Chapter 111 Tianshui Academy!

Tiandou City Outer City,
Baihua Lake.

As a super freshwater lake covering an area of ​​over [-] square kilometers, Baihua Lake is known as the No. [-] Lake in Tiandou.

Baihua Lake is located in the outer city of Tiandou City, stretching from east to west across the entire outer city of Tiandou City and the two surrounding cities.

The geographical location of Baihua Lake is very superior, surrounded by green mountains, and the water transportation is prosperous.

At the moment, it is summer.

All kinds of flowers are competing to bloom, reflecting the entire Baihua Lake into a sea of ​​flowers.

Beside a sea of ​​lavender flowers, there stands a rather large soul master academy called Tianshui Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Tianshui College is built by the lake, and there is a shrunken version of the artificial lake in the courtyard.

It is the size of ten football fields, and it is formed by drawing water from Baihua Lake. It is called Tianshui Lake.

Various buildings of Tianshui College, including teaching buildings, dormitories, and canteens, are built around Tianshui Lake.

It can be said that Tianshui Lake is the core of Tianshui College.

As one of the five elemental academies of the Heaven Dou Empire, Tianshui Academy has very strict requirements for admission.

Although it also recruits commoner soul masters, Tianshui Academy still has two extremely strict conditions.

First, water attribute soul masters.

Second, it must be a woman with good looks.

Of course, not only the students, but even the teachers in the academy are all women.

That's why Tianshui Academy is also known as the gathering place for beauties in the Tiandou Empire.

No way, no one can refuse a tender woman.

Da da da!
At this moment, outside Tianshui Academy.

There was a sound of horseshoes, and then a very prosperous carriage suddenly appeared at the school gate.

It was the car of Prince Xue Xing.

Gu Junlin walked out of the carriage slowly, and stopped in this fascinating academy.

Not long after, several women with good looks and figures, wearing white dresses walked out of the academy quickly.

"I've seen Prince Xue Xing!"

Several women came to Gu Junlin and bowed slightly to salute.

Obviously, before coming to Tianshui Academy, Gu Junlin had already had someone notify the academy.

As the prince of the empire, Tianshui Academy naturally did not dare to neglect.

Gu Junlin waved his hand lightly, motioning for several women to get up.

"You don't need to be cautious. The king is here today, just to take a look around. Everyone can do whatever they want."

"My lord, I will take you to the academy for a stroll."

A woman in her early 30s who looked as gentle as water stepped forward and said respectfully to Gu Junlin.

Gu Junlin was slightly taken aback, "You are?"

"My lord, my name is Xu Wanshi, and I am the teaching director of Tianshui College."

The woman took a step forward and calmly explained to Gu Junlin.

After all, she couldn't help Gu Junlin's worry, so she continued, "It's a task arranged by the dean, let me entertain the prince well."

"I see." Gu Junlin nodded, then said with a slight smile, "I'm sorry, Director Xu."

"It is my honor to lead the way for His Majesty the Prince."

Xu Wanshi said with a light smile, and led Gu Junlin towards the academy.

Walking into the college, you can see Tianshui Lake like a huge sapphire.

Some well-developed young girls were walking casually in the academy in twos and threes.

The constant laughter made Gu Junlin feel a strong youthful atmosphere.

Gu Junlin stopped in his tracks, feeling extremely hot in his heart.

They are all 14 years old!
If they all develop into their own harem, how many children will they have?How much reward do you have to get?

Xu Wanshi also wisely did not disturb Gu Junlin, but just stood aside calmly.

"Let's go, Director Xu, please take me to see your principal."

After a long time, Gu Junlin looked away and said to Xu Wanshi.

Xu Wanshi nodded, stretched out her right hand to Gu Junlin, and made a gesture of invitation.

"The principal has been waiting for a long time, please come here, my lord prince."

As she said that, she walked towards a building next to Tianshui Lake on her own.

Gu Junlin nodded with a smile, and followed closely.

As one goes deeper into the academy, one can better appreciate the huge scale of Tianshui Academy.

The stone steps for climbing the mountain are carved from white marble, and each stone step has a different pattern of soul beasts, with exquisite workmanship.

The sun leaves various tree shadows on the stone steps, which adds a bit of tranquility and chic.

As one of the five elemental colleges, any facilities for students' cultivation are complete.

Among them, the one with the greatest effect is the mimetic training ground for soul masters of various attributes.

The so-called mimetic training site refers to allowing soul masters to cultivate their own martial souls in the most suitable environment.

Although this cannot be said to be more effective, it can play a very good auxiliary role.

For example, if a student's martial soul is an ice-type soul beast, if he cultivates in a hot area or an ordinary area, the effect will definitely not be as good as in a world of ice and snow.

"The main campus area of ​​the college is in front of Tianshui Lake, and the mimic area is distributed behind Tianshui Lake."

While walking, Xu Wanshi introduced the situation of Tianshui College to Gu Junlin.

"In addition, there are more than 500 students in the entire academy, and they are basically civilian soul masters from the empire and affiliated kingdoms."

"There are more than 50 teachers. In terms of the strength of the teachers, it is enough. If they can settle in, or even control this academy, then it is tantamount to grasping the future of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

Having said this, Xu Wanshi's eyes burst into a gleam.

That is the radiance of self-confidence in one's academy!


The Dean's Office of Tianshui College is located in the center of the main campus of the college, and it is the largest building in the entire main campus.

Although it is also a single-story building, the highest point is ten meters, which looks a bit majestic.

It should be because of the greeting in advance. When they came to the dean's office, there were already two women waiting there.

The two women looked in their prime, both in their 30s.

Although it is simply standing there, it gives people a very special feeling.

It seems that the two of them are the core of Tianshui Academy.

Even if they had gentle smiles on their faces, they couldn't hide the special temperament that belonged to the strong.

Both women were wearing black robes, which were embroidered with some strange patterns with golden silk thread.

This kind of robe is not the uniform of the teacher of Tianshui Academy, but received in Wuhun Hall.

This kind of robe can only be received by Contra powerhouses who have reached level [-] or above, and it represents strength!

Generally speaking, this kind of dress is rarely worn out.

It represents not only status strength, but also solemnity.

Only in duels with opponents of the same level, or on extremely important occasions, this kind of custom-made dress exclusive to Contra will appear.

At this moment, the two women are naturally not going to a duel.

Then, they can only prove one thing, that they value Gu Junlin.

What's more, these two women have already personally greeted the door of the dean's office.

"I have seen the prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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