Chapter 157 Done!

"Get the hell out of here!"

After scolding Yu Xiaogang unceremoniously, Gu Junlin turned to look at Liu Erlong.

Seeing the other party's gaze, Liu Erlong's delicate body couldn't help but tremble subconsciously.

Sighing softly, she looked at Gu Junlin and asked, "Your Majesty, you designed all this, right?"

Gu Junlin was stunned for a moment, looked at Liu Erlong in surprise, and asked, "Why do you see this?"

Liu Erlong didn't speak, but looked at Gu Junlin steadily.

Gu Junlin was stunned by this look and quickly nodded and admitted, "It's all a coincidence!"

"It's just that my purpose has not changed. I want you to get better!"

Liu Erlong shook his head slowly and laughed at himself: "Why is this little girl worthy of His Majesty the Prince being so concerned about a woman who is just a prostitute?"

Gu Junlin laughed and said boldly: "I care about women all over the world. I will help any woman who has personality, great ambitions, or who suffers injustice!"

Hearing this, Liu Erlong was obviously stunned for a moment.

Then, she looked at Gu Junlin again, her eyes calm.

Obviously, she didn't believe what Gu Junlin said.

But Gu Junlin did not explain this time.

He just looked at her with a smile. Anyway, the goal had been achieved. It didn't matter whether the other party believed the reasons he said or not.

Seeing Gu Junlin's reaction, Liu Erlong didn't say much. He just sighed softly and then asked.

"Your Majesty, let me ask you one last question. What is the card you just mentioned?"

Gu Junlin said casually: "Nothing, just an ordinary card."

Liu Erlong nodded and asked: "The reason why Xiaogang helped you find me is because of this card, right?"

"Yeah." Gu Junlin nodded and did not deny it, "A small part of it is due to this."

I have to say that Liu Erlong's mind is indeed very delicate.

From the simple conversation she had just had with Yu Xiaogang, she could tell that the reason why she was able to make Yu Xiaogang surrender was because of that card.

Liu Erlong looked at Gu Junlin and said softly, "Your Majesty, since I'm here, I must have promised to be your woman."

"For the sake of us becoming husband and wife, your Majesty, can you help Yu Xiaogang collect the card?"


Gu Junlin nodded without hesitation, "As long as he is honest and doesn't have any evil thoughts, the card will not do him any harm."

When he was on Hell Road, Gu Junlin desperately needed a woman to have more children, so he would listen to A Yin and help Tang Hao take out the control card.

But now, Gu Junlin's need for women is not that great.

Therefore, he did not choose to agree to Liu Erlong's request.

As for agreeing first and then pretending to take it out without actually taking it out?

Gu Junlin didn't even think about it.

With his identity and status at this time, there is no need to do those fraudulent things.

Across the way, Liu Erlong couldn't help but be stunned after hearing that Gu Junlin refused his request without hesitation.

She couldn't see through this person.

Originally, she thought that Gu Junlin was deliberately trying to get her because he had some intentions for her.

Since you have that intention, if you make a small request, the other party will probably not refuse.

But now, the other party couldn't help but reject her request, and she refused so simply.

This made her confused.

But at this time, she had completely given up on Yu Xiaogang.

She originally thought about helping him one last time, but it ended up being her fate after so many years.

But now it seems that this is not necessary.

Thinking of this, she stood aside obediently and stopped talking.

"Okay, no need to say more."

Gu Junlin didn't say anything more, but went straight to the topic and said, "Since you chose to come to me, you can probably guess my purpose, right?" Liu Erlong's mind was shaken, and his delicate body couldn't help trembling slightly. stand up.

What I was worried about finally came.

But what Gu Junlin said was right, since he came, he must be mentally prepared.

She turned to look at Yu Xiaogang and found that he had no reaction.

The only trace of love in my heart was completely wiped out.

Immediately, she smiled sadly and said to Gu Junlin: "I will do as His Majesty the Prince orders."

"It's great!" Gu Junlin nodded with satisfaction, then turned and walked towards Yuexuan upstairs, "Follow me."

Yu Xiaogang hurriedly followed upstairs.

Gu Junlin did not release him from the control of the card, and he was unwilling to do so.

So I followed him, hoping that the other party would find his conscience and help him release his control.

Arriving at the top floor, Gu Junlin greeted the guards and led Liu Erlong to the top floor.

Yu Xiaogang behind him couldn't get to the top floor at all because he didn't get Gu Junlin's approval.

But Yuexuan was in a public place after all, and the guards did not drive him away.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang could only lean on the stairs and wait.

After entering the room, Gu Junlin turned to look at Liu Erlong and said, "Take off your clothes."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong's delicate body stiffened suddenly.

But when he thought of Yu Xiaogang's ruthlessness, two crystal tears slipped quietly.

After a while, she took a long breath and nodded lightly.

Then, she turned around, faced Gu Junlin, stretched out her jade hands and slowly unbuttoned the top of her dress.

Immediately, a perfect carcass, as if carved by God himself, appeared in Gu Junlin's eyes at a glance.

The perfect plump and delicate body like white jade releases the temptation to make the mouth dry.

Gu Junlin has already developed a strong immunity to this through the influence of many beauties.

He had no expression on his face and pounced on him fiercely.


fourth floor,

Yu Xiaogang sat on the stairs, with guards standing beside him.

There was a blushing gasp.

The expressions of Yu Xiaogang and the guard changed simultaneously.

The difference was that the guard's expression was one of pleasure and enjoyment.

Yu Xiaogang's face was ashen and humiliated.

When the guard saw this, he couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Xiaogang didn't answer, he just covered his head and trembled in pain.

The guard suddenly understood.

"Brother, is that woman your wife?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang trembled violently.

daughter in law……

It was almost there.

But when I think about the relationship between the two and what I have done.

He could only shake his head slowly.

Seeing this, the guard became more sure of what he was thinking.

He snorted coldly and said mockingly: "You give your wife to the prince to play with?"

"You are so awesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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