Chapter 130: Three Women Come Together!

"Tch, it's like someone hasn't been promoted to level [-]!"

Just when Xu Hongling was beyond astonished, Su Yuechan's voice sounded.

The sacred deer above her head has returned to her body, and her whole body exudes an aura as powerful as Xu Hongling's.

Although Gu Junlin guessed that the fairy herbs given by Gu Junlin would be very effective, judging from the harvest of the second daughter, it is still different.

A plant of fairy grass actually made the soul power of the two daughters directly jump to level ninety.

In other words, if they absorb one more soul ring, the two of them can become the top people in Douluo Continent.

Su Yuechan and Gu Junlin looked at each other and smiled, "My lord, I have improved by three levels, and now I have been promoted to level ninety."

Xu Hongling gave Su Yuechan a blank look, and couldn't help but said, "Aren't we dreaming? In just half a night, we've been promoted to level ninety?"

Su Yuechan also jumped up and said, "I never expected that I was directly promoted to level 87 not long after breaking through level [-]."

"That... I seem to be at level ninety."

At this moment, Xu Wanshi's weak voice sounded.

She stood up slowly, withdrew all the energy into her body, and then came to Gu Junlin and the other three, and said calmly.

Xu Hongling: "."

Su Yuechan: "."

Xu Hongling took a step forward and gently held her hand, "Wanshi, aren't you only at level 85? Why are you at level [-]?"

Xu Wanshi blushed, and said weakly, "The fairy grass your lord prince gave is too powerful. After refining the water spirit blue flower, my soul power has increased by five levels, and now I have just reached level ninety."


Su Yuechan stepped forward suddenly, and then kissed Xu Wanshi hard on the face.

"It's alright now, we're all level ninety, and we'll be on the same starting line from now on."

"We should compare who can advance to level 92 first."

Xu Hongling stood up, and said calmly: "Didn't your lord the prince say that we will share the results of our cultivation in the future."

"So, we will all be promoted to level 92 at the same time."

"That's right." Su Yuechan patted her forehead, and said rather speechlessly: "I also said that this time I can pin you down, it seems that there is no hope."

Hearing her words, Xu Hongling rolled her big eyes, pinched her waist fiercely, and said angrily, "You girl!"

"Okay, listen to me."

Gu Junlin looked at the three women who were fighting and couldn't help being in a trance.

But now is obviously not the time to fight, so he stood up to stop the girls.

"Since you have all been promoted to level ninety, I will take you to hunt for the ninth spirit ring in a few days."

After all, he walked towards the outside of the house on his own, "Come with me, let me see your combined strength."

The three women looked at each other and hurried to follow.

Not long after, several people came to the riverside downstream of Tianshui College together.

This location is far away from the place where humans live, even if there is any big movement, no one will notice it.

Gu Junlin looked around and nodded in satisfaction.

"Come on, you fit together directly, don't worry about hurting me."


Hearing Gu Junlin's words, the three girls were all taken aback.

They had competed with Gu Junlin before.

At that time, Gu Junlin's strength was stronger than them.

But now, Gu Junlin made the three of them fit together.

In this way, will he be an opponent?
However, after seeing Gu Junlin's serious eyes, the three women didn't say much.

They knew that Gu Junlin was not joking with them.

The three women moved lightly in lotus steps and stood in a triangular formation.

Then they nodded abruptly, and the three of them emitted a sacred fairy light.

After the fairy light appeared, as if they had received some traction, they lifted the bodies of the three women into the void, and then quickly spun and merged.

A dazzling water-blue fairy light flickered violently.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of the three women disappeared, replaced by a fairy who looked like a heaven and earth.

The fairies have the looks of the three women respectively, and they don't look abrupt, but they have a special beauty.

The fairy light is shrouded in fairy light, just like the fairy above the nine heavens, mortals can't touch it!

The gorgeous water-blue armor seems to be made according to the proportions of her body.

The hard breastplate, the waist armor with excellent protection performance, the round shoulder armor, and other armors that perfectly protect the body.

Enveloping the whole fairy, there is a water mark on her forehead, which is shining with a water blue fairy light.

The fairy lightly tapped Zhenshou, then raised her palm and pressed it towards Gu Junlin!
"Looks good!"

Gu Junlin nodded slightly, then raised his palm, and slapped it out slowly!


The two palms slapped together heavily, bursting out a strong battle wave.

The void around it trembled.

The blow was fruitless, and the fairy made a soft sound.

"My lord, be careful."

The fairy lightly raised her hand, and a majestic water-blue fairy light burst out, shooting towards Gu Junlin.

"Water fairy light!"

Gu Junlin's face was calm, and he didn't feel any danger from the blow.

So he didn't make a strong counterattack. He also gently stretched out his palm, and then collided with Xianguang.


Gu Junlin's strength is really terrifying.

Even though the three women have been combined and their strength has increased tenfold, they are still no match for him.

I saw that the water-blue fairy light was easily defeated by Gu Junlin, and then dissipated into the void.

"Daffodils come!"

But after all, she is a level [-] powerhouse, and after being combined, the fairy is not powerless to resist.

Accompanied by a cry of surprise, the fairy's body began to spin violently, as if turning into a ray of light, coming directly to suppress Gu Junlin.

Seeing the other party's attack, Gu Junlin's eyes were calm, and he didn't look very surprised.

After all, this is the superpower after the fusion of three ninety-level soul masters.

It would be strange if he was defeated so easily.

I saw a gleam in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the majestic soul power was used by him.

The space around Gu Junlin began to fluctuate violently, and then caught up with the fairy with lightning speed.


Before the fairy could react, she was hit by Gu Junlin.

Her body collapsed instantly, and then the figures of Xu Hongling's three daughters appeared, and she fell down by the lake.

"My lord, what is your strength?"

Xu Hongling got up first and asked Gu Junlin puzzledly.

They have already been promoted to level [-] at this time, and after they are combined, they are also not the enemy of Gu Junlin.

The opponent's strength, is it really so terrifying?
"My strength is beyond your comprehension."

Gu Junlin didn't want to delve into this topic, so he changed his voice and said:
"The strength of the three of you after merging is probably around level 98."

"I reckon, after you hunt the ninth spirit ring, you will be able to compete with ordinary level 99 Ultimate Douluo!"

(End of this chapter)

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