Chapter 123 Bibi Dong vs Qian Daoliu!
"Great offering, please advise!"

After cupping her fists and saying, Bibi Dong's body started to move.


Holding the jade seal, Bibi Dong flew towards Qian Daoliu, and the power of the seal became stronger immediately.

On the side, Ghost Chrysanthemum Douluo Qiqi secretly said: "His Majesty has this artifact, I am no match for it!"

The ghosts and chrysanthemums didn't know Bibi Dong's true strength.

Seeing the nine soul rings on Bibi Dong's body at this moment, the two of them were already surprised enough.

But in their opinion, Bibi Dong should be the recently promoted Nine Ring Titled Douluo.

Even with a red 10-year spirit ring, it won't exceed level 93.

You know, the two of them have been promoted to level 95 for many years as Super Douluo.

But even so, facing Bibi Dong, a titled Douluo who 'does not exceed level 93' at this moment, the two of them also do not have the confidence to defeat Bibi Dong.

However, it's not just the two of them.

Among the many elders and priests present at the moment, except for the second priest, Golden Crocodile Douluo, none of them dared to say that they could securely beat Bibi Dong who held the divine weapon.

It is conceivable that the divine weapon in Bibi Dong's hands has such a powerful deterrent effect on everyone present.

"call out!"

The golden light shone, and the golden divine power burst forth!


Because it carries the power of divine power, you can clearly hear the sound of the heavenly voice piercing the world above King's Landing.

Qian Daoliu calmly raised his hand to grasp the energy from Bibi Dong's attack, shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, although your weapon is strong, it can't be used against you."


With a sudden force, the energy collapsed.

As Qian Daoliu, who has been promoted to level 99 Limit Douluo for many years, his strength is already terrifying, even if Bibi Dong has the blessing of a divine weapon, it is difficult to hurt him.

Bibi Dong was not surprised.

In her opinion, as long as Qian Daoliu can be forced to use [-]% of his strength, it is a victory!

"Brush! Brush!"

When the movement technique was deployed, a series of divine powers poured out from the world of King's Landing, tearing apart the space.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Qian Daoliu always stood in place, and frequently shot with both hands, either sending the energy flying, or directly crushing it, showing absolute terrifying strength!

Seeing this scene, Gu Junlin couldn't help shaking his head slowly and muttering to himself.

"I thought the artifact was very powerful, but it looks nothing more than that. Even Qian Daoliu can't do anything about it."

As if hearing Gu Junlin's murmur, the system's voice rang.

【Host please clarify, is Qian Daoliu an ordinary Limit Douluo? 】

【Furthermore, the power of a divine weapon depends on the cultivation of the user. If Bibi Dong is now a Limit Douluo, the situation of holding a divine weapon will definitely be different. 】


Gu Junlin nodded lightly, and then sent a voice transmission to Bibi Dong through the teleportation beads: "Dong'er, this artifact should have a special finishing move. You can explore it and inspire it to fight Qian Daoliu."

As an artifact, there must be a finishing move.

Gu Junlin also wants to see what is Junlin Tiantian's nirvana!
"Finishing technique?"

Hearing Gu Junlin's sound transmission, Bibi Dong murmured, and then locked his mind on the dragon and phoenix imprint of Junlin Tianxia, ​​feeling it in his heart.

"Is it this one?"


The soul power touched the dragon and phoenix mark.


Suddenly, the King's Landing Tianxia held in Bibi Dong's hands suddenly trembled violently.

Then it suddenly lifted into the air, suspended in the void, shining with dazzling golden light.


Qian Daoliu suddenly raised his head, a frightened look flashed in his eyes.


The handle of the king's land seal is facing upwards, and the base is facing downwards. A huge divine power quickly erupts from the seal's body and gradually spreads outward.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers hurriedly stepped back and subconsciously protected their bodies, for fear of being affected by this terrifying attack.


Nihuang gently tugged at the corner of Gu Junlin's clothes, and said in a puzzled voice, "What's wrong with the elders?"

"They're afraid of Dong'er." Gu Junlin said flatly.


After a while, the divine power above the void suddenly burst out with more powerful power, and then gathered in the central King's Landing World, and the body of the seal condensed a beam of divine power.

"This..." Gu Junlin said in shock: "It's a bit like my thunder disaster, destroying the world!"

"This kind of power is definitely an artifact!" Qian Daoliu said secretly.

Bibi Dong who stood in the void suddenly closed her eyes.

King's Landing continued to gather divine power, and her body was gradually shrouded in golden light.

At the same time, a memory that does not belong to him was conveyed to the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally evolved into a certain move.


Suddenly, Bibi Dong opened her eyes, and the divine power burst out in her beautiful eyes, and said: "Guide Jiangshan!"


As soon as the words were finished, the King's Landing World in Bibi Dong's hand shone brightly, and a beam of divine power descended from the sky and landed on her body.

Just like the gods from the sky descended into the world, the gods punish all living beings!
"what is that?"

All the soul masters in Wuhun City couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw a beam of light descending from the sky suddenly from the Pope's Palace.


At this moment, there was an explosion from the area where the Shenwei beam fell.

Although they were far away, they could hear clearly, especially when they saw ripples raging in mid-air.

All of a sudden, countless soul masters were deeply shocked!

Junlintianxia seemed to have sensed the master's anger, and suddenly trembled slightly, and the jade palm supporting Junlintianxia suddenly began to gather a little light.


Bibi Dong was surprised.

At this moment, she could feel that the endless divine power was being crazily poured into the world of King's Landing along the palm of her hand.


Suddenly, radiant energy gathered in the jade palm!

"call out!"

Huge divine power rushed in along the palm of her hand, and poured into the King's Landing World in Bibi Dong's hands, making her suddenly have a strong desire to kill Qian Daoliu!

"What a powerful artifact!"

Just when Bibi Dong was amazed, Qian Daoliu's expression on the opposite side changed slightly, and a coolness came from his body.

"Great offering."

Bibi Dong narrowed his eyes and said: "The power of this artifact is not very clear to the Pope, so I will give you a try today."

Seeing Bibi Dong's expression and the coolness coming from his body, Qian Daoliu immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately seemed to back away.

"Run there!"

Bibi Dong strode forward, swung Jun Lin Tian Tian suddenly, locked on Qian Daoliu who had fled tens of meters away, and shouted softly: "Guide Jiangshan!"


As soon as the words fell, the divine power gathered in King's Landing burst out immediately, and then burst out a long beam of light.

Qian Daoliu's expression changed drastically, the coolness on his body turned into a chill, and he roared loudly with a collapsed expression: "No!!!"



On a mountain peak behind the Wuhun Hall, a deacon was putting a stack of books on the ground, then straightened his waist lazily, and his eyes widened immediately.

Because not far away, a beam of light suddenly burst out, and then saw the great priest Qian Daoliu flying towards the sky at a high speed.

At the same time, there was a miserable cry.


(End of this chapter)

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