Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 110 Husband, don't worry, we will take care of this woman!

Chapter 110 Husband, don't worry, we will take care of this woman!

"Ditian, can that soul beast lead the Douluo soul beast to resist the God Realm?"

Another woman asked Di Tian, ​​this woman is the last female beast besides Bi Ji, Zi Ji!

Zi Ji is also called the Queen of Demons, and her main body is the Demon Dragon of Hell. The owner has a cultivation base of nearly 30 years, and she ranks ninth among the top ten beasts!
Hearing Ziji's words, Ditian nodded lightly, and then spoke solemnly.

"That guy's talent is really against the sky, he can defeat the projection of a god in 40 years!"

"As far as I know, even Lord Dragon God didn't have this achievement!"

"My suggestion is to recruit him into our circle!"

Ditian solemnly explained to the beasts.

To be honest, he really wanted to recruit Di Tian.

But joining their circle, he is not the only one who has the final say.

So he needs to establish a kind of sincere trust for everyone, so that even after Di Tian joins their circle, there will be no conflicts.

Hearing Di Tian's words, the many beasts fell silent.

It's not that they don't understand what Ditian said, and it's not that they don't believe it, it's a matter of life, so they can't help but be careless.

When Di Tian saw the ferocious beasts who were contemplating, he didn't bother them. This kind of thing that needs to break the rules needs a process to accept.

But he naturally hoped that the many ferocious beasts would agree.

At that time, with Gu Junlin present, I can better fulfill my own mission.

Time was slowly passing by in the thoughts of many ferocious beasts.

After a long time, a sigh resounded, and the extremely burly Xiong Jun suddenly grinned and said to Di Tian: "Pull him in, there are many people and strength is great."

After Xiong Jun's words fell, the others nodded heavily.

Being oppressed by the God Realm for so many years.

Now that they finally had an opportunity to fight against the God Realm, they didn't want to miss it.

Seeing this, Ditian finally heaved a sigh of relief.


"I reckon that he will come to the Star Dou Forest in the future. At that time, I will personally recruit him."

After finishing speaking, Di Tian turned his head to look at a certain place and muttered to himself.

"My lord, when I recruit him in, I will have enough time to protect you."

Outside the Star Dou Great Forest.

Gu Junlin stood still and said to Bibi Dong: "Dong'er, give her to me, let's teleport her back."

What he has is the mother teleportation bead, which can take people to teleport together.

What Bibi Dong and the others had was the teleportation bead, and they couldn't take people to teleport, so Gu Junlin could only teleport with the woman in the white skirt.

Bibi Dong nodded, and then put the woman in the white dress down from her shoulders.

Gu Junlin took a step forward and took the woman in the white skirt from Bibi Dong.

Then he took out the teleportation bead, squeezed it lightly, and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong hurriedly took out the teleportation bead, and teleported along with it.

Next second,
Several rays of light flashed, and the three of them came to the Pope's Palace one after another.

Ever since Gu Junlin and Bibidong left, Ah Yin and Nihuang hardly rested, just guarding in the Spirit Hall, waiting for their return.

Seeing Gu Junlin and Bibi Dong approaching at this moment, the two girls noticed it almost immediately.

The second daughter stepped forward quickly, wanting to give Gu Junlin and Bibi Dong a big hug.

But when they saw the woman in the white skirt in Gu Junlin's arms, they were stunned.

"What's going on here? How did you go hunting for a soul ring and kidnap a woman?"

Nihuang looked at the woman in the white dress, a playful look flashed in her eyes.

On the side, Ah Yin frowned in confusion.

Because she felt a familiar aura from the woman in the white dress.

I can't tell you what it feels like, but it's very familiar.

Behind, Bibi Dong walked forward slowly, took the woman in white skirt from Gu Junlin's arms, and laid her down on the sofa to lie down.

Then, she turned her head to look at the second daughter of Nihuang, and explained aloud.

"This is something that my brother Junlin and I met by chance in the Star Dou Forest."

"Don't underestimate her, she, like sister Yin'er, is a human being transformed from a 10-year-old soul beast."

"At first, I wanted to kill her to hunt for the spirit ring and spirit bone, but later I thought, isn't brother Junlin going to have many children?"

"This woman, like Sister Yin'er, is a soul beast. She is extremely talented and looks good."

"So, after discussing with Brother Junlin, I decided to bring this woman back and give birth to Brother Junlin day and night!"

Bibi Dong said it very lightly.

But in the ears of the second daughter, it is not so peaceful.

Seeing that the other party is good-looking and talented, so you take him back to have children?
Is this inappropriate robbery?

Especially Ah Yin, she was originally designed by Gu Junlin.

At this moment, from Bibi Dong's mouth, she learned that the woman in the white skirt was also transformed from a 10-year-old soul beast just like herself.

At this moment, after learning about the other party's experience, she couldn't help but feel deep sympathy.

But immediately, she looked at Gu Junlin with a gentle look in her eyes.

Brother Junlin treats him so well, so it should be fine for this woman in the white skirt, right?

To be honest, Ah Yin was very resistant to Gu Junlin at first.

She felt that she was just a villain who could do anything, which made her sick!

But later, as the contact with Gu Junlin got longer and longer.

A Yin's heart was completely melted by Gu Junlin, and in the end, she even developed a deep sense of dependence on him.

Thinking of this, Ah Yin turned her head, looked at Gu Junlin and said, "Husband, don't worry, I will persuade this sister well."

Hearing A Yin's words, Bibidong and Nihuang agreed one after another: "Yes, husband, you are busy, she will leave it to us."

Hearing the words of the three women, Gu Junlin couldn't help feeling a lot of pride in his heart.

Then, he took a step forward and embraced the three women in his arms.

"It is my greatest luck to have you here!"

And at this moment, a slight groan sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the woman in the white skirt woke up on the sofa.

When she saw Gu Junlin, she immediately blew up.

Opening his teeth and claws, he rushed towards Gu Junlin, speaking extremely fierce words in his mouth.

"You devil, I will fight with you!"

However, before she got in touch with Gu Junlin, she was stopped by Nihuang.

Nihuang put her hand lightly on her shoulder to keep her in place.

"My sister, why are you so angry?"

"From now on, I will be a person who lives in bed. It's not good to shout and kill."

"who are you?"

Feeling the huge pressure from Nihuang's hands, the woman in the white skirt couldn't help asking cautiously.

"I am your older sister, you can call me Sister Nihuang."

"I don't have a sister!"

The woman in the white skirt patted Nihuang's arm, trying to break free from his control.

But the difference in strength was too great, she couldn't push Nihuang's arm at all.

So I could only be surprised in a cold voice.

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill this demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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