energy that surpasses the aura of heaven and earth.

There are explanations in the ancient books, but they are just a few words. In the whole world, perhaps only in the most powerful Central Continent, there is the existence of the Pure Yang Immortal Vein.

And it's only possible.

Does not exist absolutely.

Get a spiritual vein and put it in the map of mountains and rivers, and the whole map of mountains and rivers can also become a holy place for practice.

Of course, at the moment he can only think about it.

It is not so easy to get spiritual veins.

 Still [-] continues to explode, please support~
(End of this chapter)

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