Douluo: Rebirth of the Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake, Many Children and Many Blessings

Chapter 133 Let them advance to ten thousand years first!

Chapter 133 Let them advance to 10 years first!
The gigantic bodies of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors rose upright, with an aura as if Mount Tai was crushing the top, causing a huge wave on the lake in front of it.

"Brothers, come on!"

As Gu Junlin said, with 9 years of cultivation, it has intelligence no less than that of humans.

The conversation between Gu Junlin and Xu Hongling's three daughters just now did not avoid it, so it heard it clearly.

It's angry.

But from the humans in front of them, especially the man, they felt an extremely strong sense of fatal crisis.

They knew that they couldn't possibly be the opponent of the human in front of them.

But after all, as the new kings of the Star Dou Great Forest, it is impossible for them to catch them without a fight.

They have to pass through this station to make their own reputation...

"Yuechan, Wanshi, let's see who solves it first."

Xu Hongling chuckled, she also wanted to test her current strength with this big guy in front of her.

After all, the soul power has been upgraded to level ninety, and it has been double improved by the Three Lives Immortal Stone and Immortal Grass.

Their strength has increased greatly, and they just use this Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor to test their strength.

"Ugly Ant, use your lives to make our soul ring today."

On the opposite side, hearing Xu Hongling's unceremonious words, the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor in front of her became furious.

As the new king of Star Dou Great Forest, it has never suffered such humiliation.

But feeling Xu Hongling's strong aura, Qianjun Ant Emperor's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

Facing Xu Hongling, who was full of fighting spirit, it didn't dare to relax at all!
Six huge claws clawed hard at the ground, and the Fifteen Ant Emperor started to move.

As expected of a 9-year soul beast, the speed at which it erupted in an instant was completely out of proportion to its huge body.

Xu Hongling clearly felt that when the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor pounced on her, she only felt that a big mountain rushed towards her fiercely.

The power of the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor is too strong.

Among the soul beasts of the same level, the pure power of the Thousand Ton Ant Emperor is at least several times that of other soul beasts!
As the king of the forest, strength is the core ability of Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor.

Among the countless kinds of soul beasts, it is estimated that there is not a single one that can surpass the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor in strength.

And among these kinds of soul beasts, there are very few that can cultivate to 10 years.

However, in the face of this terrifying impact, Xu Hongling not only did not panic at all, but even showed a scornful smile.

She possesses the Ice Crystal Ant Martial Soul and the blessing of the ultimate water attribute, her strength at this time is not inferior to this Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor at all.

"bring it on!"

After saying that, Xu Hongling's body flashed suddenly, and then appeared strangely in the direction where the Qianjun Ant Emperor was attacking.

Then the tightly clenched jade fist ruthlessly smashed towards the body of the Qianjun Ant Emperor who was charging!
The jade fist, which seemed to have little power, seemed to weigh as much as a thousand pounds, and easily knocked the thousand-ton ant emperor away, making a deafening roar.

Severely wounded!
Soul beasts over 5 years old can rival the eight-ringed Soul Douluo of humans.

And the 9-year-old Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor can even compete with the 89-level peak Contra.

But how strong is Xu Hongling?

She was promoted to level ninety, and her strength received a qualitative improvement.

And through the double evolution of Sansheng Xianshi and Xiancao, plus the attribute of ultimate water.

At this time, her strength is completely comparable to those Title Douluo who just obtained the ninth spirit ring.

And the soul beast is less than 10 years old, so it is impossible to be the opponent of the human Titled Douluo.

So at this time, Xu Hongling's understated punch directly defeated the power that Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor was most proud of.

And under this punch, Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor was directly seriously injured.

Blood gushed out from his giant mouth, easily staining the surrounding ground red.

"too weak."

Xu Hongling chuckled, and continued to attack the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor.


at the same time,

The battle in the other two places is also entering a fierce state.

Although Su Yuechan and Xu Wanshi's movements were not as fast as Xu Hongling's, they were basically fighting against the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor they were facing.

Although the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor is extremely powerful, he still doesn't have much advantage when facing the three women.

No way, the water attribute naturally restrains the strength attribute.

In particular, the three girls all have the attribute of ultimate water, they can easily summon a water barrier, and remove most of the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor's attack.


Countless water splashes turned into dazzling and strange lights, instantly flooding the space where the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor was, making the air suddenly humid.

Everything around them suddenly turned into a water world. When Su Yuechan and Xu Wanshi faced the Giant Ant Emperor, they felt like a mud cow entering the sea, and they both felt that their bodies instantly became sluggish.


Too restrained!

The two Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors showed a humanized anxious look at this time.

The strength of these two women restrained them too much.

As the master of this big forest, how could he not know the goals of these people in front of him?


The two Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors let out a monstrous roar, and their powerful ant legs helped their bodies bounce up instantly.

What does it look like when two mountains suddenly fly up?
It couldn't be more suitable to describe the current Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor.

At this time, they have realized that only by joining forces can they have a chance to escape today.

next moment.

The two Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors looked at each other, and immediately rushed forward to surround Su Yuechan on the left.

Taken alone, the two Thousand Ton Ant Emperors are only at level 85 or above.

But if they join forces, their strength can reach around level [-] in an instant.

After all, they are all the top 9-year-old soul beasts in this forest.

And after living together for so many years, whether it is tacit understanding or cooperation, they have reached a very high level.

Their rich practical experience makes their ideas extremely clear.

In a one-on-one confrontation, it is obviously impossible for them to defeat the two women in front of them.

Seeing the two Giant Ant Emperors surrounding her, Su Yuechan didn't react at all.

Instead, he sneered, looked at the anxious Xu Wanshi beside him and said calmly, "Wanshi, don't worry, let me do it!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yuechan stopped talking.

There was a sudden flash of her body, and as a strong soul power lit up, she summoned the martial soul.

Immediately, a divine deer over ten meters in length appeared at the core of the Star Dou Forest.

And as Su Yuechan summoned the martial soul, the surrounding soul power seemed to be drawn by a kind of pull, and began to frantically gather towards her.

The majestic energy radiated from the huge martial soul, shaking the entire space.

A sweeping aura surged out, suppressing the two Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors in front of him.

Suddenly, a powerful force emerged spontaneously.

Afterwards, she suddenly looked at the two Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors in front of her.

A strong killing intent burst out of his eyes.

The two Thousand Ton Ant Emperors were shocked at the same time.

A look of fear emerged from their eyes.

Su Yuechan stood like a female war goddess.

A beam of energy as vast as the ocean flickered away.

In the next second, a vast ocean gushed out, submerging the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor's head in it.

The two Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors wanted to resist.

But the gap in cultivation was too huge. Facing Su Yuechan's terrifying attack, they couldn't resist at all, and could only close their eyes and wait for death.

And at this moment, Gu Junlin's voice sounded.

"Hongling, Yuechan, don't kill them yet!"

Xu Hongling and Su Yuechan both turned around and looked at Gu Junlin in confusion.

"Let them advance to 10 years first!"

(End of this chapter)

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