Chapter 144 Mr. Xiong calls Bibi Dong’s mother?

Time passed slowly, and Bibi Dong's left leg was slowly changing. The originally ordinary left leg turned strangely transparent during the process of fusing Lord Xiong's soul bone.

Looking through the transparent skin, Bibi Dong's entire left leg was filled with an aura of huge energy!

Just like the most wonderful treasure in the world, a crystal clear energy flows in the left leg, slowly flowing to other parts of the body!

After about half an hour, Bibi Dong's left leg returned to its original shape, and Mr. Xiong saw that his soul bones had been fused.

The body changed again, and the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, which was tens of meters long, shrank strangely until it disappeared under the radiance of a blood-red light!
Mr. Xiong's body did not really disappear, but turned into blood-red energy, came to Bibi Dong's side, and wrapped Bibi Dong who was sitting on the ground!
Blood-red energy attached to Bibi Dong's body. Suddenly, as if it sensed something, it swarmed into Bibi Dong's body.

After the blood-red light entered the body, Bibi Dong's entire body became blood-red, and the light that penetrated her body made Bibi Dong look much more psychedelic.

The blood-red color came into Bibi Dong's body and first circled around all the organs, as if to make Bibi Dong's body stronger.

Then he rushed directly towards Wuhun, hoping to become the latter's soul ring!


Seeing this, Gu Junlin quickly used his divine power to concentrate Xiong Jun's huge energy together, and then fused the energy together.

After the fusion of Gu Junlin's divine power, Xiong Jun's extremely huge energy slowly turned into a ball.

After the ball appeared, the mysterious energy did not stop, but continued to fuse the ball. After a while, the ball turned into a black crystal pill!

Looking through the translucent black pill, an embryo is slowly growing in the center of the pill.

Through experience, Bibi Dong knew that this was the prelude to Mr. Xiong's transformation into a soul, and he would completely become a soul in a short time.

Finally, it manifested itself into the outside world, finally broke out of the shell, and was successfully reborn!
This is the whole process of the birth of a soul, which requires all the soul power and energy of the soul beast. If the soul beast does not agree, then humans will have no way to turn the other party into a soul.

Except for artificial souls, artificial souls do not need soul beasts.

It's just that artificial souls don't have the aura of real souls, and in terms of power, they can't reach the power of soul beasts of the same level!

Bibi Dong sat cross-legged on the ground, the blood-red light all over her body was slowly disappearing, and the pill in her body was also slowly conceiving Xiong Jun's embryo.

Finally, about three hours later, Bibi Dong's body trembled slightly, and a black egg the size of a basketball appeared in front of Bibi Dong!

It worked!
A black dome appeared in front of Bibi Dong. The crystal-like eggshell made this dome look so dazzling.

A powerful energy emanated from the giant egg, and everyone present held their breaths. This is the first soul of the Star Dou Forest.

Under the gaze of everyone, a slight sound suddenly came from inside the giant egg, as if something had hit the eggshell, making a crisp sound.

A few seconds after the first sound fell, the second sound came again, and the second sound was louder than the first.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

Next, one sound after another sounded, and after about seven or eight sounds came, a slight crack suddenly appeared on the eggshell.

After the crack appeared, the knocking sound inside the eggshell became more urgent, and the strength seemed to be much stronger.

"Bang bang bang!"

One after another sound came out, and after a while, the cracks in the eggshell became bigger and bigger, and finally broke directly.

A small fleshy hand stretched out from the broken part, grabbed a fragment of eggshell, and stretched it back again.

"Bah, ahh!"

A chirping sound of eating came from the eggshell, and everyone stayed in place. "Mr. Xiong is eating eggshells?" Scarlet King with fiery red hair exclaimed in surprise.

"Could it be that Mr. Xiong was reborn this time and directly became an egg breed?" Wan Yao Wang also said from the side.

"I guess so, let's see!"


After a while, the chirping sound stopped, Xiaopang stretched out his hand again, holding another eggshell, and stretched it back into the eggshell.

"Bah, ahh!"

This time, the speed of eating has obviously become much faster, and he ate up this piece of eggshell.

After a while, all the eggshells around the broken place were eaten clean, and a little person crawled out of it, looking like a two- to three-month-old human baby.

The difference is that this baby has a head of dark hair, the volume of which makes Bi Ji and Zi Ji, who are girls, envious!
"Mr. Bear?!"

All the ferocious beasts exclaimed, they have lived with Mr. Xiong for so many years, so don't be too familiar with each other's aura. On this little baby, it is obviously Mr. Xiong's aura!
"Hahaha, let alone, Mr. Xiong is quite cute when he becomes a baby. Look at that chubby little hand and that tiny little brother, they are too cute."

Zi Ji suddenly laughed beside her.

"Hahaha! Mr. Xiong is ruining his fame!"

The little boy ignored everyone's ridicule. He seemed to only see the eggshell. He tilted his body and fell on the huge eggshell, and then sat cross-legged on the eggshell and ate it.

Don't look at Mr. Xiong, he is just a baby, but his eating speed is no less than that of an adult.

Half an eggshell the size of a basketball was eaten by him in less than 2 minutes.

Miraculously, his stomach didn't appear to be distended at all, it was still flat and fleshy.


After the little baby boy finished eating the eggshell, he burped comfortably, and then his little head turned around, as if he was looking for something.

Suddenly, the little baby boy saw Bibi Dong. He glanced at Bibi Dong uncertainly, and then flew towards Bibi Dong.

"Mom!" After flying into Bibi Dong's arms, the little guy called out to his mother domineeringly.

Why do you say it is domineering?Compared to a normal baby's voice, Mr. Xiong's voice was like thunder, extremely rough.



Hearing Mr. Xiong's cry, everyone present opened their mouths in an O-shape in surprise and looked at the little baby boy in shock.

is this real?Is this really the overbearing Mr. Xiong?He actually clings to a human woman and calls her mother?

All the ferocious beasts showed a look of disbelief, and then they were relieved.

Bibi Dong has said before that when you become a soul, you will lose your memory. As Bibi Dong's power grows, your memory will slowly be restored.

And seeing Mr. Xiong turn into this little baby boy, everyone could understand that this was a success, and Mr. Xiong became Bibi Dong's soul.

Looks good!

(End of this chapter)

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