Chapter 134 The real method of raising pigs!

Upon hearing Gu Junlin's words, the three women were stunned.

Xu Hongling stopped attacking the Fifteen Ant Emperor, turned around and asked, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Gu Junlin smiled softly and spoke calmly.

"These three soul beasts are all more than 9 years old, and they are only one step away from 10 years."

"So, why not let them advance to 10 years first, and then you absorb their soul rings?"

"Ah this."

Xu Hongling was taken aback for a moment, looking at Gu Junlin with a strange look in his eyes.

It's a bit like looking at the smart eyes.

There is no way, what Gu Junlin said is too far-fetched for her.

How can a 10-year-old soul beast be promoted if he wants to be promoted?

But seeing that Gu Junlin didn't look like he was joking, she could only hesitantly say: "But Your Majesty, there is no way we can turn the three-headed soul beast into a 10-year-old soul beast."

Gu Junlin smiled boldly, then waved his hand and said, "You can't help it, but I can do it."

After that, he took out three radiant-looking crystal stones from the system space.

Soul core spar: an exclusive item for soul beasts, each soul beast can only be used once, and after use, it can increase the cultivation level by 1 years!

These three soul core crystals were rewards given to the eighth concubine of the Prince's Mansion when she was pregnant.

Gu Junlin originally wanted to use it by himself, but he never found a good opportunity, so he kept it in his own system space.

Unexpectedly, now it has a lot of effect.

Compared with taking it himself to improve his cultivation for a mere 1 years, Gu Junlin felt that if these three soul core crystals were used by the three Fifteen Ant Emperors, the effect would be even more powerful.

After all, although the difference between a 10-year-old soul ring and a 9-year-old soul ring is only 1 years, the difference is huge.

Every 10-year soul ring can give a soul master a heaven-defying good fortune.

As for Xu Hongling's three daughters, they are basically one body at this time, and all abilities are shared.

In other words, each of them obtains one 10-year soul ring, which is equivalent to each obtaining three 10-year soul rings.

The results represented by this are self-evident.

After thinking about this point, Gu Junlin didn't hesitate anymore, and directly handed the three soul core crystals to the three women, and asked them to feed the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors to eat.

The three women nodded and followed suit.

However, the three-headed Ant Emperor was completely shocked after hearing Gu Junlin's cruel thoughts.

First, cultivate the three of you into 10-year-old soul beasts, and then hunt and absorb the soul rings.

Such methods are too cruel.

It's worse than killing them directly.

I have seen many living Bodhisattvas, but this is the first time I have seen a living Hades.

So the three-headed army thought that it was 1 people who were unwilling, and they would not cooperate with Xu Hongling and the three daughters at all, but resisted crazily.

Gu Junlin didn't have that much patience. Seeing that the three girls couldn't feed the soul core spar for a long time, he made a bold move.

His body trembled slightly, and a boundless aura spewed out from his body.

You know, even the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python couldn't bear his terrifying aura.

Not to mention the mere Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor.

After Gu Junlin released his breath, the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors suddenly went limp, and prostrated themselves on the spot, unable to move.

When Xu Hongling and the three daughters saw this, they were shocked before it was too late, and hurriedly took advantage of their inability to resist, and stuffed the soul core spar into the mouths of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors.

As the soul core crystal was swallowed into his belly, vast amounts of energy emerged and were roughly transmitted into the bodies of the three Fifteen Ant Kings.

Suddenly, the bodies of the three Giant Ant Emperors began to tremble involuntarily as if struck by lightning.

The energy continues to explode.

The bodies of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors swelled rapidly.

The energy provided by the soul core spar was too majestic, even the three 9-year-old Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors couldn't bear it anymore.

Seeing this, Gu Junlin quickly waved his hand and poured out the energy, helping the three Fifteen Ant Emperors absorb the energy.

After getting help from Gu Junlin, the three-headed Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor felt that the sense of swelling had dissipated a lot.

Then the body continued to tremble uncontrollably, slowly absorbing this majestic energy.

On the side, Xu Hongling's three daughters were stunned by the scene in front of them.

What a horrible scene it was!

Three identical 9-year-old soul beasts, with the help of Gu Junlin, continue to absorb huge amounts of energy.

Then, a huge amount of energy gushed out from their bodies, almost shaking the entire space.

"They are... going to break through 10 years?"

For a moment, Xu Hongling and the three daughters could only think of this possibility.

It is only possible that such a terrifying scene will appear.

Thinking of this, a look of astonishment could not help appearing on the pretty faces of the three of them.

Can the three crystals that the prince took out really make the soul beast rise to 10 years?
This is too incredible!

On the other side, the evolution of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors has come to an end.

The majestic energy was absorbed by the huge body and turned into the purest strength.

A huge aura surged out, covering the entire core of the Star Dou Forest.

The countless soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest all involuntarily prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling in front of this aura that could tear apart the sky.

Gu Junlin smiled softly, "Okay, let's go and kill them."

The three women nodded, and then quickly walked in front of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors.

After that, the bodies of the three females were summoned and they all shook, and three identical ice spears appeared in their hands, and then ruthlessly inserted into the heads of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors.

A few minutes passed, and the vitality of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors drained completely, and three scarlet soul rings slowly rose from their corpses.

Xu Hongling and the three daughters took a deep breath, looked at each other, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to absorb the spirit ring.

As the three scarlet soul rings were pulled onto the martial soul by the three women, the majestic soul power rushed around in their bodies. Fortunately, the powerful strength of the three women was also exerting their effects at this time.

The soul power of Xu Hongling and her three daughters has reached level [-], and they have survived the tempering of the Three Lives Immortal Stone Cores and Immortal Medicinal Herbs.

Under such conditions, Xu Hongling's three daughters absorbed it fairly smoothly, and all parts of their bodies became tougher and crystal clear after passing through this huge energy.

While they were absorbing the spirit ring, an identical torso spirit bone emerged from each of the three Fifteen Ton Ant Emperors.

The bright red torso soul bones instantly merged into the bodies of Xu Hongling and the three girls.

Although there was no change on the surface, the three daughters of Xu Hongling felt that their chest was expanding infinitely.

A powerful feeling filled the entire chest cavity, and the meridians under the smooth skin were constantly squirming.

Under the dual effects of the 10-year-old soul ring and soul bone, the bones of Xu Hongling's three daughters also made crackling sounds.

The three women closed their eyes, slowly absorbing these two terrifying energies, and gradually...

The three women have been completely enveloped in red light, exuding a powerful aura.

(End of this chapter)

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