Chapter 129 Three more titles added!


Gu Junlin took out the water spirit blue flower from the system space again, and introduced it carefully to the three women.

"This is a celestial medicinal herb called Shui Ling Bilanhua. Taking it can improve your talent, and you will also get the ultimate water attribute."

"I can understand that the talent has been improved, but what does this ultimate water attribute mean?"

Hearing Gu Junlin's introduction, the three women were all a little confused.

The three women had never heard of the ultimate water attribute, so they were a little confused.

So they asked Gu Junlin aloud.

Gu Junlin smiled softly, and explained: "You can understand the ultimate water attribute to mean that you are the well-deserved kings in terms of water attribute!"

"With the ultimate water attribute, your martial spirit and soul skills will undergo earth-shaking changes. At the same time, you will no longer be afraid of any water attribute attacks!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Junlin found that the three women were still looking at her with incomprehensible eyes.

Simply, he didn't explain too much, but turned his voice and said: "Okay, no amount of explanation is as good as you experience it yourself."

After all, without waiting for the three girls to react, he directly broke off the stem of the Shui Ling Bilanhua and handed it to the three girls.

Seeing that Gu Junlin had already taken out the fairy grass, the third daughter could only take it and put it into her own mouth, chewed it a few times before swallowing it.

"Don't worry about refining, I'm here to help you guard."

The three women nodded, restrained their minds, then sat down cross-legged, and began to practice quietly.

Time, every minute and every second gradually passed.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

With the effect of the fairy herb, the three girls have undergone changes to varying degrees.

The first is Xu Hongling.

Her martial soul is an ice crystal ant, an extremely powerful water-type ant.

After taking the water spirit blue flower, a layer of snow-white armor grew on the body of the ice crystal ant, which looked extremely hard.

At the same time, her ice crystal ant had already appeared behind her autonomously at this time, its six ant legs were more than ten times thicker than before, and the sound of bone crackling was constantly resounding from its body.

At this moment, it is propping up on the ground, as if it wants to prop up the entire void.

Along with the ant legs, there is also the whole body skeleton of the ice crystal ant.

As the effect of the water spirit blue flower continued to penetrate into Xu Hongling's delicate body, her martial spirit also continued to evolve.

During this process, the eight spirit rings on her body continuously shone with dazzling brilliance at an astonishing speed.

Occasionally, his body would roar like thunder, and his whole body would tremble with a special rhythm.

Not long after, the original ice crystal ant disappeared, replaced by a super giant ant that looked to be the size of a buffalo, exuding endless ice.

Ants are a very powerful species. They can easily carry objects [-] times their own weight and drag objects [-] times their own weight.

At this moment, after Wuhun has evolved.

Xu Hongling's Ant Martial Soul is like a divine ant capable of carrying the sky, giving her an endless sense of oppression.

Compared to Xu Hongling, Su Yuechan is the calmest of the three.

He just sat there quietly cross-legged, but his body exuded an endless sense of water.

A faint white mist emerged from the surface of the skin, waving around her body.

Originally, her personality belonged to that gentle type, she was the gentlest of the three women, but now, against the backdrop of the curling white mist, she added a bit of nobleness.

Like Xu Hongling, Su Yuechan's martial spirit has also evolved.

Her original martial soul was Shuiyuelu, but after taking Shuilingbilanhua, her Shuiyuelu martial soul had disappeared.

Instead, it turned into a divine deer that seemed to come out of the depths of the ocean, with endless water shining all over its body.

The divine deer has human nature, and after appearing on top of Su Yuechan's head, it actually bent down and gently kissed its owner.

With the kiss of the divine deer, Su Yuechan's speed of refining the water spirit blue flower became faster and faster.

There are even some latecomers on top, who faintly show signs of surpassing Xu Hongling.

Compared to Xu Hongling and Su Yuechan, Xu Wanshi seemed very well-behaved.

At this time, Xu Wanshi's clothes were already soaked by the huge water attribute, revealing a crystal clear body.

Xu Wanshi's cultivation level is the lowest among the three, and the medicinal effect of Shui Ling Bilan Hua is extremely overbearing.

At this time, layers of fine black impurities continued to seep out from under her skin, and her body seemed to be frozen, even her hair had turned aqua blue.

Strangely, every time a layer of black juice oozes out of her body, her various points will increase by one point.

It is not difficult to see that she is also undergoing drastic evolution at this time,
Gu Junlin sat quietly at the side, carefully observing the changes of the three women.

If something is wrong, he will act immediately.

Evolution is important, but safety is even more important.

As his own woman, Gu Junlin must of course ensure the absolute safety of the three women.

Time passed slowly.

In a blink of an eye, it was midnight.

The first one to wake up from cultivation was Xu Hongling, who was the most powerful.

Although Su Yuechan had the blessing of the deer, her strength was still not as good as Xu Hongling's, and the final refining speed was still not as fast as the latter.

Stretching a lot, Xu Hongling opened her eyes as if waking up from sleep, "It's so comfortable!"

Gu Junlin smiled softly, and said, "The two of them are still practicing, please keep your voice down."

Xu Hongling blinked, only to realize that the other two girls sitting around her hurriedly covered their mouths and stood up.

Gu Junlin looked Xu Hongling up and down a few times.

He found that the huge energy generated by Xu Hongling when he absorbed the water spirit blue flower did not disappear with the end of the practice, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of lustrous luster.

"Ling'er, do you feel any difference in your body?" Gu Junlin asked in a low voice.

Xu Hongling was stunned for a moment, then remembered to feel the changes in her body.

Soon, her face became weird.

It was a double emotion of surprise and disbelief, and the smile gradually enlarged on his face. If it weren't for the people around him who were still practicing, he really wanted to laugh out loud at this time.

"How is it?" Gu Junlin gently scratched Xu Hongling's nose, and asked softly.

Xu Hongling's eyes were filled with flame-like excitement, "It's cool, it's really cool."

"Oh?" Seeing Xu Hongling's joyful look, Gu Junlin couldn't help smiling, and then continued to ask, "How cool is it?"

Xu Hongling smiled, stretched out a hand, and waved it in front of Gu Junlin.

"My soul power has been fully raised to level ninety, and if I absorb another soul ring, I can become a Titled Douluo!"

After finishing speaking, she hugged Gu Junlin and spoke excitedly.

"Your Majesty, I love you so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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