Chapter 122 God Empress - Bibi Dong!

Gu Junlin opened the Goddess Pavilion.

The image of Goddess Bibi Dong's point position flickered, and there was a [Confirm] button out of thin air.

There is a line of small print below.

Friendly reminder, once the target of entry is determined, it cannot be changed or replaced. Please consider carefully the host.

"Dong'er is so obedient and obedient, and still loves me so much, I don't think so."

Gu Junlin clicked directly on the confirmation button.


In the Goddess Pavilion, the drawing with Bibi Dong's head on it suddenly trembled slightly, and Bibi Dong's ordinary head turned into a golden light.

at the same time,

Under Bibi Dong's miraculous head, a supreme throne appeared.

Bibi Dong sat domineeringly on the throne, looking down at the heroes below, her expression was full of kingship!
"This posture is all in the portraits. Sure enough, Dong'er is the most suitable to be a queen!"


After the portrait is completed, a few lines of words appear below.

Bibi Dong has successfully settled in the Goddess Pavilion, and she will be the Queen of Gods!

Bibi Dong's delicate body suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic aura suddenly emerged from her body, and the soul power in her body was also violently tumbling.

"It's about to break through!"

Bibi Dong hurriedly sat down cross-legged, and then activated her martial soul.

The momentum of promotion is like a flood that breaks the embankment, and she has successfully broken through from level 95 to level 96 in one fell swoop.

Feeling the breakthrough in cultivation personally, Bibi Dong immediately stood there dumbstruck.

and many more!

I have a stronger perception of the soul power between heaven and earth, could it be...

Bibi Dong's eyes gradually widened, and she said in disbelief: "My cultivation speed has increased again!"


At this moment, she felt a faint burning sensation in her arm.

Looking down, I saw streamers flickering on the skin, and gradually gathered the two small characters of "God Empress", and gradually became transparent.

God Queen?

Bibi Dong was confused: "What do you mean?"

On the side, Gu Junlin was also looking at the panel of the Goddess Pavilion, and saw the word 'Queen of God' appeared on Bibidong's portrait, as if it had been stamped with a divine seal.

"Queen of God?"

"Does it mean the queen?"

Bibi Dong turned around and said to Gu Junlin: "Brother Junlin, my cultivation has broken through to level 96, and my talent has also been greatly improved!"

Gu Junlin smiled calmly.

"You deserve it, Donger."

After finishing speaking, Gu Junlin asked the system: "System, doesn't it mean that if the goddess points reach [-] points, you can get an artifact? Where is Dong'er's artifact?"

[The artifact has been stored in the system space, and the host needs to take it out to the members of the Goddess Pavilion! 】

"That's it."

Gu Junlin opened the system space, and sure enough, there was a radiant object lying inside.

But he didn't take it out.

At this time, there are too many people here, so I'd better give it to Dong'er when I go back.

Seeing that the matter was over, Bibi Dong ordered the Spirit Hall army to return to the Spirit Hall.

Not long after, Gu Junlin and Bibi Dong returned to the Pope's Palace together.

Entering the Pope's Palace, Gu Junlin couldn't wait to Bibidong and said: "Dong'er, I have a treasure for you."


After finishing speaking, Gu Junlin waved his hand, took out the artifact in the system space, and handed it to Bibidong.

It was a jade seal, the whole body was purple-gold, with dragons and phoenixes engraved on it, accompanied by supreme divine power.

This is Bibi Dong's exclusive artifact, ruling the world.

Bibi Dong instantly fell in love with the jade seal in Gu Junlin's hand, and subconsciously reached out to take it.

"Brother Junlin!" She exclaimed in surprise, "This weapon is extraordinary!"

"Hmm." Gu Junlin said, "This is an artifact."

"God... god grade?" Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment.

Oh my God!
This is the highest-level weapon in Douluo Continent. I didn't expect Brother Junlin to give it to me!


Bibidong handed the jade seal to Gu Junlin again, and said, "Brother Junlin, this... this is too precious!"

"Take it, I gave it to you."

Gu Junlin smiled and said, "Dong'er, try it quickly and see if it goes well."


Bibi Dong took a deep breath, then stretched out her hand to hold Jun Lin Tian Tian.


Immediately, the majesty descended from the sky above the jade seal, and the handsome dragon and phoenix soared, exuding an invincible and terrifying power!

At this moment, the word "Emperor" that was originally hidden on the back of Bibi Dong's hand suddenly appeared, and the top of King's Landing also gradually outlined the word "Emperor". The two seemed to have established a contract in an instant.

"Brother Junlin!" Bibi Dong said with fiery eyes, "I have established a tacit understanding with this jade seal regardless of each other!"

"Go out and try." Gu Junlin said.



Behind the Papal Palace,
Yanwu Square.

Bibi Dong stands proudly as the king of the world.


Ah Yin and the others who had just arrived were surprised when they saw this, "The jade seal that Sister Dong is holding is so domineering."


At this moment, Bibi Dong's eyes froze, and she supported Jun Lin Tian Tian with her right hand, the soul power in her body burst out, and quickly poured into the jade seal.


The dragon and phoenix engraved on the top of King's Landing suddenly flashed golden light, and flew into the void in an instant.

"Oh my God!"

Ah Yin, Ah Rou and the others opened their mouths one after another.


Nihuang stood up and said in disbelief, "God... divine weapon?!"

At the same time, Elder Guiju also rushed up, and said in shock, "How could such a powerful weapon exist in the Douluo Continent!"

"This jade seal..."

Qian Daoliu didn't know when he came here, he stared and said, "Could it be from the God Realm?"

He has heard of all the artifacts in Douluo Dalu, but he has never seen one in the shape of a jade seal.

But after Bibi Dong aroused King's Landing, the divine power that erupted, no matter in terms of purity and strength, had already surpassed the limit of Douluo Continent's weapons!
So Qian Daoliu instantly judged that this jade seal is definitely not a weapon that should exist in Douluo Continent, it may come from the God Realm!
"Great offering!" Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu with fiery eyes and said, "Please advise."

"it is good."

Qian Daoliu walked over.

He was also very curious about how strong the jade seal in Bibi Dong's hand was.

"Great offering." Bibi Dong said: "Let's go out and fight."

This is where she lives, and she doesn't want to spoil it even a little bit.


On an abandoned mountain behind the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong was floating in the air, carrying a golden jade seal.


Qian Daoliu was dressed in plain clothes and stood with his hands behind his back.

Ghost Chrysanthemum Douluo and others stood in the distance, watching intently.

The Great Priest is the strongest in the Wuhun Hall, with a strength as high as a 99-level Ultimate Douluo.

His Majesty the Pope fought against him, could it be that he is very confident in the weapons he holds?

That's not it.

The main reason is that Qian Daoliu is very strong and can make Bibi Dong explode unscrupulously.


That is, the big offering is very resistant to beating.

"Great offering, please advise!"

(End of this chapter)

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