Chapter 121 Goddess Pavilion!
In addition to doubling the speed of cultivation.

All women who enter the Goddess Pavilion will automatically get a god position that suits them after they reach level 99 Limit Douluo.

What is a god?
In Douluo Continent, body can be regarded as the most precious treasure.

Stronger than Tang Chen Qian Daoliu, after reaching level 99 Ultimate Douluo, he will spend decades chasing after the god position.

Even, they can give up at all costs, even their lives.

The purpose is to obtain this divine position that can change fate.

But now, just one Goddess Pavilion can accommodate all the women in it.

When you reach level 99 Ultimate Douluo, you will automatically obtain a god position that suits you.

As for the third reward for entering the Goddess Pavilion, although it is slightly weaker than the first and second rewards.

Of course, this refers to a slightly weaker one, and it is just a comparison with the first two rewards.

You know, the third reward is an artifact.

After the goddess points reach [-], you can get an artifact.

What is an artifact?
That is a super baby that can leapfrog battles.

In Douluo One, there are no more than five artifacts, and none of them have appeared in this world.

Only after a hundred-level soul master becomes a god, will he be favored by the artifact and gain the power of the artifact.

Under normal circumstances, a soul master will have one weapon in his lifetime, and that is the soul master's own martial soul.

There is no way, just one martial soul is enough for a soul master to spend a lifetime studying.

There is simply no time to ponder other weapons.

But artifacts do not have this drawback.

It can be said that any divine weapon is far more powerful than the soul master's own martial soul.

Therefore, as long as he has a divine weapon, a soul master can exert an earth-shattering power without spending time at all on pondering.

It is no exaggeration to say that in some respects, the divine weapon even surpasses the soul master's second spirit.

From this we can see how important a divine weapon is to a soul master.

And the Goddess Pavilion, which can provide artifacts, is so against the sky.

With this in mind, Gu Junlin stopped hesitating and communicated with the system directly.

"System, extract the Goddess Pavilion!"

【Ding!The Goddess Pavilion has been extracted to the system space, please check it by the host! 】

The moment Gu Junlin's system voice just fell, the system's second reply sounded.

Gu Junlin did not hesitate, and looked at the Goddess Pavilion attentively.

Suddenly, a small panel appeared in front of him.

Some are similar to projection spaces, with blank drawings hanging in them!
"Huh?" Gu Junlin murmured in confusion, "Why is it just a blank sheet of paper?"


At this moment, he saw a line of small characters written at the bottom.

[The host can designate his own woman to become a member of the Goddess Pavilion. If the conditions are met, the members of the Goddess Pavilion will receive generous rewards. 】

Looking down, there is an optional list, Gu Junlin scrolls down, and there are densely packed avatars and names listed on it.

The first place is Bibi Dong, the second is Ayin, and the third is Nihuang
Then by analogy, from the perspective of order, it should be arranged according to the time of income in the harem.

"Just tap the profile picture?" Gu Junlin tapped on Bibi Dong's profile picture.

call out!
Hanging above the blueprint on the top of the Goddess Pavilion, Bibi Dong's head appeared instantly.

[Queen of God: Bibi Dong! 】

[Cultivation: Level 95 Titled Douluo (not eligible to obtain the god position)]

[Goddess Points: 97/100 points (temporarily ineligible to obtain artifacts)]

Afterwards, Gu Junlin tapped on A Yin's head portrait again.


The second blank sheet of paper gradually appeared.

[Concubine Mu: Ah Yin! 】

[Cultivation: Level 78 Soul Sage (temporarily ineligible for the god position)]

[Goddess Points: 85/100 points (temporarily ineligible to obtain artifacts)]

Gu Junlin clicked on the heads of Nihuang and Tang Yuehua one after another. After their heads were printed, the Goddess points were 86 and 79 respectively.

In the end, he clicked on the portraits of the eight concubines of the Prince's Mansion, and the goddess points displayed ranged from a few points to a dozen points.

The highest is the concubine Li Xueqin, at 18 points.

"How do you calculate the goddess points?"

Gu Junlin asked the system in puzzlement.

[Goddess points are mainly composed of four major sections, namely: cultivation, appearance, talent, proportion of plot, and loyalty to the host! 】

"I see."

With a soft mutter, Gu Junlin added the portraits of Xu Hongling and the other three daughters.

The displayed goddess points also fluctuate between 70 and 80.

It's not far from reaching a perfect score of one hundred.

"It doesn't seem to have much effect." Gu Junlin frowned.

At present, it seems that the function of this Goddess Pavilion is not very obvious, and it does not have any substantial help to himself and the women around him.

[The Goddess Pavilion will only play a real role when the resident member level reaches 99, or the Goddess points reach [-]! 】


Gu Junlin didn't answer systematically, but just leaned back on his chair and began to think.

According to the system, there are many ways to increase Goddess points.

But neither can be achieved quickly.

Especially talent and appearance, these two conditions are basically fixed.

Wanting to change is as hard as climbing the sky.

Only cultivation, plot ratio and loyalty can be improved through external force and hard work.

The reason why Bibi Dong's points are so high is also because she was the first to follow him, has the highest loyalty, and has top-notch conditions in all aspects.

That's why the score is so high.


Suddenly, on the drawing with Bibi Dong's head on it, the data changed from 97 points to 98 points.

"Up?" Gu Junlin was stunned.

Gu Junlin hurriedly found an empty place and teleported it to the Pope's palace.

Inside the hall.

Bibi Dong was walking from outside.

Gu Junlin stepped forward and asked, "Dong'er, what were you up to just now?"

"I killed a disobedient enemy." Bibi Dong said softly.

Gu Junlin secretly said: "It seems that this is also one of the ways to increase the Goddess points."

"Now the development of Wuhundian is getting more and more prosperous. As the Pope, Dong'er, you should go out and walk around more when you have nothing to do, and show your majesty as the Pope."

"Okay, Brother Junlin."

Without even thinking about it, Bibi Dong directly opened her mouth and agreed.

"Thank you, Dong'er."

Gu Junlin stepped forward and hugged Bibi Dong.

How can such a woman stop liking and loving herself?


Time goes by fast,
A month later.

Under Bibi Dong's iron and blood methods, a disobedient force died directly.

Gu Junlin, who was beside her, looked at the forces that had been reduced to ruins in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Go, put away all their previous items and bring them back to the Hall of Spirits!"

Bibi Dong stood at the back, instructing the disciples of the Spirit Hall to wipe out this force.

At this point, a small faction officially perished under the iron hooves of the Spirit Hall.

After everything was over, Goddess Bibidong's points also increased from 98 points to 100 points, already meeting the conditions for obtaining the artifact.

(End of this chapter)

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