Chapter 137 Goodbye God’s Projection!

As if hearing Gu Junlin's disdain, there was a roar in the sky and a figure suddenly appeared.

Like the projection of the gods that appeared before, the figure that appeared this time was also the projection of the gods.

But the difference is that this figure is much stronger than the one Gu Junlin encountered before.

The aura of this figure was too strong, causing the heaven and earth to tremble.

"What level of god are you?"

Gu Junlin glanced calmly and spoke calmly.

The figure did not answer Gu Junlin's question, but just kept talking to himself.

"Punisher of the God Realm, ordered to stop!"

After saying that, the figure raised his palm and moved towards Gu Junlin to suppress it.

Gu Junlin was undaunted and raised his fist fiercely, hitting the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, the palm dissipated, and a look of horror appeared on the face of the god projector.


Suddenly, the eyes of the god's projection became clear and became extremely firm.

"You are truly a guy who was born out of calamity. No wonder the committee asked me to personally come and destroy you! No matter what, you will be destroyed in the God Realm!"

Immediately afterwards, the god projector raised his head to the sky and screamed, and once again swung a swift blow at Gu Junlin.

Suddenly, the body of the god projector rose into the sky with brilliant divine light, and the lavender armor became taller, like a god standing tall and tall.


Gu Junlin looked at the other person, his body shook violently, and a majestic energy of the sun surged out of his body.

The energy of the great sun is vast and unpredictable, turning into a giant dragon, as if it is about to blast a piece of heaven and earth.

A huge explosion was born here.

In an instant, there was a billions of rays of light, like a disaster that caused the world to collapse, and even the entire thundercloud was cut open with a long trace.

This is the power that Gu Junlin, a Douluo variable, unleashes when he competes with the Heavenly Tribulation!

The God Projector was knocked upside down by this giant dragon. The armor on his body was completely broken, blood spattered everywhere, and a huge bloody hole was cut in his stomach.

The God Projector struggled to get up from the ground, felt pain all over his body when he made a slight movement, and coughed up blood, all of which was mixed with the blood of Shenguang, which made people palpitate.

"How is it possible?" The body of the god projector was trembling because he had reached his limit.

"Is this all you have? It seems that you, the gods, are no more than this."

Right in front, Gu Junlin suddenly flew up from the ground.

Following his movement, the lightning tribulations on both sides were like living creatures, as if they were surrendering to the feet of his demon king.

There was inevitably a hint of despair in the eyes of the god projector.

Not long after he arrived, he experienced such a disaster.

He couldn't help but wonder, should Gu Junlin overcome the disaster or himself?

Regardless of whether he wants to admit it or not, at this moment, Gu Junlin brought complete crushing to the God Projector and the God Realm!

After Gu Junlin experienced the last catastrophe, he had almost refined an entire piece of divine crystal.

His strength has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Gu Junlin walked down the steps, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the empty space.

There was still no sadness or joy in those dark eyes.

Even though he was facing a divine sanctioner who was stronger than the previous god's projection, he still didn't have any unnecessary emotional fluctuations in his heart, because now he was completely indifferent to the Douluo God Realm.The God Projector gritted his teeth. He fell on the cold ground, surrounded by his own divine blood. Facing Gu Junlin who was walking step by step, this posture was too humiliating.

"I've almost had enough fun. There's nothing more interesting to me."

When Gu Junlin spoke, his voice was too terrifying, as if he didn't take the God Projector into consideration from beginning to end.

Hearing Gu Junlin's words, the God Projector became nervous as never before.

At the same time, Gu Junlin waved his hand and everything returned to calm.

The eyes on the sky were in an uproar immediately, and their eyes were as wide as copper bells. I don’t know how many people shouted anxiously, as if their lives were being held by Gu Junlin.

At this moment, Gu Junlin returned to his calm appearance.

But those dark, emotionless eyes were enough to show that his thoughts had been completely dyed black.

The punisher sent by the God Realm also fell in a pool of blood, and his armor was knocked to the ground, revealing a beautiful woman's face, with long snow-white hair dyed blood red, and the roots were scattered in front of her face.

It is not difficult to see that the god projector has obviously reached the end of his rope.

There were terrible wounds on his body that could not be disappeared. At this moment, he was almost kneeling in the pool of blood and could not stand up.

"no no."

One after another, the big bosses of the God Realm shook their heads in despair, unable to accept the scene before them.

Boom! ! ! ! !

At this moment, a sudden vibration sounded above everyone's heads, as if the god was hammering heavily in people's ears with a thunder hammer.

Gu Junlin stopped for a moment, then looked down at the ground.

"You're almost exhausted, right? What other means do you have? It's time to hit the road!" The God Projector suddenly said in a cold voice.

Immediately afterwards, the divine projector took out an item that looked infinitely terrifying.

That is a divine map blooming with endless divine light!
"What?!" In an instant, the mood of the big guys in the God Realm was ups and downs, and they exclaimed again.

Because they have already recognized that this is the natal artifact of the goddess of good fortune, the good fortune map.

The goddess of creation, one of the strongest second-level gods in the Douluo God Realm!

At the same time, this huge map of good fortune lit up one by one, just like the blood vessels of the human body. Those lines gathered energy from all directions, and moved toward the god projector, toward the good fortune map in her hand. go.

The map of creation also underwent drastic changes. It was no longer simply still, but began to tremble violently, exuding an unparalleled exaggerated aura!

Even Di Tian, ​​who was hiding in the dark, was stunned.

The next moment, the god projector let out another war cry, shooting out one after another divine light from his body.

Then together, countless divine lights as dazzling as the sun were injected into the map of creation.

"Victory must belong to my God Realm! Damn soul beasts, let's go to hell together!!!"

After doing all this, the god-projector looked madly at the highest sky.

Suddenly, a thunder shook the entire Star Forest, and a divine light seemed to descend from the sky, terrifying as if it would destroy the world.

There were roars one after another, as if heaven was roaring angrily, and all living creatures trembled.

"what happened?"

All the creatures in the Star Dou Forest are like turbulent waves.

"What a terrible smell, what is coming!?"

Deep in the Star Forest, Bi Ji came to Di Tian's side at some point and looked up at the dome.

She tried hard to guess, but she still couldn't figure out what was happening in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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