Chapter 145 Bibi Dong Promoted to Level 99!
Putting Little Bear on the ground, Bibi Dong summoned her martial spirit, the Divine Spider of Nirvana!
Mr. Xiong’s soul is attached to the Spider of Nirvana.

After the Spider of Nirvana appeared, Mr. Little Bear showed a happy expression, and then jumped lightly and arrived on top of the Spider of Nirvana.

Gently holding the Spider of Nirvana, Mr. Little Bear's body slowly disappeared and turned into a stream of energy that entered the Spider of Nirvana.

After the energy entered the Divine Spider of Annihilation, a black-gold light suddenly emerged from the Divine Spider of Annihilation, and the flickering light illuminated the entire space.

As the black-gold light was released, a circle of light slowly condensed on the Divine Spider of Annihilation. Through experience, Bibi Dong knew that this was the step to condense the soul ring.

At the same time, the black-gold light also rushed towards Bibi Dong's body. After feeling the huge energy, Bibi Dong hurriedly sat down cross-legged.

She knew that this was the improvement brought to her by the soul ring, a double improvement in soul power and body!
Black-gold light surged into Bibi Dong's body, and her soul power aura quickly became stronger.

The soul power that was already at level 95 increased rapidly under this thick black-gold soul power.

In the blink of an eye, he reached level 96, and then energy continued to pour into his body, and his soul power increased again.

As for the Divine Spider of Nirvana in Bibi Dong's hand, the black-golden halo of light on it was slowly condensing.

The soul ring and soul power increased simultaneously, and time passed like this, about an hour or so passed.

Bibi Dong's soul power level finally broke through level 69 and reached level 97.

At this time, the aperture on the Spider of Nirvana had solidified, and two black-gold soul rings officially appeared on the Spider of Nirvana.

Red, black gold, black gold!
Three dazzling and dazzling soul rings began to spin on the Divine Spider of Nirvana.

After receiving Lord Xiong's sacrifice, Bibi Dong improved again, and this time the improvement was to another level.

Because she has reached level 97 and has truly entered the forest of strong men in Douluo Continent!
After calming down, Bibi Dong focused on the black-gold soul ring brought by Mr. Xiong.

As a 47-year-old soul beast, Mr. Xiong actually only brought two soul rings to Bibi Dong.

If it is an ordinary Titled Douluo expert, at least 47 years, he can bring at least three soul rings!

But Bibi Dong was different. Her martial souls both evolved and received huge improvements from fairy grass, 10-year soul rings, 10-year soul bones, and divine crystals.

After so many peerless treasures' multiple evolutions, Bibi Dong's current physical strength is not as strong as that of ordinary Ultimate Douluo!

After the Divine Spider of Nirvana evolved, it was already an extremely powerful martial spirit. Now coupled with Lord Xiong's soul ring, the attack power of the Divine Spider of Nirvana has increased several times again!
With a chuckle, Bibi Dong checked out several soul skills that Mr. Xiong had brought to her. The soul bone of her left leg brought a soul skill to the sky!
The two black and gold soul rings gave her four soul skills, and she was still figuring out the specific effects!
Just as Bibi Dong was checking her own changes, Gu Junlin took a step forward and calmly looked at the ferocious beasts in front of him.

"How? I didn't lie to everyone. Souls can really exist, and in the future, human beings will gradually replace soul rings with spirits."

"This point requires us humans and you soul beasts to advance together!"

Gu Junlin looked at the several soul beast bosses and spoke his opinions calmly.

Many soul beasts nodded solemnly. By now, they had completely believed what Gu Junlin said.

"Miss, how many souls can you absorb?" Brigitte took a step forward and asked Bibi Dong.

"There are still three souls that can be absorbed."

Bibi Dong answered directly without much thought. Until now, including the Azure Bull Python's soul ring, her Divine Spider of Nirvana had only obtained three soul rings in total.Judging from the two soul rings per beast, she could absorb at least three more souls.

Brigitte nodded lightly to Bibi Dong, and then said to the ferocious beasts around her: "How about we all become her souls? Live and die together."

"I promise!"

"I'm fine!"


After a while, the five fierce beasts except Ditian all reached a consensus, and they all saw the changes in Mr. Xiong just now.

This undoubtedly gave them a glimmer of hope of becoming gods. You must know that soul beasts have limitations, and they cannot become beast gods.

And every time they suffer a catastrophe, their power will increase exponentially, making it more and more difficult to survive.

Among the five of them, the one with the lowest cultivation level is the demon spirit. In 20 years, he might be able to survive one or two catastrophes.

However, Brigitte and the King of Ten Thousand Demons, who have the highest cultivation levels, are already 58 and 53 years old respectively. They no longer have the confidence to survive the next catastrophe again.

Therefore, it is wiser to choose to become Bibi Dong's soul now, because by becoming Bibi Dong's soul, they can all have the opportunity to become gods.

And there is another more important thing, that is, their six ferocious beasts together become Bibi Dong's soul.

So how far will Bibi Dong become?
With the support of so many super ferocious beasts, I can't even talk about becoming a god.

One must know that the human gods that appeared in Douluo Continent these years were still much inferior to Bibi Dong when she was her age.

Since those people can become gods, why can't the more powerful Bibi Dong?
So this is also a big gamble for the five fierce beasts, the gamble is to use their own lives to increase Bibi Dong's chances of becoming a god.

Once successful, their income will be countless times!

Thinking of this, Brigitte couldn't help but look at Ditian and said in a gentle tone: "We will become her soul together. Will you have any problems alone in the Star Dou Forest?"

"Haha, it's okay, you can do it with confidence, I, Ditian, am alone, can there be any problems guarding the Star Dou Forest?"

"Guarding Xingdou, I am enough alone!"

Ditian laughed wantonly, her tone was full of extreme confidence, with her cultivation, she was a top existence in the entire Douluo Continent, how could she not have any courage!

Seeing the confident Di Tian, ​​Gu Junlin on the side couldn't help but be infected, and nodded lightly, "As expected of Di Tian!"

Hearing Di Tian's confident words, Brigitte nodded without saying anything more. Then she looked at Bibi Dong and said lightly:
"This lady, we have decided that we will all become your souls. Please arrange the order!"

Bibi Dong nodded and watched everyone think about it. She was trying to recall the knowledge she had learned in Wuhun Hall over the years.

It is good to decide which of them will become their own soul and who will become the soul of the Nirvana Spider.

(End of this chapter)

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